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Chapter 822: The Wrath of Appearance

 Ashikaga Yoshiki looked at Takada Yukino for a long time, making sure that this person was not showing off, and said.

"If you can't kill people with swordsmanship, why should you learn swordsmanship?"

"I love practicing swordsmanship, and I don't care if I can kill people."

There was a hint of Zen in this answer, coupled with Takada Yukino's pure and innocent eyes. Ashikaga Yoshiteru's heart trembled, and his anger gradually dropped.

On the side, Yagyu Sogan was also surprised, looking at this sickly girl who was superb in swordsmanship but was obsessed with drawing and sheathing her sword every day.

Takada Yukino's health has always been poor, especially after killing ten swordsmen in the sword room, she became even more weak and weak. But no one dared to underestimate her, because she was good at killing people.

Such a swordsman who was good at killing people said that he didn't care whether he could kill people with his swordsmanship. This contrast made the general couldn't help laughing.

"You are the best at killing people with a sword here. You don't care? Yes, you really don't care. It's enough.

Therefore, this living bamboo sword is very good for you, but you won’t have any use for it anyway.”

Takada Yukino looked at the general seriously and said.

"A murderer's knife or a living sword is a concept, not a weapon. A knife is a murder weapon, and a sword is a ritual weapon.

A fighting knife is a murder weapon when killing people, and a ritual weapon when practicing. The same is true for a bamboo sword."

Yagyu Soyan's eyes widened and he looked at Yukino Takada who was talking eloquently. She, who was always dull, was just silently practicing her sword in the corner of the sword room.

Who would have thought that after a year of watching and listening to the lectures, I would have such an enlightenment, which would be more thorough than those of Yagyu Sogan's disciples.

Japanese swords were introduced from China, and after the Qin and Han dynasties, swords gradually became divided into different families. Broadswords were used for killing in battle formations, and matching swords gradually became etiquette.

When Japan introduced swords in ancient times, the swords and swords were also separated, but then they gradually developed into Japanese swords.

When a sword kills people, it is a sword. When it is practiced and practiced, it is a sword. Takada Yukino's words clearly explain the connotation of Shinin-ryu's use of bamboo swords instead of real swords.

In real sword competitions, it is often difficult to hold back, and injuries and disabilities are common. Kodai Kendo is not about taking people's lives, but about attracting more people to come in and practice. This is why the bamboo sword respected by Shininryu was born.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru was left speechless by Takada Yukino. She was looking for trouble and wanted to give Yagyu Soen eye drops to make her work more attentively.

Ashikaga Yoshiki has been practicing swordsmanship for most of his life, and he believes that he has achieved success in his practice. Now he was taught by a stupid little idiot and was speechless. She, who always valued face, lost her face in an instant.

But facing Yukino Takada, a retainer who was deeply loved by Yoshigan Shiba. To deal with her, Yoshiteru Ashikaga was afraid that Yoshigan Shiba would fall out.

Moreover, this person is innocent and charming, dedicated to kendo, and is indeed a good sparring partner. Ashikaga Yoshiki quite likes her.

After looking at her coldly for a long time, the general, who was used to telling the truth, found that he really had nothing to do with her. He could only change the subject and cover up his embarrassment.

"The Yixiang Sect and Duke Kenshin have been having a serious quarrel in Hokuriku Road recently. It's a coincidence that the Nanman Sect has come to Luo Kyoto at this time.

Spo family, hey, don’t think I’m a fool.”

Ashikaga Yoshiteru spoke with authority, but Takada Yukino stared at her blankly, not understanding at all. The general was immediately discouraged, why was he pretending to be here?

These retainers of the Spall family are all weird things.

He's not a smiling tiger like Mitsuhide Akechi, who is smart to the core and does what he says in front of his face. Or he's a hardcore guy like Yukino Takada, who doesn't care about anything except his master and his sword.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru was also convinced.

Of course Ashikaga Yoshiteru was aware of the conflict between the Yixiang Sect and the Nanman Sect, and the strategies used by Buddhist sects to use the Ixixiang Sect to block the Nanman Sect.

But Akechi Mitsuhide was so courageous that he dared to use the Ninagawa family to design the Nanban Cult and gain leverage for the Shiba family to threaten Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

Ninagawa himself was too cowardly. How dare he hide such a big religious dispute from the general. But Ashikaga Yoshiteru was relieved, after all, he had caught Akechi Mitsuhide.

It seems that this person is not very smart, and she dares to do such a trick. However, seeing that she is reducing the pressure for Shiba Yoshigami, Ashikaga Yoshiteru just turns a blind eye.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru is also conflicted.

On the one hand, she hopes that Shiba Yoshigan will come back to Kyoto to get married soon if things go wrong in Kanto. On the other hand, she doesn't want her fiancé to be bullied by the nuns from the Ichigo clan in Hokurikudo.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru, who has gradually tightened his grip on the shogunate and whose power is stable, is sometimes just an ordinary wife who is annoyed that her young husband refuses to go home.

She sighed, her thoughts of causing trouble for Yagyu Muneyan gradually faded away, she stood up and walked away.

Seeing the general leaving the sword room, Yagyu Muneyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Yukino Takada with a complicated expression, bowed and thanked him, and then followed the general's footsteps and walked out.

After exiting the door of the sword room, the general's figure paused for a moment.

"Yagyu Muneyan."


"Send a message for me to go to Ishiyama Honganji Temple and ask Kianjo-sama what exactly he wants to do. Does she also want to move the Ashikaga family's imperial palace?"


Ashikaga Yoshiki looked towards the sun. The spring was so dazzling that one couldn't help but squint.

Shiba Yiyin, what's wrong with coming back to me? You're being bullied outside without saying anything. Is it because you're addicted?

Humph, troublesome man.


At Ishiyama Honganji Temple, the simple gate leads to the gravel square. Deep to the left of the square is the Amida Hall, where Amitabha is enshrined.

The Ixiang Sect has been passed down to this day, and it has attracted countless believers by saying that one can become a Buddha by saying Namo Amitabha. There is no need to become a monk and practice at home.

This Amitabha Hall is where the Dharma Master worships the Buddha on a daily basis.

In a side room at the back of the hall, the current Buddhist master, Honganji Hianru, was furious with his close aide, Lai Lian.

At this time, the Dharma Master ignored the Dharma Minister's solemn demeanor and threw a stack of letters in front of Lai Lian, who had just returned to Shishan.

"Look! What did the person you recommended do?

You originally recommended Yoriteru Shimoma, and I asked her to go to Hokurikudo to supervise Yoriteru Nanari!

Qili Laizhou is very good on the outside and inside. I can't touch this cunning little person for a while, so I have to keep a close eye on her, lest she occupy the Kaga Buddha Kingdom and have any thoughts of disrespecting the mountain.

It's good now. The person I sent to supervise her is colluding with her and teaming up to deal with Shiba Yiyin!

Yoriteru Shimoma is really good at doing things! You are really good at choosing people!"

In the next room, Lai Lian glanced at the letters and read them one by one. There was a report on the military situation in Hokuriku Province, and there were complaints from the local boss.

She had just read it, and Master Xuanru had thrown three more letters to her.

The first was the inquiry sent by Hokuriku Doshiba Yoshigan, and the second was the notification from Akechi Mitsuhide that he was trying his best to prevent the Nanban priests from obtaining missionary rights.

The last letter was the general's questioning of Ishiyama Honganji through private channels.

Lai Lian sighed and said.

"Yoriteru Shimoma also wrote me a letter, explaining how difficult it was for her to be in Hokurikudo.

The Echu Jinbo family and the Echigo Uesugi family took over Shinkawa County, massacred the nuns of my Ichibuki sect, and burned down the temples of my Ichibuki sect.

The strength of the Etsuchu Ichikai clan was not enough to fight against the Uesugi Jinbo coalition, so she had to ask for help from Kaga's Nanari Yorishu, and it was also out of public interest."

Master Xianru sneered.

"Public heart? Nanari Yorishu couldn't control the situation in Kaga. In order to bribe local believers, he took advantage of the civil strife in Noto to break into Noto and plunder the land.

She never asked me about it. Do I still have to thank her?

Yori Mingming knows that this person has very selfish thoughts and wants to join forces with her to deal with Shiba Yiyin, does she have any brains?"

This chapter has been completed!
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