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Chapter 77: The Knife of Destiny VS the Knife of Family and Country?

"Sakura? This short fat guy dressed in unconventional clothes is actually called Sakura? Damn it!!"

"The Awakener? He is the Awakener? No wonder this move is so powerful. It should be the awakening skill he has mastered!"

At this time, a large number of people had begun to attack Sakura. Unfortunately, after he used the move of Baji Zhan, an obvious shield appeared around his body. Any attack hitting it would cause bursts of lightning to appear on the surface of the shield.

The ripples of light traces were all absorbed away.

At this time, unless Mr. Liu takes action, he will not be able to cause any harm to Sakura.

Sakura's sword seemed to be very slow at this time, but in fact it must have been much faster than when he usually slashed for more than twenty hours with one sword. When the sword was halfway down, he could already feel that there seemed to be something hidden in it.

An extremely mysterious force is affected by it and is about to fall suddenly!!

That is the power of destiny!!

What Sakura struck out was already the Knife of Destiny!!

Fang Linyan was not the only one who reacted strongly to this knife.

Wang Wu immediately sensed Sakura's sword intention, couldn't help but look over here, and then hurried over.

Upon this, a burst of ecstasy immediately surged in his heart!

At this time, Wang Wu was a master of the generation, but he suddenly saw this sword skill that was completely different from the path he was taking, and it had been promoted to an almost extreme state. How could he not feel happy about this?

It's like a gourmet who suddenly sees a delicious food he has never seen before when he is hungry. He really has to try his best to get it.

After Sakura's sword intention sublimated, Wang Wu's eyes lit up, because this sword had shown him the end of another road.

When Wang Wu was still a swordsman, he knew that after he cultivated his swordsmanship to the extreme, he would be able to enter the realm of a master, because the state of a master of swordsmanship had been achieved by someone before and passed down by word of mouth.

However, when Wang Wu became a master with great righteousness, he would definitely think about a question:

That's what comes after Sword Master.

However, such things after becoming a master of swordsmanship have never been passed down in this world.

Maybe someone has reached that state, but there is no written record of it. It is more likely that the world's congenital shortcomings have restricted the master of swordsmanship from going further!

However, after Wang Wu saw Sakura's knife, his heart suddenly became enlightened.

The path after becoming a master of swordsmanship is the path that uses human power as a guide to influence the destiny of the world!!

My will is God’s will, and my heart is God’s heart!!

After witnessing this sword attack, Wang Wu let out a long roar, and his chest could be said to be full of pride. What he had learned throughout his life in his mind began to ferment rapidly, and some of the questions that had been trapped in his chest were also understood.

If you want to know the secret of this sword, what can be more concrete than to take it personally? Even if the price is death!

What's more, the sword was aimed at Mr. Liu?

As soon as Mr. Liu dies, the current battlefield may be overturned. This is a national war, a battle that determines the destiny of the family and the country! If you can contribute your own strength in this battle, even if you are broken into pieces, my king

Someone is also willing!!!

So Wang Wu also pounced forward. After unfolding his body skills, he was as fast as an ape crossing a tree. When he sprinted forward, the Yan Fei Dao in his hand suddenly unsheathed.

When Wang Wu drew the sword, the blade seemed to bear a huge weight, and the blade was pulled out of the scabbard bit by bit. Such a simple action actually made a huge sound.

When I first heard the sound, it sounded like thunder. After hearing it a few more times, it sounded more like a shout.

Countless voices gathered together to shout,

Angry shouts!!!

"Give me back my life!!!"

"Give me back my mountains and rivers!!"

"Get out of my home!"

"How can the land of China tolerate the Japanese pirates like you?"


Wang Wu has outstanding talent, and has been immersed in the way of swords for half his life. Once he understands the sword of great justice and enters the way, he will accumulate more knowledge and advance bravely!

At this time, he could see the way forward from Sakura's sword, and all the troubles in his heart were eliminated. The next sword he slashed with all his strength was obviously a sword of great justice that had been sublimated.

With one sword, protect your family and country, and live in righteousness!

The heroic spirits here and the souls of the victims were all drawn by the energy of this sword, doubling the power of the sword.

The knife of destiny VS the knife of family and country!

A series of hoarse sounds seemed to resound in the mid-air, both like the collision of gold and iron, and like the turbulent wind and clouds...

After the sound rang out, many soldiers present immediately dropped their weapons, covered their ears and started writhing in pain. You could see blood quickly oozing out from between their fingers.

After the two knives met in an instant, the piece of iron in Wang Wu's hand was shattered into pieces, and he himself was sent flying more than ten meters away, and he was confused about whether he was alive or dead.

However, there was no difference in Sakura's slash. Only those who were good at calculation could vaguely see that at the moment of collision, his sword suddenly cut about six centimeters.

In other words, if Sakura normally needs fifteen seconds to kill with this sword, then Wang Wu's sword will shorten his time by at least four seconds.

For ordinary people, the faster the sword is struck, the better, but Sakura's sword technique is completely different. The slower the sword falls, the greater the power.

Therefore, Wang Wu's attack seemed like a mantis trying to use his arm as a chariot, but it at least reduced the power of Sakura's sword by almost 30%.

Fang Linyan suddenly changed his color after listening to the sound of a series of blades slashing in mid-air. This shows that when Sakura slashes with the blade, it is not just a single attack. Once it comes into contact with the enemy, the blade will tremble violently.

Forming a terrifying multi-stage attack.

Before, I wanted to try to activate the absolute health derived from refraction to block this knife, but now it seems that it is obvious that I am seeking death. If Sakura's knife hits someone, there will definitely be more than a dozen terrifying ones.

The damage numbers come out.

When Sakura's sword attack was over, the light flashed, and a half-moon-like sword light flew out in front of her, spinning at high speed and flying out! She slashed towards Mr. Liu in front!

Wherever the sword light passed, the dozen or so personal guards blocking Liu Zongbing immediately spurted blood and flew out. Even Liu Zongbing himself fell towards the back, holding the big flag in his hand.

There was also a loud "Carrala" sound and it suddenly collapsed.

Everyone was shocked, but only Fang Linyan knew that among the dozen personal guards, the three who bore the brunt were holding military shields in front of them, but they were all chopped into two and died.

The whole body, with a vertical line of blood drawn between the eyebrows, looked extremely miserable.

Although the four or five people at the back were all corpses, they were still bleeding from all their orifices after being blown away. They died on the spot, and their whole bodies were soft, as if all their bones had been shattered.

The ninth person survived, and this is the dividing line between life and death.

The injuries of the guards after the ninth person became less and less severe, and the last person quickly got up again despite the pain after being chopped off.

Although General Liu was cut off and sent flying, even his general's flag was broken, and he was crouched in the darkness and unable to move. That was because he had serious injuries from broken ribs, so he would probably still be alive.

After figuring out the relationship, Fang Linyan also breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but feel a little glad that he didn't act rashly when he was in Japan.

Liu Jialiang is not famous in history. In the final analysis, he just got the glory of Liu Mingchuan, but the strength of the guards around him is definitely not weak!

Even though Wang Wu, Tan Sitong, and Li San came here because of the outsider Fang Linyan, but excluding these factors, if others want to assassinate him, the dozens of personal guards around him are definitely not vegetarians, and Master Huo and Ah Qi

Most of them will help.

Because of this, we can infer the strength of the protective force surrounding the Japanese generals.

Liu Jialiang's power and status were basically equal to those of the captain of the Japanese Navy. Therefore, if Fang Linyan had acted rashly at that time, it would undoubtedly be an exaggeration to say that he would die, but it would be inevitable to be disgraced!

When he thought of this, Fang Linyan was also a little proud of himself. Fortunately, he had to adapt to the situation and did the opposite! If he can't handle you, then go help Dongxiangjing who can handle you. Throughout the ages, the death of a big shot in his own hands is worse than death.

There are few of them in the enemy's hands.

Sakura failed to succeed with the sword, but there was no big expression on her face, but then she could only dodge the bullets fired by the Green Camp soldiers. At this time, Lao Wu and Xiong Ya realized

When the success was on the verge of failure, we had no choice but to go to the rescue.

Fang Linyan made a gesture to Li San in the distance. The two had already discussed it. Li San nodded and disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, Fang Linyan was about to go to plot against Yinghua and others, when he suddenly heard cries from General Liu, and the cries of several people were mixed together.

Fang Linyan's heart immediately tightened, and he secretly thought that my inference was wrong, so he didn't care so much and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

After everyone separated, it was discovered that General Liu was being supported against a rock. He looked like he was still breathing, and it didn't look like he had been fatally injured.

"Could it be that he was poisoned?" Fang Linyan's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of another possibility!

"Yes, among these space warriors, there was one who used poison before, and it was that kind of mustard gas."

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan hurriedly said:

"What's wrong, Mr. Liu? What are they crying for?"

General Liu's face turned pale, he wiped the blood from his mouth and waved his hand, pretending to be calm:

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't you at least save your life? Doesn't the old man still have hundreds of acres of land in the countryside? If you can't lead the army, then go back and become a rich man!"

After hearing what Mr. Liu said, Fang Linyan went to ask others, and then he realized that Master Huo had stepped forward to fight. It turned out that there was a guard next to him who was also knowledgeable in medicine. After he came and saw Mr. Liu's injury, he said

A few words of frustration.

Although the injury was not fatal, it was very serious. In addition, the original old injury had not healed, and a new injury was added at this time, which severely damaged the vitality. Therefore, even if he recovered in the future, the root of the disease would still be left.

As a result, not to mention leading the troops, it is estimated that even doing strenuous exercise will be difficult, and the position of chief soldier will definitely be relinquished.

When Fang Linyan heard that he was so seriously injured, the medicine he brought would be the icing on the cake, but using it on local characters would probably have no effect, and he felt a little helpless.

But thinking of Sakura's earth-shattering knife, I felt chills in my heart. To be honest, I felt that Lao Liu was lucky to survive.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered something. He seemed to have bought some medicine that could heal injuries in Japan, and the explanation given by the space was that it had miraculous effects on injuries, but it also had negative effects. This thing was still

Limited edition.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Linyan walked up to Mr. Liu, hesitated and said:

"Sir, it's like this. I have a bottle of medicine here. If you take it now, it should be able to greatly alleviate your injuries. It is also possible to continue to lead troops to fight in the future. However, this thing has some nausea and side effects.

, do you want to try it?”

When General Liu heard this, he immediately became energetic:

"Disgusting? I've never been afraid of disgusting things! Back then, I violated the taboo of the monk king and received forty boards. In order to avoid any sequelae in the future, I just pooped a little boy in his mouth."

"I don't know how long this little bastard held it in, but I swallowed it in big gulps without even a drop left. I pulled out green onions from the ground and swallowed them with the roots. How disgusting could this be?"

(Note: Folk prescriptions say that if you suffer from a bruise, you can immediately take fresh children's urine + scallions to relieve the disease and avoid leaving the root cause of the disease. Now there is still a custom in Zhejiang of children's urine and boiled eggs as a tonic. A stroke of the local primary school teacher

For extra income, I let the boys in my class pee in the bucket next to me and sell them.)

After hearing that General Liu had a strong desire to eat this food, I guess he wouldn't have wanted to leave the army if he hadn't been forced to do anything else - a man can't be without power for a day!

Fang Linyan thought to himself that this was probably fate, so he took out a bottle of chewing wine from his pocket.

The color of this thing is gray-green, and a little sticky. There are a lot of floc in it, which is the rice residue chewed with your mouth, which has not been filtered... To be honest, Fang Linyan

I don't even have the courage to smell it.

When I was buying it, the boss seemed to want to show that his product was authentic. When he pulled out the stopper and handed it over, Fang Linyan smelled a sour smell from a distance, and his stomach immediately turned upside down.

To be honest, Fang Linyan felt a little regretful at this time. What if Lao Liu drank it and had vomiting and diarrhea, and he was a seriously injured person and died?


I heard that there is a 515 Update Festival at Qidian. Do you want to participate?

This chapter has been completed!
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