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Chapter eight hundred and eighty second Yiyin also curses

 Mouri Kehiro expressed his feelings for the Uesugi people. Don’t they just think that Shiba Yoshigan’s indecisiveness is the root of men’s soft-hearted bad nature?

The Wu family's grab for food during disaster years has been a chronic disease for thousands of years. No dynasty or generation has been able to cure it, so you, Si Bo Yi, are just pretending to be a big-tailed wolf.


Shiba Yoshiyin looked at Mouri Jingguang silently for a long time, and saw that her back was soaked with sweat and felt uncomfortable.

Mouri Kagehiro knew that he could not afford to offend Yoshihiro Shiba, but he had already offended him too much and could not look back. The Kawanakajima incident seemed to be in the past, but it was even more terrifying.

Terutora Uesugi and Yoshigoshi Shiba seemed to have forgotten, but in fact they were just waiting. When the situation was calm and no one remembered the incident, they would find other reasons to kill them.

Hojo Kagehiro's only chance is to find a way to break up Echigo's dual politics and make Yoshihiro Shiba and Terutora Uesugi turn against each other.

This time there was a conflict in the decision-making between the two parties to grab and buy grain, and she spent a lot of effort in the middle. Unfortunately, Teruhora Uesugi was seduced by beauty and sided with Yoshihiro Shiba, leaving the Uesugi retainers extremely passive.

Today is Mouri Kehiro's last ditch effort. If it cannot leave enough rift between the Shiba Uesugi family, they will have to find another way out.

She made arrogant remarks to embarrass Shiba Yigen, and Uesugi Teruhu looked at her now as if she were looking at a dead person.

Although the Uesugi retainers agreed with her statement and the two masters could not touch her for the time being, there would always be time to settle old and new accounts together.

Yiyin sighed and said.

"You people always only know how to speak with swords and guns. Are there too many people in your family, and you won't be willing to die unless some of them die, right?"

Shiba Yiyin's words were a bit heartbreaking.

The traditional philosophy of the Wu family is a law of inheritance where rain and dew are shared equally, similar to the favor order of the Han Dynasty, where each heir has a share.

This makes it difficult for even the most powerful martial arts family to weaken and grow stronger after several generations of reproduction.

After Ashikaga Takauji established the Muromachi Shogunate, the samurai learned from historical lessons one after another and moved towards the line of inheritance by direct descendants and assistance by subordinate branches. But this led to a new problem, that is, the seizure of direct descendants.

The many wars in the Ashikaga Shogunate all revolved around the right of inheritance. The shogun intervened in the succession of the family governors of the third and fourth posts, and the third and fourth posts intervened in the succession of the Ashikaga shogunate.

Finally, a great rebellion by the Eighth Dynasty Shogun completely destroyed the foundation of the shogunate, and the world began to move into chaos.

The poignant meaning of Shiba Yoshiyin's words is that each family wants to send the annoying side branches to die in battle, so as to protect the heirs of the direct branches from being violated.

The words seemed casual, but in fact the scolding was very unpleasant. Everyone in Uesugi showed angry expressions, but they did not dare to make a mistake in front of Uesugi Teruhu.

The land and population of the Wu family were obtained from the battlefield. They were very keen on waging war with foreign countries and grabbing food and land. Especially when their military strength was at its peak, they invaded and plundered like fire.

Shiba Yoshigan deliberately misinterpreted Uesugi's meaning, which was a provocation.

Naoe Keizuna raised his head and glanced at the calm Yoshigan Shiba, and felt a shiver in his heart. Yoshigan Shiba has been in Echigo for more than a year, and he has considered everything carefully and has never said such unpleasant words.

He spoke so harshly and sharply this time. I am afraid he has reached the end of his patience and is unwilling to tangle with the Uesugi retainers any more.

She sighed in her heart. Today's Shiba Yigen is no longer the same person he was when he first came here last year. If he really gets angry and pushes back, the Uesugi people will not be able to stop his will.

This time, the Kanto Courthouse showed more unity than the Uesugi retainers group.

After Yoshihiro Shiba said his harsh words, he sneered at Mouri Kehiro.

"Do you think Takeda Harunobu is as stupid as you and puts all your hopes in Echigo?

According to the information from the Kanto Plain sent by the same team, the Takeda family not only sent letters to Echigo, but also to Hitachi and the Boso Peninsula.

Takeda Harunobu is screening!

This female Kai tiger is as cunning as a fox, and she never trusts others lightly. This letter is a test to see who is the ally worthy of strategic cooperation in the future Kanto campaign.

We in Echigo, the Satake family in Hitachi, and the Satomi family in Boso Peninsula were all targets of testing.

If we do not give a certain response, we will not get support from the Takeda family when we enter the Kanto Plain in the future.

I worked so hard to reach a contract on Kawanakajima, which was to use the Takeda family to contain the Hojo family in Tokaido.

But what about you? You only care about things, are short-sighted about the small profits in front of you, and ruin the overall situation!

I came to Echigo to cooperate with His Highness Uesugi to conquer the Kanto Plain and establish unparalleled achievements, not to coax you idiots!

What is your intention of destroying my layout time and time again and delaying the march of Echigo's army to conquer the Kanto Plain?

Could it be that someone took advantage of the Hojo family and took advantage of it?"

After Yiyin finished speaking, he looked at Maori Jinghiro with a sneer, frightening her so much that cold sweat broke out on her head. This slap on the hat was so cruel, it was going to kill her!

Mao Li Jingguang bowed to the ground and performed the great ceremony of sitting on the ground, which was called Qu Dao.

"The imperial court has a clear view, and the Lord has a clear view. What I, Mao Li Jingguang, said are all out of public intentions and have no intention of collaborating with foreign enemies.

If I have the intention of collaborating with the enemy, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Shiba Yiyin glanced at her.

“Heaven knows and earth knows that you know, but I don’t.

Even if you don't have this intention, you are ignorant and incompetent, so just stop talking nonsense and don't back down!"


Mao Li Jingguang kowtowed to the ground and quickly returned to attend.

The Uesugi people also didn't know whether to be angry or afraid. Today, Yoshigami Shiba was as violent as Terutora Uesugi, making them unpredictable.

Terutora Uesugi looked on and wanted to laugh.

Yoshihiro Shiba has been in Echigo for more than a year, and he advises himself every day to use political means to solve problems, and not to always think about using violent methods to force him. Force is not omnipotent, and he must learn to compromise and share benefits.

These words made her ears feel calloused, but what was the result? Today, Shiba Yiyin himself became impatient and began to criticize Huai and wave his fists.

She smiled secretly in her heart, now do you know what kind of virtue these bastards are? In the end, they decided not to follow the same path as me, to fight violence with violence.

Yoshigami glanced at Terutora Uesugi subconsciously and saw that she was sitting there with no expression on her face, but he always felt that she was laughing at him.

Maybe, this is a man's intuition.

"Your Highness Uesugi, summer has already begun, and the summer and autumn harvests will soon begin. The Kanto strategy has been delayed for more than a year, and I am very annoyed.

If we want to go south to the Kanto Plain after autumn, we must deploy the Ueno Musashi and Sagami countries now and cannot delay it any longer.

We have been entangled for many days, why not express our stance today? Let’s settle the matter now and see if the Guandong Strategy will continue.”

Yoshigan Shiba used the Takeda family's letters to refute Mouri Kehiro and suppress the Uesugi people, finally revealing his true intentions.

He knew very well that Uesugi Teruhora would definitely push forward the Kanto strategy this year, otherwise he would have to go back to the nearest territory to appease the shogunate and the Shiba retainers.

Whether we can come again, only God knows.

This chapter has been completed!
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