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Chapter 30 Lets learn how to bark like a dog...

Facing the goat’s question, White Gloves proudly said:

 “I am White! Mr. White, who is devoted to his duties!”

 “Okay, Mr. White,” the goat then told it what it wanted.

Mr. White snapped his fingers and said:

"I understand, you rookies have to find Calvin. If you want to find him, you need to walk along the corridor next to it until there is a downward staircase in front of you. Then go to the left, and then you will arrive at Auror.

It’s the office area.”

After Mr. White's guidance, Fang Linyan and others finally found Calvin before the Ministry of Magic got off work. He was a fat, white man who looked like dough. He yawned almost every three minutes and wiped the corners of his eyes.

The tears that flowed out.

 Calvin was initially resistant to Fang Linyan's request and listed a variety of bizarre reasons for rejection.

After Omi simply took out the Galleons, Calvin finally relented under the powerful persuasion of this thing. With his sleepy eyes narrowed, he reluctantly completed a series of procedures for Fang Linyan and the others, and then signaled that they could

Went to the back office.

At this time, Fang Linyan and others finally successfully joined the company and became a trainee Auror for fifteen days.

At the same time, the temporary visiting silver badge pinned to the chest was taken away and replaced by a copper badge.

 The badge looks very ordinary, and like most currencies, there is a portrait on it, which is said to be from the first Minister of Magic.

 In order to reflect that this is a badge belonging to a magician, no matter which angle you look at this badge, the Minister of Magic's eyes will stare at you, and occasionally he will yawn or sneeze.

  Next, Fang Linyan and others met their immediate boss: a guy named Luke. He was lifeless and rigid like most people in the Ministry of Magic, and his tone of voice concealed dissatisfaction and difficulty.

 Fortunately, the Legend Team has learned how to survive here, which is to use gold Galleons, a prop full of awesome power, to clear the way.

 So they quickly got Luke's permission and were able to enter the back office, where there were a large number of files and related cases that needed to be dealt with urgently.

Of course, no matter how vicious the case is in the ordinary (Muggle) world, it will not attract the attention of Aurors and the Ministry of Magic.

 So these cases, without exception, all involve magicians and magical creatures.

It is precisely because of this that the case detection rate of the Ministry of Magic is actually very low. This is not only because they lack a Sherlock Holmes, but more importantly, magic can eliminate most of the clues that may be left behind, and this is

It is an area that even Sherlock Holmes cannot reach.

 Fortunately, Omi, who entered the world first this time, had made very careful preparations, so after an easy search, he directly selected a case file:

The victim, Secwin, likes hunting. Last week, he went to the Canterbury forest outside London to shoot skylarks with an air gun. Secvin never tired of this hunting activity. On his way back to London, he suffered a violent attack.

Death due to attack.

 Sekwin himself is just a nobody, but his wife's sister has a lot of energy.

 At the murder scene, some clues of supernatural phenomena were found, so the Ministry of Magic intervened and determined that the murderer was a magician.

 After confirmation, the long-awaited main quest finally arrived.

 Members of the Legend Team:

 Main mission: Long Night Dawn update.

 You have successfully chosen the A-level secret case: the murder of Secwin. Please follow up the case in time within the validity period and obtain permission from the Ministry of Magic to close the case.

good luck.

When Fang Linyan looked at the main mission prompt, he keenly noticed the description of the mission and contacted the previous introduction to the Ministry of Magic in the main mission, so he couldn't help but say:

“Have you noticed? The main task requires us to obtain permission to close the case?”

 Goat Road:

"I also noticed that if I guessed correctly, this thing is just a document. In other words, if we can get enough gold galleons, we can even ignore the intermediate process and get this thing directly


 Fang Linyandao:

 “Yes, there is a high probability.”

Omi said calmly:

“What you are talking about is theoretically feasible, but in fact it really doesn’t have to be so troublesome.”

The goat said in astonishment:

 “Isn’t it troublesome to cheat and buy the answers directly with money?”

 Omi said:

"I know that Vulture has almost a hundred gold galleons in cash after entering this time. This was specially deposited in Gringotts before he left this world last time, but it cannot be wasted!"

“Believe me, this little money is not enough to help Goat and Wrench complete their tasks.”

 Goat Road:

“So you’re saying we need to solve the case this time?”

Omi smiled and said:

“No, it’s not about solving the case. The truth is actually out there, and we can get it easily, just like picking up a fallen leaf from the lawn.”

The goat frowned and said:

“How is this possible? If this case is really so simple, how could it be listed as a Class A case file by the Ministry of Magic?”

Omi said calmly:

“Because the Ministry of Magic can’t figure out the murderer’s motives in this case, so of course they can’t find out the truth.”

Hearing this, Fang Linyan said simply:

“Then, the only explanation is that you deliberately created this case, right?”

Everyone was shocked and looked at Omi at the same time. Omi glanced at Fang Linyan and said meaningfully:

“This is part of the plan I made after hearing Max talk about you and the goat. I hope it will be helpful to the two of you in your blood collection/bloodline mission.”


 “Oh my God!”



A series of voices suddenly came from the team. Even Fang Linyan was a little surprised. This woman Omi is really strong!

She entered this world first and actually did so many amazing things.

Everyone in the team has a feeling: after entering this world, the whole team seems to have entered the fast lane of the highway, traveling directly at lightning speed.

 Crespo said with admiration:

“How did you do this? Are you sure this case won’t get you burned in the end?”

Omi smiled and said:

“Then they must first find the murderer of Shanlu.”

 Crespo said doubtfully:

 “Who is Shanlu?”

 Omi said:

“Shanru is a raven, a magical pet. He is 32 years old, which is equivalent to 130 years old in humans. He has a deep relationship with an irritable and irritable magician named Kental.”

“When Secwin was hunting Skylarks, someone stuffed Shanru’s body into his car. Then Kentel came and found Shanru. This is why Secwin was killed.”

“The person who stuffed Shanru’s body into the car also died. He was a scumbag, an alcoholic, and liked gambling. He would even sell his soul for half a bottle of brandy. The cause of his death was that he fell into a creek and drowned after being drunk.”

Hearing this, Fang Linyan also roughly understood Omi’s operation:

 “Then who killed Shanru?”

Omi said calmly:

“Shanru likes to eat meat, and then he sets his sights on a rabbit. Unfortunately, this Scottish jackrabbit has an owner, so when Shanru was having a happy meal, the owner of the rabbit came over.”

“Shanlu was already an old man, so he had a slight problem with his wings at this time. As a result, he was unable to fly, and was crushed to death by his angry owner.”

 Hearing this, everyone understood what was going on, and they were also impressed by Omi's flawless work.

Fang Linyan thought for a while, and then added:

“There is another very important link. How did this case get into the files of the Ministry of Magic? Can it happen to be among our options?”

 Omi said:

“Yes, this is indeed a very important link, so we can only use Batman’s special ability to persuade a prosecutor in the name of the victim’s family to take this case seriously.”

 Speaking of this, Omi sighed and said:

“So you can see that I did a lot of things when you weren’t here, and I also spent a lot of gold galleons. Not only that, you can expect that our team will also consume a lot of gold galleons!”

Fang Linyan said clearly:

“So what we need to do immediately is neither the main task nor collecting materials? But making money?”

Omi nodded and said:

 “Yes, that’s exactly it.”

"The magic world actually reflects the importance of money. The magician's staff, robes, alchemy experiments, etc., without exception, are all gold-eating beasts. Every famous magician is out-and-out.

A big spender!"

As the group of people said this, they started heading outside.

After leaving the Ministry of Magic, Fang Linyan and the others felt that this place was exactly as described in the main mission, full of decay, filth, pungent stench, and bureaucratic arrogance.

This is supposed to be a place to uphold justice and fight against evil, but probably because I stared into the abyss for too long, I myself became an abyss.

Under the leadership of Oumi, a group of people boarded a double-decker bus and began their journey to make money. Since Oumi didn't tell them the specific process, the rest of the people didn't ask. Anyway, Fang Linyan also liked it before.

They were all accustomed to doing this mysteriously.

Looking out the window at the scenery of London in the 1980s, Goat suddenly remembered something, and this matter was still very important to him, so he hurriedly said:

“Hey, hey, boss, now that we have some free time, tell us the shortcut to deploying force in the world. Don’t you say you have irrefutable evidence?”

 Fang Linyandao:

“Want to know? Okay, didn’t we agree to bet 10,000 universal points before?”

At this time, the members of the legendary team had long since ignored the 10,000 universal points, so they paid money one after another.

 The goat and the vulture have long since abandoned their lower limits in this regard and paid the money in an instant.

 Crespo hesitated for only three seconds before handing over the money. By the way, when he went to Greece, he was the most HIGH player, and the three flights were all routine operations.

Only Max, a seemingly honest guy, hesitated for almost two minutes. He probably checked the attributes of Tianxia Buwu repeatedly after calling up the records, and silently handed over 10,000 general points.

At this point, everyone’s expectant eyes fell on Fang Linyan.

Fang Linyan said:

“I am very sure that this world can complete part of the milestone of deploying weapons all over the world. Do you want proof?”

Everyone nodded at the same time like primary school students listening to a lecture.

Fang Linyan said calmly:

“The Haggar we rescued before is proof!”

 Some things are actually separated by a layer of paper. Once you point them out, you will suddenly feel cheerful.

 The goat suddenly froze:

 “Hage? Evidence?”

 “Ah! By the way, he is a giant hybrid!!”

 “Oh my god, a giant hybrid!??”

Fang Linyan added meaningfully:

“Not only that, I think you should know his grandfather or father.”

"Ha?" The goat was even more surprised: "Are you sure? I have never been to this world before!"

 Fang Linyandao:

 “I’m sure, and Omi should know him too.”

So Fang Linyan briefly and comprehensively introduced the grudges and grudges between himself and the doctor in this world.

 Then he added:

“I think Hager looks a bit like the doctor, so there is reason to believe that he is a descendant of the doctor.”

Everyone was really fascinated when they heard such a strange experience. Only the goat suddenly grasped the key point and said to Fang Linyan:

“Boss! That magic body is very honest, are you sure?”

Fang Linyan was stunned:

 “How could I do this?”

The goat showed an annoyed expression and sighed:

 “Boss, you missed a golden mountain!”

Fang Linyan was suffocated and suddenly remembered something:

“Actually, it’s not too late now. Look at the hidden milestone we have activated this time: in the legendary disaster, the first person to be killed is the legendary giant/Feldtanya!”

“For giants whose life span is often four or five times that of humans, a time span of about a hundred years is equivalent to just twenty or thirty years for humans. She should still be alive and can still enter the ovulation period.”

At this time, everyone was silent and began to nervously calculate the pros and cons. After all, wanting to serve a female giantess who is in heat does not sound like a bad job. Even if you are a space warrior, you can imagine that this will be a problem.

A tough fight.

 My own physical strength, energy, and even my second brother will face severe tests!

To be honest, for playboys like them, sleeping with a human aunt who is over fifty years old is something that can only happen in the deepest nightmares.

 How much more so a female giantess who is several hundred years old?

Soon, after a fierce ideological struggle, Max opened his mouth with difficulty:

 “Woof woof woof!”

 Now that someone has started, Crespo's psychological pressure is not so great:


 For a moment, everyone began to laugh so hard that Max and Crespo sighed, and then they glared at the goats and vultures fiercely:

"You two, don't laugh, it will be your turn to scream soon."

As a result, the vulture and the goat, a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes, slowly shook their heads. The vulture took the lead and said:

“If it were other worlds, then I would probably accept it, but this is the magical world! So I think we can wait a little longer.”

Goat added:

“Yes, I heard that there is transfiguration magic in this world? There are also some potions that can significantly change the appearance! I think I can spend money to get some.”

Vulture added:

“Actually, there is a workaround. If you can’t change others, you can change yourself!”

Even Fang Linyan was shocked by Vulture’s bold idea at this time and couldn’t help but say:

“Change yourself, do you plan to have a sex change? And then give birth to your own children?”

 The vulture immediately covered his face and said hurriedly:

 “No, no, no! Boss, I am very satisfied with my own little brother, I mean, change my own aesthetic.”

 After hearing this, Goat felt that his ideas were suddenly broadened!

 Wolong, who was in the legendary team, felt for the first time that there was still something he could learn from Fengxiao, so he asked urgently:

 “Is there any specific operation?”

Vulture said:

“When I was on vacation before, I once saw a documentary from China. It said that people’s aesthetics are constantly changing, and many famous beauties would have just the same face if they were today.”

“I didn’t believe this at first, until the documentary produced a lot of video and photo evidence, such as a woman with small feet in China a hundred years ago. It was said that countless princes and nobles were pursuing her.”

"Another example is Princess Qajar, who is known as the first Persian beauty in the 19th century. The standard for judging beauty locally is thick eyebrows, plumpness, and thick hair! Yes, you must have hair! Such a beauty,

A dozen of her suitors even committed suicide because of her!"

Then, as if to increase his persuasiveness, the vulture took out his mobile phone, and then called up a picture to show to everyone. However, to the surprise of the vulture, the people who came together made a different sound:

 “Not bad.”


 “I like this kind of girl.”


 Vulture was immediately puzzled. He took back his phone and looked at it. He laughed dryly and said:

“I made a mistake, I made a mistake. That was a new and good tea sold to me by the owner of the club I frequented.”

 He then clicked a few more times and finally sent the photo he wanted to show.

 The next group of people felt their eyes were hit by a critical blow at the same time and let out pitiful screams.

After a while, the vulture put away the phone with satisfaction and said seriously:

"So, I think this is a magical world! If there is any magic potion that can temporarily change my aesthetics, make me think that the giantess is the most beautiful, and make me feel that not getting her is the biggest regret in my life, then it can


 The goat silently took out his little notebook and wrote the words "aesthetic potion" on it.

While writing, the goat's expression was as serious as a college entrance examination candidate who was writing down his answers.

Although Crespo and Max did not make any movements, it could be seen from their cautious expressions that they obviously regretted it and felt that they had made a "woof" sound a little too early.

This chapter has been completed!
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