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Chapter 1812 seems to be united

 Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna was upright and awe-inspiring, and his words made Iikawa Mitsumasa look at his master in a different light. He was so capable.

Yoshigan looked at Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna and admired how quickly she reacted this time and took the lead in seizing the political commanding heights.

Iikawa Mitsumato's strategy is feasible.

Originally, Shiba Yoshigan's side did not know that Kaga Ichimumu was coming. They were the main force on the southern front and could only passively defend the old leader of Jinho.

But once we understand who is coming, the battlefield does not need to be limited to Vietnam and China. We can completely open up new battlefields and give the enemy a headache.

The previous generation of Dharma Master Zheng Yuren sent Shichiri Laizhou to build the Oyama Royal Palace in order to deal with the restless forces of the three small sects in Kaga.

Nowadays, the Daishoji River, the base of the Xiaosong, is occupied by the Echizen Asakura Ono people. Their vitality is severely damaged and they are no longer able to fight against the main power of the main sect.

Although this matter was done in an unkind manner, Nanari Yorishu was considered to have made a contribution to Ishiyama Honganji Temple. Master Mianjo was displeased with her and tolerated her continuing to control Kaga Country.

But the position of Oyama Gobo in the large sect is equivalent to the Daishoji of the small sect. If Oyama Gobo is captured by the Noto samurai family, Shichiri Noraishu will be in big trouble.

Not to mention the counterattack of the three small sects of Minami Kaga, she couldn't bear the questioning from the big forces in Kitakaga and the anger of Master Xianru Motoyama.

The Kitakaga people don't want to fight for Yuezhong Yixiang Zong, so don't they feel good about having fat men around them who can conquer the country?

If due to Nanari Yorisu's decision-making, the two prefectures of Kitakaga were ravaged by war and Oyama Gobo was injured, her position as Kaga's general would be considered complete, and she would have to shed her skin even if she didn't die.

In terms of military affairs, Iikawa Mitsuru's move to siege Wei and rescue Zhao hit Qili Laizhou's Achilles' heel. She did not dare to take risks and had to return to the army for rescue.

However, Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna reacted faster and used this matter to wrap up the three Noto families, completely establishing a political advantage and forcing the three Noto families to take sides.

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna is the governor of the Noto Hatakeyama family and the guardian of Noto. She represents the Noto samurai family to fight back against the invading Kaga Ichiku clan. This is where justice lies.

Now they also need to rescue the Odaisho to share the worries of the shogunate, and even more severely punish the hesitant Noto three families and one army.

The strongest four parties in Noto today are the samurai family headed by Mitsumato Iikawa who are loyal to Noto Yoshitsuna, as well as the Onai family of Wajima, the elder family of Anamizu, and the Yusa family who occupies Nanao Castle.

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna resolutely returned to Noto country and held high the banner of supporting Yoshigan Shiba and counterattacking Ichibune. Will they follow?

The two biggest demands of the local samurai family in Noto are now, one is to expel the Ichika clan and continue to live a peaceful life, and the other is to follow the Hokuriku Road trade route of Shiba Yoshigan to eat meat.

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna decisively combined these two things into one thing, which not only gained points in front of Yoshigan, but also forced the other three companies into a corner.

Chang Renryu patted his head and looked at Mitsumato Iikawa in admiration. This guy broke the situation with one countermeasure, giving Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna the advantage.

She secretly regretted that she had reacted too slowly, but it was already too late. What she had to do at this time was to make amends and catch up quickly.

Chang Lianlong came out of the queue and bowed, with an angry look on his face.

"Kaga Ichimumu is not only targeting Noto, but now he is also targeting the Odaisho.

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable!

Imperial Palace, Your Highness Hatakeyama, my eldest family is willing to send troops to fight for your two gentlemen!"

Yu Zuoneng thought for a while and realized that he had no choice.

As long as Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna raises the two banners of expelling the Ichikou clan and helping Yoshigan Shiba. Those who follow the Yusa family and control Nanao Castle will definitely rush to the opponent's side.

In this case, why not just cooperate. She gritted her teeth and bowed.

"The Yusa family sincerely welcomes His Highness Hatakeyama to return to Nanao Castle. Our family is willing to send out all our troops to fight for the righteousness!"

Both of them spoke, and Wen Jingjinglong was on pins and needles. She was the only one in the audience who didn't express her position.

The Onei family already had a history of colluding with Kaga Ichimuzu, but Yoshihiro Shiba didn't mention it before, and everyone pretended not to know.

If she doesn't know what's going on at this time, and Shiba Yiyin thinks of this, the others will unite and kill the Wenjing family, the scum of the Wu family, first.

Thinking about the cleaning that had begun at home, and thinking that he had no retreat here, Wen Jing Jinglong no longer hesitated, stepped out of the queue and bowed.

"The Wenjing family is willing to send troops to fight for the Imperial Palace and His Highness Hatakeyama against the Kaga Ichigo clan thief!"

Yiyin finally couldn't help laughing.

Although there were twists and turns, his Noto strategy was still successful. Things in this world are truly amazing.

He had racked his brains before, hoping to be able to go to the Wu family and stand in front of the stage to greet Ichigo Mun, and hide behind him.

I thought that the Yuezhong Yixiang Sect's plan to raid Shenbao's old territory was destined to be in vain. Who knew that there would be a twist, and the matter actually came around again and was completed!

Yiyin looked at the people coming out.

The emotional Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, the calm Iikawa Mitsumato, and the three heirs behind them with different thoughts.

Although these four forces have made their vows here, if they really return to Noto country, they are afraid that they will have their own hidden agendas and cause trouble again.

Yoshigan decided to add a thick ballast stone to their alliance to stabilize the anti-Kaga Ichikazu clan alliance.

Yiyin high-fived and praised.

"It's so magnificent to be able to reach the top of the martial arts family and unite as one to serve as the shogunate and die generously for the sake of justice. This scene moves the heaven and the earth.

Sibo Yiyin is here to thank you all."

After saying this, he bowed deeply. The Noto concubines who came out did not dare to accept the gift. They did not even dare to say anything and avoided returning the gift.

Yiyin raised his head and said it again.

"In troubled times, roads were blocked. In order to facilitate circulation between Kanto and Kansai, I and various companies in Hokuriku opened a maritime trade route last year.

When it was opened just now, 30% of the cargo from Sakai Port was taken away. The profits are huge, so everyone's busy work is not in vain."

The samurai present did not expect that Yoshigan would change the subject and talk about the Hokurikudo trade route. Especially the Noto samurai who had gone out to ask for a fight looked at each other with a hint of hope in their hearts.

Yiyin said with a smile.

“Hakata Port in Kitakyushu imports millions of goods from abroad every year.

Interestingly, some of the goods arriving at Sakai Port via the Seto Inland Sea are still worth millions of dollars."

Xiaodao Zhenzhen smiled and applauded.

"Things become more expensive when they are scarce. It looks really interesting when goods are circulated to distant places and their prices rise."

Yiyin smiled.

"Last year, 30% of the goods that traveled through the Hokuriku Expressway from Sakai Port landed at Naoetsu, and 300,000 guan of goods entered the market, which also doubled the price.

Your Highness Hatakeyama, the goods disembarked from Nanao Port are worth a lot of money, right?"

Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna answered with a smile.

"I'm not afraid of the imperial court's jokes.

The height of the Noto national stone is only 210,000 stone. Even if there are six citizens and four citizens, the land tax is only more than 100,000 stone, and the public price is only 50,000 to 60,000 guan.

The cargo entering Nanao Port last year, including His Majesty Jinbo's share, accounted for about one-twentieth of the total.

Each family collected taxes and resold them, making tens of thousands of dollars. It was a rare good year."

Yiyin looked up at the rafters and murmured to himself.

“Working hard for a year is also hard-earned money.

Last winter, my merchant in Sakai Port confirmed that 70% of the goods could be transported through Hokuriku Expressway this year.

The sea transportation here is smooth, and merchants from several other nearby places are also interested. As expected, there should be millions of goods coming."

Yoshigami spoke to himself, but his voice was not soft. The room was silent, and the people in Noto's house widened their eyes, and their breathing became thicker unconsciously.

Will the Hokuriku Road trade route carry millions of goods this year? More than three times that of last year?

Yiyin seemed unconcerned and said another sentence.

"One-twentieth, I always feel that the goods shipped from Nanao Port last year were a little short.

Your Highness Hatakeyama, what do you think?"

Before Hatakeyama Yoshizuna nodded in reply, the eyes of the Noto warriors behind him were already red.

Go to hell Kaga Ichikou, kill these grandsons! Hurry up and open Nanao Port and make a lot of money!

This chapter has been completed!
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