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Chapter nine hundred and thirty

 Terutora Uesugi looked unhappy.

Yoshihiro Shiba seemed to be supporting Nobuhige Sanada's actions, but in fact he also showed disdain for his own strategy.

He didn't say it before because he had no foothold in the Kanto Plain and could only rely on Terutora Uesugi. It was hard to say anything. As soon as Sanada Nobushige achieved results, he immediately had his own opinion.

Uesugi Teruhora suddenly became angry. It was not easy to say it before, but now I have the courage to say it. I have always thought I was stupid, right?

I always secretly praised Takeda Harunobu for his extraordinary intelligence and his ability to plan before taking action. Now he praised Hojo Yasunobu for his brilliant political strategy and long-term vision.

What's going on? I, Teru Uesugi, am the most stupid? Echigo is a reckless woman who only knows how to fight and kill? I, Teru Uesugi, am the good samurai who obeys the order of the shogunate and maintains the system of protection!

If you think they are great, go ahead and marry them! Will they be as good to you as I am? Hum!

Teru Uesugi's tone turned cold and he said.

"Of course I know in my heart that the Kanto samurai family has always been toward Qin and Muchu. But the first priority now is to defeat the Hojo family, and we can only put the rest aside for now.

Without relying on local samurai, and without these local people who are familiar with the terrain at our disposal, how can we fight against the Hojo family?

The right time, right place, and right people mean that we don't even have an advantage in the Guandong Plain, so we always have to make choices.

Lord Qianxin, is this true?"

Seeing Terutora Uesugi's tone becoming aggressive, Yoshihiro Shiba sighed in his heart, it's too difficult.

Over the past year or so, although Terutora Uesugi has tempered a lot, his natural pride and domineering attitude cannot be changed no matter what.

When she was just easy to break, she didn't know which words touched her self-esteem, and she started to act arrogant again.

Sibo Yiyin, who has always been flexible and flexible, smiled slightly and said.

"Sister Uesugi is right, I take it too much for granted. The road must be walked step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time.

It’s too early to talk about how to transform the Kanto Plain now, we still need to deal with the Hojo family’s obstacle first.”

Shiba Yoshigage's tone softened, and when his sister shouted, Uesugi Teruhu suddenly felt embarrassed.

She was just a little jealous, and her tone was too harsh. Compared with Shiba Yiyin, she was as unreasonable as venting her anger randomly.

She said sarcastically.

"Actually, I also know that these people are unreliable. In short, it's not wrong for Sanada Nobunshige to win Azuma County and put some pressure on them.

I will write letters to appease the Shirai Nagao family and Minawa Castle Nagano family. You and I can be hard and soft, which is also an effective way to control them."

Naoe Keizuna was dumbfounded when he heard this. Uesugi Teruhora was called sister by Yoshigan Shiba, and he compromised his position after saying soft words. He was not at all like his usual arbitrary leader.

She looked at the big bear Chao Xiu next to her with a little envy. She always felt that she was so tired from working. There were very few normal people in the Uesugi family from top to bottom.

Yoshigan Shiba is right, but it is a pity that the political justice of Teru Uesugi's entry into the Kanto Plain cannot bypass the Uesugi family's signature in Yamauchi.

The Hojo family who killed Kenmasa Uesugi's family must be the enemy of Terutora Uesugi. Otherwise, the name of the Yamauchi-Uesugi family and the position of Kanto governor she held would lose her political appeal.

It would be great if the Uesugi family and the Hojo family could coexist, then the two sides could cooperate to deal with the Kanto samurai family, so that they would not jump around repeatedly and earn the difference by taking advantage of each other.

Naoe Keizuna also knew that this was impossible, and all the resources of the Echigo and Hojo families would be used to fight. The Kanto samurai family had another chance to breathe and could continue to be their backbone.

If neither side can overpower the other in the future, Echigo and Sagami may consider joining forces to clean up the Kanto samurai family. Is the Echigo-Sagami alliance feasible?

Naoe Keizuna glanced at the two masters and hid this idea deeply in his heart. This idea is not suitable to be mentioned now, because it is too politically incorrect.

On the side, Ohkuma Asahide didn't think as much as Naoe Keizuna. She already knew who Uesugi Teruhora was.

In addition to not losing in battles, this guy's other military and political strategies are simply a mess. The surrendered ministers and foreign vassals who indulged his direct subordinates in bullying and surrendering to him had a violent personality, were arbitrary, and were very domineering.

If Yoshigan Shiba hadn't arrived to help her straighten out the relationship and ease the conflicts, there's no telling what kind of chaos she would have caused in the Echigo Land. If others didn't mention it, Daxiong Chaohide himself would have to be at odds with her.

But no matter how messed up this guy is, he just won't collapse, because she can really fight! As long as you win every battle, any kind of conflict is not a problem. If you can't agree, you can physically eliminate her.

The more she can fight and suppress, the greater the accumulated conflicts will be. When she dies, she will only leave a huge powder keg to her heirs, which will sooner or later blow up the entire Echigo samurai group.

From the bottom of his heart, Okuma Asahide despises His Highness Uesugi, who is good at fighting. Such a person is not a good match. If Shiba Yigen is willing to marry her, he will be blind and stupid.

Daxiong Zhaoxiu admired Shiba Yiyin with all his heart. He was able to fight, endure, be considerate of his subordinates, and had the persistence of benevolence and justice.

This time, his investment in Sanada Nobunaga was a stroke of genius. Originally, Daxiong Chaohide was not optimistic about Sanada Zhong's role, but now it seems that he is shallow.

Da Xiong Chao Xiu glanced at the handsome Shiba Yiyin, who was not as handsome as a mortal, and sighed in his heart. It's a pity that this lord is a man. If he were a woman, the future of the world would be determined.

Ohuma Asahide is very clear about the thoughts of Uesugi Teruhora and even the Uesugi retainers. They just want to use the strategy of getting married to swallow up the family fortune that Yoshihiro Shiba has worked so hard to build.

If a grown-up woman doesn't know how to start a business, she will worry about the dowry from her husband's family. How shameless!

Daxiong Chaoxiu secretly sneered, the Kanto Palace is not made of clay. After the Kanto Strategy, the two sides will inevitably have a fight. I believe that the high-level martial artists in the Kanto Palace know this well.

Teruhora Uesugi has a big dream, but no one in the Kanto Palace wants Yoshigoshi Shiba to marry her. Shima Katsuki, Yamanaka Yukimori, Ohkuma Asohide and other powerful men, who would want to marry her?

The Kanto Strategy is both a cooperation and a competition. Whichever side captures the largest chunk of profits will have the upper hand in the post-war disputes.

Therefore, Sanada Nobushige has done well, but it is not enough and he must do better.

Da Xiong Chao Xiu's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he seemed to say casually.

"Your Highnesses, I have a word of advice.

Now that Azuma County is in our hands, can we allow Sanada Nobushige to attack from Takayama Village and intercept the descendants of the Hojo family who were sent to Numata Castle to inherit the Numata name?"

Shiba Yoshigan raised his eyes and looked at the serious-looking Daxiong Chaohide. Uesugi Teruhu narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Shiba Yoshigan just calmed down Teruhora Uesugi's anger, where will Daxiong Chaohide sing again?

Naoe Keizuna snorted secretly. Daxiong Chaohide borrowed the ladder to get to the house, and was too smart. She was not afraid of really annoying Uesugi Terutora. If the master started to go crazy, who could hold him back?

Naoe Keizuna was suddenly stunned for a moment, and looked at the handsome Shiba Yoshigan, who seemed to be able to hold him back.

Daxiong Chaoxiu is so confident!

This chapter has been completed!
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