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Chapter 1327 Crossing that hurdle

At this point, Li Fenggang suddenly raised his head to the sky, dropped his pipe, clasped his hands, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He was obviously excited and in pain.

"I have spent my whole life studying and practicing swordsmanship, and I am obsessed with swordsmanship, but I have been stuck at this level for twelve years. The key is that I still can't see the light of day."

"My ancestor said that since Yu Daqiu and Yu Shuai of the Ming Dynasty entered Taoism with a sword and became a master, there has never been a master of swordsmanship in the world."

Then, he said painfully:

"I have a hunch that I will never be able to get over this hurdle in my life."

Then the vigor in Li Fenggang's body quickly faded, and he picked up his pipe again, returning to the appearance of the old farmer, lifeless. After being silent for a while, Li Fenggang whispered:

"Son, your talent is better than the master. If you can break through this obstacle one day, don't forget to come to the master's grave to burn some incense and tell me the key points. Otherwise, I will

Even if I die, I won’t rest in peace.”


Scenes from the past became clear in an instant, flashing back in Wang Wu's memory.

At this moment, the forty-nine-year-old tycoon suddenly seemed to be going crazy. He looked up to the sky and smiled, and then shouted loudly:

"I understand, Master, I understand!!"

As he shouted, his tears rushed down his face, flowing freely on his face. The tears were mixed with many emotions: excitement, excitement, joy, and a touch of sadness.

Wang Wu, who could face life and death, recalled the innocent heart of his youth at this moment.

Only with the sword's intention and skill can one have a soul.

But wielding a knife with hatred is just a killing knife. You can only sink into blood and killing. You will be shackled here in this life. You can only be a swordsman or a sword slave, but you cannot be a master.

Only when those who use the sword understand the feelings of family and country, and have boundless love, wield the sword with the mentality of defending the nation and resisting foreign aggression, and wield the sword with love for the nation and China, then the sword will be cut out

It is the sword of protection, the sword of righteousness!!

Being able to use such sword skills, the path to mastership will be smooth and easy, and the "obstacle of knowledge and vision" that was originally blocking the way like a natural chasm will quietly disappear.

When Yu Shuai was promoted to swordsmanship master, it must have been during the battle against the Japanese and the life-and-death struggle to protect his family and country that he was promoted smoothly.

The seventh year of Wanli (1579),

Yu Daqiu, a famous general and master of swordsmanship, passed away.

After Yu Shuai's sudden death, countless masters of swordsmanship were stuck on the threshold of the master's door, stagnant, complaining, and dying in silence.

This card is a full three hundred and fifteen years!!

Until today!!

Wang Zhengyi (Wang Wu’s real name) from Cangzhou, Hebei Province, successfully attained enlightenment during the Battle of the Capital and became the first swordsman master in 315 years!!

Looking at Wang Wu in front of him, Li Ju's eyes were full of alertness and of course viciousness. He looked like a coiled snake with its head held high, and could launch a fatal attack at any time.

But at this time, after Wang Wu took a long breath, his eyes became extraordinarily bright, and then he said to Li Ju:

"Let's go. I have just mastered my sword skills and still have difficulty controlling the power. I don't want to accidentally kill you."

Although Li Ju was already in a master's state of mind and would not get angry easily, after hearing these words, his eyes widened suddenly. An unknown fire suddenly emerged from his chest and went straight to the Tianling Cap. He couldn't help but

He pointed at Wang Wu and cursed:

"Wang Wu, don't be too arrogant. I just asked you to make a sneak attack and succeeded. Do you think there will be a next time?"

Wang Wu stopped talking and just held the knife casually and stood in front of Li Ju.

Although Wang Wu didn't say a word at this time, this seemingly random behavior was really more hurtful than spouting a hundred dirty words!!

Li Ju's eyes widened and he stared closely at Wang Wu's sword. He was already concentrating and fully alert.

An Emei thorn slipped out of his palm quietly. It was an inch shorter and an inch dangerous. As long as he could get close smoothly, Li Ju was confident that he could make Wang Wu fall into a big trap.

But at this time, Wang Wu didn't look at Li Ju at all, but raised his head to the sky!!

He seemed to see the rampant Japanese laughing wildly on the sea. The warships carrying our soldiers were helplessly sinking to the bottom of the sea with black smoke. The Chinese territory was brutally occupied. Those officials with pigtails had to nod and bow to please.


A feeling of desolation, sadness and anger suddenly arose in his heart:

"I want to stop all this, and I want to follow in the footsteps of Lord Song and Young Master Hu Liu!"

"I want to use the long sword in my hand to protect the destiny of my country and my country, and to curb the Japanese invaders' wolfish ambitions!!"

"At a time when mountains and rivers are shattered and nations are withering, anyone who stands in front of me and stops me is an enemy! They are all targets that must be killed!!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Wu slashed out again,

This knife looks exactly the same as the last knife.

But when the vast wind of swords sounded, Wang Wu seemed to feel that his spirit had transcended time and space and was connected with the heroes who had defended the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Although you were born before I was born, and you have passed away since I was born, our feelings of defending the nation and our country have not changed, and our common aspirations have not changed. Then our fighting spirit can be connected and burning together.

Our beliefs.

Last forever!!!

At this time, Li Ju's eyes widened again,

The wind of swords he heard in his ears seemed to roar out of the five thousand years of vast and vast history of the Chinese nation!

Originally, Li Ju saw that the strength, angle, and position of Wang Wu's sword shot had not changed at all. He thought that the opponent was already at the end of his skills. At most, he would be able to find the flaw in it with two attempts at most, and then break it in turn.

But now Li Ju could clearly see the knife, but there was a despair in his heart and he realized that he couldn't crack it even if he saw it ten times!!

Because the prerequisite for cracking is to be based on equality between both parties.

When a person faces a roaring large truck, even if he looks at it ten or a hundred times, it still cannot change the outcome of the truck hitting him.

The only thing he can do is to run away in panic!!

The momentum of Wang Wu's sword made Li Ju feel like he was standing on a high mountain. He seemed to feel that what he was facing was not a slashing sword, but a mountain directly pressing down on him.

Fortunately, this time Li Ju learned from his mistakes and got out in time, but he immediately noticed that the speed of Wang Wu's sword had changed subtly again.

A normal slash by an ordinary person is very predictable. When the sword is drawn out, it is done with all the strength, so it is the fastest. When the slashing force is exhausted, the speed is relatively slow, and it is basically a uniform state.

When a master uses his sword, he will first go slow and then go fast. He will first use his slowness to confuse your senses, and then suddenly accelerate in the middle, catching you off guard.

But Wang Wu's sword moves at this time are slow and fast. You don't know when he will speed up and when he will slow down. There is no trace or clue at all.

A streak of blood splashed out, and Li Ju let out an uncontrollable howl of pain, turned around and quickly escaped into the darkness, like a wounded and dirty wolf, running away in embarrassment.

Li Ju has known for a long time that there is a difference between a master and a master. A master who enters the Tao with fists and palms is less difficult, but the lethality in actual combat is definitely not as strong as a knife, sword and the like.

This is actually quite normal. How many people in the country (referring to this world) die by swords every year, and how many people die by fists?

Or to use a more specific example, can a tiger monster with three hundred years of Taoism defeat the same great monster in disguise, or a sheep demon with three hundred years of Taoism?

But Li Ju never expected that he, a boxing master who had been in the Tao for two years, would be suppressed so miserably in front of the big sword king Wu who was new to the Tao!!

At this time, Wang Wu stood with his sword horizontally, and saw that he had directly defeated the powerful enemy with two sword movements, and he had entered a new realm. He felt indescribable joy and comfort in his heart, and he laughed loudly and his voice reached

Miles away.

It can be seen that on the front edge of his Yan Ling knife, there is about half an inch of strange blade light that is looming, flickering in and out, and disappears after a while.

This is also a symbol of a master, who can hurt people with his energy. Li Ju's air-splitting palm does the same, and so does Wang Wu's sword light at this time.

The sword glow sounds very fantasy, but in fact, it is a natural phenomenon.

For example, because the temperature at the upper edge of a candle is too high, the air there will appear a little blurry. This is the phenomenon of heat disturbance caused by high temperature.

The sword awn is an advanced version of this phenomenon. When Wang Wu drew his sword, the blade vibrated violently and at the same time he drew the sword extremely fast, which caused such a special phenomenon to occur.

(In reality, there is a samurai named Machii Isao who can smash BB bullets with one knife. This thing is 4,000 times smaller than a baseball. The initial speed of launch is as high as 322 kilometers per hour. He can also volley split tennis balls ejected by a machine, with a rate of fire of 440

km/h, there are videos of his performances everywhere when I search the Internet, so I think it is not an exaggeration to say that a master of swordsmanship that is set to appear every three hundred years can have such great power.)


After about two or three minutes, Ma Kui and Fang Linyan hurried back. After hearing Wang Wu's long laughter, they felt really uneasy, so they left and returned.

At this time, seeing Wang Wu standing alone and motionless, Fang Linyan's heart suddenly tightened:

NND, in movies and comics, when protagonists or important figures die in battle, don’t they always die standing up like this?

Fortunately, Ma Kui had already rushed forward and shouted nervously and excitedly:

"Fifth Master, Fifth Master, are you okay?"

Then I saw Wang Wu slowly raise a hand, and said with a wry smile in a low voice:

"Don't shout, I'm fine."

Ma Kui breathed a sigh of relief at this time, then looked at Wang Wu and said with concern:

"Fifth Master, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Wu whispered:

"Don't yell, Li Ju is very thoughtful. Even though he was scared away by me, he might still be ambushing him nearby."

"There's nothing wrong with my current situation. I just overexerted myself for a while and then lost my strength. After a while, I'll be fine."

Ma Kui breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and hurriedly found a clean place to help Wang Wu sit down. At this time, Fang Linyan also saw that the clothes behind Wang Wu were completely soaked, and the whole person looked like he had just been

Just like running a marathon.

Fang Linyan has experience with this situation. From a modern medical perspective, it is just acute hypoglycemia due to excessive exercise. The symptomatic method is very simple, oral glucose.

So Fang Linyan stepped forward and handed him a bottle of sports drink:

"Fifth brother, come and have something to drink. This is a drink I bought from a foreigner. It has a special effect on your current deprived state."

Wang Wu also wanted to drink water at this time, so he took it and fucked him all over. At this time, Fang Linyan began to feel surprised, because a normal person would definitely be breathing heavily in this situation. This was a strenuous exercise.

A situation that will inevitably arise later.

But since he came over, Wang Wu's breathing has naturally become very long, as if a person has entered a deep sleep, and the interval between inhalation and exhalation is at least ten seconds.

The respiratory rate of normal people is 20 to 30 times per minute, and even exceeds 70 times after strenuous exercise, but Wang Wu's breathing rate is probably only eight or nine times per minute.

This may seem unreasonable, but in fact, it is only because after Wang Wu entered the master realm at this time, he had already begun to master the realm of fetal breath, so he could already try to breathe through the pores, so in fact, breathing through the mouth and nose is not the only

way, of course breathing calmed down.

For Wang Wu's current situation, sports drinks can be said to be the right medicine to describe it. After less than two minutes, he stood up and moved around. He was already in a strong position again, like a dragon and a tiger.

Maguido glanced at Wang Wu a few times and couldn't help but said:

"Fifth Master, what's wrong with you? I always feel that after just such a short while, you seem to be different."

Wang Wu smiled happily and suddenly gave Fang Linyan a deep salute. Fang Linyan was also shocked:

"Fifth brother, what's wrong with you today? It's obvious that you came all the way to save me and drive away that Li Ju, but I didn't say anything, so why did you salute me instead?"

Wang Wu said sincerely:

"Those are small things, not worth mentioning. But if I hadn't met you, Mr. Hu Liu, and made friends with Mr. Song, who taught me what the righteousness of the family and the country is and what the national spirit is, my sword skills would be incomparable in my life."

It’s an inch in.”

(Author's note: In the original history, Wang Wu's swordsmanship also stagnated for decades. Later, he and Tan Sitong became close friends. When Tan Sitong asked about beheading, he understood the feelings of family and country of generously dying. Later, he

When the Eight-Nation Allied Forces invaded, he knew they were outmatched, but still fought hard and refused to retreat. In the end, he was shot at the front door. It was the faith he adhered to in his heart that made him willing to die.)

Before Fang Linyan could speak, Ma Kui said in surprise:

"Fifth Master, have you overcome that difficulty?"

This chapter has been completed!
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