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Eight hundred and eighty-fourth chapter Yanxin new flag

 After talking about Daxiong Chaoxiu's plan to buy grain, Yoshihiro looked at Ishida Mitsunari.

"Ishida Mitsunari."


"You are one of the directors of Naojiang Jinguan Station, and you are responsible for storing the military rations purchased this time.

In addition, for this post-autumn Guandong strategy, you will act as a military depot and participate in logistics management.

Let me tell you, for this army expedition, sufficient food will be prepared in the rear. If there is a problem with logistics and the front is short of food, I want your head!"

"Hi! Please rest assured, Otai Suo.

If there are logistical supply problems at the front that affect the war, I will commit seppuku to wash away my sins."

Yoshigan looked at Uesugi Terutora.

"Your Highness Uesugi, who will be in charge of military affairs for the Uesugi family?"

Echigo's dual-headed politics was based on the balance of cooperation between the two parties. Yoshigan could not be arbitrary, and the Uesugi retainers would not allow it.

Teruhora Uesugi kowtowed slightly and nodded at Naoe Kanetsugu behind Naoe Keetsuna.

"Let Naoe Kanetsugu come to the military station to serve as a soldier. She and Ishida Mitsunari are also Naoe's old partners at Jinkan."

Yiyin nodded in approval and continued.

"Since the military rations are sufficient and we have rejected the plan to grab food, we need to set up a special military department to supervise the behavior of grabbing food in the army.

I asked Ozo Changan to serve as the military director, who will be in charge of the Uesugi family?"

Terutora Uesugi seems to be smiling but not smiling.

"From my side, let Maori Jingguang be the military payer."

Ishida Mitsunari, Naoe Kanetsugu, and Ozo Changan fell to the ground to receive orders one by one. Mouri Jingguang was shocked, bowed helplessly, and accepted the errand.

This is an offending position.

It was not unknown to Uesugi Teruhiro that Mouri Kehiro had instigated various families within the Uesugi retainers group to support grain grabs and was in conflict with Yoshihiro Shiba.

He ordered Maori Jingguang to stop the grain-grabbing operation by setting her up and roasting her.

If Maori Jingguang works hard, she will offend the warriors who were persuaded by her to steal food. If she does things perfunctorily, she can be charged with dereliction of duty.

Maori Jinghiro was therefore in a dilemma.

She was so strict that she offended the retainers. If Terutora Uesugi wanted to deal with her in the future, no one would speak up for her. She was so lax that she was directly wiped out by the military discipline card, and no one dared to intercede.

Teruhora Uesugi was sharpening his sword and preparing to attack her.

The thought in Mouri Kagehiro's mind turned, and he wanted to join the Hojo family? I was afraid that Uesugi Teruhora was waiting for her to surrender to the enemy, so he could justifiably kill her.

Sweat broke out on her head, she couldn't escape the word death no matter how much she thought about it, and her heart suddenly felt desolate.

After Uesugi Teruhora finished speaking, he didn't look at Mouri Kagehiro again. Shiba Yoshigan was more focused on business. He saw the expressionless faces of the Uesugi retainers, but his eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

Since we have already used force to subjugate people today, let’s just speak clearly. Anyway, we use justice to suppress people, and we must be polite first and then use force.

Yoshigan shouted to the Kamao clan.

"Pu Shengji, take my Bizi flag!"

Pusheng's village didn't know what he meant, but it was inconvenient to ask questions in public, so he bowed and left the government hall and went out to get the flag.

The people in Uesugi didn't know what Yoshigan was going to do, so they all waited for the return of the Kamo clan. The Kamo clan quickly hurried back to the government hall, holding a roll of cloth banners in both hands.

Yiyin stretched out her right hand, she respectfully unfolded the flag and placed it in the master's hand.

He tipped the almost weightless military flag and saw that it was smoky and burnt, and even had holes and scars from swords, guns and arrows.

"The military flag is where the soul of the army lies. Once the military flag comes out, there is no advance or retreat. With this Biji flag, all the warriors in the world call me the Ashikaga Military God, the reincarnation of Bishamonten.

But how many people will think carefully about how many life-and-death battles this flag has experienced and how many lives it has been contaminated by.

I know what you are saying about me behind my back, about the kindness of a husband and the weakness of a man. You are right. From the first time I went into battle, I did not like and was unwilling to fight.

Since the Rebellion of the Eighth Dynasty General, the order of the world has collapsed and chaos has lasted for hundreds of years.

Let me ask you, do you really like fighting? Are you willing to continue fighting for the rest of your life?

Today you use force and force to seize other people's land. Tomorrow the enemy is strong and we are weak, and we will suffer humiliation from others.

No one can be good for a hundred days, and a flower cannot be red for a hundred days.

Is this a fun life? Is this the future you want to leave to your children and grandchildren?

tell me!"

The concubines were speechless, and the government hall was silent. After a long time, Uesugi Teruhora sighed and said.

"There has been war for hundreds of years and the world has withered. Who doesn't want peace? In troubled times, there is no choice."

Yiyin looked back at her, showing a domineering look he had never seen before.

“No matter how bad order is, it is a hundred times better than chaos.

Just because the world has been in chaos for too long, people long for peace. Therefore, we must not steal the food in the Guandong Plain.

I know what you are thinking. If you don’t rob, others will. However, someone must take the first step to restore order.

The Hojo family has taken this step, and under the governance of her family, the two countries of Izu and Sagami are restoring production and moving toward order.

The Battle of Kanto between the Hojo family and us was not only on the battlefield, but also in people's hearts.

We cannot lose to the enemy and impose chaos on the local samurai family of Ueno Musashi. Otherwise, the Echigo army will never be able to defeat the Hojo family."

Yiyin looked at the Bizi flag in his hand and sneered.

"Bishamonten, Buddhist protector, Ashikaga military god, I don't even bother to do it!

My ambition, Siba Yiyin, is to end this troubled times, reestablish the order of the martial arts family, and allow the martial arts family in the world to have peace!

It’s okay to not want this Bizi flag!”

After saying that, Yiyin decisively threw the military flag to the ground, turned around and sat in front of the case, and pulled open a roll of white cloth on the case.

"Naomasa Ii!"


"Grind ink for me."

Naomasa Ii bowed and stepped forward. Yoshigan waited for a moment, then picked up a brush and dyed it with ink to write.

Terutora Uesugi stretched his head to look and murmured.

"We are tired of leaving the filthy land, and we are happy to seek the pure land."

After Yi Gin stopped writing, Ii Naomasa carefully raised the white cloth and waited for the ink to dry. Zhu Ji looked up and took a closer look at the eight large characters on it.

Yiyin pointed at the white cloth and said.

"From today on, this is my military flag, and it is also the ambition of the Kanto Palace!

Are you willing to go to war with me and restore a peaceful world to Kanto!"

Yiyin could not make these ambitious warriors give up their interests. What he could do was to use a greater interest to draw the cake, so as to limit their evil deeds.

There is no greater benefit than the restoration of order. This is equivalent to the Bando Hachihei clan following Minamoto Yoritomo, and the Western Kingdom imperial family following Ashikaga Takauji, making it clear that chariots and horses have the ambition to conquer the world.

The Bando Hachihei clan and the Saigoku Imperial Family received huge benefits after the two generations of shogunate were established.

Of course, the Hime Samurai at the Kanto Palace was extremely excited, but the Uesugi people were still hesitant. No matter how ambitious Yoshigoshi Shiba was, he had little relationship with the Uesugi family.

The order you want to restore at the Imperial Palace is the tradition of the direct descendants of the Genji family in Kawachi, and it is none of my business with the Uesugi retainers.

This chapter has been completed!
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