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Chapter 34 Contemporary Xu Xian

When Lawrence tremblingly took out more than two thousand gold galleons, put it into the magic money bag, and handed it directly to Fang Linyan and the others, his mood was also extremely nervous. After all, his bargaining chip had been completely lost, and life or death was a matter of life.

In the space of the other person's thoughts.

Fang Linyan smiled at this time, patted his shoulder and said:

"You're very nervous, aren't you? Are you afraid that we will break the contract?"

Lawrence forced out a smile that was uglier than crying, and nodded with a dry smile.

Fang Linyan smiled, then took out a cigarette, lit it and handed it to Lawrence, letting him hold it with his chapped lips and said:

"Don't worry, we keep our word. You are safe now and your life is saved."

"Because you have lost your use value now. If we wanted to break the contract, we would have killed you by now."

"Although your injuries are serious, they are not fatal, so you can live for another few decades."

Lawrence thought that this was also the case. As soon as the huge pressure on his body disappeared, he immediately slumped down next to him and took a long puff of cigarette.

Although there was still a dull pain in his body at this time, the nicotine in the tobacco also began to paralyze his brain.

At this moment, Lawrence only felt that there was nothing more beautiful than this in life. It felt so good to save a small life! Even this cheap cigarette, which he usually didn't look down on at all, tasted so delicious.

After three strokes, five divided by two, Lawrence greedily finished a cigarette, while Fang Linyan and the others stood here counting the gold galleons and taking a look at whether there was anything valuable left in the underground secret room.

At this time, Lawrence also knew that his life was saved, and couldn't help but said to Lin Yan:

"This cigarette is really strong. Why have I never smoked it before? What's its name?"

Fang Linyan laughed and said:

"That's right, you've never smoked it before! Its name is Soft White Sand."


"???Softwhitesand??" (Tongue begins to tie)

Looking at Lawrence's pitiful eyes, Fang Linyan thought that after taking more than two thousand gold galleons, he couldn't be so stingy that he wouldn't even let people smoke comfortably, so he simply threw most of the remaining pack to him:

"Take it and smoke it. Let's go. We keep our word and seek wealth rather than life. You can take good care of your injuries."

After saying that, Fang Linyan and others turned around and left. The mages outside were still fighting, but they didn't know that Fang Linyan and the others had secretly set up Chen Cang and took advantage of the situation.


Lawrence will not comment for the time being, but after Fang Linyan and his party walked out for almost two hundred meters, the vulture suddenly shot out a thorn-light flying knife with his backhand, and at the same time shouted:

"who is it?"

Immediately afterwards, they saw a person walking out of the bushes nearby. They didn't know this person, Fang Linyan, but Lawrence must have a very deep memory of her!

It was the dancer Dorina, but her face was gloomy at this time, and her eyes were about to spit out fire when she looked at Fang Linyan and the others! Obviously, the sudden appearance of Fang Linyan and his group seriously disrupted her plan.

At this time, the right side of her chest was stabbed with a thorn-light flying knife, but she seemed not to feel the pain and ignored it. After seeing Fang Linyan and the others, she suddenly aimed at the six of them and drew a sharp knife.

Fangs, and then pounced straight up!

Seeing that this woman was so brave, Fang Linyan and others were also a little surprised. They immediately raised their vigilance and secretly wondered if they had encountered some big wave of SS.

Immediately afterwards, Goat, as the main long-range fireman in the team, directly blasted up with a barrage of fireballs, and then he said "fuck", and then shared the actual damage figures in the team channel.

It’s only a single digit of 9 points!!

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank again, and they were worried that they really encountered a big wave of SS. But at this time, Dorina had already rushed closer. Max took the responsibility and pushed forward with his new set of shields, and directly blocked it with Alacat's Greed.

But he blocked it effortlessly.

Not only that, Max took advantage of the situation and used the Wrath of Alakat in his right hand to counterattack. The sharp edge of the shield easily cut through Dorina's right arm, and blood immediately poured out, causing her to let out a cry of pain.

Call a roll to escape.

Max then said confusedly in the team channel:

"It doesn't seem too powerful?"

Then, according to the battle record posted by Max, this stroke wiped out almost 70 points of her health.

After a few more moves, Fang Linyan and the others quickly figured out why this woman dared to charge forward. She actually had a very buggy skill, or to be more precise, a very buggy skill in this world!!

This passive skill is called Hardened Skin. This skill allows the owner to be completely immune to some low-level magic skills, and can also reduce astonishing damage to high-level magic.

And her movements are very agile, and her movements are mysterious and agile, making her a typical assassin.

In addition, although Fang Linyan and his party had changed their appearance, their age could be seen from the exposed skin, walking pace, etc., that they were all young people, so Dorina's judgment was indeed correct.

If Fang Linyan and the others were really a group of young magicians from this world, they would really be picked on by her and left here!

However, among Fang Linyan and others, only Omi and Goat rely on magic skills for output. The rest are either assassins like Vulture, or warriors like Fang Linyan and Crespo who directly confront you.

Therefore, Dorina quickly discovered in despair that these people did not follow martial ethics!

It didn’t matter if he didn’t use magic at a young age, but people came over one after another with fists as big as sandbags and beat themselves violently! Not only did it hurt, but they were also rough-skinned and fleshy, and they even prepared shields and hammers.

, weapons such as daggers!

After being surrounded and beaten all over her head, she couldn't bear it any longer and found an opportunity to roll on the spot. During the rolling process, she actually turned into a giant snake with black stripes, six or seven meters long.

As soon as I poked my head in, I bit him right away!!!

Because snakes have to crawl, their movements are not very agile. Only when the probe comes out to bite, the speed can only be described in four words, lightning!

It’s even more dizzying!

After all, the snake's defense and hunting completely rely on this quick bite.

Fortunately, Dorina chose the wrong target for her bite, aiming at Fang Linyan, and Fang Linyan happened to trigger the initiative effect when he was attacked, so Fang Linyan avoided the throat in time and was bitten on the wrist.


As soon as Dorina bit it, she immediately felt an unusually firm and flexible rebounding force coming from her mouth. The force of the bite directly eliminated most of it, so the final force that could act on Fang Linyan's body was not

There is not much left.

This is of course the effect of Athena's Blessing after it takes effect! Dorina doesn't know this, and the hunting mode of snakes is also very routine. After a bite, the whole body is immediately wrapped around it, and then bit by bit

The contraction will directly strangle the prey to death!

So after she realized that her bite didn't have much effect, she also aimed at Fang Linyan and entangled him. Fang Linyan let her entangle him, and also signaled to the others not to attack in a hurry, and blocked the surrounding escape routes.

Say it again.

As a result, after Dorina entangled Fang Linyan, her instinct was to shrink back hard, and she immediately felt that something was wrong!

It turned out that when she shrank, she realized that what she was wrapped around didn't look like a human body at all, but a hard iron rod. Not only did she not trap the other person, but her muscles were so tense that it hurt!

But Duolina didn't know that if Fang Linyan were to calculate based on normal judgment at this time, his strength (including judgment weighting) would be over sixty points!

The "Strangulation" that Dorina performed at this time was related to the strength judgment. Even after she transformed into a giant snake, her strength was only about 40 points, and the judgment was not as high as Fang Linyan's, so why strangle?

At this time, needless to say, Dorina, who was entangled in Fang Linyan, had become a living target. A group of people swarmed up and beat him in a way that they would beat the old master to death with random punches.

Fortunately, after transforming into a snake body, Dorina also became much rougher and thicker. To put it simply, she switched from the assassin type to the human shield type. However, she was beaten to pieces, so she hurriedly let go of Fang Linyan and wanted to run away.


But it wanted to run away now, but Fang Linyan couldn't let it go. He stretched out his hand and hugged the giant snake's tail, and then held it tightly in a rather ambiguous position, with the crotch of his pants pressing against it.

The place where the snake's cloaca appears.

If there is any achievement at this time, four words "Contemporary Xu Xian" will flash up and then float above Fang Linyan's head, lingering for a long time.

No matter how rough-skinned and thick-bodied Dorina was in her snake body, she was still just an elite. Fang Linyan and his group were all outstanding in strength among the contractors, so they were quickly beaten to death.

It's a pity that this woman seems to have been severely brainwashed. At this time, she is still hissing and extremely vicious, and it seems that she wants to come back at any time.

The goat seemed the most excited and kept trying to persuade her to surrender. Obviously, this guy had a bold idea!

The vulture stood aside and watched, mocking him for fighting hard for the title of Armed Forces in the World. The goat responded simply:

"Which one do you choose, Dorina or the Giantess?"

The vulture's smile immediately froze on his face. Three seconds later, he immediately joined the ranks of those who tried to persuade Dorina.

But this woman was completely helpless and struggled wildly.

Finally, amid the sighs of the vultures and goats, the seven inches of Dorina's body were severely scratched by Max using Akalat's Bite, and blood spurted out violently. Dorina, who had turned into a snake body, struggled wildly, and then gradually

It calmed down and finally died on the spot.

After her death, the snake's body shrank rapidly, and its upper body began to quickly return to human shape. Finally, it looked similar to the size of a normal person. The difference was that it was a monster with a snake body and a human head. From a distance, it even looked like a mermaid.

Seeing Dorina's appearance, Omi walked up and looked at her carefully for a while and said:

"I once browsed a file in the Ministry of Magic. It said that more than a hundred years ago, a black magician named Bert discovered a lost curse technique in the underground ruins."

"This curse is called the Blood Curse. It will curse the entire family. The curse is passed down along the bloodline. Its effect is that every once in a while, people will turn into animals, but women will turn into snakes.

There are mostly individual cases.”

"In human infants and young children, the blood curse will not appear at all. Even if there are exceptions for some people, the time for turning into snakes is very short. They can only turn into snakes for a few minutes every month, but most of them will turn into snakes within three days.

The disease started to occur when I was ten years old, and as time goes by, the time I spend turning into an animal will become longer and longer."

"Normally, it is difficult for people in this family to survive the age of forty. Why do we use the word "survive"? It is because although they are still alive, it is worse than dead, because the end of the blood curse is,

After a person turns into an animal, he can never return to his human form, loses all reason and turns into a beast."

Vulture said:

"This curse is very vicious! If it rarely occurs before the age of thirty, then people in this family will always be lucky."

"Not only that, love between men and women is human nature. There are almost no people who can remain unaffected by men and women after the age of thirty, which means that the probability of passing on this cursed bloodline is extremely high!"

"This means that the blood of this family will continue to be passed down, but it will be cursed for generations!"

After the vulture revealed the secret, everyone looked at Dorina's body with pity in their eyes.

Omi said calmly:

"You see, this blood curse is an extremely vicious curse, but in the eyes of the black magician Bert, there are great benefits lurking in this curse!"

"It turns out that after being infected with the blood curse, the body is equivalent to having the blood of beasts mixed into it. Although it does not show up before the age of thirty, it is just latent, but it actually exists. Therefore, the cursed people all have a common characteristic.

, that means you have strong vitality and rarely get sick.”

"And this black magician caused a lot of damage to his body when he was studying black magic. When he discovered this curse, although he was only in his forties, he was already frail and riddled with chronic diseases. At most, he only had two

years of life.”

"Therefore, for him, although this blood curse is vicious, it is a life-extending medicine. If it can be improved, the power of the beast's bloodline hidden in the blood curse can be used to fight against the chronic diseases in the body, and he can live ten more years.

Years are no problem."

Vulture said:

"This man is very powerful, so has he succeeded??"

Omi said:

"Successful. He improved this blood curse and successfully extended his life for ten years."

"But God is not as good as man. Although this black magician escaped by relying on this curse, he met an amazing genius when he was doing evil, and was killed directly in the end. This genius's name is


"After killing this man, the black magician's magic notes fell into Dumbledore's hands. However, he had no interest in the improved blood curse and put it away casually. However, this thing was

It was seen by another person, and this person was Dumbledore's closest person, Grindelwald."

"The same thing has different value in the eyes of different people."

"The black magician who developed the Blood Curse is also talented, but the value of the Blood Curse to him is vicious revenge."

"For Bert, who is dying soon, the value of the Blood Curse in his eyes is a treasure that can prolong his life."

"For Grindelwald, who is ambitious and dissatisfied with the status quo, the Blood Curse represents a different kind of power!"

After hearing the last sentence, Fang Linyan said in surprise:


Then he looked at Dorina's body, which was both human and snake, and he suddenly understood:

"Could it be that this kind of animal transformation is actually the blood curse improved by Grindelwald?"

Omi said:

"This should be."

After a group discussion, they heard what sounded like a siren coming from behind, so they picked up the keys that Dorina had dropped and left in a hurry.

However, almost ten minutes after they left, a huge black shadow actually emerged from the slanting thorn, but it landed very lightly next to Dorina's body.

Then the dark figure knelt on the ground and touched Dorina's mouth and nose. After confirming her death, he remained silent and picked up Dorina's body.

You know, after Dorina died, she was also in the form of half human and half snake, much heavier than ordinary people. This huge black shadow only used one hand to pick up the body, and it still looked very relaxed. It can be seen that

Its strange power is astonishing.

What's even more terrifying is that after the black shadow picked up the body, he lowered his head and bit it!

There was only a crisp sound of "click", and there was even the sound of bones being chewed and broken. After this bite, Dorina's body was actually reduced by less than half.

After chewing a few times, the huge black figure took one bite at Dorina's corpse. For it, it couldn't handle a corpse in three bites.

Then a huge black shadow stood on the spot, and some image fragments began to shine in the two red eyes. If you look carefully, it was the scene of Fang Linyan and the others fighting Dorina.

It turns out that this huge black shadow actually has such a strange ability! After eating the corpse, the memory of the corpse's life can be read. The closer this memory is to death, the clearer it becomes.

Soon, this huge black figure jumped up and came to the alley next to it. You can see it quickly transformed into a human form, and then pulled out a long and large cloak with a casual move, and wrapped it directly in it.

landed on his body and quickly moved away.

This chapter has been completed!
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