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Chapter 28 Haggar escapes from trouble

When Haggar's health dropped to 25%, this guy fired a big move, and roared out a terrifying air wave, blowing away all the enemies around him!

While these enemies were blown away and dizzy, their bodies were also stained with a large amount of blood.

The blood spurted out from Haggar's mouth.

You can see the blood dripping with blood, squirming non-stop, and it actually penetrates into the clothes, armor, and skin as if there is life, and then forms something like a birthmark, which cannot be removed by scraping.

Immediately afterwards, these people received a prompt:

"You have suffered the curse of the ancient (giant) bloodline of Polyphemus. Your upper limit of health and MP value have dropped by 33%. Under normal circumstances, this curse needs to be returned to space before it can be lifted by spending universal points."

After this roar, Hagar entered a violent state for thirty seconds, and the binding power of the three golden chains on him was obviously suppressed.

But everyone knows that hardness cannot last long and softness cannot be maintained. Violence means that convulsions and collapse are about to come quickly! Even the berserker is no exception.

It’s crazy. This guy Hager is not a berserker. His profession should be an animal and plant breeder/low-level magician/entry-level baker.

Therefore, as soon as the 30 seconds of violent state ended, Hager became completely sluggish, and his health dropped to less than 10%. At this time, he could only take a defensive stance, struggling to hold on to his left and right, barely covering himself with his arms.

His head was injured, blood flowed from his mouth, and he kept yelling with grief and anger.

Because Fang Linyan had already handed over the command to Omi, the latter observed for a few seconds and then said simply in the team channel:

"Get ready to obey my orders, the five-second countdown begins!"



At this time, the actions of the group of people had already been discussed, and then they immediately started to get into trouble.

Because of the open terrain here, it is difficult for members of the legendary team to sneak into the center of the battlefield.

So the first ones to be recruited were the peripheral members of the KING team.

These peripheral members were gathered outside the cave more than a hundred meters away for two reasons.

First, the strength of these people is recognized to be inferior, and their credibility is also lower, so they can only wait here for substitutes.

Secondly, they serve as a reserve team! Once Hager has some back-ups and reinforcements, they will be responsible for stepping forward. They do not seek to kill the enemy, but only seek to delay the enemy and gain opportunities for most of the team.

At this time, seeing that Hager was about to be killed, these people must have been quite lazy and kept talking strange words.

But at this moment, one of the leading men suddenly changed his expression, stood up and said:

"What? Under attack? No. 339 and Hawkeye were attacked at the same time?"

This man, Charles, is the leader of the reserve team, and the number 339 and Hawkeye he is talking about are the two powerful long-range attackers in the KING team. Number 339 uses a repeating crossbow! And Hawkeye uses a sniper rifle.

The equipment worn by both of them is also of the highest quality, and most of them are borrowed from the rest of the entire KING team!

Upon hearing the bad news, several of the peripheral members immediately stood up and shouted "Ah", as if a needle suddenly popped out of their buttocks and was stabbed in hard.


Obviously, the original owners of several pieces of equipment on No. 339 and Hawkeye were these people who stood up.

Once No. 339 and Hawkeye are killed in battle, if they die in the hands of space warriors, then if they are lucky, some of these pieces of equipment will see the light of day again.

If he died in the hands of the aborigines, the person who lent the equipment would lose all his money and beat his chest.

Under this situation, these people and Ciel all ignored any orders and rushed outside.

However, when these people just ran out of the cave entrance, they suddenly froze!

Then they saw a talisman appear quickly at the entrance of the cave, and then the talisman burned. Only then did they see that these people were all stuck to a huge transparent crystal net. No wonder they were unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying sound of cracking silk in the sky, and then a giant light knife six to seven meters long appeared out of thin air and slashed down from above!

When this sword slashed down, it was so fast that it even left traces of flames in the air!

Those few people and Charles were the first to bear the brunt. After taking this knife, they were half dead, with blood spurting out of their mouths!

Immediately afterwards, the light saber gradually disappeared, and then a crimson talisman floated down from the mid-air. It seemed to be the core of the light saber, and then the crimson talisman exploded!

The huge impact force instantly collapsed the entrance of the cave, and the rolling rocks sealed it tightly.

At this time, Omi appeared from more than 20 meters away. She stood on a rock, and the dazzling light on her hands gradually disappeared.

At this time, her talisman formation skills have also improved to a higher level. Being able to exert such power to suppress more than a dozen contractors with one person was the result of her seizing the opportunity and carefully arranging it for almost ten minutes, but it still seemed to be burning.

Money also consumes nearly 50,000 general points of casting materials.

If it were an encounter on a narrow road, then Omi would definitely not be able to exert such great power.

At the same time, the news that No. 339 and Hawkeye died in the battle has appeared in the team channel prompt of the KING team. The two people were killed by the Vulture and the Goat, one close and one far away.

It is worth mentioning that the KING team has a big weakness: it was jointly established after entering this world!

Not only that, but there are also a lot of people in the team, which means that the level of the team is very low. Even if special props are used for bonuses, the team's life-saving skills are only in a state of near-death.

He will be randomly teleported thirty meters from now on!

For legendary team members who have the passive team ability: enhanced version of the Blood Flag, this life-saving skill is simply like nothing else.

The reserve team on the periphery was attacked and trapped, and the two long-range output players on the periphery died at the same time!

When such two pieces of bad news come, there is no doubt that everyone in the KING team will realize one thing, that is, a large number of powerful enemies are coming from the outside! So almost everyone's attention is at least 50% focused.

Allocate to the periphery.

The remaining half of the attention must be allocated to Hager!

At this time, Fang Linyan and Crespo, who were already lurking on the seabed, started swimming quickly!

The two of them observed for a long time. The place where the KING team and Hager fought was on a lighthouse on an island. The battlefield was at least twenty or thirty meters away from the sea.

However, almost one-fifth of the huge formation that trapped Haggar spread to the sea. The formation's continued effectiveness relies on the formation eyes of the five contractors at the five corners of the formation.

On top of it, he continuously injects his own MP into it.

This means that at least two of the five contractors who maintain the formation will be close to the sea, and there is even one person directly on the sea, but he relies on some special props to actually hover directly on the sea.

Continuous supply of energy.

According to the meticulous work of the KING team, three observation posts were originally placed nearby to closely monitor the movements on the sea surface.

However, one of the observation posts is on a yacht, and it mainly monitors movements in the open sea.

Although the other two observation posts were performing their duties faithfully, they were only less than 40 meters away from the two killed long-range outputters 339 and Hawkeye!

They watched with their own eyes as the two of them were killed in just a few breaths. Although the enemy suffered a sharp counterattack and fled quickly, who knows if they will come back again!

Unfortunately, the team is currently short of manpower and people are panicking!

Most of the manpower was restrained by Hager, but the reserve team was trapped in the cave by the landslide. Of course, we are all space warriors. Although it is not difficult to save ourselves, it will take at least several minutes to open the tunnel of the landslide, including recovery from injuries.


The enemy is so elusive that we don't even know how many of them have arrived.

In this chaotic situation, the two observation posts are probably focused on self-protection!

Therefore, Fang Linyan and Crespo relied on their teammates to contain them from the outside, and with the help of the increasingly gloomy sky, they almost drove straight to the feet of the man who was maintaining the magic circle.

He was also one of the five great formation eyes, and was trying his best to control the operation of the magic circle. He was sweating profusely and had no time to apply it, let alone look at his feet while distracted.

After discovering this detail, Fang Linyan winked at Crespo. The two's original plan was to work together to kill an "Eye of the Formation."

Now it seems like you can be a bit greedy?

This strange formation can generate three powerful invisible chains, trapping Hagar in the lighthouse area. Even though Hagar tried his best, he could not hurt anyone in the center of the formation.

But there are gains and losses. If the people in the formation can prevent the trapped enemies from leaping over the wall to break the formation from the inside, then the defense against outside attacks will be almost zero.

Fang Linyan and Crespo were both experienced, and after understanding this, they immediately took action!

As soon as Fang Linyan fired the Dragon Cough Flash, the unlucky guy fell down from the air like a ripe fruit, his whole body stiffened, and fell directly into the sea water.

Fang Linyan, who was well prepared, plunged in with a sudden force, and immediately saw red gurgling in the sea water.

Crespo hit it with a hammer, beating the other guy on the "Eye" until he collapsed to the ground with stars in his eyes. Then he rushed out of the water and beat him wildly.

Two uninvited guests suddenly rushed out, and they were still in the area with the most manpower of the KING team. It was obvious that Fang Linyan and Crespo were under fire in the next second!

However, although these two people are not MTs, they can still stand in the front row and act as deputy Ts. They are equivalent to Poppy in a meat suit, and their durability is also very tough.

What's more, the members of the KING team had been fighting Hager for a long time, and they were completely exhausted. Therefore, after they focused on the two of them, they were unable to pose a threat to the lives of Lin Yan and Lin Yan in a short period of time.

After Crespo took a few blows, he hid behind a rock for safety, and at the same time shouted out as planned:

"Mr. Hager, let's kill these damn poachers together!"

Fang Linyan, however, relied on the tyranny of Athena's blessing and the cover of the sea water to beat the contractor directly underwater until he forced out his team skills before leaving.

Not only that, this attack triggered a terrible chain reaction. After the two guys in the center of the formation were beaten wildly, of course they could not continue to maintain the energy output of the formation!

This was like an unstable voltage, which directly caused the entire formation to go on strike. It can be seen that the three golden chains that trapped Hager suddenly became light and transparent.

At this time, Hager was also attracted by Crespo's shout, and when he realized that reinforcements were coming, he was immediately ecstatic! At the same time, he was very grateful to these reinforcements who suddenly appeared - this is exactly what Fang Linyan and the others wanted!

At this time, Hager also keenly felt that the three damn chains that trapped him were actually loose - no, the binding force above was weakening crazily!!

Not only that, the nasty little bugs surrounding him also started to panic.

"a ha ha ha!"

Hager let out a dull roar, and then rushed towards the guy who had hurt him the most.

This guy is called Griffin, and the reason why he left a deep impression on Hager is because his weapon is called the Scorpion Tail Gun, which is a mid-range attack weapon similar to a chain gun.

The reason why it got such a name is because this gun has its own poison-extracting effect. Once it hurts the enemy, it will cause continuous damage to the enemy like scorpion venom. Of course, it will also cause severe pain like scorpion venom!

Faced with Hager's sudden advance, Griffin was a little panicked, but he did not lose his temper because of this.

Because he subconsciously feels that he is safe,

After fighting for so long, Griffin has subconsciously divided the surrounding areas into "danger zones" and "safe zones".

In his inherent impression, as long as he retreated five meters away, next to the rock with the crescent mark, the irritable big man in front of him would have nothing to do with him. He could even fight back and defeat this man.

Stupid guy needs to suffer.

So after Griffin took a few steps back, he quickly began to accumulate strength, preparing to give Hager a hard blow like he did a few times last time.

But what’s wrong!!?

Why is that big damn guy still running forward?

By the way, where is the chain that trapped him! Why is the chain missing? Help!!!

The last three words, Griffin year was shouting heartbreakingly and sincerely, because he had already been grabbed by Hager, then lifted him up high, aimed at the ground and threw him, and then Hager raised him

He raised his big foot and stepped on him hard.

Obviously, at this time, the focus of the battlefield has shifted to Hagar's side. Without the restraints of the three chains, Hagar has already rushed into the enemy pile like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep, even though he has only one health left at this time.

It's down to less than 8%.

But Hagar is originally a giant hybrid, with rough skin and thick flesh. He also has a lot of friendship with big bosses like Dumbledore. He must have two good pieces of equipment, so he has 8 remaining pieces.

%'s health value is at least seven or eight thousand points!

If the KING team exerts its full output, it will only take about four minutes to destroy these 7,000 to 8,000 health points.

However, when the two main long-range fire output operators are killed, the four-minute kill time will be extended to at least five minutes.

Not only that, when everyone discovered that the enemies were actually lurking around them, they became uncontrollably panicked.

What's even worse is that there is something wrong with the three chains that have been restricting Haggar. This directly leads to one thing: the killing time has changed from five minutes to an eternity.

After the unlucky Griffin was trampled to death by Hager, the situation was completely chaotic. Fang Linyan and Crespo took advantage of the group's attention to return to Hager, and they rushed out, shamelessly

Launched an attack on another guy.

This guy's name is Pat, and there are two reasons why he was on the blacklist listed by Omi.

First, he is easy to recognize. If a man with a ponytail could still take out a coin, he would be a perfect COS Robert.

Secondly, this guy's fatal strike skill is a powerful weapon against SSs like Haggar who have self-healing abilities!

This chapter has been completed!
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