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Chapter 123 Strengthening and Exploding Troops

Fang Linyan's eyes were focused on the test tubes on the table:

"The unknown strange thing in the enhanced test tube: the blood of mutant mutant larvae."

Feedback quickly reappears on the retina:

"In order to avoid misoperation, please determine the strengthening target again."

After the operation was performed again, the blood of the Eye of Agamotto and the mutant larvae floated at the same time, and then began to resonate.

The Eye of Agamotto, as a powerful prop with golden plot quality, naturally began to dominate the process of this time.

A few seconds later, the Eye of Agamotto turned into a large ball of golden light, directly wrapping the blood of the mutant mutant larvae inside. A prompt appeared on Fang Linyan's retina:


"Once this blood is injected into carbon-based organisms or some silicon-based organisms, it will cause strange changes in the body. Some silicon-based organisms may even experience gene disintegration."

At this time, a large number of time-related illusions began to appear around the golden light, such as horizontal hourglasses, ticking pocket watches, and constantly beating electronic numbers.

Finally, these illusions disappeared, and Fang Linyan felt as if his eyes were blurred, as if he had arrived in an absolute void, and what was in front of him was a strange creature.

It looks similar to a hybrid of a spider and a scorpion larvae. Its body surface is light yellow, and it raises its front legs from time to time and makes a "hissing" sound. It is the larvae of the alien:


"Analysis results: There is a 97.187% chance that this unknown strange object will produce this kind of silicon/carbon-based creature when combined with a creature from this plane. I would like to ask if we can use this kind of creature as a hypothetical blueprint for evolution."

Fang Linyan suddenly had a whim at this time and couldn't help but said:

"I want to know what the remaining 2.813% probability will generate?"

The ruthless reminder immediately made Fang Linyan give up the idea of ​​​​finding the root cause:

"Please pay 881234 universal points for subsequent deductions"

Fang Linyan:

"I'm sorry, can you stop being such a money-obsessed person and let's evolve?"

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan saw the facehugger in front of him suddenly pounce on a human's face, and then like a crab peeling off its shell, the entire skin fell off.

Immediately, the human began to become translucent, and you could see a blood-red sac curled up behind its sternum, about the size of a fist.

Fang Linyan’s retina showed another prompt:

"The alien has begun to parasitize a creature and is preparing to assimilate the creature's genes to enhance itself."

"Next, please choose the direction of evolution:

"At this time, the alien can evolve into a hunting form that is good at fighting. In this form, the alien's combat effectiveness will be maximized, but subsequent reproduction will be impossible."

"Or the movement is not good, and the insect queen responsible for reproduction has evolved. In this form, the defense power of the alien will be doubled, but the attack power will be reduced by 50%, the movement speed will be reduced by 80%, and it will have the function of laying eggs."

"Tip: The evolution at this time is produced by the alien's own genetic code and does not consume the energy in the Eyes of Agamotto."

Obviously, it was impossible for Fang Linyan to choose the fighting form at this time, and directly chose the insect queen form.

Then time accelerated again, and a heavy monster with a huge belly and a thick carapace on its body appeared in front of him.

At this time, Fang Linyan actually got a prompt:

"The mutation factor in this genetic sample has taken effect: the alien queen has acquired the ability of mental charm, which can hypnotize or charm the prey, making it easier for the facehugger to parasitize."

"Next, start an evolutionary assessment of this organism."

Fang Linyan was also very surprised when he saw this prompt:

"Such an ability actually appears? By the way, my tube of black blood was extracted from the mutant alien larvae. It is an upgraded version!"

Just as Fang Linyan was amazed, he saw the alien queen in front of him begin to rapidly grow, develop, lay eggs, hunt, and finally die. In just a few seconds, it completed its life.

But soon, it regenerates and repeats the previous process.

Obviously, this is the Pupil of Agamotto conducting a simulated evolution evaluation on it to see how far it can evolve over time.

After this process lasted for about ten seconds, a prompt popped up on Fang Linyan's retina:

"After the analysis and bonus of the Eyes of Agamotto, you will get 10 mutation points to strengthen the entire biological race in front of you. After strengthening, it will be the form it obtained after 384 years of evolution in a normal environment.


Next, a series of options appeared in front of Fang Linyan. If these options were checked, the corresponding mutation points would be consumed. The minimum cost was 1 point, and the maximum cost was 5 points.

To be honest, Fang Linyan was also very curious about the enhancement that required 5 mutation points, so he took a look at it the first time:

Extreme Survival: Consume 5 mutation points to give this alien's entire clan and its descendants a terrifying ability to survive.

The health value is increased by 500%, the defense power is increased by 200%, and it can still survive for a long time in various harsh environments. These harsh environments include but are not limited to lava, space, extremely cold areas, etc., and can survive the death of the enemy.

When attacking, it explodes with huge potential, and there is an 80% chance to dodge this attack (cooling time is one minute).

However, selecting this option will cause the hatching speed of the alien to be delayed by 200% (at least 24 hours), and the fecundity will be reduced by 50%.

After reading this mutation option, Fang Linyan sighed. It is a very good and powerful option, but it is really not applicable to him at the moment. If nothing else, a delay of at least 24 hours is enough to kill him!

Therefore, Fang Linyan decisively chose the current option of PASS, and then carefully selected it. And he was not an indecisive person, and he quickly consumed all 10 mutation points.

Flying: consumes two mutation points.

The regular combat units in this alien clan acquire insect-like genes and grow a pair of chitin wings on their backs, which will allow them to glide/fly over short distances.

Mitochondria: consumption of mutation points two points. Valley

The phagocytosis of mitochondria in the entire alien clan is strengthened. After the prey is parasitized by the alien, the alien larvae will strip the genes of the prey and accelerate the assimilation speed, thereby obtaining a better phagocytosis mutation effect, allowing it to inherit more and stronger prey attributes.

and ability.

Pregnancy heats up: consume two mutation points.

This effect only takes effect on the alien queen. After the queen in the alien clan activates this ability, if she has enough food, the egg-laying period will be reduced to fifteen minutes, and the number of eggs laid will increase by 50%, but her upper limit of life will be shortened.

65% (lifespan shortened by at least two weeks)

Bone Enamel Sharpening: Consumes one mutation point.

The teeth, claws, tail needles and other parts of the entire alien clan are strengthened, so that 10% of the damage during attacks is converted into additional real damage. This damage is regarded as additional damage and will be calculated separately, but

It cannot trigger special effects or critical hits.

Acid Spray: Consumes one mutation point.

The entire alien clan has acquired a new organ: the acid sac. This organ can give it the ability to spit strong acid, and the spitting distance can reach thirty meters.

Each filled acid bag can support four consecutive acid injections, and then the acid bag needs to be filled again before it can be used. The filling time of the acid bag is 40 minutes.

However, when the enemy hits the acid sac, it will cause damage to the alien that ignores the defense.

Siliconized Skin: Consumes one mutation point.

The entire alien clan has evolved a flexible and strong siliconized skin, which has a strong defensive effect on any form of range damage, reducing damage by 20%.

Explosive innovation cost: consume one mutation point.

The metabolic process of the entire alien clan becomes extremely intense, which will allow it to grow and mature rapidly in a short period of time if there is sufficient food.

However, this will reduce the life cycle of the entire alien clan by 40% and reduce the size by 1/3!


After these seven enhancements were determined, Fang Linyan took out a corpse from his private space, and then poured the modified black water into its mouth.

The origin of this corpse is somewhat special. It is the corpse of a disciple of a Taoist boy in the Daode Sect. Although this disciple was killed directly by his leader, it does not mean that they are inferior in strength. It is the corpse of the leader Yu Shuzi.

His strength was too strong, and Yu Shuzi was very shameless in his sneak attack at that time.

According to Fang Linyan's judgment, this disciple's strength is at least on the same level as Bashan Lord, and there is not much difference.

Then Fang Linyan hesitated for a moment, then simply poured almost ten milliliters of corpse dragon essence into the mouth of the corpse.

Of course, Fang Linyan had inquired about the Mobius Mark before doing this. In order to save Bisca's data flow, he only confirmed that doing this would not cause negative special effects, and did not calculate the specific results.

Then the evolutionary direction of the alien was selected on the retina: Alien Queen.

After only about forty minutes, the Alien Queen burst out of her body. Fang Linyan gritted his teeth and fed it a Blood Bodhi.

With the nourishment of two great tonics, Blood Bodhi and Corpse Dragon Essence, the Alien Queen directly skipped the process of eating, lay down on the ground and turned into a cocoon of flesh and blood, and began to develop into the second stage.

mature form.

At this time, the first batch of dogs purchased by Fang Linyan were also delivered, so Fang Linyan then placed another order, which was to purchase a large amount of meat. The reason was of course that it would be eaten by the dogs.

At the same time, he also told the stranger that he had friends who wanted to buy large quantities of horses, cattle and other large animals, but they had to do so in a hurry, and they would always be 50% higher than the market price!

At this time, the man may have doubts in his heart, but the white money is really too convincing, so he goes ahead and handles the matter without saying a word.

The Alien Queen only stayed in the cocoon of flesh and blood for about an hour before it turned into a mature form. Then Fang Linyan, as the creator, had spiritual communication with it and discovered that it existed entirely as a war tool and could faithfully execute the owner's instructions.


Needless to say, Fang Linyan gave two instructions:

First, immediately activate the white-hot state of pregnancy.

Second, start laying eggs.

Then the Alien Queen began to faithfully execute such instructions. It laid more than a hundred eggs in one breath, and they were neatly arranged in the cellar. It looked like hundreds of small jars, surrounded by

Covered with mucus.

Under the influence of "explosive metabolism", the facehuggers inside the eggs mature within half an hour.

Fang Linyan took the dogs that were transported and let the facehuggers infest them one by one.

After the first batch of aliens are hatched, Fang Linyan can be a hands-off shopkeeper. He only needs to wait in front for the merchants to come and take over the purchased horses, cattle, meat, etc., and then wait until the people leave, and those aliens will

Dragging these things away will be done automatically.

After all, what Fang Linyan got from the beginning was an improved and mutated version of the alien, which had also been strengthened with golden plot-level props. Even using the words "powerful to a tiger" to describe it is a bit unsatisfactory.

Therefore, when Tang Jinchan attacked, she saw almost a hundred aliens in the cellar. After Fang Linyan introduced the relevant characteristics, she immediately judged that this thing could indeed

A threat to the palace.

Otherwise, how could someone like Tang Jinchan be persuaded by Fang Linyan without anything real?

Fang Linyan regretted that the Alien Queen only had a lifespan of twenty-four hours, and before she died, her entire offspring would become weak and die within half an hour.

He repeated his old trick, trying to extract the blood of the Alien Queen and take it away again, but he received a clear reminder that anything related to the Alien was not allowed to be taken away from this world.

But this is understandable. After all, the Alien Queen at this time is a terrifying product enhanced by golden plot-level props. If such a thing can be easily taken out by Fang Linyan, it will seriously affect the next one.

Enter the balance of the world.


When Kazhi and his gang were dispatched, it had already been three hours since Tang Jinchan/The Second Princess attacked.

This also means that the Alien Queen has been controlling the hatched combat aliens and started to expand crazily for three hours!

During these three hours, the alien queen laid eggs a total of twelve times, with the number ranging from one hundred to two hundred each time.

And Fang Linyan is still using Yamaluo to help kill people and make corpses.

Of course, before doing this, Fang Linyan first tested two things:

First, Yamara has no effect on aliens.

Second, mutated facehuggers can directly parasitize fresh corpses.

Therefore, when Kazhi's group came, Fang Linyan actually controlled two entire blocks, and with sufficient food supply, he already had almost 400 aliens under his command.

This chapter has been completed!
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