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Chapter eight hundred and forty-two persuade the guardian of the gods

 The chief priest was dumbfounded.

She had guessed the excuses Sibo Yiyin might come up with, but she never expected that he would actually drag Master Xianru into the water and do business together.

Not only was she surprised, but Terutora Uesugi on the other side also heard about this for the first time and looked at Yoshigoshi Shiba in surprise. The samurai below were whispering to each other, and the room buzzed for a while.

Shiba Yiyin clapped his hands and the scene became quiet. He seemed calm, but in fact he was confused.

Takada Yono is really good at playing. He was able to bring Ishiyama Honganji over to participate in the Hokuriku Road trade route, which solved a lot of trouble for him.

When she wrote to her, she mentioned that Tokaido and Hokuriku were competing for the share of trade route goods.

Because of the Noto Rebellion, Nanao Port was closed, and the Sakai Port caravan turned to the Tokaido, making it difficult to realize this year's 70% share plan.

Shiba Yigen also comforted her and revealed that there might be unrest in Tokaido.

After the Shinbada Rebellion and Echichu's invasion, Yoshihiro no longer exchanged letters with Sakai Port, but only unilaterally sent a letter to Akechi Mitsuhide and Takada Harano, asking them to find a way to appease Master Xianru.

At that time, Yoshihiro also discussed with Uesugi Teruhora. As long as Mr. Xian Rushang did not lift the table, some business profits could be distributed to Ichikou Mun and the Hokuriku Road could be stabilized.

Who knew that Takada Haruno was more capable, so he directly attracted Somotozan Ichigo to become a shareholder of the Hokurikudo Trading Road, and they became friends who made money together.

No matter how she did it, she solved a big problem for Yoshiyin. It's better to bring Master Xianru to the table to share the meat with him than to argue with bastards like Hokurikudo Ichikazu.

If you have any problems, go to your own boss. Ishiyama Honganji Temple has some money in the Hokurikudo Trading Road. If you make trouble again, you will ruin your own job. You will bear the consequences.

Yiyin looked at the confused martial artists. Of course he would not say that he had just found out. He looked like he had the pearls of wisdom in his hands and smiled, very pretending.

"The General-in-Chief of Vietnam, Yoriteru Shimoma, wrote to me to plead guilty, placing all the blame for this Ichigo clan raid on Kaga's Nanari Yorisu."

Teruhora Uesugi snorted coldly and said.

"General General Xiang Zong, ha.

It was obviously a collusion plan between the two of them. When Nanari Yorishu learned that there was something going on at Oyama Gobo, he turned around and took his troops back without caring about Yorisuke's life or death.

Shimo Yoriteru was also shameless, and Ezhong Yixiangzong's strength was greatly damaged. She sent her letter of apology together with the letter from Master Xian Ru, but all the blame was put on Shichiri Yoriteru.

In order to survive, he betrayed all his colleagues, which is breathtaking.

These two people are really interesting."

Yiyin smiled and said nothing.

Qili Laizhou was carrying the original sin. Master Xianru was particularly displeased with her, a close associate of the former Dharma Master.

She was also evil-hearted. During the Battle of the Daishoji River, she sold the three Kaga Xiaosong temples for nothing, which put many constraints on her ability to govern in Kaga country.

Shichiri Yorisu couldn't afford to lose, and Oyama Gobo had a brick knocked off, these were political events that killed her. Shimoma Yoriteru was just a p, and even her own mother couldn't care less about it at this time.

The next one was even worse. The leader of Zuisenji Temple was beaten to pieces, and the leader of Anyangji Temple was probably scared to death.

As the general of Vietnam and China, she had to face accusations from internal forces, and at the same time she had to deal with the frontal pressure from the Uesugi Jinbo coalition forces on the front lines of Takaoka Castle and Hinomiya Castle. Life was worse than death.

At this time, the letter from Master Xianru became her life-saving straw.

Before the Ichibuki sect's raid, Yoshigan wanted to solve the problem from a high level and contacted Ishiyama Honganji Temple, hoping that they would restrain the Hokuriku Road Ichibuki sect.

Now the situation has been reversed, and Yoriteru Shimoma and Yorisu Nanari are in a state of panic. I hope Ishiyama Honganji Temple can hold on to Yoshigan Shiba and stop fighting. The Hokurikudo Ichikami clan cannot hold it anymore.

When Shimona Yoriteru poured sewage on Shichiri Noraishu, on the one hand, it was a gesture of confession and prayer, and on the other hand, Shimoma Yoriteru was doing something unethical, and Shimoma Yoriteru hated her.

Yoshigan Shiba was indeed able to kill the two generals of the Ichikusou clan, but he was more worried that the master would fall out and launch a larger-scale Ichikiku attack, tying the hands and feet of the Echigo army to death in Hokurikudo.

Religion is not secular, and the charm of money is not that great. It is obvious that as a religious leader, she cares more about the Taoist foundation of the Yixiang Sect.

If she really defeated the Hokurikudo Ichikou clan and broke through the bottom line of Xian Rushangren, she would definitely make Yoshihiro Shiba pay a heavy price.

After repeated weighings, Yoshigan had already made a plan not to start a war. He would use political means to restrict the Hokurikudo Ichiku clan and keep them quiet for a few years.

After hearing that Ishiyama Honganji Temple had taken a stake in the Hokurikudo Trading Road, Jinbo Nagaji remained silent.

She didn't expect this to happen. The rhetoric she had prepared before was completely ineffective in the face of this incident, so she simply kept her mouth shut.

She didn't say it, not because she was convinced, but because she couldn't find a reason to push it again and persuade Sibo Yiyin to send troops to attack the Yixiang Zong in Vietnam.

Shiba Yigen knew that if Hokurikudo wanted peace, it was not enough to always be soft on the clan. He had to convince the gods to stop causing trouble, so that both sides could have peace in the past few years.

So, he took the initiative to speak.

“His Majesty Jinbo’s words actually make sense.

Her Highness Hatakeyama is still fighting against Kaga Ichikazu, we cannot stop and let her fight alone."

The Chief Divine Protector perked up after hearing this and said.

"That's what Yutai said."

Shiba Yiyin said again.

"The master Xianru sent me a letter and ordered Shichiri Yorishu and Shimoma Yoshiteru to stop their actions against the shogunate.

I will write to Yori Teru and explain my position.

A truce is possible, but Kaga Ichikumune must immediately stop hostilities with the Noto army, withdraw from Noto country, and then talk.

I'll give Yori Zhao five days. If she can't do it, don't blame me for turning against me and sending troops to Tonami County to interview her.

In addition, send someone to Noto to inform His Highness Hatakeyama of the latest military situation. If Ichigo Mune ceases hostilities, the Noto army must also exercise restraint."

The divine protector Changshi nodded in disappointment.

Yoriteru Shimoma has been severely beaten by the Battle of Shiritarizaka, and she will definitely try her best to promote the armistice of Noto-Kaga.

There was an order from Master Xianru, and with Qili Laizhou's strength, she had no confidence to resist the decree.

If everything goes well, the hope of conquering Tonami County with the long-term position of Jinbo will be completely extinguished.

Seeing her disappointed, Sibo Yiyin said again.

"Last year, Hokurikudo took 30% of the cargo from Sakai Port, which was about 300,000 guan.

The goods disembarked at Nanao Port and distributed to Vietnam and China were all sold to the Jimbo family at seven cents of the market price at Sakai Port."

The Chief Divine Protector bowed and expressed gratitude.

"The emperor is kind and generous."

Shiba Yiyin did this kindly. Although the supply of Sakai Port goods exceeded demand in Kanto, the price at least more than doubled.

However, the price he paid to the Shenbao family remained unchanged, allowing the Chief Shenbao to benefit a lot from it and stabilize the retainers group.

Yiyin said.

"You and I have made an appointment to become allies, and of course I will fulfill my obligations. After Nanao Port reopens, the goods from Sakai Port will still be sold at 7 cents."

This chapter has been completed!
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