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Chapter 71 Lord of the River

After waiting for about ten minutes, a container truck slowly drove up in the distance. Suddenly, a "didi-didi" sound came from the pocket of the ghost house elf Kate. She hurriedly took it out and found that it was...

Something like a thermometer!

 Then it immediately said nervously:

"I'm coming!"

Fang Linyan said with great interest:

 “Oh? How do you know?”

Kate stuttered a little when she was excited:

"Of course I know! This thing in my hand is a curse detector. If the guy with the scalpel comes, he will definitely have a large number of people around him, and the combat effectiveness of the helpers around him is derived from the blood curse."

“You see, my curse detector is alarming and almost exploding, which means there are many sources of curses nearby. Isn’t this what he is coming?”

Fang Linyan nodded and said with a smile:

 “Okay, you go and notify Hale.”

 At this time, after the container truck drove onto the bridge, it was of course intercepted by the police.

 But Fang Linyan didn't talk nonsense at all, he just sneered and pressed the detonator in his hand!

  Yes, detonator!!

Since you can choose the battlefield, you must make full use of the geographical advantages.

In just an instant, the explosives that had been placed nearby exploded. This large bag of explosives was packed in an inconspicuous suitcase. The location was selected in advance. After the police stopped the vehicle,

, to ensure that the core range after the suitcase explodes will cover the vehicle.

There was a loud rumble, and the entire bridge trembled. The entire truck was overturned two to three meters high. Then the carriage was torn apart in the shock wave of the explosion, and five or six people could be seen tumbling out of it.

Just a few seconds after the explosion, three box trucks rushed out from the factory building next to it. You could tell by the roar of the engine that the driver stepped on the accelerator to the lowest level without any care.

 As a result, the three trucks accelerated to 80 or 90 kilometers in a short period of time, and then collided directly from the bridge side by side.

The flames on the container truck had not yet been extinguished. Several people who fell out of the truck were knocked away by the three trucks just as they stood up! One of them was directly deformed and twisted during the impact, and died on the spot.

 Obviously, the raid arranged by Fang Linyan was very successful, taking advantage of the geographical advantages to the extreme. This series of bombings and collisions directly reduced the enemy's overall combat effectiveness by 20%.

However, Fang Linyan frowned at the two motorcycles speeding up from behind. Both motorcycles were carrying people, and you could see a person on the back seat of one of the motorcycles jumping out!

This man looked short and fat, but his jumping ability was really amazing. After jumping in front of one of the box trucks, the truck suddenly lost control and crashed into the deep ditch on the opposite side.

Most people didn't know what happened. Only Fang Linyan saw that spider web-like cracks suddenly appeared on the windshield of the box truck, and then the driver's head exploded, and the vehicle naturally lost control.


At this time, we can only be sure that such a change is directly related to the pounce of the short and fat man. As for how this change occurred, it is not very clear.

Immediately afterwards, a burly man jumped out of another motorcycle. This man had a very hot temper. He roared loudly, pointed at a van, and ran towards it.

While he was running, his entire body began to swell, and a thick armor like a turtle shell actually appeared on the surface of his body, and it began to look like a cube.

When he was about to collide with the van, his whole body grew completely bigger. He kicked off the ground with both feet and jumped up. With one punch, he smashed the front windshield of the van and crashed into it.

In the cab.

The driver didn't even let out a scream, and blood spattered on the spot.

Although this guy was knocked away seven or eight meters, he got up after a roll and entered the battlefield again.

The driver of the last van saw his two companions dying tragically in a very strange way in just a few seconds. He immediately panicked and drove away as soon as he turned the steering wheel.

Drive away.

 As a result, he didn't drive very far when he suddenly felt that something was wrong. After wiping his face with his hands, he realized that his hands were covered with blood! Then he felt something was wrong with the heartbeat in his chest.

Normal people's heartbeats are very regular, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, but at this time, his heartbeat turned into boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like a variable speed running in sports.


Such an emergency suddenly caused him to cover his chest in pain, and his whole body slumped on the steering wheel. At the same time, his vision went dark. But at this time, the vehicle he was driving was still driving at a high speed, so

It immediately led to a tragic car crash and fatalities.

After the vehicle was smashed to pieces, a seemingly harmless wasp flew out of it and landed on the shoulder of a motorcyclist. It was its slight sting that harvested the car.

This man's life.

It turns out that Frankenstein, the old fox, also organized his reinforcements into two groups. The main force was in container trucks, while the four pioneers rode two motorcycles to lead the charge.

 This way, even if there is any problem, the whole army will not be wiped out.

But something went wrong. As they were traveling along the way, they encountered police inspections. This time they were investigating motorcycle gangs. As a result, the container truck was easily allowed to pass, while the four motorcycle riders were detained.

Stopped for interrogation.

As a result, the container truck carrying the main force became the vanguard and ran into the encirclement set up by Fang Linyan, causing heavy losses.

When these four enemies attacked the van, the pumpkin-headed knight Hale had already led his men to rush out. Of course, this guy would not be wearing a pumpkin head at this time, but directly put on a mask that looked like Jason.


By the time the three vans were killed, Hale and his men had already rushed into the explosion scene, waving weapons and killing them wantonly.

At this time, the enemies who survived the explosion scene were really unlucky. They were first severely baptized by the explosives, and then were crushed and knocked away by the three box trucks that rushed towards them. Even if they were in the best condition, they would at least be in trouble.

I lost half my life.

In this case, Hale is also quite cruel. He chopped off a person's head as soon as he met him! And he also had a magician under him who was actually good at electric magic, and he killed two more.

Fang Linyan discovered at this time that Frankenstein's men had a fatal weakness, that is, they had to transform in order to exert their fighting power. Without transformation, they were not much different from ordinary people.

 The difference is Bangalash. Even when this guy is not transforming, he has amazing strength and very strong defense.

After experiencing a series of stormy blows, Frankenstein's cursed beasts began to transform one after another, exerting strong combat effectiveness, and Hale's men also began to suffer casualties.

Fang Linyan nodded to Bangarash, who let out a low roar from his throat, then transformed into a giant white tiger and led a group of Viking warriors into the battlefield from behind.

Fang Linyan noticed that Lin Xiwei, the cursed beast covered with white hair, also appeared. He slapped Hale away, then protected his head and grabbed the magician, and bit him in one bite.

Go down!

The magician was so frightened that he hurriedly used the life-saving magic props and bounced Lin Xiwei away with a bang. However, he was still half a step too late. Lin Xiwei bit off half of his calf, and blood spurted on it.

The road was wet with drops, and he rolled on the ground and screamed in pain.

Fortunately, the Vikings who rushed up next had rich experience in this. They cooperated tacitly to hunt magical creatures. It can be said that they had seen all kinds of dangerous situations. They directly threw two hooks and then killed them.

The magician dragged it directly to the back of the nearby bus.

 Why did you drag him with your hook instead of rushing to carry him?

This is the best plan after absorbing many painful lessons.

 A normal person who suddenly suffers the pain of losing a limb, if he does not faint on the spot, will definitely almost collapse, just like a drowning person, who will struggle wildly and completely lose his mind.

At this time, the best way to deal with it is to knock him out immediately and take him to a safe place for treatment. Otherwise, even the person who saved him may lose his life!

At this time, Lin Xiwei wanted to continue the pursuit, but four Vikings teamed up to cast a large net and caught him head-on!

This big net is extremely elastic, and there are many hooks with sharp barbs on it. Once it is pierced into a person's body, it is difficult to pull it out. At the same time, there is a lot of mucus on the big net. Lian Linxi

The flowing white hair on Wei’s body is all stuck together!

Lin Xiwei roared angrily, but still couldn't do anything with the big web. It looked like a bug that had fallen into a spider web.

And after just a few seconds of delay, another big net was cast up, binding it even more tightly.

Fang Linyan was astonished when he saw this. He knew Lin Xiwei. He was extremely powerful, moved quickly, had great restraint on magic, and had an unusually shameless ability, the Curse of Blood!

 A mouthful of old blood is sprayed onto the enemy, directly destroying the enemy. Even Max's equipment skills are directly sealed.

But he didn't expect that he would be defeated in the hands of these Vikings. These guys used the same methods to deal with magical animals to deal with him, but unexpectedly it had a miraculous effect.

 At this time, Fang Linyan still did not take action. He had not forgotten that his goal this time was not to kill people, but to help the old man, the Lord, catch Frankenstein, the Frankenstein.

 Youdao is to capture the thief first. If this old guy escapes, then it will be meaningless no matter how many cursed beasts of the Ten Commandments organization are killed.

“Huh? There’s something wrong with those two guys!”

Fang Linyan was keenly aware of something. After the members of the Ten Commandments organization gathered together, two people actually snatched a person out of the wreckage of the container truck, and then sneakily tried to escape!

It is clear that the people in the front are still fighting hard, but the people behind are trying to run away, so they are obviously the key figures!

So Fang Linyan blew a sharp whistle.

At this time, Bangalash happened to kill a werewolf. When he saw Fang Linyan pointing to the side, he immediately rushed towards the three people who were trying to escape.

Facing the ferocious white giant tiger that pounced, the cursed beast covered in hard carapace from the Ten Commandments organization rushed forward without hesitation. This guy's explosive power was so strong that he was like a cannonball.

It seemed like a head-on collision with Bangalash.

Although it was knocked away like a billiard ball in the next second, Bangalash was also extremely uncomfortable. The attack was stopped abruptly, and then he rolled several times on the ground and shook his head.

 Seizing this opportunity, the short fat man who had used unknown means to kill the driver had already mounted a motorcycle and fled with the man.

Fang Linyan witnessed this scene, smiled faintly, and was about to catch up, but suddenly felt a crisis coming. He turned his head and saw no movement, but out of the corner of his eye he saw an insect that looked like a fly flying away.


After witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan didn't pay attention. He ran a few steps to the side and then jumped hard! He immediately saw Hua Luo hovering in the air and swooping down. When Fang Linyan jumped to the highest point, he jumped in time.

Added a pair of gorgeous metal wings to him!

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan glided more than 20 meters, then squatted on the roof of a three-story building, spotted the trajectory of the motorcycle, and then glided towards it again.

If it were a flat and spacious area like an airport, it would still be very difficult for Fang Linyan to catch up with the motorcycle by gliding.

 Because when traveling in a straight line, the top speed of a motorcycle can reach more than 200 kilometers per hour, which is really like a flash of lightning, while the speed of many short- and medium-range helicopters is only more than 200 kilometers per hour.

However, at this time, the motorcycle was going back and was traveling through the town. The road conditions were not very good, so Fang Linyan caught them again with one ups and downs. He stretched out his hand and pressed it, and destroyed the motorcycle with Long Cousin.


 However, the moment he took action, he saw the short fat man driving the car turn his head sharply.

At this time, it can be seen that his face has been completely deformed, his mouth has become extremely big, and the skin is covered with pustules, his hair is wet, and his two eyes are protruding from the sockets, which looks particularly weird.

The key is that when Fang Linyan destroyed the motorcycle, he felt his left arm go numb, and then he lost the ability to control his left arm!

When he turned his head and took a look, he realized that there was a deep blood hole in the shoulder blade of his left arm. The blood hole was as big as an egg, and the white and broken arm bones could even be seen in it.


What's even weirder is that not a drop of blood actually flows out, as if there is a powerful force "supporting" the wound. Although it will not cause the wound to bleed, the wound has such a force that continues to take effect and wants to heal.

That's difficult.

In this case, Fang Linyan immediately chose to land, and then rolled on the spot and hid in a nearby hiding place. Since the enemy's motorcycle was also destroyed, he was not afraid of running away in a short time.

Taking this time, Fang Linyan checked the battle records, and his pupils immediately shrank:

“Contractor ZB419, you were attacked by the cursed beast: the Lord of the River.”

“This attack by the River Lord is real damage and is authoritative.”

“Your left hand suffered 279 points of real damage!!”

 “Your left hand has suffered a devastating blow.”

 “Your left hand is crippled.”

“Your left hand will be affected by the spore infection. During the duration of this negative state, your left hand cannot heal! This effect is also authoritative.”

 When this series of prompts popped up, Fang Linyan's mood really felt like "a beeping dog", and he instantly fell to the bottom!

 I am used to relying on the blessing of Athena to act arrogantly. Today, I finally saw a ghost after a long night walk and encountered this deadly assassin who specializes in me!

This chapter has been completed!
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