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The ninth and sixty-eighth chapter finally comes to the south

 Sibo Yiyin thought about it.

At the beginning, Ozo Changan proposed a plan, saying that he would provide relief to the samurai families in the Kanto Palace with five thousand stones. In addition, he asked for another five thousand stones to help the samurai families in the Kanto Plain who had taken refuge in Echigo to win people's hearts.

Because the subsequent specific plans were only internal, the Guandong Plain was not mentioned, and the other five thousand stones did not appear in the document.

Shiba Yiyin was thinking about this matter above, and the kneeling Dazo Changan below breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he mentioned it one more time, and it happened to be used to pass the test at this time.

Teru Uesugi asked, not knowing about this.

"Relief for the Guandong Plain? What's the use of five thousand stone caps? No amount of food is enough."

In the land of Guanbazhou, there are millions of rocks high. Due to this severe drought, harvests in various places have failed, and on average the grain output has been reduced by 70%.

Not to mention five thousand dan, even if it were 50,000 dan or 500,000 dan, it would not be able to fill this big hole. The so-called relief for the Guandong Plain is simply a joke.

Dazang Changan stood up and said seriously.

"The martial arts families in Kanto are indecisive between us and the Hojo family. Although five thousand stones is not enough to help the eight states of Guan, it is enough to move one or two families.

Among the Kanto samurai families, there are definitely not a few who hate the Hojo family. As long as someone is willing to stand up first, there will be a wave of surrender later."

Uesugi Teruhora nodded, this makes sense. A thousand dollars can be spent on a horse bone, and it can be used as a pose, but the actual cost is not much.

Just like planting trees, if you plant four out of 10,000 trees, you can boast that you have saved the world, and those who really work hard will be laughed at and called stupid.

As long as Echigo knows how to package and market it, five thousand stone to save the Kanto Plain from the great famine may not be a huge act of kindness.

Seeing that Teru Uesugi was persuaded by her, Kakizaki Keie in the audience couldn't help but stand up. Before she could speak, Teru Uesugi had already said sternly.

"You sit back and everything you do is not your responsibility."

Kakizaki Keike was stunned by what she said. He bowed helplessly and returned to his seat, turning his attention to Naoe Keizuna.

Naoe Keizuna's scalp is numb, why the hell do you want me to take the blame again?

However, Shiba Yiyin really couldn't bear it, and the commotion would go on endlessly, he said.

“Let’s divide the ten thousand stone into a 50-50 donation.

As for the food used to leverage the Kwantung martial arts family, we will wait until the opportunity arises and then allocate it from the military rations. It is not within the ten thousand dan."

Teruhora Uesugi also had a headache.

Kakizaki Keie represents the Joetsu military, including the Nagao clan and the Joetsu clan. These bastards are bad, but they are also her base.

When they first went into battle in Ezhong, they took the initiative to occupy Jinshan Mountain and almost made Teru Uesugi angry to death. However, the final punishment was to drink three drinks as a penalty, so this will not happen again.

This time, Terutora Uesugi forced Kakizaki Keige back, but it was inevitable that someone would come forward to act evil. Fortunately, Yoshihiro Shiba took the overall situation into consideration and agreed to Naoe Keizuna's 50-50 split, giving her face.

Off the court, both Uesugi and Shiba warriors felt that they were at a disadvantage, and the two masters looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

After the conflict was barely settled, we began to discuss the order of sending troops, the number of troops, and the distribution of supplies.

This time, the followers of both sides were watching the show. It was the turn of the military bosses to compete for money, food, and military supplies. The scene was equally beautiful.

The quarrel lasted until dark, and both sides were exhausted. Then they reluctantly completed the deployment and went back to prepare for mobilization.


Ten days later, Yoshigan Shiba and Teru Uesugi issued a proclamation in the Imperial Palace Office. In hundreds of words, they listed the crimes of the Hojo family.

Including destroying the Ryo Uesugi family, imprisoning the Kanto Shogun until his death, establishing a new Kanto Shogun, etc. In short, the crime is unforgivable.

Terutora Uesugi announced that the Yamauchi Uesugi family would return to the Kanto Plain to fight against the rebels. In the name of the leader of Kanto, she called on the Kanto samurai to raise troops to respond.

On the order of General Ashikaga, Yoshigan Shiba walks with his sword in hand. He will assist Teru Uesugi in returning to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura, Sagami Province, to complete the succession ceremony of the Kanto Governor.

Immediately, Echigo's 20,000-strong army rushed out, crossed the Echigo Mountains, and headed straight for the Kanto Plain.

The proclamation spread to the Kanto Plain, and the northern Ueno samurai families such as the Shirai Nagao family, the chief Nagao family, and the Minawa Nagano family responded one after another.

In Odawara Castle in Sagami territory, Hojo Ujiyasu had already prepared a draft. As soon as it was confirmed that the Echigo army was heading south, he immediately issued a tit-for-tat message.

She accused the shogunate of being ambitious and interfering in the internal affairs of the ten Kanto countries. She called on the Kanto samurai to unite around the Kanto general Ashikaga Yoshiji and expel the shogunate lackeys from Echigo.

As the current governor of the Hojo family, Hojo Ujimasa took the oath to fight at Odawara Castle. Together with the new Kanto general Ashikaga Yoshiji, he led the elite of the Hojo family to Kawagoe Castle and joined Hojo Tsunage.

The Hojo family gathered 20,000 elite men to suppress the core area of ​​the Kanto Plain, so that the surrounding samurai did not dare to act rashly and instead retreated and waited.

The two sides haven't faced each other yet, so they exchanged insults in the distance.

What kind of long-tailed scum pretends to be the leader of Kanto, Ise garbage is not worthy of the Hojo name, etc. Anyway, no matter how ugly it sounds, you can scold me and repeatedly emphasize that the other party is pretending to be a righteous person, and you are the orthodox one.

The two families took the initiative to call out the enemy, while the Kanto samurai family watched on the left and right. One side was as eager as fire, the other as calm as water, forming a strange stalemate.


As the Echigo army set off, Yoshigan Shiba and Terutora Uesugi arrived at Numata Castle with the front army to prepare for the next move.

In the following days, Nagao Kenkei from Shirai Castle, Nagao Kageso from Sosha Castle, Nagano Yoshie from Minawa Castle, and other families from northern Ueno came to Numata Castle to see him.

Uesugi Terutora then held a meeting at Numata Castle to discuss the matter of going south with various Ueno families.

In the castle tower, Yoshigashi Shiba took the chair, and Teruhora Uesugi took the second seat to preside over the discussion. The Echigo people and the Ueno people at the head filled the meeting hall.

Shiba Yoshigan glanced at the Ueno people present. It seemed that there were many people, but in fact there were only three important companies. Those were Shirai Ryotao, the head office, and Nagano Yasumasa, the boss of Nishi Ueno.

Nagao Kenkei of Shirai Castle was born in the Nagao family of the headquarter, and inherited the Shirai Nagao family through adoption. Today, the two Nagao families almost advance and retreat together.

Although the family fortunes of these two families were in decline, they still had considerable appeal among the Ueno samurai family because their emaciated camels were bigger than horses.

Nagano Yamasa, on the other hand, is both capable of fighting and giving birth, and with the support of the Minawa clan and the Twelve Wife clan, his appeal is even stronger.

Originally there were two slightly inferior samurai families in northern Ueno, the Numata family and the Iwakijo Saito family, but they were swallowed up by Uesugi and Shiba.

Numata Kenyasu was submissive off the court. The Numata family had great influence in the Numata Basin area. I didn't expect that the family business would be reduced to this, and they were just like the puppets of the Uesugi family.

Not to mention the Saito family in Iwaki Castle, the entire family died. Now the person occupying her seat is Sanada Nobushige. Her young face is among these old foxes, which always feels a bit strange.

Looking around, Yiyin couldn't help but frown.

There were many samurai families who came, but most of them were unknown people from small families. None of the Nagano family of Amabashi City and the Kobata family of Kunimine City, which were in key areas in the middle, came.

This chapter has been completed!
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