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Chapter 59 Heading to Madagascar

Suddenly, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up because he saw a big man pulling out a large organ that looked like a linen bag. The shape of this thing looked a bit like an intestine, but it was obviously much larger than an intestine.


But if you call it the stomach, it seems too small and much longer and narrower!

Fang Linyan walked up quickly, flipped his wrist, and the Di Ya kitchen knife appeared in his hand. The sharp blade easily scratched the surface of the organ, and it was immediately broken open, and then a large amount of light yellow liquid flowed out of it.

The fishy smell is very strong.

As Di Ya's kitchen knife continued to draw, the source of the light yellow liquid was also seen. There were actually several ruptured eggs inside this organ! This light yellow liquid emerged from the broken eggs.

However, Fang Linyan found several more complete eggs of varying sizes. The largest ones were about the size of coconuts, while the smaller ones were only the size of table tennis balls. After a final count, he found that there were four eggs in total.

The name given to this thing by Dark Cuisine is: Moonlight Lamp!

When Goat was talking to them before, he first mentioned that Fang Linyan might take away a piece of material from the dragon. Hemet Nesingwari and Albavin took this for granted because they were a little ashamed to think that they

Got a big advantage in this deal.

If you are a rookie, then you will take advantage of it. The problem is that the strength of these people is quite amazing, and more importantly, they also know Hager, and of course, the person behind Hager...


Therefore, when they found out that Fang Linyan actually picked this thing, they were quite surprised!

It turns out that this thing is actually an unfertilized dragon egg, also known as a dragon follicle. Fang Linyan cut open that thing and called it an egg uterus.

So... Dortmund is actually a female dragon!

After each female dragon reaches sexual maturity, she is actually destined to lay the theoretical number of eggs in her life, and will produce 40-70 follicles in her body. These follicles will begin to be arranged in the egg uterus as the female dragon grows.

They mature in sequence, and with different degrees of maturity, the sizes also vary.

Then when the male dragon's sperm is obtained, the follicles become fertilized eggs, and a new dragon species is born.

If the follicle at the top of the sequence has been in a mature state for a long time but has not been fertilized, it will automatically rupture and then be absorbed by the egg uterus and turn into nutrients for the growth of the mother.

Next, the remaining follicle is replenished.

This physiological structure is actually similar to that of human women, because human women are also born with eggs. They carry a limited number of eggs from birth, and in the end, they can only release 400-500 eggs throughout their lives.


Is dragon follicle useful? In fact, it is somewhat useful. It is said that it can be used to make an ointment that can be applied to the belly of pregnant women to make the fetus grow stronger.

But the disadvantage is that it must be applied for a long time, and it may not be effective.

Moreover, this kind of ointment needs to use materials from the dragon body, which is definitely expensive, so the price-performance ratio is not high, which directly restricts its sales.

So obviously, dragon follicles are definitely not a very valuable material.

Because according to the peculiar habits of human beings, the most valuable materials can either be related to aphrodisiacs or beautification.

Seeing that Fang Linyan finally chose this one, the kind-hearted Hemet Nesingwari felt even more guilty and repeatedly persuaded Fang Linyan to choose another one.

Fang Linyan was determined not to. He only said that he would rush to Madagascar soon to find something (the goddess's relic). If possible, he would ask the two of you to help and introduce relevant contacts.

Such a thing was really a piece of cake for the two of them, and they immediately patted their chests and loudly said that it would be taken care of by them.

Hemit Nesingwari, the bearded man, even called a big man over. This big man had a very sharp look. He was wearing a white fur and had a ferocious appearance. His exposed arms had clear muscles.

He looks like a powerful player.

"Dear friend, this is my good helper Bangarash. He is not a druid, but a natural Animagus. He has dedicated his life to this.

He is as familiar with the island of Madagascar as his own backyard. Please note that this is not a joke, because his hometown is on the island of Madagascar, so if you have anything to do, just ask him."

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up after hearing this. The so-called Animagus refers to the art of transfiguration (animals), and Hogwarts even opened related courses for this purpose.

Innate refers to people who are born with the ability to change and are self-taught without a teacher. Of course, this is also an ability that can be acquired through hard work.

Examples of people born into this category include Nymphadora Tonks and Teddy Lupin.

There are many people who have cultivated Animagus the day after tomorrow, such as Minerva McGonagall (tabby cat), James Potter (stag), Starscream (fighter), Sirius Black (big black dog),

Peter Pettigrew (mouse), Rita Skeeter (beetle).

Immediately afterwards, Hemet Nesingwari pulled Bangarash aside to explain something. Fang Linyan noticed that Bangarash seemed to be a silent person who was accustomed to obeying. When faced with the explanation, he almost never responded.

There were no questions, just nodding silently.

After the explanation, Hemet brought Bangalash to Fang Linyan and said affectionately:

"My friend, I have made arrangements for you. Bangalash will accompany you there. If you have any questions, you can come to him!"

Fang Linyan smiled, raised his hand and bumped fists with Hemet, then bumped fists with Bangalash and said:

"In this case, I will trouble you next."

Bangalash nodded silently.

Such a silent and strong person gives people the impression of being very reliable.

So after chatting with Omi and the others, Hemet and the others brought a large suitcase. After opening it, they first took out a large shelf, and then placed all kinds of items on it one by one.

Here comes the potion.

These potions cover aspects such as assistance, treatment, toxins, etc. There are thirty-seven bottles in total. Hemet and the others searched the area and tried their best to find the potions.

Omi and Goat divided these potions into categories. First of all, the difference between their classifications was those that could be taken out of this world and those that could not be taken out of this world.

Obviously, most of them cannot be taken out of this world. The only ones that can be taken out are four bottles of potions, two bottles of healing potions, a bottle of poison enchanted on weapons, and a bottle of transformation potion that is purely for entertainment.

It is worth mentioning that while this thing changes its appearance, it directly ignores the impact of its own basic qualities!

This is very terrible. Intuitively speaking, after drinking this potion, what you turn into is random. What's even more terrible is that if you become a mosquito, it is really a mosquito!

A gecko can eat you too!

No one wanted this thing. In the end, Fang Linyan took it simply because he had a high military rank and a lot of space!

The rest of the things were divided among everyone, and they were gone. This was considered as replenishing the team's supplies, and then Fang Linyan took the time to leave.


The next step, of course, is to use the channels of the Lasgo Import and Export Company to leave.

Of course, Glasgow Import and Export Company is an out-and-out commercial company, so there must be one thing that is implemented very well, and that is commercialization.

Even if Hemet and Albavin are core members of the company, they must pay for using the company's resources. Intuitively speaking, Floo fans must provide their own supplies and pay corresponding tolls.

Of course, internal members of the company can definitely get a 50% discount or something.

At this time, Fang Linyan thought of the highways in the local world. Floo powder is equivalent to the gas for vehicles, tolls are highway tolls, and the charming Didi toll collector girl who serves with a smile has turned into a tall and thick man.

Obviously, Hemet felt that he owed boss Fang Linyan a favor. He must have thought of tolls and would not let him pay, so Bangalash was arranging everything.

Fang Linyan was enjoying all this with peace of mind, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, because before Bangalash gave the money, this boring gourd actually spoke rarely, and the content was actually bargaining, and then he didn't even want to pay a tip,

Ask the other party for change.

After realizing this, Fang Linyan's eyes suddenly lit up. This guy seems to be short of money?

This is great!

After all, I still have hundreds of gold galleons on me, which is a huge amount of money in this world.

Now that I am in a hurry, if he can show corresponding abilities, it would be good for him to make some extra money.

So Fang Linyan remained calm and allowed Bangalash to lead the way, and made "transfers" four times in a row. After finally getting out of the magic fireplace, even Fang Linyan felt a little dizzy and couldn't hold on any longer.

After all, although he is very durable on the battlefield, that is because of Athena's Blessing, not because of his high physical strength.

So Fang Linyan could only stumble and sit on the sofa next to him. It took him a few seconds to suppress the dizzying nausea in his chest. This feeling was probably like seasickness five or six times worse.

At this time, Bangalash came over, skillfully picked up a dirty wooden cup from the side, and then took out a green and black fruit from his arms, which looked like it had just grown.

Big citrus.

He knocked the fruit on the wooden cup, and the shell of the fruit made a crisp sound, just like cracking a walnut. Then he squeezed hard, and a little blue liquid flowed out from it.


Bangalash squeezed the fruit until it shriveled, then added some water to it, handed the wooden cup to Fang Linyan, and gestured to him to drink.

Fang Linyan picked it up simply, trying not to look at the layers of dirt on the wooden cup, and drank it down.

Immediately, Fang Linyan couldn't help but grinned. The indescribable sour smell was really overwhelming. Was chewing lemons sour enough? But in Fang Linyan's current state, he could only drink a big mouthful of mature vinegar, and then...

It feels like chewing ten limes!

Fortunately, Bangalash seemed to understand Fang Linyan's current feeling very well. After waiting, he handed him a glass of water. Fang Linyan gargled his mouth and was surprised to find that the dizziness had disappeared by 70%.


Only then did Bangalash say:

"Sorry, because I am in a hurry, I can only use this method to recover you."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan was stunned and said:

"In a hurry? Haven't we reached Madagascar yet?"

Bangalash shook his head and said:

"The magic fireplace involves space magic, and the space on the island of Madagascar is not very stable. The organization and the Ministry of Magic have tried to build a magic fireplace on the island four times, but they were all quickly destroyed, even the longest-lived ones.

The longer one only lasts three months."

"It is actually quite expensive to build a magic fireplace, so even the Ministry of Magic or our organization stopped trying to build a magic fireplace again before they understood the reason."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan immediately captured the key points, and then said simply:

“How far are we from Madagascar now?”

Bangalash said:

"Five hundred kilometers, separated by the Mozambique Channel."

As he spoke, he motioned for Fang Linyan to follow him:

"It is now 3:18 in the afternoon, and the last ship to Madagascar is in Nacala and will leave around five o'clock. We are still 95 kilometers away from Nacala, so we only have an hour and a half.

Rush over."

"So, if we unfortunately miss this boat, we will have to wait until nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Ninety-five kilometers? Isn't one and a half hours enough?"

Fang Linyan Wonderful Road.

Bangalash said calmly:

"This is Africa, and only Cape Town has highways."

Fang Linyan's expression suddenly changed. There is probably nothing to look forward to in Africa's road conditions even in another twenty years, not to mention it is still 1985?

However, Fang Linyan's thinking was still very quick, and he suddenly thought of another possibility, but before he opened his mouth, Bangalash already said:

"Actually, we have another way, which is to fly directly there. However, I did not enter a formal magic school, but was taught by a teacher, so my level of flying on a broomstick is very average."

"But this aspect is also due to talent. Just like the players in the Quidditch game, not every magician can play the role, right?"

Fang Linyan smiled, nodded, and followed Bangalash into a car that had been waiting nearby. This car was a Mitsubishi Pajero. It looked quite old from the outside, but inside it was

After they were cleaned and cleaned, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the vehicle roared away as soon as they got into the car.

After the vehicle drove out, Bangalash continued:

"Actually, if it's just a poor skill in driving a magic broom, it's nothing. However, there are often heavy rains and thunderstorms near the island of Madagascar. I also know some of the reasons for this. It should be the Kukulu bird of paradise on the island.

There are some problems in the secret realm."

"You should have heard this saying. The secret realm is like the fruit on the tree. The problem with Kukuru is that there is something wrong with the stem connecting the fruit to the tree. Although people are coming to strengthen it one after another, there are often problems.

The breath of the different space disperses, directly causing changes in the celestial phenomena."

"Therefore, in this case, flying on a magic broom in the sky near Madagascar is actually a very risky thing, because there is a high probability of encountering a thunderstorm, especially when the thunderstorm is caused by the breath of another space.

Thunder and lightning can become extremely violent."

"As far as I know, almost every month, guys who don't care about this matter are hacked to pieces, and their endings are not happy, so the route I am taking you now is actually the safest route, the only one.

The disadvantage is that it takes an extra four hours on the road.”

"Therefore, in the past one or two years, not to mention flying with brooms, even the airport established by the organization on the island has been closed down. Once, it was even closed for half a month. Unfortunately, now the airport

It is also closed.”

"I understand. To put it simply, you can use a magic broom to fly for short distances, but if you use this thing for long distances, you are courting death."

Fang Linyan nodded:

"So how long will our ferry take across the channel?"

Bangalash said:

"The ferry we took was not a ferry. The ferry has stopped running a long time ago."

"The materials in some magical creatures are very precious, but they are also quite fragile, so we have to race against time to transport them out."

"If you send it to the potion laboratory an hour early, you can exchange it for dozens of gold galleons. If you send it to the potion laboratory an hour late, it will be worthless and can only be dumped into the stinking ditch."

"Therefore, in order to continue transporting goods outside when the airport is closed, the organization specially purchased relevant high-speed flying wing ships. It only takes more than three hours to cross the strait from the nearest place."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"no problem."

The car and driver Bangarashi found were both reliable. The Mitsubishi Pajero was not known for its speed, but it could drive like a fish to water on the poor roads in Africa.

What's even more rare is that this driver seems to be quite young, but his driving skills are very good. He is like an old horse who knows the way and drives steadily and fast.

There were many black people trying to stop the car along the way, but the driver didn't seem to see these people and just stepped on the accelerator and rushed over, causing the black people behind who were eating ashes to yell and curse.

He was so worried that he even picked up stones from the roadside and threw them at him.

Soon, something even more serious happened ahead. Two stones that were obviously roadblocks were placed in the middle of the road, and there were a few black people standing around who looked like they were just idle.

After seeing this scene, the driver stopped the car in advance. Fang Linyan frowned after seeing it and was about to go down to help. He was in a hurry now. Nothing can happen to this driver!

This chapter has been completed!
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