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Chapter 108: Insider

After Yu Qingzi heard Yu Shuzi's words, he couldn't help but said excitedly:

"Okay, even if you had no choice at the time, you only had to do it once to let our sect overcome this great difficulty. But why did you secretly intercept it every year in the future? You have embezzled seven nectar Yuan Fei in total.

.With such a huge amount, do you really think Wuzhuang Temple dare not touch you?"

Yu Shu said angrily:

"Who did you hear that I stole seven nectar Yuan Fei?! I have only taken three in total over the years."

Yu Qingzi coughed up blood and said miserably:

"Whether it's three or seven, sect leader, you have gone too far in this matter. Accept your fate. For the survival of our sect, if you go to Wuzhuang Temple to plead guilty, it will also give our sect a chance of survival!"

Yu Shu said coldly:

"Junior brother, ever since I refined the first nectar Yuan Fei, I can't look back."

"Some things, as soon as they happen, are destined to not be forgiven. Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the earth immortals, and he has already cultivated to the state of forgetting love. If you want me to go to the thorns to apologize, you want me to die! And die.

Before that, you have to undergo the torture of drawing blood, burning fat, and refining the golden elixir!"

Yu Qingzi said word for word:

"Of course you have to bear the karma you have committed yourself! Do you want the entire sect to atone for your sins?"

Yu Shu said coldly:

"Without me, the Tao Te Sect would have died twenty years ago, and even you, Yu Qingzi, would not be able to even take the step of building the foundation now, so it is only natural that the entire sect should eliminate my karma for me."

"I know that you are strong-willed and unyielding, and you will never look back on things you have decided on. So, junior brother, you can die with peace of mind. In ten years, and in another ten years, I will enter the realm of earthly immortals. At that time, even if

Even Wuzhuang Temple can’t do anything to me.”

A stream of thick blood flowed out of Yu Qingzi's mouth again, and then he smiled slowly and said:

"As expected of a senior brother, you are still so clean and tidy... In ten years, you still need a full ten years of buffer time, but do you know that the buffer time you can get now is not even ten hours?

All gone."

Yu Shu's expression suddenly changed and he said sternly:

"It's impossible. There are only you and these Taoist boys around here. After I killed you, I put the blame on the Victims. Ban Zhida is also dead. How can I leak the secret?"

Yu Qingzi gasped and took out a gray-looking bead from his arms, then pinched it on his fingers:

"I obviously left before you, so why did I come back much later? It's because I saw something strange on the road."

Yu Shu gritted his teeth and said:

"whats the matter."

Yu Qingzi said:

"A spider demon that has been seriously injured is throwing these mirage beads everywhere."

Of course Yu Shu knows what mirage beads are.

Occasionally, mirages appear on the sea. When a ship looks from a distance, it looks like there is a bustling city in front of it. However, once it gets close, it is often destroyed by the ship and people are killed.

So some strong men went to investigate, and found out that it was a kind of monster called "mirage" that was creating illusions to lure lost ships to become prey.

What is a mirage? It looks like a big shell, but the axe-foot inside will mutate into a half-length beautiful woman. When this beautiful woman opens her mouth and spits out the mirage, she can form an illusion that is fake and real, and lure the unlucky crew members into being fooled.

When a mirage is killed, a lot of beads will fall out of its shell, called mirage beads, which are the best materials for making illusions.

However, things like mirages are very rare. The beads left behind after hunting are still disposable items and belong to consumables such as ink and paper. So some experts later studied the principles and found that it is more economical and easy to use.

Using the obtained materials, a substitute with similar effects to mirage beads was created.

This thing was initially sold directly as a mirage to make huge profits, and then gradually became a mainstream product on the market.

While Yu Qingzi was talking, he had already crushed the bead!

Suddenly, the smoke dispersed, and then the smoke began to form a picture directly in mid-air, which looked like a projection screen.

On the mountain road where the heavy rain was pouring, there was a man wearing a raincoat and a felt hat walking quickly. His physical skills were excellent. It could be seen that the muddy terrain had almost no impact on him.

It's like floating on the road.

However, soon opposite him, several carriages were speeding over. Although the carriages had been traveling in the wind and rain for who knows how long, they still looked very gorgeous and richly decorated, and there were more than a dozen cavalrymen on the front, back and left.


There was no doubt that Fang Linyan was also peeping from the side at this time, and at this time, he was so surprised that he almost screamed! Because he actually saw an acquaintance in this illusion, and there were two of them.

These two people left a deep impression on Fang Linyan, because they can be regarded as "a hero with a keen eye", and they were actually willing to pay a high price to buy Fang Linyan, a "male slave" from Wu Guandai...

Of course, Fang Linyan cannot forget such a unique experience.

Immediately, Fang Linyan's expression became very exciting. The identities of these two acquaintances were different. They were the Wang Wei of the Daughter Kingdom, and they were out-and-out elites even among the Wang Wei! It was very possible that they had left their posts without permission.


In other words, the host of this team of carriages is likely to be the second princess who looks gentle and pure, but is actually crazy, violent and murderous in her heart! Or her planner.

Obviously, this man knew this carriage, and he prostrated himself on the side of the road from a distance, regardless of the dripping mud and water below.

After seeing him, the carriage stopped quickly, and a person got out of it. She was none other than the Second Princess. Ji Shifan was not with her, only two royal guards followed her with umbrellas.


The second princess looked at this man, then smiled and said:

"It turns out to be you! Xu Er."

At this time, Fang Linyan was very surprised, because the impression left by the Second Princess on him was so profound. Her indescribable surliness and indifference in harvesting lives at will were unforgettable for him.

At this time, the second princess could be worthy of the word "prince's daughter". She was gentle yet shrewd, and behaved generously and appropriately.

Xu Er immediately ignored the mud and kowtowed:

"Your Highness! Something big has happened. The Summer Palace has been invaded by outsiders. The enemy used the catastrophe to plot against Da Zhenren (Zhen Yuanzi). Now they have broken into Huitianfang and are heading directly for the Ganlu Yuantai. I am coming out to ask for help.

By then they had already succeeded."

"Right now, everyone in our sect is desperately trying to stop the thief from escaping. I beg Your Highness to send Wang Wei for help."

Xu Er said it in a really anxious tone, and his tone of voice made people feel that he was really anxious!

The second princess nodded and said in a positive tone:

"If that's the case, then it's obligatory for me to go to the rescue. It's dark and the roads are slippery, so you can go back with me."

Xu Er kowtowed again and said:

"The younger one was supposed to follow His Highness back, but my master asked me to warn Commander Duanmu of Xixia Town, and at the same time, I also wanted to check the situation in the underground palace at the Summer Palace. These two things are very important.

It cannot be done. If I miss the opportunity, then the Lord will take my head..."

The Second Princess said "Oh", then nodded and said:

"ok, I get it."

Then she looked at Xu Er and said:

"You came out in such a hurry that even the bamboo hat on your head was torn. You can't go on a night trip in the shower like this. You'll get seriously ill if you turn around."

After saying this, the second princess raised her chin to the person next to her. The old nun Deng Sibo who was waiting next to her immediately came forward with a dull face and said:

"Xu Er, a member of the moral sect, is diligent and sincere, and is not afraid of dangers, so he gave him a cup of ginger tea, two gold coins, and a refined cowhide hat from the inner treasury."

After she finished speaking, three maids came out of the carriage behind them. Each maid held a tray in their hands, with steaming ginger tea, gold, and a bamboo hat on them.

Xu Er was stunned for a moment, then heard Deng Sibo say coldly:

"Why don't you kneel down and thank me?"

Xu Er immediately knelt down and said in a grateful voice:

"Thank you for your generous gift, Your Highness!"

People who come from the royal family are grand and powerful, and they must show their superiority wherever they go. This is actually a common sense. People living here are actually used to it. They are the masters.

So when faced with Deng Sibo's words, Xu Er didn't think there was anything wrong. After kneeling down, he drank the steaming cup of ginger tea, then put away the two small gold ingots, and then put on the

Wearing a finely crafted cowhide hat, I immediately felt a warmth on my head.

Not only that, the ginger tea he just drank was also piping hot, which completely dispelled the chill from his body. Xu Er immediately sighed with satisfaction. This thing is indeed a good thing produced by the royal family. As soon as he put it on, he felt like it would be like a heavy rain.


"Go." The second princess smiled and said, "Be careful on the road."

After hearing these words, Xu Er also breathed a sigh of relief, bowed deeply again, and then strode away into the distance.

At this time, Fang Linyan noticed that Deng Sibo next to him suddenly smiled. The smile on the old woman's face was very scary, like... a hungry lame old cat saw a

The loaches are jumping around on the shore!

Therefore, Fang Linyan immediately focused his attention on Xu Er. If there was any trouble, it would probably be on the two new things given to Xu Er.

The two gold ingots were invisible when Xu Er put them into his arms, but he could clearly see the new bamboo hat he put on, so Fang Linyan saw that a piece of blue steel popped out from the lower edge of the bamboo hat.

The needle penetrated straight into the back of Xu Er’s head!!

It's not unusual for Xu Er to react at this time, but the strangest thing is that he didn't react at all and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened...

This surprised Fang Linyan. Even if he was bitten by a mosquito, a normal person's reaction would be to slap him away.

The steel needle was not too thin. When it penetrated straight into the brain, it was definitely a fatal blow. However, Xu Er acted as if nothing had happened. There must be something weird hidden in this thing.

Fang Linyan immediately remembered that the royal family of the Daughter Kingdom were out-and-out bee demons, and they were out-and-out experts in the art of acupuncture. It is said that there are specialties in Taoist arts, so there is probably something hidden in this attack.

The secrets of the bee demon clan are also uncertain.

After Xu Er continued to walk for more than ten steps, he suddenly fell on his back without any warning, and then lay quietly motionless in the muddy water.

You can see that Deng Sibo's mouth was murmuring rapidly at this time, apparently reciting some silent spell.

After almost a minute, Xu Er suddenly got up, then walked back and knelt in front of the second princess, saying numbly:


The second princess ignored him and returned to the carriage she was riding in.

Only then did Deng Sibo walk up to Xu Er and said:

"You've been lying from the beginning."

Xu Er said numbly:


Deng Sibo said:

"Who do you belong to, and why did you come to lie to us?"

Xu Erdao:

"I am a dead soldier of Yu Shuzi, the head of the Tao Te Sect. My parents, wife, and children are all in his hands. I did not intend to deceive the king. We met by chance."

Deng Sibo said:

"What did you want to do?"

Xu Er showed a very difficult look at this time. The muscles on the left side of his face were twitching violently, while the muscles on the right side of his face were very calm, as if they were split into two completely different people.

Just as he was about to speak, his right hand stretched out and strangled his neck, making it difficult for him to even breathe, let alone speak!

Deng Sibo sneered, took out a dagger and struck it straight down! Immediately, Xu Er's right hand was cut off at the wrist, and blood shot out.

But Xu Er seemed to have been freed from his shackles. He took a deep breath to calm down, and then said calmly:

"Now that there is chaos in the Summer Palace and Huitianfang is invaded by foreign enemies, Yu Shuzi feels that this is a great opportunity to fish in troubled waters, so he takes out the newly produced nectar Yuan Fei before it enters the Taoist storehouse.

I'll take it away."

Deng Sibo was shocked when he heard this and said hurriedly:

"Where is the thing? Take it out quickly!"

Xu Er said blankly:


Then he sat down in the muddy water, reached into his ear hole and pulled out a pill the size of a soybean.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Er spread the pill flatly in the palm of his hand, and then directly put the broken arm into the palm of his hand.

At this time, the blood from the wound on Xu Er's broken arm was still not stopped, and the palm of his hand was immediately soaked in blood. After the medicine pills absorbed the blood, they expanded to the size of a quail egg, and at the same time bursts of yellow smoke actually appeared.

As the smoke appeared, a group of strange insects, like mosquitoes and flies, flew from a distance. They seemed to appear out of thin air and began to gather in the yellow smoke, flying happily.

Deng Sibo was a little surprised after seeing this scene and said:

"This is a soul aphid. Xu Er is a member of the Taoist Sect, and he actually used the ghost way!"

When the yellow smoke dissipated, these soul aphids looked very tired and flew towards a place next to Xu Er.

This place originally seemed empty, but in fact when the soul aphids stayed on it and gathered together, it gradually appeared. It was a wooden box only the size of a volleyball, which was so strangely hidden in the air.


It turns out that the wood of this box has been specially refined and has a unique dual-realm effect. It can stay in the Yang world and enter the bardo world.

The Bardo Realm is a small realm attached to the Yang Realm. After a person dies, the new soul will stay in the Bardo Realm. They can see the cries and shouts of relatives, friends and children, but they are unable to respond.

The soul aphid is a special product of the ghost realm. Xu Er can smear the soul aphid's favorite scent on the surface of the box and let them drag the box out from the Netherworld.

The mechanisms and secrets in this can be said to be breathtaking. If the princess hadn't had the powerful ability to control people's hearts and defeated Xu Er, then she wouldn't have been able to get this thing even if she killed him.

Xu Er waved his hand to drive away these soul aphids, then took out the box from mid-air and kneeled down to present it.

The princess opened the box eagerly and found a very strange bottle inside. The visual effect of this bottle was extremely cool. The left half was made of ice crystals, while the right half was made of red charcoal.

Material composition.

And you can see that the rain falling from the sky is pattering. When it falls on the left side of the bottle, it turns into ice chips and falls on the wood. When the rain falls on the right half of the bottle, it emits "

The sound of "sizzling" instantly turned into white gas.

You can see through the left half of the bottle that there is a cloud-like thing floating in the bottle.

This chapter has been completed!
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