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Chapter 1373 Wall Charge

Contrary to the reaction of the Green Camp gang, the invading Japanese were in an enemy country. They knew that dangers were lurking and were extremely dangerous, and they had long been determined to die. Therefore, although they were attacked, they still shouted to go

He rushed up and successfully defended this crucial position.

At this time, General Liu's favorite general Ma Dachui had arrived, and he immediately started to form a team with a loud shout. It seemed that he was planning to charge again. It was obvious that this guy's level and ability were still there, and his prestige was also very high.

Soon dozens of people were gathered around.

But at this moment, the closed door of the inner courtyard suddenly opened, and then they saw about twenty people lined up neatly under the shining light of torches!

Probably because the width of the inner courtyard gate is limited, a small number of the twenty or so people were lying on the ground, taking aim in a prone position, while the other half were half squatting on the ground, aiming with guns, holding in their hands.

Those were brand-new Springfield rifles, neatly arranged, with their black muzzles pointing forward!

Immediately afterwards, the Japanese officer standing next to the team, holding a command sword, suddenly raised the weapon, and then swung it down!!

Suddenly, crackling gunshots rang out.

Suddenly, several of the Green Camp soldiers who were gathering fell down in strange postures and then became motionless. Among them was Ma Sledgehammer!

When the rest of the people saw that something was not going well, they immediately ran away and looked for places to hide. One of them, Ma Bian, howled in a tearful voice:

"My master was beaten to death!"

He shouted it out in such a demoralizing voice, and there was no doubt that his morale was immediately demoralized. He was about to collapse on the spot, and everyone was thrown into disarray.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out and jumped directly into the group of dead people in front. The timing of this person's attack was excellent. It happened to be that the Japanese Springfield rifle fired once and needed to be reloaded.


After this person pounced on him, he rolled on the spot, picked up another person and ran towards the rear. He was none other than Fang Linyan.

At this time, Fang Linyan was also helpless, because if he sat back and watched the Green Battalion soldiers being defeated, then this operation against the Japanese task force would inevitably end halfway and end halfway, which was a scene he absolutely did not want to see.

The person Fang Linyan escaped with was of course the hit Ma Dachui, because he could clearly see that although Ma Dachui was shot, it was not the vital parts of his head and chest, but his thigh, so his life should not be in danger.

As the highest-ranking person present, Ma Dachui didn't need to do anything but say a few words to stabilize the morale of the army.

Gunshots rang out again from behind, but Fang Linyan, as if he had no idea, jumped forward one step ahead, and happened to hide behind a pillar. Although the wooden pillar was immediately beaten into holes and the smoke dispersed, it was not

It perfectly dodged several accurately fired bullets.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan ran to a hidden position in the distance and directly lowered Ma Dachui. He did not see any movement. Ma Dachui's "corpse" moved a little, and then he took a few breaths, and the unique and broken gong-like

The voice rang out:

"What are you doing! Howling in mourning? I'm not dead yet!!"

As soon as these few harsh words were said, the morale of the army that was about to collapse immediately stabilized. Not only that, Ma Dachui started to name people by name, poked their noses and started to curse:

"Liu Dabi, what did you say when you were drinking? You have a big scar on your head! You just ran away faster than anyone else!"

"Little Sniffle, didn't you say you wanted to rush in front of me to block the gun? Where are you!"

"Damn it, He Goucheng, I can see clearly that you were the first one to escape. Remember, if you win this battle, this matter will be wiped out. If you lose, haha

, you go find the military judge yourself!"


After some threats, curses and inducements, the entire scattered army calmed down immediately.

At this time, Fang Linyan had to admit that a rough man like Ma Dachui had extraordinary qualities, and it was no coincidence that he was appreciated by General Liu.

At this time, the Japanese in the inner courtyard fired two more waves, but found that the enemies were not defeated by continuous volleys of gunfire, but continued to gather in dark hiding places - although they seemed a little flustered and loose, it was obvious that these Qing people

Still want to continue organizing attacks.

At this time, after being splashed with cold water and awakened by the cold water, nearly twenty core members of the Japanese army who rushed to support arrived.

Therefore, the Japanese Major Takeo Sato who was in charge of the command showed a fanatical light in his eyes and immediately roared loudly:

"Fire bayonets!! We will completely defeat this group of fragile Qing people in brutal hand-to-hand combat!!"

Even in World War II, hand-to-hand combat was still the best way to defeat the enemy, bar none!

It is difficult for anyone to remain calm in the face of a large number of swords that are forced by Senran, unless they are surrounded by a group of like-minded companions who depend on each other for life and death, and they are determined to die!

After hearing Takeo Sato's roar, the group of Japanese silently began to line up quickly, and at the same time stuck the bayonet directly on the barrel of the gun. Finally, with a "pop", they all stood at attention and the formation was completed!! It can be seen that this group of Japanese

He is well-trained and does all this in one go.

Immediately afterwards, Takeo Sato waved his command sword, his eyes shining with excitement, and shouted:

"Give me more!" (Japanese: 咃とつげき)

The fifty or so Japanese troops immediately formed a neat queue, holding gleaming bayonets and began to charge forward. They walked in unison, with indifferent faces, and walked quickly through the open space filled with white smoke. In the night and thick smoke, the Japanese troops "clicked"

The sound of neatly trotting footsteps "clicking" can be said to be extremely loud. With such a small number of people, it actually feels like a thousand troops charging.

Seeing this scene, although the Green Camp Army clearly had a numerical advantage, they couldn't help but be frightened by their momentum! They were clearly retreating!

A few brave ones still fired their guns and knocked down two Japanese soldiers. However, after the two men fell limply to the ground, the vacancies left by them were instantly filled by expressionless Japanese soldiers!

Once the Japanese army began to charge quickly, the distance between them and the green camp soldiers gathered in front was really only ten seconds. At this time, the backwardness of the weapons also gave the green camp soldiers only a chance to fire one shot, and then they hurriedly pulled the bolt of the gun.

At that moment, the sharp bayonet was already handed to him!

There is no doubt that they immediately threw their guns and turned around to run away, but the Japanese soldiers in the front row had already made a very standard thrusting action! They knocked these people to the ground in an instant, leaving them screaming to death.

Then this group of Japanese troops continued to move forward like a wall, advancing indifferently! At this time, they gave people the impression that they completely formed a terrifying whole, like an unreachable high wall. Anyone trying to face it alone

When I was there, I felt extremely suppressed.

This kind of wall charge of infantry groups is extremely oppressive. It is also a new tactics adopted by Japan since the Meiji Restoration, when knowledgeable people from its internal army went to Prussia, Russia and other powerful military countries to study abroad and then brought them back.

In addition to the promotion of the space warriors, the task force dispatched into the hinterland of China this time also received strong support from the young faction within the military. Therefore, the military department sent fifty army elites to serve as this special task force.

The core of the contingent.

Facing the wall-like charge of the Japanese army, under the bayonet hand-to-hand combat method of determination, sacrifice, and courage, the more than 20 people summoned by Ma Dachui with all his strength collapsed at the first touch, leaving five or six corpses on the spot, and the rest were all

They dispersed in a hurry.

Modern warfare has been a transition from hand-to-hand combat to firearms warfare. The troops trained by Liu Zongbing certainly have the courage to shoot at the enemy from a long distance. They are already rare elites in the Green Camp.

But in certain environments, such as street fighting and night fighting, when encountering the enemy's wall-type group charge, it's completely unsatisfactory!

Such a battle, in addition to competing for military quality, is actually a competition for the firm will of the soldiers on both sides.

Only in the next few decades will that army, which is ragged and lacking in supplies, but has an iron will and a desperate attitude, be able to face off against the overwhelming Japanese army in hand-to-hand combat without any tricks, and even more so.

Fight and win!!

Therefore, the defeat of Green Camp is actually inevitable. In this case, Fang Linyan's eyes narrowed slightly, because he had expected that this scene might happen beforehand, so he made corresponding plans.


However, a change occurred. Just when Fang Linyan was about to take action, an accident suddenly happened. It turned out that at this time, Mr. Liu Jialiang Liu had already rushed to the scene. He stared at the Japanese soldiers in front of him and the people on the ground.

The corpse of the green soldier suddenly turned red.

To him, the Japanese not only meant national hatred, but also family hatred! When Liu Mingchuan was the governor of Taiwan, if he had not been poisoned and plotted by the Japanese, how could he have lingered on the bed so early and died early?


At this time, his palms were tightly clenched on the handle of the knife at his waist, with hatred shining in his eyes, while Goshiha beside him said anxiously and sincerely:

"Sir! Retreat! The little devils are fighting for our lives. Let's retreat first, and then we can organize a good front and use foreign guns to kill them hard."

"Back off!?" Liu Jialiang's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, with an indescribable ferocity.

He suddenly pushed away the flag officer next to him, took his big flag over, and then shouted the name of the person next to him with a ferocious face:

"Meng Xiaoqi, Liu Qiang, He Shengyou, Guo Xiaoliang. How do you think I usually treat you?"

Those whose names were called were all soldiers around Liu Jialiang. There were more than twenty of them in total. They were usually fed with extra double pay. Even if something happened, it was Liu Jialiang who took care of him!

These people are Liu Jialiang's most trusted people. Once the army is defeated on the battlefield, these people will escort Liu Jialiang to escape with his life.

Even when there is strife and conflict in the army, this group of people will serve as dead soldiers to assassinate their enemies.

Then Liu Jialiang didn't wait for anyone to reply, and strode out from the shelter holding his own big flag. Holding the flag in his left hand, drawing his sword in his right hand, he strode forward directly. In just a few steps, he walked forward without hesitation.

The wind is rustling and the water is cold, the tragic momentum!!

Seeing that the generals and commanders were taking the initiative to rush forward, the soldiers around Liu Jialiang also felt their foreheads buzzing, and the blood in their chests surged. After Meng Xiaoqi saw it, he stamped his feet anxiously:

"My lord! My lord!"

Then he rushed forward and stood in front of Liu Jialiang to cover him.

Someone took the lead, and of course the others rushed forward.

There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people. Some of these soldiers are heroic and generous. Of course, there are also some who are good at drilling camps and some who are scheming. But now that Liu Jialiang has rushed, no matter what they think in their heads, they are actually pushed to the edge.

On the road.

Because if he gives up at this time, if Liu Jialiang survives, he will definitely not be spared!

If Liu Jialiang dies, this group of soldiers will not be able to survive. It is proper for the soldiers to die before the coach. But if the coach dies and you are still alive, your reputation will be bad. Everyone will despise this profession.

There is no way to stand on it.

At this time, a row of gunshots suddenly sounded from the opposite side. It turned out that the cunning Takeo Sato noticed that another group of people came from behind, so he asked these people to ambush nearby, and then waited for an opportunity. At this time, he saw the Qing army on the opposite side.

There is a strange movement, and it seems that you want to counterattack, so let's launch a wave of gunfire first!

When this volley of guns came over, He Shengyou, the soldier beside Liu Jialiang, immediately fell down. Some of the blood he spattered even fell on Liu Jialiang's face, but Liu Jialiang continued to move forward without changing his expression!

At the same time, Liu Jialiang roared angrily:

"Look at these brothers underground! They all fell facing the enemy. They died on the way to charge. There is not a single coward!"

"Do you still want to run away? Do you still want to leave? Think about it carefully. Is closing your eyes worth their sacrifice?"

The commander-in-chief took the lead and marched forward with the flag raised, which was a great shock to the soldiers. After being yelled at by Liu Jialiang, they looked at the corpses on the ground. Those were colleagues who got along day and night, brothers who fought side by side on the battlefield.

The eyes of the soldiers present gradually turned red, and Ma Dachui roared "Kill!" He immediately pulled out his sword and rushed forward with a limp.

At this time, the rest of the people couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward together. While pulling out their swords, they shouted the two words "Kill!!"

In the darkness, in the smoke that came out after the gunshots were fired, shouts of "kill" came and went, as if everyone was desperately shouting at the top of their lungs and rushing forward.

All the green battalion soldiers were united at this time, and the general soldiers holding the flag high gathered into a torrent, crashing towards the group of arrogant Japanese troops who were charging ahead!!

This chapter has been completed!
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