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Chapter 71 Hidden mission?

Immediately afterwards, the music started.

At first, this piece of music sounded like an ordinary piece of music, but after more than ten seconds, the tune changed, which immediately made people feel very uncomfortable, and the surrounding diners also stayed away. Fortunately,

Fang Linyan could still bear it.

However, less than thirty seconds after the broadcast, the sound from the player suddenly stopped and was replaced by a dull sound of "click" and "click".

Fang Linyan was stunned, and immediately remembered the rumor that Xibor seemed to be unfriendly to people who damaged the player, so he immediately distanced himself from the relationship and said:

"I haven't touched it, I didn't break it."

Xibor smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, took a sip and said:

"I know it wasn't you who broke it, but isn't it fair that you bring me the damaged jetpack and I give you the damaged player?"

After hearing Xibor's words, Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said:

"Yes, that's fair."

To be honest, Xibor originally wanted to see Fang Linyan's furious expression, but he was obviously disappointed. Fang Linyan's reaction was completely beyond his expectation. Why did he appear so calm... and even with a smile on his face?

A hint of joy?

Therefore, Xibor immediately wanted to take back the damaged player, but Fang Linyan simply took the player in his hand first:

"Although it's broken, I think it doesn't matter. I have no plans to return it to you yet."

Xibor's face suddenly darkened and he said:

"What's the point of holding a damaged player?"

Fang Linyan had already opened it without saying a word. His fingers were as dexterous as butterflies flying, which actually gave people a pleasing feeling. The eyes of the young ladies who looked over suddenly lit up, and they seemed to have some immature thoughts.

------As if in the blink of an eye, the player's casing and several screws had been removed and placed aside, revealing the complex integrated circuit board and mechanical structure inside. Fang Linyan quickly said while taking it apart.


"What a coincidence. I happen to know some maintenance skills. I think this player is not completely dead yet and can be salvaged again."

Xibor's face suddenly darkened:

"Haha, it's just you? I've already checked with some of the most skilled engineers in Yangfan City, and they all said they can't do anything. One of the parts is damaged. However, we no longer have the ability to manufacture this part.

!Unless you can get it by chance when you discover the ruins..."

Before Xibor finished speaking, he saw that Fang Linyan had taken out a [Biquge www.sbiquge.me] obviously deformed and cracked part from inside the player:

"The damaged one is the 2y2 Zener diode, right? I've found it."

Xibol was a little dazed for a moment, but saw Fang Linyan lowering his head and continuing to search. After a while, he took out a integrated block from above and said:

"But the purpose of this 2y2 Zener diode is actually to prevent key channeling. Even if it is damaged, it will not prevent the machine from working. The real culprit is here. The speed stabilization circuit in this integrated block is damaged -----

-This kind of fault is actually not too common in car radios and players. If you give me twenty minutes to find the materials, I promise to fix it. However, this machine will probably lose its reverse playback function in the future.


Xibor was stunned, obviously he didn't understand Fang Linyan's initial technical terms, but the words "guaranteed to fix it" were clear to his ears, and he couldn't help but say:

"The reverse function is not very important. As long as you can fix it, you will pass."

Fang Linyan said:

"twenty minutes."

Then he trotted towards a store not far away. Within a few minutes, he came back with two scrapped radios and a soldering iron in his hands.

Then it only took less than ten minutes in total, Fang Linyan successfully repaired the Hibor player. After putting the Black Friday CD in and pressing it, the deep and depressing music immediately started playing again...


Why can't the technicians in Yangfan City repair this thing, but Fang Linyan can?

The reason is that the advent of the end of the world has caused partial faults in human civilization, and there are still many subtle differences between the mechanical civilization of this world and Fang Linyan's world, so the other engineers cannot accept Fang Linyan's ideas.

Of course, what's more important is that Fang Linyan's repair method involves tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall, which means that although it can be temporarily repaired for a while, it will probably break again after a week or two.


It only took about four minutes for Fang Linyan to listen to this Black Friday, which is said to be one of the top ten banned songs and can tempt people to commit suicide. For him who is as hard-hearted and cold as steel at this time, Black Friday can only change his mood.

Just a slight fluctuation.

At this time, a series of prompts came from the lower right corner of Fang Linyan's retina:

"You have successfully listened to the song Black Friday in this world."

"You've reached the milestone of being a listener of forbidden music."

"You have earned the title: Take it easy."

"Wearing this title will make it easier for you to maintain a calm mind. When using long-range attacks, your hit rate will increase by 0.5%. This title has priority."

"When a priority skill/title/title encounters a conflicting attribute (for example, an attribute that increases hit rate meets an enemy's attribute that increases dodge rate), it will be suppressed and rendered ineffective."

"If both parties to the conflict have priority, they will cancel each other out. If the conflict cannot be canceled out, a random overwriting decision will be made."

Looking at the new series of instructions, Fang Linyan silently remembered the key word "priority" in his mind. He keenly felt that this should be a rare affix, and the equipment or titles that possess it should be very valuable.


While Fang Linyan was in a daze, Xibor had already taken back the player. After testing to confirm that the player was really repaired, he looked at Fang Linyan and said slowly:

"I didn't expect you to have such ability."

He then took out something from his arms, rubbed it gently, and the thing began to spin steadily on the table at a high speed. At first glance, it seemed as if it was frozen in place.

, which shows its precision!

Fang Linyan took a closer look and realized that this thing was actually a delicate top the size of a fingernail. Upon closer inspection, the top was actually crystal clear, integrated and seamless, just like a work of art.

Xibor rubbed it gently, and the top actually rotated on the wooden table for six minutes before stopping. At this time, he said to Fang Linyan:

"You can make one yourself in the shape of this top. When the top you make is smaller than your fist and can spin on the table for more than three minutes, come to me. It will be in your favor."

Fang Linyan was overjoyed and wondered, Could it be that my repair of the player triggered a hidden mission? On the surface, he still said calmly:

"Okay, where can I find you?"

Hibber said:

"I'm here every morning."

Fang Linyan shrugged and said:

"Uh, okay, I mean, where can I find you in two hours?"

Xibol was stunned for a moment and said displeasedly:

"It's good for young people to have courage, but over exaggerating one's strength for the sake of sensationalism is called arrogance!"

Fang Linyan said helplessly:

"But I'm not exaggerating."

Sibor laughed angrily and said:

"This is a birthday gift that my old friend spent a whole ten days to make for me. He told me that if I meet a junior who is talented in this area, I can help him. You actually said that it can be made in two hours.

Come out with this hypnotic top?"

Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"I just thought about it again and felt that what I said before was indeed a bit inaccurate."

After hearing what he said, Xibor's expression softened slightly, but Fang Linyan's next words made him so angry that the veins on his neck were pulsing!

"Two hours is really not objective. I think one and a half hours is enough."

What else could Xibor say at this time? He gritted his teeth and stood up:

"Okay, okay! Follow me. If you can't make this thing in an hour and a half, then I will teach you a lesson today, a very profound lesson!"

The goat didn't expect that Fang Linyan could be so capable of inciting hatred. He actually made Xibor so excited with just a few words. He didn't even have a chance to interrupt. At this time, he could only helplessly accompany Fang Linyan and follow Xibor forward.


The previous conversation between Fang Linyan and Xibor did not attract much attention, so they did not attract any attention when they left.

Under the leadership of Hibor, the three of them soon came to a rather old-looking building. At first glance, the house looked very ordinary, but upon closer inspection, you can feel the historical accumulation inside.


It has simple white walls and black tiles, a long and narrow wooden grille under the spire, a shell-shaped groove decoration on the lintel, and an iron robin wind chime decoration on the eaves. You can feel it after just a few glances.

That noble feeling of vicissitudes of life that comes from within.

At this time, Fang Linyan already knew that the housing prices in Yangfan City actually depend on the distance from the Steel Fist Fortress. The closer the house is to the Steel Fist Fortress, the more valuable it is, because in case of danger, you can evacuate to the safest place as quickly as possible.


Therefore, the identity of the people living in this building is probably quite important to the Steel Fist Brotherhood.

Xibor walked up quickly and knocked on the door. Soon, an old man with a bald head and a red nose came out and opened the door. His round belly even stretched the shirt inside into a vest, making it feel like it could be buttoned up at the belly button.

His buttons are all miracles. When the old man saw Xibor, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Ah ha, drunkard, have you finally realized your conscience and want to cash in the two bottles of gin you lost to me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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