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Chapter 7 Causes and Consequences

Facing Fang Linyan's behavior, Xu Xiang's face instantly darkened, and he didn't even reach out to pick up the part, letting it fall to the ground with a clatter.

To be honest, it was not a pleasant feeling to have someone see through all the trump cards. Especially after arriving in Taicheng, Xu Xiang felt that everything was not going well. Originally, he could be said to be making great strides in his position.

But after arriving at this hellish place, I was restrained everywhere. I felt like there was a huge net around me, which made me unable to move!

At this time, Julie had already walked over quickly, then frowned at Xu Xiang and shook her head.

Xu Xiang said angrily:

"Why, are Haoji and his gang still unwilling?"

Julie sighed and said:

"They insisted that we, the Xu family, had insulted their craftsmanship, so they never let go."

As they talked, the two turned and entered the corridor.

It turns out that the root cause of this incident is still with Fang Linyan. When he was repairing cars at Boss Tang's place, he had a conflict with Nakamura, a Japanese technician who was sent abroad.

Fang Linyan originally didn't want to talk to him, but this person actually brought up Uncle Xu to talk about it! It also involved the grudge between Uncle Xu and Soichiro, a Japanese master craftsman, so Fang Linyan definitely couldn't just ignore him.

So Fang Linyan first convinced people with his virtue and humiliated the guy with his own skills. Then he convinced people with fists and found someone to deal with the guy severely, allowing him to spend an unforgettable night.

Fang Linyan didn't take this matter seriously at first, but he didn't expect that the Japanese would regard this matter as a great shame and humiliation.

Nakamura is actually quite capable. He was previously involved in the professional racing maintenance circle in Japan and worked for Toyota Racing. He has a bad personality and a lot of things to do, but he is really good at the work he does.

In addition, he is really from a well-known family. He once studied under Soichiro, a master in Japan, and he still has connections, so he went back to fan the flames.

As a result, Nakamura's senior brother saw the sun gear that Nakamura brought back and immediately realized that it was extraordinary.

It just so happened that his teacher was Soichiro, who was defeated by Uncle Xu back then. All together, they certainly didn't think this was an accuracy that humans could produce manually, let alone a kid like Fang Linyan?

So I thought this was a special top-secret processing technique developed by the Xu family! It was probably developed by Uncle Xu who was semi-expelled, so I simply got greedy.

Then they began to inquire secretly, but found that Uncle Lu was dead. Obviously, the only person in the world who knew this secret skill was Wrench, so they tried every means to find Wrench, but Fang Linyan had already gone to Greece and prostrated himself under the high priest's skirt.

Next-------Where can I find it?

With nothing to do, we can only work from the Lu family!

As a result, the Lu family has begun to expand rapidly since the reform and opening up. The Lu family's eldest uncle, Lu Jun, is already a leading figure in the Ministry of Machinery in charge of industry, and the third eldest brother, Lu Xuan, serves as a core senior executive in a joint venture heavy industry.

As soon as the Japanese exerted their strength, they clamped down on the Lu family's neck, disrupting three of the Army's key projects and leaving him disgraced.

Then Lu Xuan was targeted in the company, and several of his omissions were caught. They directly stopped the supply of a type of screw to their company on the grounds of China's breach of contract.

This kind of screw is the core product of Japan. It is said to never loosen, and the cool thing about it is that even if you are supplied with a sample of this screw, you cannot copy it.

Under such circumstances, once the supply of something as inconspicuous as screws is cut off, the construction site will be stopped immediately. Stopping for one day will cause tens of millions of losses. Although the Japanese side will suffer a lot of losses by doing so, Lu Kai

Things have become very serious, and I'm really worried.

After taking a two-pronged approach, the Japanese finally spoke out, claiming that Soichiro was defeated by Xu Kai and asked him to avenge his shame, thinking that Xu Kai had used dishonorable means.

The Xu family was helpless and told the Japanese that Xu Kai had passed away. Only then did the Japanese find out. They said they had heard that Xu Kai had an adopted son, who was said to have received his loving guidance and was still in the auto repair circle.

He gained a reputation as the boss.

If Xu Kai had passed away, then it would be the same for his adopted son to take up the challenge, and they promised that no matter they win or lose after this battle, the trouble they are facing will disappear immediately, and they will invest another 50 million US dollars.

This was the origin of the matter. Although Fang Linyan did not know the inside story, seeing that the Lu family was forced to work hard on their neighbors, he knew that their troubles would not be trivial.

The most ridiculous thing is that the Lu family still thinks that this competition is just a business method of the Japanese, and the real purpose is to seek great interests in the high-speed rail, so they have been trying to resolve this matter through talks.

But their suspicions about Xia Chong Yubing were completely wrong. No wonder they were led by the Japanese side.

The Japanese side is actually very helpless. They really want to grab Xu Xiang's ears and shout loudly, hand over the secret of that wrench and we will clear up! But obviously, the consequences of such a reckless act are nothing.

Less than.

Under this situation, both parties actually had a very unhappy discussion and felt that their proposals were obviously very sincere, but in the end they were completely wrong and completely missed the mark.


About five or six minutes later, there was a soft "dang" sound from the elevator. Then, a man wearing a beige windbreaker walked out of the elevator. At this time, he felt his feet being "hit".

So he put his feet away and went down.

I found that a strange-looking part actually appeared in this place, and I still processed most of the semi-finished products.

This man was the Lord of the Abyss. He took the part and looked at it. This guy didn't really understand mechanics, but he could tell that the processed parts of the part had a very strange sense of coordination.

After looking at it for a few seconds, the Abyss Lord threw it to the ground. He felt a little baffled by his sudden curiosity, shook his head with a smile, and left.

A few minutes later, a cleaner walked over, saw the part on the ground, and simply swept it into the trash can.

The management of five-star hotels is very strict. Once such obvious garbage is seen by the foreman above, the cleaner's bonus will be deducted in half!

At this time, Xu Xiang had already seen Xu Jun, who was closing his eyes and concentrating. At this time, the conference room was filled with smoke, and the Japanese had already left. The old man was still closing his eyes and concentrating.

Although he is Uncle Xu's brother who has been dead for several years, he is almost sixty years old.

But he is well maintained and well-dressed, and he looks to be in his early fifties. He actually has a very calm and powerful air, and he looks like a high-ranking person. Gong Kaichen, a senior official played by the famous actor Du Yulu

There are actually 80% similarities. (Please see the Easter egg chapter)

Xu Jun glanced at his son and was about to speak, but Xu Xiang said:

"Mr. Koji, are they still unwilling? We have already compromised to such an extent. If the group achieves this, it will really make zero profit."

Xu Jun took a deep breath of cigarette, and then suddenly said decisively:

"Where is the child adopted by the second child? I want to meet him."

"I feel now that we have revealed all our cards and the little devil is still not tempted. Could it be that we really guessed wrong from the beginning?"

"Could that thread really be on the child adopted by the second child?"

Xu Xiang showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said:

"he's gone."

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows!

Since he became the workshop director, he has had a violent personality, speaks directly, and has a habit of doing things in his own words. The nickname Xu Laohu has been with him to this day.

After hearing his son's words, Xu Jun immediately slapped his hand on the table, cups and other things clinked, and he stared angrily:

"Leave! How could you let him go?"

Xu Jun was in his forties. When the old man got angry, cold sweat broke out on his back. At the same time, he couldn't straighten up. He said with some difficulty:

"This kid is quite unruly. My second uncle probably speaks ill of us all the time, so he still has resentment against us in his heart."

Xu Jun was not an easy man. He had been in society for decades. He had never seen any ghosts or ghosts before. He immediately snorted coldly:

"You're not telling the truth!"

Then he looked at the assistant next to him:

"Julie, I remember it was Fang Linyan who came to the hotel on his own initiative, right?"

Julie nodded:

"Yes, his friend, named Qizai, said that he knew the whereabouts of Fang Linyan, and repeatedly asked if the bonus of 100,000 yuan was real. Then after I confirmed it, I said I would bring someone over."

Speaking of this, Julie couldn't help but said:

"These two people are of very low quality... Minister, I don't think they are as good as the Japanese..."

"Get out." Xu Jun said calmly.

Julie was stunned, tears were already rolling in her eyes, and she stayed in place.

Xu Jun waved his hand impatiently, as if trying to shoo away a fly, and simply took out his phone and spoke a few words.

Soon, a thirty-six-year-old woman with black-framed eyes walked in, holding a folder in her hand. This woman was not good-looking, with a hooked nose and single eyelids, but she had a very capable temperament.

Her name is Gan Ling, and she is the office director promoted by Xu Jun. She rose to the position entirely due to her strong scheduling ability, observation skills and ability to drink.

There are always rumors that female cadres rely on their beauty to rise to the top, but when Gan Ling defeated six competitors and was promoted, there were no similar rumors because she didn't have such a thing as beauty...

Xu Jun said solemnly:

"Director Gan, after thinking about it now, I'm afraid we have missed the point. The core appeal of the Japanese may be Fang Linyan."

"But these two idiots messed up the matter instead! The person had already come to the door, and they kicked him out! Someone else had already come to the door. If you two had received the person well, how could you have messed him up?

Turn around and walk away?”

Director Gan nodded:

"what do you mean?"

Xu Jun said:

"You take over all the affairs on Julie's side. It's ten o'clock in the morning. I hope to have lunch with Fang Linyan."

Gan Ling said:


Xu Jun stared at his son and said word by word:

"Tell me every word you said after meeting Fang Linyan, and of course every word he said! Don't hide it, there are others around you. If it doesn't work, I can adjust the video!!"

The muscles on Xu Xiang's face twitched, but in front of his old man, he was like a mouse meeting a cat, he could only tell all the situation honestly.

He wiped his sweat while talking. When he told Fang Linyan's words (...If you don't believe it, show this to Soichiro), Xu Xiang suddenly had a frightening thought in his heart:

"Does this kid really know the inside story?"

Only then did he realize that he had made a huge mistake, and that he had made a mistake from the beginning. Fang Linyan probably really knew something, and he was really stupid to treat him like a poor relative in the countryside.


At this time, Xu Jun couldn't wait to hold back his anger and said:

"Where's that thing?"

Xu Xiang's heart beat faster, he opened his mouth and said with difficulty:

"He...after he threw the thing over, I thought he was fooling people, so, I didn't catch it at all and let it fall there..."


Xu Jun stood up and slapped him hard.

The old man's chest kept rising and falling, and he looked really angry:

"I was drinking with some old friends last year, and I joked to myself that I had no heirs and only gave birth to a house-keeping dog. Now it seems that you are not even as good as a house-keeping dog! You are just a pig! One of them was sold.

A pig who still counts money for him!!"

When the old man was furious, only Gan Ling could remain calm and said quickly:

"Julie, you witnessed everything, go find the part right away."

Then she said to the guard next to her:

"Xiao Ma, you immediately go to the hotel's security department to apply for investigation and surveillance."

"Xiao Wang, if Julie doesn't find the part, there is a high probability that it will be disposed of by the cleaners and put into the nearby trash can. You should take everyone to search the nearby trash can."

"I'm going to contact the housekeeping department at the hotel now to see who the cleaning staff is in charge of this area."

"Finally... Minister Xu, please be responsible for contacting us."

At this moment, Gan Ling showed her general style and assigned everyone's work in an orderly manner.

So a few minutes later, there was a lot of excitement in the hotel. After confirming that the part had been thrown into the trash can by the sweeper and transported away, a group of well-dressed guys in suits and ties could only frantically rummage through the trash.


Fortunately, their efforts were not in vain.

The part that was almost missed was successfully recovered and has been placed on the expensive mahogany table.

All the big bosses' eyes were focused on it, and the air was filled with a terrifying silence.

"I don't see anything special. It's just an unfinished part."

In such an atmosphere, it was undoubtedly Gan Ling who dared to speak out her judgment boldly.

After hearing her words, Xu Xiang let out a long sigh of relief and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt:

"Let me tell you, that was my first impression at the time. This thing is what that little bastard used to fool people!"

Xu Jun continued to stare at the part for a while, and then slowly said:

"Did he really say that? Is he the one the Japanese are looking for? If the other party doesn't believe it, will they show this thing to Soichiro?"

Xu Xiang said:

"Yes, this kid is so crazy. Mr. Soichiro is Japan's leader in the field of high-precision parts and ranks among the top ten in the world. I think my second uncle was lucky enough to beat him back then. This kid

The bastards either don’t know what the world is like, or they are just fooling people.”

Xu Jun gently tapped the table with his hand and suddenly said:

"The second child has liked playing with things by himself since he was a child. When he was three years old, he went to the city and saw other children's toys. After returning home, he was able to make one by himself."

"When he enters the factory when he is a teenager, it will be even worse! The old masters in the factory cannot teach him for a month, and they all say that they are not qualified to teach him any more. Every master

They say this is a gift from God."

"Then, when he was twenty-five years old, he became an eighth-level fitter. If there was any Guinness World Records at that time, I think the second child would have been included..."

"However, the second child has been very stubborn and has his own ideas since he was a child. I, the eldest brother, beat him several times to no avail. In the end, it was because of this temper that he fell in love with Wang Fang, a married woman.


"Later, I read more books and saw more things, and then I realized that many capable people are like this. For example, the mathematician from Chen University is obsessed with mathematics, and the rest of his life depends on special people to take care of him. I have always felt that

Formulas and numbers are much more interesting than women, who didn’t get married until they were forty-seven..."

"The purpose of my long words is to say that my brother's way of thinking is actually different from that of normal people. So the child he adopted actually has the same personality and behavior pattern? He is also completely incompetent.


After hearing what Xu Jun said, Gan Ling was stunned and said:

"It's very possible, Minister, that the reason why we can't understand this part is that the technical content is so high that laymen like us can't understand it at all? That's why we have to have someone as big as Soichiro."

Only a craftsman can know its power?"

"But we also have professional authority figures. Engineer Shi who is with the group is here for consultation this time. Why don't we let him take a look?"

Xu Jun nodded and said:


Gan Ling immediately started making calls. At this time, Xu Jun also received a call:

"What? We contacted him? But Fang Linyan refused to come and wanted us to find him?"

"Okay, you can leave his address first."

This chapter has been completed!
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