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Chapter 30 Legacy

Three days later, Fang Linyan, who was recuperating in the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes because the Mobius mark suddenly started to heat up, and then a message came:

"Come here quickly, a message has appeared on Yaodao's side, saying that his main mission has failed and he is about to return to space!"

"The ten-minute countdown has begun!"

Fang Linyan immediately motioned to Evelina next to him, asking her to help him get into the wheelchair, and then motioned towards the room next to him. At this time, with his eyes closed, the unconscious Demon Sword was lying next to him.

The appearance of Yaodao is that of a mixed race. Although he has black hair and black eyes, his tall nose and deep eye sockets have the characteristics of a Western race.

At this time, it was time for Li Daitao to freeze. You could see that the Mobius mark on Fang Linyan's chest began to glow. Gradually, a faint light began to appear on Yaodao's chest. This was the Mobius mark being re-engraved on Yaodao's chest.

Temporary S number space information.

It is not difficult for it to do this, because according to the Möbius Mark, what is paying attention to this side at this time is just a synaptic cell in the S space, and the Möbius Mark is now

It is still parasitic inside the S space.

Therefore, the copying process ended in only ten seconds, and a series of prompts appeared on Fang Linyan's retina:

"Contractor CD8492116, your main mission: the attack failed, your evaluation in this adventure world is: C!"

"You can only get a reward of 2000 general points for this adventure."

"Please choose to return to the space within ten minutes, otherwise you will be forcibly sent back to the space."


Looking at the reminder that the poor kid got, Fang Linyan shrugged his shoulders. Yes, if he hadn't stepped in, this Mr. Demon Sword would actually have had a chance to make a comeback. Unfortunately, he has now become a stepping stone for himself.

When the copying process is completed, there are no more marks on Yaodao's chest, and his usefulness ends here.

Fang Linyan didn't want to worry about what Evelina and the others would do next, but took a deep breath and started preparing to return!

If he said he wasn't nervous at this moment, he would be lying.

After all, according to the Mobius Mark, in the outside adventure world, the consciousness of monitoring oneself is only a very basic sub-consciousness of the S space.

However, once he returns to S space, what he, a Xibei, will have to face is the supervision of the master will of S space!

Although the Mobius mark is repeated repeatedly, I guarantee that there will be no problems and it will be perfect.

Not only that, when Fang Linyan first entered the S space, he was actually a dove occupying the magpie's nest, directly replacing the identity of the unlucky guy named "Leng Du".

But Fang Linyan knows one thing very well:

Nothing in this world is 100% sure!

It was just that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. Now he could only take a deep breath, pretend to be unconscious, and wait silently for the moment when he was forcibly sent back to space.

During the process of being teleported, Fang Linyan took a deep breath and kept his mind blank, but soon he realized that doing so seemed unnecessary.

After a period of indescribable dizziness, Fang Linyan found that he had returned to S space from the real world. However, he had never been to this place before. It was in a hall that seemed a bit noisy.

The furnishings in this hall are still very simple. There are rows of seats that are common in train station or airport waiting rooms. There are about fifty or sixty people in it, either standing or lying down. It looks like they are all

Lazy and without any energy.

At this time, after Fang Linyan took two steps, he immediately realized that the disability in his legs had been cured. Not only that, but even his digitized body had returned to his body, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, some things are truly valuable only when they are lost. Without his legs these days, Fang Linyan truly felt the inconvenience!

At this time, a creature that looked very much like a Valkyrie flew over from the side. It was female, had wings, was holding a big sword and was wearing a crystal-clear armor. Then it said directly to everyone present:

"I am Leader No. 71. Follow me if you are glowing red. Your trial has begun."

"As long as you can complete the first phase of the main mission in the next world, you can successfully stay."

After she finished saying these things, more than half of the people immediately stood up and followed her towards the distance.

After these people swarmed out, the entire hall was more than half empty in an instant. However, in less than ten minutes, hundreds of people flooded in again. This group of people stayed for about ten minutes before being escorted by another guide.

It was taken.

After two or three waves of this cycle, Fang Linyan found that there was no break yet, and a large group of people were brought in again. This time, this group of people should all know each other, and they are very familiar with each other, and they also showed their understanding of each other.

The strangeness and surprise of the surrounding environment.

Although the space was effectively shielded at this time, looking at the words and deeds of these people, Fang Linyan naturally thought of the army.

And it’s still an organized army!

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan felt a strange feeling in his heart. Obviously, this place should be a place where temporary mercenaries stay. The large-scale inclusion of mercenaries in Space S shows that there is a shortage of manpower.

Speaking of which, is it now normal for Space S to try to do something big?

So this is good news for me!

Just when Fang Linyan realized this, another leader aimed at him and flew over. After landing, he looked him up and down and said:

"Contractor CD8412116? Your stay in this space is only 6 hours. Unfortunately, you failed to meet the requirements to join this space in the previous world, so please leave in time within the limited time."

Fang Linyan nodded, and then was stunned for a moment. He never expected that this level would be passed so easily?

But soon he realized that he only had six hours to stay here, so he had to do something, otherwise it would be very difficult after being kicked out.

At this time, the Mobius mark on the chest became hot, and then a message came:

"Two good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Fang Linyan said:

"bad news."

Mobius Mark said:

"The bad news is that your teammates are indeed almost dead."

Fang Linyan said:

"Where's the good news?"

Mobius Mark said:

"The first good news is that your teammate Goat is still alive."

"The second good news is that your teammate Omi should have weighed it carefully before she died. She seemed to think that you would not die so easily, so she directly left you a legacy before she died."

Fang Linyan said in astonishment:

"How is this done?"

Mobius Mark said:

"Omi has a close relationship with a huge organization called Coal and Steel, which is also involved in the financial industry. She deposited some of her expensive props directly in the bank of Coal and Steel, and then entrusted them to hand them over after a certain period of time.

for you."

"In this case, even though Omi is dead and you are also dead, these items will still be kept in the Coal and Steel Bank. These props will not be judged until the time limit expires and the Coal and Steel Bank cannot find you.

It is a thing without an owner."

"So, you can now go to the Bank of Coal and Steel and take out these things. Other than that, do you still remember your adventures in the interstellar world?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Of course I remember, I emptied the Starry Sky Consortium's vault."

Mobius Mark said:

"You got a lot of high-value items at that time, but a large part of them cannot be taken out of this world. However, this definitely does not mean that these things are worthless, right? It just has the disadvantage that it cannot be taken out of this world.

It’s just an attribute.”

"Although you were recognized as dead at the time, these things were kept in the local bank and it was impossible to delete them directly. Therefore, I used my privileges to secretly take over them."

"The inheritance transferred to you by Omi, plus the collections in the interstellar world, will be able to provide you with energy equivalent to 142 points of Biskar data flow. I can help you reproduce a piece/item of the same quality.

Equipment or skills based on dark gold are released, of course, provided you have them before."

Fang Linyan exhaled a long breath and said:

"Oh? This is really one of the few good news I've heard recently."

Mobius Mark said:

"By the way, I don't recommend that you contact Goat anytime soon."

Fang Linyan was suffocated. He quickly understood the purpose of the Mobius mark. It was not difficult to contact the goat. The key was what would happen after the two established contact? Get back together again?

That will definitely attract the attention of many people. Even if the S space will be blinded by the Mobius mark, what about the Abyss Lords and their gang!

Fang Linyan couldn't defeat the Abyss Lord when he was in his prime, let alone now he can't even display half of his strength? Isn't that asking for death?

After giving up this idea, Fang Linyan held his chin and pondered for a moment, and suddenly said:

“Can things like tokens be reproduced?”

Mobius Mark said:

"Of course, and it consumes very little energy."

Some things are actually just separated by a layer of paper. After Fang Linyan heard it, he understood the meaning of the Mobius mark, because the value of something like a token does not lie in itself, but in the "recognition" of the added value.


It's like the VIP card of the Atlanta Gold Club. Although it is gilded, in the end it is just a plastic card. Its value will not exceed one hundred dollars. If you take it to other countries, it will be a piece of trash.


People think it is expensive and difficult to get, because after holding this card, you can get recognition and get some additional service privileges and discount rights.

Therefore, Fang Linyan said simply:

"Needless to say, the dark gold equipment I chose to reproduce is: Chapter of Sublimation!"

"At the same time, please help me reproduce the platinum brooch that came from Director Valli of Organization X and was blessed by Lord Evans."

Mobius Mark reacted immediately:

"Are you planning to change jobs?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Yes, I urgently need to regain my strength now. If I change my job in time, my strength can be improved again! This is one of them."

"After I change my job, I will gain new passive abilities and active skills. In this case, even if I meet an acquaintance, it will be difficult to identify me based on my skills. This is the second one."

"My current situation is actually shady and cannot withstand investigation. If I change my job now, it will be equivalent to legally changing my attributes and skills in a short period of time. Such behavior is

Just like money laundering, it can greatly reduce the possibility of being discovered. This is the third one!"

"I don't know what happened now. No. S Noah Space is constantly recruiting people. According to my judgment, it may be that it is becoming more powerful and starting to expand crazily. Of course, there is another possibility,

The power of No. S's Noah space aroused the fear of other spaces, so the other spaces acted first and joined forces to attack!"

"So, no matter what the speculation is, Noah's Space S is currently very short of manpower. After my successful job transfer, my strength has been improved again. The probability of asking Noah's Space S to give me another chance is quite high! This is


Mobius Mark said very indifferently:


Then three seconds later, Mobius said:

"What you want is ready."

Fang Linyan said in surprise:

"So fast?"

Mobius Mark said:

"Otherwise? Do you think you have to fast, bathe and then hold a ceremony that lasts for seventy-seven forty-nine days?"

When Fang Linyan looked at his private space, he immediately realized that the Chapter of Sublimation had indeed appeared, and next to it was a platinum brooch.

Seeing these two things, Fang Linyan also had mixed feelings in his heart. The familiar things came back into his hands, but he walked from death to life again, so it really felt like he was in another world.

Mobius Mark said:

"After replicating these two things, I also reproduced the remaining Bisca data stream by replicating some miscellaneous props that were not highly rated."

Fang Linyan nodded, and then began to plan his own plan.

Although he was already very familiar with the inside of Space S and could be said to be familiar with it, he absolutely could not show it! Therefore, Fang Linyan inquired all the way and fumbled for a long time before he found the store where Organization X was operating, and then directly showed

Platinum brooch.

After seeing this thing, the clerk on duty immediately stood up, took it with respectful hands, and then took Fang Linyan to the VIP room next to it.

Not long after, he saw Director Valli walking over with a smile, but Fang Linyan could see the worry hidden behind Director Valli's smile.

"Hello, distinguished guest! What is your name?" Director Valli said with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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