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Chapter eight hundred and seventieth land inspection for relief

 Yiyin remained silent, what Dazang Changan said was right. The Wu family attaches great importance to etiquette, and being disrespectful is an extremely serious mistake.

The existence of the superior status of the Kanto Shibo leader will embarrass and criticize the imperial family members who serve in the Kanto Palace.

The original purpose of setting up the Kanto Palace was to use the prestige of the direct descendants of the Genji family in Kawachi in Kanto to recruit the Kanto imperial family for their own use.

He established it using the general's sword command, so the status must be higher than the Shiba family's territory.

Dazang Changan continued.

"The Imperial Palace is the Imperial Palace of the Kanto Palace, not the Imperial Palace of the Shiba family. Please be aware of this."

Yiyin nodded slowly.

"What you say makes sense, I will consider it.

Then if Kanto Shiba is under the control of Kanto Palace, what position will it be in?"

Dazang Changan said.

"The current Kantō Palace does not have the rank of high-ranking samurai. The Daimyo of Wanshi, Qianshijitou and Shishibaishi are all imperial family members.

With all due respect, the imperial office is a place of unclear status. A position similar to that of the shogunate's companions should be established to give dignity to the noble and powerful samurai family.

I sincerely request the Godai to establish a united battle force, in order to achieve the great purpose of the Godai to lead the war, and grant it to high-ranking samurai, such as Ogasawara Nagatoki-sama."

Yiyin asked.

"The status of the Kanto Shiba Territory has declined, and Shima Shengmu has also been awarded the title of United Front Officer?"

"Lord Shima Katsuo can confer the status of the imperial commander to the commander, similar to the imperial minister of the shogunate, who is the leader of the commander."

Yoshigan understood a little bit. Shima Katsuki seemed to have lost face and was lower in status than Yamanaka Yukimori, but in fact, his power was greatly increased.

With the title of Yutong Zhanzhong, in addition to the Kanto Shiba leader, he can also direct the military operations of other samurai families under the Kanto Shisho in addition to the Yutai people.

Not only Ogasawara Nagatoki, Honjo Shigenaga, Katsuki Tsuna, Sanada Nobunaga and others were serving in the territorial military, she could also speak.

After all, the Yutai people are all Ji warriors, and the military service accounts of the territory are not integrated into the Yutai people's headquarters.

Yiyin was keenly aware of Dazang Changan's intentions and asked.

"You want to intervene in the military service account of the high-ranking samurai family under the command of the Kanto Minister?"

Dazang Changan bowed.

"Odaisuo, I told you last time I saw you. The imperial family members who have surrendered to the Kanto Imperial Household Court are asking for your protection, but they have not brought you the slightest benefit. This is inappropriate.

The laws I have set up must be used by the Guandong Chamber of Commerce for your benefit. If you cannot do this, then it is better not to follow the laws and let everything continue as usual.

Not only the military service accounts, but also the land tax and building farewell money must be compiled into books. Please inspect the land."

Yiyin looked at her in surprise, this guy is so brave. It's like she went into a martial artist's house, rummaged through the cabinets, and registered all the family property. She would be hated to death.

The Wu family had a reserve force of 10,000 shi, and military service was based on the height of the land and the number of people to calculate the actual figures for each family's land tax, tax, and military service.

Warriors also understand the principle of hiding wealth. If they report less money and food for their fields, they can pay less money and food and use less troops. Therefore, they are most resistant to inspections.

Except for the powerful daimyo who hold real power, ordinary family governors have no way of checking the land population, which may lead to rebellion.

When Dazang Changan came up, he stared at the three lifebloods of the Qianliangbing of each family under the command of the Kanto Palace. He was looking for death. Yoshiyin glanced at Daxiong Chaoxiu next to him, and she really had a bad expression on her face.

The samurai family affiliated with the Kanto Palace, the area around Shima Katsuro's Tomo Castle, and the area around Sanada Nobushige's Matsushiro were all gifted by Yoshihiro Shiba around this year, and the land and population are very clear.

The ones who were really afraid of seizing the territory were the Echigo samurai family who had taken refuge in the Central Echigo family, including the Kumon Asahide family, the Shimogotsu Honjo Shigehide family, and the Kajige Tsuna family.

These local snakes will not like the policies of Dazang Changan and reveal their own wealth to Sibo Yiyin.

Yiyin smiled and asked Daxiong Chaoxiu.

"Da Xiong Ji, what do you think about Da Zang Ji's statement?"

Big Bear bowed to Xiu and said.

"The imperial office clearly knows that the Guandong Campaign is imminent, and it is inconvenient to carry out large-scale land inspections, which will affect the preparations for the army's expedition.

Every family has always been very respectful to the imperial office, but now the famine is coming. At this time, strict inspection of military food services and payment of land taxes will only hurt the vitality of every family and chill the hearts of loyal ministers."

It is impossible for Ohuma Chaohide to directly refute and disagree with the implementation of laws that are beneficial to Shiba Yiyin.

Dazang Changan opened the door and said that the samurai at the Kanto Palace were taking advantage of Sibo Yiyin. How could she clearly object? This would be true to her words.

But she can use the two reasons of affecting the Guandong strategy and the famine and people's unrest to refute the law that Dazang Changan wants to establish.

Yiyin took the initiative to ask Da Xiong Chao Xiu, also to ask Da Zang Chang'an to retreat and not hit the iron plate.

How can the inspection of land be done by the Kantung ministers whose foundation is not stable? Before the law is implemented, people's hearts must be divided first.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed with Dazang Changan. This man acted recklessly and lacked consideration for practical difficulties.

Dazang Changan seemed to have already planned it, she said calmly.

"Otaisuo, Mr. Daxiong, I have no intention of collecting food and soldiers. I just ask for a clear inspection of the land to check the land population and sort out the military and food services of each family.

A famine is coming. Of course, the imperial office will not collect supplies at this time. Instead, it should provide favors to help each family tide over the difficulties.

But if we don’t know each family’s land, population, and military strength, how can we know the disaster situation of each family, and how can we provide relief to each family?”

Shiba Yiyin was stunned and turned to look at Daxiong Chaoxiu. She also did not expect that Dazang Changan would come up with such a move, and her face was tangled.

Daxiong Chaoxiu controlled the finances of the Kanto Palace and passed countless amounts of money and food every day. But she had no guts to use the money of the Kanto Palace to subsidize her disaster-stricken territory.

Ishida Mitsunari is supervising.

Although the relationship between the two is harmonious, if she does something wrong, Ishida Mitsunari will definitely turn against her and kick her out of her position.

Dazang Changan took advantage of the disaster years, and every family had a hard time. It used the resources controlled by the Guandong Shi to lure every family to accept the inspection of the land, and voluntarily presented the accounts of the land and population.

Daxiong Chaoxiu is sure that Yiyin will never send people to inspect the land, and will only let each company conduct self-examination and report.

If someone over-reports, he will naturally receive more relief. If he under-reports, he will receive less. It is okay to be greedy and over-report. There will always be a time to make a list in the future.

The gifts from the Kanto Palace came at a price. These surrendered land and population military service figures would become the basis for the Kanto Palace to collect materials and mobilize military forces in the future.

Are they coveting immediate benefits and leaving a handle for the future? Or resisting the temptation and continuing to cover up their own roots? In fact, each company has no choice.

Daxiong Chaoxiu herself can see through it. Can the Chinese and Vietnamese adherents she leads see through it? Can her retainers see through it?

As long as one person compromises and submits a book, others will follow suit, and no one can stop the breach.

Daxiong Chaoxiu looked towards Dazang Changan, and for the first time he took a good look at this ordinary-looking warrior Ji. He was tall, really tall.

Lure him with benefits and invite you to enter the urn.

This chapter has been completed!
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