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Chapter eight hundred and forty seventh

Yoshigami looked at Uesugi Teruhora and said with a trembling voice.

"Then why did you tell me that you wouldn't do it?"

Teru Uesugi shook his head helplessly.

"I don't want to see you cry."

She turned her face away slightly, and her eye circles were a little red. Even though she was humiliated by Shiba Yiyin's words, she still couldn't let him go. The so-called self-esteem is worthless in front of the tears of the one she loves.

Yiyin raised the corners of his mouth and said.

"This is what you said, don't regret it."

Terutora Uesugi smiled proudly.

"I never regret anything I do."

As soon as she finished speaking, she found herself being hugged tightly. She was a mini royal sister, and Yiyin's figure had become taller and taller in the past two years. He was holding her now, almost covering her entire upper body.

Yiyin kissed her face and lips passionately, saying thank you while kissing her.

He knew that he shouldn't be like this. The relationship between the two parties that was constantly being cut off and messed up would become even more entangled because of this hug and kiss. But he was really happy and didn't want to control his behavior.

Uesugi Teruhora sighed and smiled. She had been looking forward to the day when Shiba Yoshigan would take the initiative and eagerly fall into her arms. But she never thought that it would be at this moment.

Famine is coming, but we cannot steal food to weaken the enemy and strengthen ourselves. This is equivalent to fighting with one hand tied.

The Wu family has no taboos in doing anything. When did they ever receive such moral restrictions?

The Uesugi retainers are difficult to persuade, and the Hojo family is even more difficult to deal with. The price of Hiromi's smile is really too high.

Uesugi Teruhora suddenly woke up. At this time, he was still thinking about his family, country and the world. Of course, having a beautiful woman in his arms would make him happy!

She began to respond to Yiyin enthusiastically, and it was a long time before the two of them calmed down again.

Yoshigan sat back in his seat, feeling even more tired after being excited and worrying about more and more things. Due to his emotional entanglement with Uesugi Teruatora, the Kanto Raiders were in danger of collapse.

The relationship problem with Teru Uesugi was not urgent and could be dealt with for a while, but the Kanto Raiders was really on the verge of survival.

If the food issue is not resolved, the Kanto strategy will not be launched this fall. Even if it is resolved, the greedy Echigo samurai will still want to plunder.

If there is no food, they will grab it. Having food does not mean that they will be obedient and not grab it. Food in disaster years is more precious than gold, so how can they miss it?

Yiyin exhaled and said.

"I want to go back to Echigo first and sort out the inside of the Shiba family."

No matter what, it is impossible for Yiyin to agree to rob food. This is the bottom line that he clings to, and his only conscience is left.

The first thing to do now is to unify the thoughts within the Kanto Spo forces.

The idea of ​​grabbing food cannot be something only the samurai family of the Uesugi retainers group has. The people in the Kanto Shiba leader and the Kanto palace are also samurai families, and they are just as inhumane.

To deal with the Uesugi retainers, Yoshigami first had to straighten out the internal thoughts of the Kanto Shiba forces before they could unanimously deal with the outside world. He had to rush back and get this done before Uesugi Teruhora returned to the army.

Teru Uesugi asked.

"Now that you're gone, what will happen here in Yuezhong?"

Yiyin sneered.

"I don't care. Let them do whatever they want. Anyway, if the agreement is not reached for one day, Nanao Port will not be opened for one day."

The two samurai families of Vietnam, China, and Noto were looking forward to opening Nanao Port to share their meat. However, the Vietnam-Chong Ichikai clan was beaten to death, and the internal conflicts within the Kaga Ichikai clan intensified.

In fact, all parties have no intention of fighting. They are just showing restraint in front of Yiyin in an attempt to gain more advantages.

Originally, Yiyin could still patiently coordinate positions for all parties, but when the famine happened, it completely messed up his mind.

Now he is so confused and depressed that he has the urge to break jars and smash them.

If you can, start a fight and shatter the hard-earned hope for peace. Otherwise, you can honestly talk it over among yourselves.

Anyway, I don’t care anymore!

Teruhora Uesugi thought for a moment and nodded.

"You go back first, I'll watch over here for you so nothing happens."

Yiyin said gratefully.

"Thank you."

Terutora Uesugi looked at him lovingly and said.

"Thank you for nothing. This is for our common cause. I also have a share in the Guandong Strategy."

She made a pun, and Yiyin's forehead twitched, sweat dripped down her back, and she always felt that the Shura Field of the future was waving to her.


The next day, Shiba Yoshigan and his colleagues rode back to China without even seeing the chief priest of Toyama Castle along the way.

The Echu Noto samurai, led by Jinbo Nagasaki and Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna, felt uneasy. Could it be that the samurai were waiting for a price, which offended the God of Wealth who held the Hokuriku Road trade route?

The Yixiang clan was even more frightened. They had suffered a complete military defeat, and the neutral arbiter Shiba Yiyin was gone again. If the samurai turned their backs and refused to recognize anyone, the Yixiang clan would be in trouble.

Terutora Uesugi is still in charge of the overall situation at Takaoka Castle, but she is in a bad mood and her temper is even worse. She looks like you can talk if you like, fight if you want, and I don't care.

But it was her behavior that aggravated the concerns of all parties and pushed forward the negotiations. The peace negotiations between the samurai family and the Ichibuki clan of the three countries of Noto, Etsuchu, and Kaga were finally on the right track.

At this time, Shiba Yoshigan had already entered the Echigo border and hurried back to the imperial palace. There was already a person here, waiting for him for a long time.

The Imperial House was the Kanto residence given to Yoshihiro Shiba by Uesugi Teruhora. This residence was originally built for Kenmasa Uesugi, the former governor of the Yamauchi Uesugi family and the adoptive mother of Uesugi Teruhora.

Kensei Uesugi knew how to advance and retreat. After handing over the name of the Yamauchi Uesugi family and the post of governor of Kanto to Terutora Uesugi, he took the initiative to live in seclusion.

After that, the palace became the seat of power of Terutora Uesugi. Until she gave the palace to Yoshigan Shiba, hoping to hide her beauty in the golden house.

The meeting hall of the imperial palace is the government hall, which is a symbol of the dual politics of Yoshigan Shiba and Teruhora Uesugi co-governing the Echigo Kingdom.

Sibo Yiyin's daily activities were within the scope of the inner court. At this time, he received visitors in the side hall of the inner court.

The person who came here was handsome, but in the eyes of Yoshiyin, who was used to seeing fat and thin people, he could only be regarded as ordinary. He typed the letter of introduction from Maeda Benefit on the document, a little impatiently.

Yiyin's mind is now filled with drought, famine, natural and man-made disasters, so how can he still be in the mood to receive visitors?

For Maeda's benefit, he was the number one general under his command and was in charge of several aspects of military affairs. He had to give him this face, so he had the patience to meet him.

I don’t know what the Maeda family’s feng shui customs are, the Maeda Toshi family is the same, and the Maeda interests are the same. They all like to insert people into the lord’s formation. There is Ina Chuji in the front, and there is Ozo Choan in the back.

Shiba Yiyin said.

"Da Zang Chang'an."


"I have read the letter and will arrange things for you to do later. Please go down first."

After Yiyin finished speaking, Dazang Changan did not kowtow and leave, just because there was a sense of resentment in his heart.

She was self-sufficient in her studies and thought she could make some achievements under Maeda.

I didn't want to be born in the Sarugaku family, be rejected by the Hime Warriors, have to leave my hometown, and be kicked out of Echigo Kingdom.

At this time, Shiba Yiyin had a cold attitude towards her, and his talents would probably be buried.

Dazang Chang'an was furious for a moment, forgetting the huge difference in status between the two, and raised his head to speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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