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Chapter 3 The Chaser

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However, after contacting the Mobius Mark, Fang Linyan was disappointed. This is a loophole left for everyone! If he can take advantage of the loophole, others can also take advantage of it.

He shook his head, threw some distracting thoughts out of his mind, and then began to think about his next move:

The requirements of the main mission are so broad, giving people a great degree of freedom, but for Fang Linyan at this time, he felt at a loss for a while, not knowing where to start.

However, after walking a few hundred meters, a message popped up in front of Fang Linyan again:

"Colonizer No. D8492116, you entered this world through abnormal channels, so you have been given additional options. Please choose your entry identity..."

a: You are a student who just graduated from Sendai Medical College in Japan. After returning to Japan, you found that even though the people are physically strong, they are still mentally indifferent. You are very depressed and confused about this.

After selecting this option, you will gain corresponding connections in Japan, and your spirit, charm, and perception will gain an extra +1 point.

Acquired ability: Secondary medical skill, which can treat allies or oneself, but due to poor learning skills, there is a probability of failure.

Gain the ability: Pen Stitch. After using this ability, the article you wrote will definitely be published in the next day's newspapers, and the people mentioned in your article will receive the attention of the authorities or private individuals.

B: You are a student studying at Ritsumeikan in Kanagawa, Japan. You are very athletic and have a Japanese girlfriend Mitsuko who admires you. However, you were shocked to hear that your master died of serious illness and you returned home.

After choosing this option, you will gain corresponding connections in Japan and Guangdong, and your strength, agility, and physical strength will be +1 additional point, and you will gain the ability: Mizong Fist.

This ability can greatly increase your ability in close combat.

: You are a core member of the Huaxing Society. After choosing this option, you will gain a series of connections in the country, and your charm will be increased by 3 points, and you will gain the ability: party member.

This ability allows you to mobilize 8-15 men to guard you at any time and follow your instructions.

D: You are a Zhejiang merchant young master, and you are now being sent by your family to discuss a business. After choosing this option, you will gain a series of contacts, and your perception and charm will be increased by 1 point, and you will gain

Ability: Spend money like water.

This ability allows you to gain a large amount of wealth, and the specific amount has a great relationship with your evaluation of the completion of the family mission.

Not only that, you can often achieve better results when conducting money-related transactions.

e: You were born in a family of high-ranking officials in Beiyang, but you are an illegitimate child. You are being squeezed out by the principal wife of your family and your status is not high. After choosing this option, you will gain a series of connections.

You will gain the ability: Yanei.

This ability allows you to have certain privileges. The size of the specific privileges is directly proportional to your father's favor and inversely proportional to the number of your brothers.

This item will be hidden after thirty seconds. You can call it out again at any time. Please make your choice within twenty-four hours.

Looking at this series of options, Fang Linyan's eyes immediately lit up:

“This benefit is great!!”

At this time, there were already pedestrians on the road ahead, so Fang Linyan put aside the five-choice multiple-choice question. The most urgent thing he needed to do was to figure out where he was, and then rush to a city with convenient transportation as soon as possible.


Don’t forget, this was the modern era of 1894. There were no high-speed rails, no flights, and even cars and motorcycles were not yet common. There were probably only a few in China! The total length of railways in China was only 436 kilometers.

Even if Fang Linyan tried his best to get a car, he still had to face frequent breakdown problems. Of course, as an experienced driver and a senior car repairman, Fang Linyan could ignore this problem, but what about the oil supply?

Unless he could transform into Tinker Bell, it would be equally embarrassing.

At this time, there were still two months before the Sino-Japanese War of 1898, which seemed quite comfortable, but in fact it was not, because running back and forth on the road would consume four-fifths, or even more.

At this time, Fang Linyan began to secretly rejoice that he had strengthened his basic abilities before leaving and developed the two special effects of breathing optimization and sprinting.

In this way, the speed of long-distance running can reach about 25 kilometers, and it can run for more than ten hours. If you are willing to invest five points in agility, the speed can even be increased to 40 kilometers per hour.

In this era where most of the means of transportation still rely on mules, horses and sailing ships, Fang Linyan's speed has completely overwhelmed them.

After asking the third pedestrian, Fang Linyan determined his location, which was Duoshi Village in Jiaoao, Shandong Peninsula.

Jiaoao became Qingdao in later generations. It was not until 1898 that Kaiser Williams named this place Qingdao.

Fortunately, in 1892, thanks to the Westernization Movement, the Qing government specially allocated 30,000 taels of silver to build two docks based on the private port here, so there were already regular passenger ships sailing here.

There is only one bus every two days.

But the person Fang Linyan asked didn't know exactly where the passenger ship was bound for.

At this time, Fang Linyan already had a basic idea. There are only three places he can go now:

The first place and the closest place is the headquarters of the Beiyang Navy: Liugong Island in Weihai! The admiral of the Beiyang Navy usually works here, which is almost three hundred kilometers away. The purpose of going there at this time is to find ways to strengthen the Beiyang Navy.

The power of the navy.

Choosing this path is equivalent to strengthening one's own strength and focusing on internal defense.

The second place is to go to Qingdao Port and find a way to get to Japan.

Obviously, such behavior is more radical and is a model of using offense as defense.

The third place is to go to Shanghai! The only meaning of going here is to meet someone.

This man's name is Li Hongzhang! At this time, he spends most of his time staying in the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau here, preparing for Westernization.

The Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War was essentially a battle between the Beiyang group and Japan. If the core figure Li Hongzhang could be persuaded to give full support, then the entire Beiyang could be controlled from top to bottom, and the situation would actually be much better!

The fourth place is to go to BJ. The purpose of coming here is to find a person. A strange little person that Fang Linyan discovered after blowing away the dust of history.

As the saying goes, heroes do not care about their origins. In fact, any big character is derived from a small role:

For example, the shy little monk in Huangjue Temple,

For example, the son of a prostitute and gangster in Yangzhou Lichunyuan,

For example, the poor little painter in Munich

For example, the hooligan who cursed Niang Xipi on the streets of Shanghai

Fang Linyan is not sure that there will be such a small person in this world, but if there is, then there is a saying that times make heroes. As long as given a chance, a small person may become a soaring hero!

At this time, Fang Linyan began to miss Goat strongly. Yes, the biggest benefit of having him was that he would complete the troublesome persuasion process.

Secondly, salesmen who are good at defrauding customers' trust are also good at collecting money.

According to Goat's description, many customers have purchased a financial product with a return rate of up to 1889% under his promise, but most of them only discovered after signing the contract that there was a line of small words next to it: They must live to 101

You can withdraw the amount therein only when you are 5 years old

After letting out a long sigh, Fang Linyan was about to cheer up and leave, but then a red prompt appeared again on his retina:

"Colonizer No. D849216, please note that the first wave of pursuers will arrive in thirty minutes. Good luck to you!"

Fang Linyan was shocked instantly:

"What! Tell me clearly, why did the pursuer appear again? What on earth is this?"

The red prompts continue to appear relentlessly:

"Colonizer No. D8492116, you did not enter this world in a normal way, and you also obtained additional identity options. However, strictly speaking, what you did is not considered a violation and can only be included in the gray area.


"Therefore, according to the provisions of Article 117 and Article 172 of the Creation Law, Sanction Instruction No. 3 will be executed, and corresponding sanctions will be imposed on you for dispatching pursuers. If you can persist through two waves of pursuers, then this round of sanctions will be

Ended successfully."

After this prompt appeared, Fang Linyan felt that he was really drunk. Damn, the Mobius mark was unreliable.

As a result, at this moment, the red prompt had not disappeared, and the electronic sound of the Mobius mark suddenly sounded in Fang Linyan's ears:

"You ask it what version of the Creation Law it is based on. As a colonizer, you have the authority to ask this question. I will use this question to determine the identity of the person who sent the pursuer."

Fang Linyan immediately wiped his hands with cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't ask. It turned out that the Mobius mark had already planned. Is this to lure the snake out of its hole? So he immediately asked:

"Why do you sanction me? What version of the Law of Creation are you based on?"

After more than ten seconds, the red prompt appeared again:

"Version 119a."

The prompt from the Mobius Mark came immediately:

"It turns out to be the Atli United Guard System. This is a system in which several spaces are united together and the relevant computing power and resource settings are equally shared. It is used to monitor the behavior of space warriors entering this plane."

Fang Linyan’s wonder:

"Aren't the specific activities of space warriors monitored by their respective spaces? Why do we need to create an additional law enforcer/supervisor situation similar to this one?"

Mobius Mark said:

"Space will only act in its own interests. In the stage of trialists and contractors, space can also maintain justice in order to select better seedlings."

"In the last world you experienced, a group of dimensions almost knocked out a dog's brain. Do you think you can still remain impartial in this situation?"

"And in a special world like this, I estimate that you are the only one who has come to your space - like the situation in the previous world, after all, it is a minority - so it is almost impossible for the S space to project the main consciousness."

"In this case, in order for everyone not to suffer, we will create such a system that can handle related emergencies absolutely fairly."

"Since this guard system is the Yatli version, it is impossible to defeat the pursuer. I can only get other benefits for you."

"Answer it, if the assessed danger level of the dispatched pursuer exceeds 21 degrees, then Article 81 of the Law of Creation will be triggered, and the dispatched pursuer must drop all the loot."

Fang Linyan immediately followed his words.

After a series of horrifying silence that seemed like a deadlock, the reply came:

"Colonizer No. D8492116, Sanction Order No. 3 has been abolished. Sanction Order No. 7 will now be implemented. Chasers will be dispatched to sanction you next. If you can persist through five waves of sanctions, then this sanction will be

Ended successfully."

Fang Linyan thought about it in his mind and realized that the Mobius mark was in place from the beginning and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. The final result was that the two waves of pursuers who came to punish him were turned into five waves!

"I'm going to beat you up! Are you going too far in showing off your presence? Or do you think I'm too stressed?"

Facing Fang Linyan’s doubts, Mobius said:

"I don't blame you for not understanding the principle. I'm asking you, if you face an enemy army of 10,000 people, should it come in two waves, with 5,000 people each time putting more pressure on you, or in five waves?

Is it a lot of pressure to dispatch two thousand people at a time?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Of course five times!"

"Of course, the premise is that I can at least withstand a single attack of two thousand enemies. Otherwise, it doesn't matter, the pressure is the same."

"Okay, I understand!"

Moebius Mark responded:

"Under normal circumstances, it should be difficult for you to get through it. There is at least a 50% chance that you won't be able to get through it. But in your current situation, if you do it in five times, you should be able to handle it easily."

Of course Fang Linyan understands what "normal situation" means, that is, when all basic attributes are compressed to five points and there is no bonus, it means that there is only fifty points of health, and the error tolerance rate is extremely low!

And now, with his colonist bonus alone, the extra 800 points of health means that he can make more than fifteen more mistakes! There is no need to explain the difference.

Fang Linyan breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Very good, then I'll go according to the original plan. First, get some money and understand the current general trend of the world. At least make sure that the political situation in this world is no different from what I investigated. After all, the emperor in this world has changed. .”

"I have been working on it for a long time, and finally found out that the person in power is Empress Dowager Ci'an, and the trader in Beiyang is Weng Tonghe. That would be really funny."

Although the probability of what Fang Linyan said is not very high, it is definitely not impossible. Even if the historical trends of each parallel world are roughly the same, there are huge differences in details. For the fastest novel reading, please visit:

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