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Chapter seventy-ninth righteousness

 The military strength of the Ashikaga family is different from that of samurai families in other places.

The Ashikaga family has only one mountain castle under its direct control, and the people are sparse. However, her family is the co-owner of the world. In the past, it was supplied by royal materials from various places, but now it relies on donations from samurai families from all over the country.

This made the Ashikaga family's military equipment mainly composed of Hime warriors and Ashigaru as supplements. Such an army was elite enough, but it needed a lot of money and food to support it. Once there was a lack of money and food, the army would not be able to maintain it.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun, formed the Ashikaga Horsemen. At its peak, there were three thousand riders, all composed of powerful warriors from all over the country, and they were feared all over the world.

Today, the thirteenth shogun Ashikaga Yoshiteru only has 500 knights left, and they are still composed of shogunate warriors with varying strengths. Both the scale and personal strength are far inferior to those before.

Even so, for a single samurai family, the Ashikaga family is still a powerful samurai family. It's just that the affairs that her family needs to worry about and the situation that needs to be controlled are too large, which makes it appear to be stretched and embarrassed.

No matter how powerful the Rokkaku family is, it is only half a country, and it is not the Miyoshi family that owns the territory of seven or eight countries. It really aroused Ashikaga Yoshiteru to be desperate and cautious. Hosokawa Fujitaka's purpose of assisting Yoshigami Shiba has basically been achieved.

She is not cheating the shogunate. The Rokkaku family has set a bad precedent. If it is not suppressed, if it spreads in the future, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the shogunate.

She has researched that the Mihaoshi family is still mobilizing its forces and will not go to Luo Jingdu for the time being.

The Rokkaku family was no longer reliable, so they simply took advantage of Shiba Yoshihiro's move north and used the Asai family to attack the Rokkaku family, thus defeating Rokkaku Yoshihide. Then he would have a good fight with the Miyoshi family later.

The general was already angry, but the middle of the night was not the time to mobilize. Mibuchi Haru took the exhausted Hosokawa Fujitaka back to rest, and we would discuss everything tomorrow.

Mibuchi Haru was still nagging about why this happened, Hosokawa Fujitaka said to his mother.

"Mother, I agree to your marriage to Shiba Yiyin."

"Uh? What wedding?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you write to me before, asking me to marry Sibo Yiyin?"

"No, I'm just asking if you are interested. How could I be so arrogant? If I really want to get married, I will naturally discuss it with Sister Yuanchang and ask Yiyin what I want."


Hosokawa Fujitaka was speechless. So it was me who misunderstood? Yoshigan Shiba didn’t know at all!

Thinking of Shiba Yoshigan's arrogant look, Hosokawa Fujitaka felt a fire burning in his heart, wishing he could marry him back and toss him to pieces.

"Anyway, I agree! You go and discuss it!"

I was so tired that I was too lazy to talk to the muddle-headed Mibuchi's mother. Let her talk to the mother of Motonsune, the governor of the Hosokawa family.

As for, will Spo Yiyin give in?

Thinking about his temperament... ugh... my head hurts!

Kitaomi Akao Castle.

Asai Nagamasa, who was meeting with Yoshihiro and his delegation, was so happy that he burst into laughter from ear to ear.

The shogunate and the Rokkaku family had a falling out?

"What did the Rokkaku family do? It made Master Shiba want to borrow troops to attack them?"

"Asai-sama, please read the letter. In the letter, Hosokawa-sama has stated everything."

Yiyin answered steadily.

The trust between the two has not yet been reached. Let’s talk about other things after reading Hosokawa Fujitaka’s letter.

Asai Nagamasa calmed down and read the letter carefully. It was indeed Fujitaka's sister's handwriting. He read ten lines at a glance.

"Rokukaku Yoshihide, how dare you do this! This is so heartbreaking!"

After reading the letter, Asai Nagamasa couldn't sit still. She stood up and looked extremely angry, but the uncontrollable ecstasy between her lips and eyebrows revealed her thoughts.

Rokkaku Yoshiken, you idiot, your game is over now! You thought of using the prestige of the shogunate to further suppress my Asai family, but you accidentally lost your hand and overturned. Now the boat of friendship is about to capsize!

The content of this letter is a timely help to the main war faction of the Asai family.

First of all, it proves that the Rokkaku family is determined to kill the Asai family this time, and even the shogunate is involved. Is there any point in the Asai family continuing to kneel and lick it?

Secondly, the Rokkaku family was self-defeating, so Yoshihiro Shiba asked for help from the Asai family. The Asai family's break with the Rokkaku family was a sign of upholding the justice of working for the shogunate! The righteousness lies with Asai!

Through this, Asai Nagamasa can contact the retainers group to eliminate the influence of his mother Kumasa and oust her from power.

Most of the Wu family's territory is directly controlled by less than 30%, and the rest is controlled by retainers. If a family governor loses the support of the retainers, the young master will take the lead.

It is completely possible for the family governor to retire and replace the young master. They are all direct branches of the Asai family, and the retainers are not rebellious, so there is no pressure in their hearts.

Asai Nagamasa was confident of overthrowing his mother in one fell swoop because she was so unpopular.

Since Asai Hisamasa became the family governor, the Asai family has been suppressed by Rokkaku Sadayori. The power has retreated to the three counties of Kitaomi.

It's just that, let's forget about the retainers group. After all, Rokkaku Shorai is awesome, everyone was beaten until they lost their temper, so it's understandable that they surrendered for a while.

It's not like ceding territory and paying compensation. It's just a coward in name. The martial artists are capable of bending and stretching.

But Rokkaku Sadayori is already dead! Her daughter has just succeeded to the throne, and you haven’t even tried yet, so why are you so busy that you kneel down?

North and South Omi are different from Upper and Lower Owari.

The Oda family is the head of both the upper and lower Owari families, and the division has only lasted for a few decades. The samurai family is still a relative with broken bones and even tendons.

Since the beginning of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the North and South Omi were divided into two halves by the Kyogoku family and the Rokkaku family, and they fought for more than a hundred years. It was a real feud.

Your mother was killed by my grandmother, and my aunt killed your aunt and raped your seventh uncle and grandfather when they went to the city.

If you can't beat him for a while, you'll have to endure it if you give in. A person like Asai Hisamasa is so boneless that he will completely kneel down to the bastard from the south. The retainers said, get out of here.

The Asai family were originally the retainers of the Kyogoku family. The Kyogoku family was expropriating and extorting money in Kitaomi. Ryomasa Asai stepped forward and led everyone to drive away the Kyogoku family. Everyone recognized you as their master.

If your daughter Hisamasa Asai is not honest in what she does, don't blame her sisters for being ruthless.

Asai Nagamasa understood this truth and knew that if his mother Kumasa continued like this, the Asai family would be in danger. That's why he firmly raised the banner of the warring faction to let the retainers have something to think about and not fall out with him now.

On the other hand, Rokkaku Yixian is too pushy.

As soon as Asai Nagamasa took power, he sent someone to give him the name Tong, forcing Asai Nagamasa to change his name to Asai Kenmasa.

He also acted as a matchmaker for the Hirai family, the retainer of Rokkaku, and asked Nagamasa Asai to marry the son of the Hirai family.

These two things are to kowtow Asai Nagamasa's head to the ground. You are my retainer and you are my grandson. Do you recognize it? Do you recognize it?

Nagamasa Asai is a young girl named Samurai Hime who has just grown up, at the age when she is full of energy.

Recognize your father!

The Rokkaku family used this as an excuse to send troops to suppress the situation. Hisamasa Asai was cowardly again, forcing Nagamasa to accept. Nagamasa couldn't bear it and fled to the Akao family for help.

Several leaders of the militant faction were discussing countermeasures, and Yoshihiro Shiba sent a large gift package. Now that justice was at hand, Asai Nagamasa was gearing up to retire his mother and provide for her until the end of her life.

This chapter has been completed!
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