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Chapter 96 The Hunting Kings Compromise

After listening to the goat's words, Fang Linyan suddenly felt speechless. If the cartoon pattern is used to represent it, it is a Q-version crow flying past with its mouth wide open in despair, followed by a row of horizontal black shit dots...

Max originally wanted to show off his tallness and go to the castle, but when you said this, it seemed as if everyone was going to get together to have a sex party. This would be stared at by many righteous readers and they would report it conveniently.

The duck!

However, when Fang Linyan sat at the elegant long table and drank a steaming cup of hand-ground coffee, he really felt that such an occasion was more suitable for negotiation.

After everything was in place, Fang Linyan nodded to the goat, and the goat said:

"Then I started to connect... Hey, Alteba spent a lot of money to actually use holographic projection to come over."

"He is not from this dimension. If the hologram is projected over, the fee will be deducted based on the minute!"

About ten seconds after the goat finished speaking, he saw a trembling ball of light appearing next to him, and it was still beating. After a while, the ball of light gradually expanded into a human shape.

Unfortunately, this humanoid figure was quite abstract at first. It still looked like an image from a black-and-white TV in the 1980s. There were still a lot of interference particles in the image. However, it gradually stabilized and finally became

A projection of Arteba that resembles a real person.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

After the signal was completely stable, Alteba was still polite and bowed with a smile without being humble or condescending.

Then he looked around and praised:

"What a magnificent castle, very spectacular."

Max nodded and said:


There was an unpredictable smile on Fang Linyan's lips. He seemed to be very relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair. He didn't make any reaction other than lightly raising his cup to Alteba's previous salute.

However, Alteba knew very well that whether he could reach a satisfactory agreement this time actually depended on the person in front of him.

Therefore, Arteba simply raised a topic that interested everyone:

"When you left the world of the Three Kingdoms, Blood Ax Brother Bisco and Deng had already led a group of people towards the sandbank in the center of the river."

"They carried with them a formation diagram called the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. At that time, it took them four minutes to arrive at the sandbank in the center of the river and four minutes to set up the formation."

After listening to Arteba's words, almost everyone in the Legend Team took a breath and looked at Fang Linyan with admiration!!

Eight minutes, if they delay for another eight minutes, they might be killed by the other party rushing in directly.

Alteba glanced at Fang Linyan and saw that he was indifferent, as if he was completely resting his mind, so he could only continue to throw out the second piece of news:

"After you left, Brother Bisco and Deng did not give up. Instead, they deployed an eight-door golden lock formation and then raided the helm of the Five Dou Rice Road."

"Relying on the powerful power of the Eight-door Golden Lock Formation, they successfully killed a quartermaster named Li Damu, injured Zhang Zhi, beheaded the water avatar she left behind, and snatched a book from his hand.

Item of legendary quality: Book of Escape from Heaven (Fragmentary Volume).”

After hearing the news, everyone was extremely shocked. Only then did they realize how terrifying the danger they had faced before was!

Even Fang Linyan did not expect that Deng, Bloodaxe Bisge and the gang would expand to such an extent after using the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation. If the legendary team had still stayed at that time, they would have been wiped out.


Alteba continued:

"At that time, no one from our side was present during the battle on the sandbank in the center of the river. We were not able to witness the scene of the battle with our own eyes, but one thing is certain."

After Alteba said this, he deliberately let it slip and found that Fang Linyan had actually closed his eyes, still looking indifferent, so he could only continue:

"Brother Bisco and the others must have summoned the spirit of the general!"

"Having become an important plot character at a certain point in time, there is a certain chance that the general's soul will be dropped after death."

"This thing has different names in different worlds. For example, in the Three Kingdoms world, it is called the Reinforcement Order. For example, in the Journey to the West world, it is called the Demon Soul Pearl..."

"Its use is very simple. After using it, you can summon this important plot character who died in the battle to fight for you for a period of time. Once the time is up, he will disappear. Of course, most of the reinforcement orders/general souls are one-time items.


Vulture immediately said in the team channel:

"Boss, what you got should be Zhao Yun's general soul, right?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Well, the description classifies it as a reinforcement order."

The goat said in surprise at this time:

"That shouldn't be the case! Even if there are General Souls, the defense force on Jiangxin Island is very strong! In addition to Zhang Zhi, there is also Xu Shao, there is Aunt Zhen, and there are three new reinforcements.

Taoist priest, come here."

"Brother Bisi and the others can't summon the spirits of generals like Lu Bu or Dian Wei, right?"

Alteba said calmly:

"The power of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation can block the skills of everyone in the formation. It is very powerful, especially for people like Wu Dou Mi Dao who are good at magic. It can reduce their combat power by 70 to 80%."

"Not only that, but the personal skills of the friendly troops in the formation will increase to a certain extent. As one goes and the other goes, it is almost inevitable that the Five Pecks of Rice will suffer a big loss."

After hearing Alteba's explanation, everyone suddenly realized. Not only that, but they also felt that it was quite wise for them to evacuate.

At this time, Alteba nodded slightly and said:

"I wonder if you have anything else you want to ask? I will tell you everything I know, and I will treat it as an apology for my master's broken promise."

Fang Linyan finally opened his eyes at this time, then smiled and said:

"Oh? Do you really know everything and tell everything?"

Alteba said solemnly:


Fang Linyan said calmly:

"I only ask one question. If you can really tell me everything, then what happened before will be revealed."

Alteba's face suddenly became solemn:


Fang Linyan sat up straight, looked into Alteba's eyes and said:

"Your master, Hunter King, must have made a deal with Deng. You are responsible for holding us back at the sandbank in the middle of the river. I want to know, what price did Deng and the others pay?"

Alteba hesitated for a while, and then said slowly:

"Three marching pills."

Fang Linyan said in astonishment:

"March Pill?"

The goat thought for a moment and said immediately:

"This thing seems to be a special product of Liu Bei's camp... I seem to have inquired about it before, and it is a hidden special product. The buyer needs to complete a task and capture an enemy's flag to unlock this purchase option.


"After a single coin is purchased, you need to wait 60 minutes for the next one to be refreshed. Its purpose seems to be to eliminate all abnormal conditions, and it is very useful."

Alteba nodded after hearing this and said:

"Yes, that's absolutely correct."

"After the master got these three Marching Pills, he presented them directly to Zuo Ci who was in retreat, and at the same time told him that the Qingzhi Sword had been taken away by Zhang Yuanwei, the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain with five buckets of rice wine.....


Fang Linyan slowly exhaled a long breath and said:

"I asked why the Hunter King was so concerned about the whereabouts of the Qingzhi Sword. It turned out that this was his intention!"

Then, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up:

"So Zuo Ci took three marching pills to relieve the abnormal condition on his body, and then took action against Zhang Yuanwei."

"The Hunting King played the role of Huang Que, and finally ambushed Zhang Yuanwei and successfully captured the Qingzhi Sword?"

Alteba was silent for a while and said:


"Hahahaha!" Fang Linyan suddenly laughed wildly.

After he laughed for two or three seconds, the rest of the legendary team suddenly burst into laughter.

Why are we laughing together?

Because the people present have all seen the properties of the green sword, and know that although this thing is called a divine weapon, it is actually very weak. Even after getting it, it can only be used in this way.

Just feel refreshed in the world.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan got the Qingzhi Sword, because he had enough time left, he could play with it for a while to test its power, and by the way, he also killed another servant of the astrologer Deng.

But even after the Hunter King gets the green sword, even if he keeps holding it without handing it over, he can only hold it for a dozen hours at most. Once he leaves the world of the Three Kingdoms, it will disappear directly.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan got the Qingzhi Sword before, the news he got was also clear:

"Under normal circumstances, there are only two ways to obtain the Qingzhi Sword."

"The first one is that after killing Xia Houen without external help (plot characters helping), there is a small probability that the key will be released."

"The second rule is that after killing Cao Cao without external help (plot characters helping), there is a high probability that the key will be released."

Even though the Hunting King has great powers and is well-informed, it is impossible for him to know such a secret. Because of this, although his painstaking efforts cannot be said to be in vain, he will definitely be disappointed.

After a while, Fang Linyan's laughter stopped and he looked at Alteba:

"Okay, I am a person who keeps my word, so the previous matters will be wiped out."

Then he muttered:

"Actually, it seems now that Lord Hunter King's plan to plan the Qingzhi Sword is not wrong. As long as this thing is obtained, the benefits will be very high. Of course, it may not be able to meet Lord Hunter King's expectations."

Alteba smiled and said:

"No, Your Excellency was very satisfied with what he finally got from the transaction with the Qingzhi Sword. He even used an Eastern proverb to describe his situation at that time."

Fang Linyan said:

"Oh? Which sentence?"

Alteba said:

"What is lost in the east is gained in the mulberry tree."

Fang Linyan smiled slightly, raised the wine glass in his hand and said:

"Then congratulations to Mr. Hunter King."

Alteba nodded slightly and said:

"So the deal we agreed on before?"

Now that the topic has shifted to his area of ​​expertise, Goat immediately picked up the conversation and said:

"Whether the deal can be concluded depends on whether Lord Hunter can get what we want?"

Alteba smiled and said slowly:

"Now that I'm here, of course I'm sure I can satisfy everyone."


So what followed was a war of words between Goat and Alteba. The two sides began intense negotiations and each took out their trump cards.

As a result, the two of them talked for about half an hour, and Alteba suddenly said that he had no interest in the divine talisman or the dark green key of Mao Gando, the great wizard of the Shanyue people.

However, after sharing these two items on his own news channel, a friend immediately became very interested. After knowing that these two items were produced in the main gold world, he must get involved.

With the addition of an additional buyer, the original two-party transaction suddenly turned into a three-party transaction. Fang Linyan and the others did not have a big problem. Who should they sell to? Who should they sell to? The key is to sell it at a good price.

After the buyer named "zero" entered the market, it was obvious that he really liked the God Talisman and Mao Gando's key, so he also acted as a lubricant.

So this tug-of-war deal finally came to an end after a heated exchange of words, which took a full two and a half hours.

Such a small amount of time may not be a problem at all for large-scale negotiations, but Arteba and Zero are projected across space! This cost is staggering, and it can be said that all common points are burning.

Even though both of them have the dual identity of hunter/chosen one and have many privileges, according to Goat's estimation, these two people have spent at least 80,000 universal points in order to maintain this cross-space projection.

Not only that, if the two parties conduct cross-space transactions, each item/equipment involved in the transaction will be charged a handling fee of 10,000 universal points, and here almost 100,000 universal points are thrown away.

The final transaction results reached by both parties are as follows:

The props/equipment handed over by the legendary team: the Condor Shooter's job transfer token/god-controlling talisman/the key of the Shanyue people's great wizard Mao Gando/8 big meat buns/Merter's bloody key/the two-handed giant shield that Max is using

Props/equipment obtained by the legendary team: Arakat's Enlightenment (shield set), Divine Comedy, Brain-eating Hat (dark gold), Refined Furnace Carbon (5 pieces)


The props/equipment handed over by the Hunter King: Alakat's Enlightenment, Divine Comedy, Refined Furnace Carbon (10 pieces), 70,000 general points, 5 potential points

The props/equipment obtained by the Hunter King: Merter's bloody key, 6 meat buns, Condor Shooter job transfer token, shield mastery (skill book), and the two-handed giant shield used by Max


The props/equipment handed over by Zero: Shield Mastery (Skill Book), Brain-Eating Hat,

The props/equipment obtained by zer0: Mao Ganduo's key, the divine talisman, refined furnace carbon (5 pieces), 70,000 general points, and 5 potential points.

This chapter has been completed!
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