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Chapter 101: The Appearance of Pi Jiao

As mentioned before, this mountain gap only looks narrow from a distance, but in fact it is at least twenty meters wide. On the left and right of the mountain gap, a large number of shops have been artificially built. Among these shops are restaurants and teahouses.

, grocery store, vegetable store, drug store

If Fang Linyan didn't look up, he would even mistakenly think that he was on a busy street in a certain city! He walked forward quickly and even found a building that should not appear in the daughter's country at all, that is, the hanging

A big red lantern with the name of the brothel written on it.

With Fang Linyan's wisdom, of course he could understand the truth after a little thought. It is obvious that many people have been settled here semi-permanently.

These people themselves are innocent, but they have lost their freedom due to confidentiality or other reasons, and they must be full of resentment.

In order to give them a place to vent their stress and not feel like they are in jail, we deliberately built a long street similar to the outside world to provide these people with a place for consumption and entertainment.

It's just that on this long street, almost every shop is closed at this time, and it looks dark. Only the lanterns hanging under the eaves are swaying in the strong wind, and it looks a bit spooky.

a feeling of.

Because without exception, those who dared to take to the streets were all dead. They collapsed on the street in various shapes and sizes, with their eyes wide open and round, and they all looked like they were still staring at death. Blood and water mixed with rainwater flowed from underneath their bodies.

come out.

Fang Linyan continued to walk forward, and then found a wide passage in the mountain gap that turned left and entered the mountain. In front of the passage was a towering archway with the words "Gate of Wonders" written on it.

Although it was raining heavily, there was still a lot of pungent smell of blood near the archway. The scene there could only be described as corpses everywhere.

And just about thirty meters away from the archway, a large strange mark suddenly appeared. This mark looked very strange, and its edges were so smooth that Fang Linyan looked at it for a long time and didn't know how it was formed.

What he discovered next surprised him even more, because among the corpses next to the archway, Fang Linyan not only discovered the existence of a Taoist, but also the corpse of a lama suddenly appeared!

The robes worn by these lamas are also very distinctive. The collar is white, the outer robe is dark red, and the inner robe is yellow.

When chatting with Huiming, a knowledgeable person from Jinguang Temple, Fang Linyan knew that Buddhism in the Western Regions is still divided into several sects. The main ones are red, white, yellow and flower. Looking at the robes of these lamas, they should be

People who teach flowers.

After making sure that the place was temporarily safe, Fang Linyan took out a bone whistle and blew it, but no sound was produced. However, the vibration frequency of the bone whistle could only be received by the ears of Ou Sihan, a half-demon.

Therefore, almost within tens of seconds, Ou Sihan was seen running over quickly. When he arrived, without Fang Linyan saying anything, he immediately began to look at the surrounding situation.

Obviously, Ou Sihan's experience in this world is much higher than that of Fang Linyan. After walking around in a circle, he said in a deep voice:

"This place is very evil, I advise you to leave quickly?"

Fang Linyan said:

"What? You're afraid after a few people from the Flower Cult died? Isn't this unlike you?"

Ou Sihan frowned and said:

"Flower Cult? Who told you that this is a member of the Flower Cult?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Isn't this monk's robe from the Hua Cult?"

Ou Sihan said:

"No, the robes of Huajiao monks are very similar to those of Pijiao, but the difference is very obvious. The outer robes of Huajiao are yellow, while the inner robes are red."

"Because the sacred object in flower religion is the mulberry flower on the alpine meadow, and the flower shape of the mulberry flower is yellow petals, red stamens, and white receptacle."

After hearing what Ou Sihan said so eloquently, Fang Linyan hurriedly went to check again and found that it was exactly the same as what he said! He suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Dui Chan collected those 100,000 innocent souls in cooperation with the Pi Jiao!

Obviously, Tang Jinchan was the driving force behind this incident.

At this time, Tang Jinchan was able to invite people from the Phi Sect as helpers, which shows that the relationship between the two parties must be extraordinary.

At this time, Fang Linyan thought of another thing, which was also what Huiming told him, that is, the behavior of the people of the Pi sect can be said to be even more extreme and evil, and they can be said to be deviant.

Their way of practicing Taoism and Fruition is Joy Zen, also known as the Harmony of Men and Women, which draws the power of reincarnation from the joy of men and women. Moreover, their philosophy is that people are the most precious treasures. Most of the magic tools are made of human bones, and are made of skulls and finger bones. Lord.

In this case, it would be right. The cooperation between Pi Jiao and Dui Chan at that time was actually to get what they needed. Dui Chan was responsible for obtaining the wronged soul, and then the people of Pi Jiao obtained the body.

For the people of the Pi religion, these fresh corpses of those who have just died are like treasure troves, allowing them to easily select the best materials!

At this time, Ou Sihan came to the large smooth and strange mark, lay down on the ground and smelled it, and then said simply:

"After the person you want to track came here, he sacrificed a magic weapon. If I guessed correctly, this magic weapon should be a Buddhist pagoda."

The original meaning of pagoda is pagoda. For a long time in the Central Plains, it refers to pagodas used to worship the relics left over after the cremation of eminent monks. Later, it also refers to Buddhist pagoda-like magic weapons. Collectively called pagodas.

But broken down into categories, there are stone pagodas, iron pagodas, wooden pagodas, etc.

After Ou Sihan said this, Fang Linyan stared at the long street in front of him, as if he had seen what happened here an hour ago:

In the middle of the night, Ban Zhida came through the wind and rain with Buddha beads in his hands, followed by two spider demons with indifferent expressions and walking in unison! Wherever he passed, people fell one after another. This was no longer killing one person every ten steps. Instead, he killed ten people in one step.

After arriving at the archway with the words "Gate of Wonders" written on it, Ban Zhida suddenly showed a proud smile on his face, then took out something in his hand, placed it flat in the palm of his hand, and held it tightly. Then throw it to the side.

Suddenly, this thing grew when it saw the wind, and then fell steadily in the air. It was a pagoda. Amidst the wind and clouds, this thing was heavily pressed to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Buddhist lamas poured out from the pagoda. They must have had a tacit understanding and nodded to each other in understanding, but did not make any sound.

But at this time, a large number of Taoists had already emerged from behind the archway of the Gate of All Wonders, and the two sides started fighting together without saying a word. Unfortunately, Ban Zhida obviously had a clear advantage, so the Taoists Soon they were all slaughtered like chopping melons and vegetables, and only three or five of the lamas of the Vishnu religion were killed.

After deducing this scene, Fang Linyan took a breath and suddenly realized that this place might be more dangerous than he thought!

He dared to come here before because he thought that Ban Zhida and his party were only three people. Even if they had three heads and six arms, how much could they take away?

Moreover, Tang Jinchan is a very decisive person. He knew that Dui Chan still had a magical weapon on him, but he turned around and left after achieving his goal. Wherever this kind of person goes, he can play the role of a hyena and eat some leftovers. full.

However, with the addition of these Buddhist lamas, the probability of getting a sufficiently rich harvest is reduced.

Just when these thoughts passed through Fang Linyan's mind, he saw Ou Sihan lying down next to the corpse next to him, and then quickly changed to another one. At first, Fang Linyan thought that this guy was hungry and went to the corpse. It sucks blood.

As a result, Fang Linyan soon discovered that this guy was searching for corpses! And it was quite rewarding to see his surprised expression.

After Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, he immediately refused to be followed by others. He rushed up and touched the body. When it came to taking advantage, he was definitely not willing to be followed by others.

Only after touching several corpses in a row, Fang Linyan suddenly stopped angrily. At this time, he realized that Ou Sihan was a local figure. Of course, he could get huge benefits by picking up corpses at a cheap price, but he didn't. Maybe

After sighing, Fang Linyan let go of the corpse of the lama in front of him. When he saw that the lama was only eighteen or nineteen years old, with only a layer of down on his lips, he felt a little unbearable and wiped his face. The muddy water and blood stains, whispered:

"Shall we find a good family to be reborn in in our next life?"

Then Fang Linyan was about to stand up, but suddenly felt a tightening at the corner of his clothes. He looked down and found that he was grabbed by the "corpse"'s hand.

Suddenly encountering such a "dead body explosion" thing, Fang Linyan was lying if he said he was not panicked, but he immediately realized that the palm holding the corner of his clothes was weak, and the little lama's lips murmured, making a sound as thin as a mosquito. Ming, it looks like he is on the verge of death.

To put it this way, it was probably because the action of smearing his face before had pressed the acupuncture points on his face, thus stimulating him to wake up with a little extra consciousness.

So Fang Linyan simply put his ear to it and listened to what he was saying:

"Thank you so much to the benefactor for saving the little monk, but the little monk is dead."

"If the donor can help me bring a few messages to my senior brother, I will be very grateful."

Fang Linyan thought to himself, I'm very pressed for time, what kind of gratitude do I need from you? But just when he was about to refuse, something suddenly moved in his heart! He thought it would be a good idea to play a casual game here.

So Fang Linyan immediately picked him up, took him to a nearby teahouse, fed him two mouthfuls of hot water, and then said:

"I don't know what my little master's name is? I'm going to find a doctor to take a look at your injury."

The little lama drank two sips of hot water and felt refreshed, but his face was still as pale as a dead man:

"Young monk Zanlu has thanked the donor. I know my own injury and it is absolutely hopeless."

"If the donor is willing, it would be a great kindness to bring a message for me, and I will definitely be grateful."

Fang Linyan nodded:

"Okay, tell me, I swear in the name of my ancestors that I will bring your message to you."

The little lama panted violently and said:

"You go to Xu Dahu's house in Yuegui Town, find my senior brother Renqin, and tell him that I was killed by that person, and he will naturally know."

Fang Linyan smiled bitterly:

"Is that all?"

Zanlu's breathing was difficult with big mouthfuls:


Fang Linyan said in a dilemma:

"Little Master, to be honest, I'm not trying to shirk the blame. Your senior brother may not be willing to believe this message if I bring it here. You must at least give me a token, or say something private that only the two of you know. Otherwise, I'll do it.

If you are not good, you will be regarded as a murderer."

Zan Lu took two deep breaths, his eyes were already a little distracted, but he still insisted on rubbing the cuffs, then took off a string of things that looked like dzi beads from his wrist and handed them to Fang Linyan:

"The third one, the third one is what senior brother has always wanted. Tell him again. In fact, I also like Bian Zhen very much, but I won't argue with him."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Ok, no problem."

Zan Lu had been holding on with just one breath, but when he saw Fang Linyan nodding, he finally couldn't hold on anymore. He tilted his head and lost consciousness again. At this time, the oil was exhausted and it was difficult to wake up again.

At this time, Ou Sihan came over with his eyes full of joy and said:

"These people are really rich! Let's go, let's keep up."

Fang Linyan said:

"Ok, no problem."


Next, Fang Linyan is still exploring the road ahead, and Ou Sihan is ready to support him.

After Fang Linyan entered the archway of the Gate of Wonders, he realized that the road ahead should have been dug manually. It was still very spacious and turned directly into the heart of the mountain.

Both sides of the road were in a mess. According to the traces of nearby battles, there should be many statues of gods on both sides of the mountain road, all of which were the twenty-eight constellations in the Taoist pantheon.

There should be mysteries inside these statues. Each one was destroyed, leaving only obvious remains. In the battle with these statues, there were also corpses of lamas, and they died miserably. Basically, they can be used

There is no complete corpse to describe death.

Under this situation, Fang Linyan also walked very carefully, and then he realized that he had reached a fork in the road ahead.

After arriving here, he began to squat down to distinguish the traces on the ground. Fang Linyan soon discovered that the ruts formed by long-term rolling on the ground were towards the left, while most of the mud and water trampled in on the ground went to the middle.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Linyan chose the passage on the left, because at this time he could almost confirm one thing. This should be the place he wanted to come to. Yes, this is what Qingfeng Taoist tried his best to protect.

This place is the destination that Tang Jinchan has been deliberately pursuing!

And it is similar to what I had guessed before. The nature of this place should be similar to that of a factory, so there will definitely be basic security measures, but they will definitely not be as strict as the previous Corpse Dragon Underground Palace.

After all, people often come in and out here. If there are too many vicious mechanisms, it will not only affect production efficiency, but also cause a lot of trouble out of nothing.

Therefore, now is the time for Tang Jinchan to eat meat and drink soup by himself. There is no need to take huge risks to get together with Tang Jinchan and get what he should get, then he can already eat a lot.

, mouth full of oil.

Fang Linyan continued walking for forty or fifty meters and came to a warehouse. You could see that the warehouse was densely packed with jars. Next to the jars were seven or eight wooden platforms the size of the Eight Immortals table, or to be more precise.

To a child, it's more like a stove.

Some jars have been placed on the wooden platform directly in front. There are depressions the size of washbasins on the wooden platform. After placing the jars directly on it, then use the small hammer next to it to hammer on the bottom.

When I knocked it, the contents of the jar leaked into the basin under the wooden platform.

Obviously, when Tang Jinchan and others rushed in, the people here were still working nervously and busy, so what Fang Linyan saw at this time was chicken feathers and a mess all over the ground.

Although the craftsmen here were not directly affected, they must have known that a group of thieves rushed in and killed anyone on sight. They were extremely ruthless, and they must have dispersed in a hurry.

Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and came to the wooden workbench, and then came to a strange jar.

It can be seen that this thing must have just been placed there, and a mallet was thrown away beside it. Apparently when it was about to be knocked open, the craftsman working here knew the bad news and didn't care at that time.

So many of them just ran away.

This chapter has been completed!
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