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Chapter 1435 Slavery

The fly in the ointment is that what is doubled is the basic power of the weapon, which is the panel data written on the gun. But in fact, when the gun is fired, its power will be increased by Fang Linyan's basic shooting LV4, agility.

Bonus, critical hit rate bonus, bonus effect of special bullets used.

If these additional factors are included, the damage will be even more terrifying.

In short, Fang Linyan is quite satisfied with this gun. If he can take it out, he might be able to sell it for the price of legendary equipment. Unfortunately, he can't take it out.

After playing with the gun for a while, Fang Linyan thought of something and hurriedly opened the war progress bar, then a smile suddenly appeared on his lips:

Because China’s winning rate at this time has soared to 55.2%!!

What kind of concept is this? It means that this battle has a winning rate of more than 30%! It is worth mentioning that this is also the first time that China's winning rate has exceeded Japan's.

Next, Fang Linyan walked out of the room and stretched, and then quickly went to the Linggang Fort where the battle was yesterday, and went to collect the remains of the machine soldiers, sort them, and put them back into the bag. According to Fang Linyan's assessment, it is estimated that

At most, it can only restore the combat effectiveness of five machine soldiers.

After doing these things, the sky was getting brighter. Fang Linyan walked out of the room and saw that it was very busy outside. A large number of Japanese workers and captured soldiers were working hard. What they did was to carry a large number of

Cargo on board.

And where did these goods come from? Of course they were plundered by the Russians who went out.

On the pier, there were a dozen Mr. Chaofeng sitting behind the table. Next to them were boxes of silver rubles that exuded an alluring light. These little jingling little cuties had the unique Russian double-headed eagle pattern on the front.

, the back is the year of forging.

There is no doubt that they attract the greedy eyes of most Russians.

As for these Chaofeng gentlemen, they are all organized by the Qiao family, and their mission is to lower prices and identify authenticity.

The goods paid by the Russian mercenaries with bayonets and bullets were quickly delivered for valuation, and then exchanged for silver rubles. These bloody goods would bring astonishing profits of more than five times to the Qiao family.

As for a series of trivial tasks such as transporting, doing chores, organizing, etc., of course it is done by the Japanese in the port. Although these Japanese have different identities, they are roughly divided into two types. One is the original workers in the military port, and the other is

They are the nearby residents who were forcibly recruited.

At this time, there were only more than 200 people left in the military port responsible for maintaining order and security. The rest dispersed and held a carnival feast of looting in Nagasaki, and there were enough Japanese handymen who were temporarily recruited.

More than 800 people.

However, the Japanese nation's nature of obeying the strong is now reflected. Under the gleaming bayonets of the Russians, they are like tame wild dogs, carrying goods honestly and completing the tasks assigned to them.

Of course, the Qiao family who presided over this matter also understood the principle of giving a date with a slap in the face. On the other side of the pier, they set up five large earth stoves, with steaming white smoke and bamboo steamers inside.

There are a large number of baskets next to the stove, filled with steamed buns, rice balls and other things.

After completing a transport trip, every Japanese can get a bamboo chip, and a bamboo chip can be exchanged for a steamed bun/a rice ball/a ringo (choose one from three), plus a bowl of steaming kombu


This kind of "paid labor" behavior has undoubtedly greatly increased the Japanese people's enthusiasm for work, and also reduced the resistance of these guys a lot.

In fact, for these Japanese people at the bottom who have been squeezed to the extreme, it is really "hunger is like the wind, always with me". It is a habit to be so hungry that your eyes turn green and you drink water fiercely. This kind of reward created by the Qiao family

The mode allows them to get a bamboo chip almost every twenty minutes, which is already a great temptation for them.

Of course, the food that the Japanese eat is definitely not transported thousands of miles by the Qiao family, but is obtained directly from the warehouse in the port. This is a typical example of "eating from the enemy".

Qiao Jiafa Zhuchi's method was learned from Caobang and has been practiced for hundreds of years. It will hardly cause any trouble in a short period of time.

Fang Linyan walked around on the dock and found that the danger of riots that he was worried about did not exist at all. These Japanese people who were obviously forced to work were very active and did not suffer from the pain of being enslaved by the invaders. When carrying goods, they were almost

If you are running at a trot, you don’t need to be urged at all.

Especially in the designated "eating area", the atmosphere can be said to be as lively as a festival:

A strong man ate the rice balls with big mouthfuls and said excitedly:

"It has been five months. I have been eating rice bran dumplings with wild vegetables for five months. Today I finally ate delicious rice balls again, and there are two plums in them!"

Another middle-aged man was playing and drinking from a wooden bowl:

“Try this kombu soup, it’s so delicious, look at the egg flakes in it!”

There was also a soldier in military uniform who reluctantly stuffed the fruit into his pocket:

"I want to take this Ringo (apple) back to share with the whole family. My little daughter can get an extra piece!"

Suddenly, the master chef next to him shouted:

"The steamed buns are out of the cage!"

Then the master chef opened the steamer and threw the snow-white steamed buns into the bamboo basket next to it. A large group of Japanese workers waiting next to it immediately swarmed up!

"I want three, here are the bamboo chips!"

"I want one!"

"Please give it to me first. I will continue working after I finish eating!!"

Seeing this scene, a Japanese worker who had just arrived here tugged at the clothes of the uncle next to him in astonishment:

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

The uncle looked at him warily, and then said:

"This is a rare Chinese vegetarian steamed bun!! It is an authentic flavor made by a master from Kyoto, China. Not to mention ordinary people, Mr. Yamamoto said he has never tasted such delicious food!"

(This is not a fiction. The steamed buns that Japanese people usually eat are more similar to Chinese bean paste buns. Even jelly-like things like Shuixinxuan cakes are called water steamed buns. Authentic Chinese steamed buns are rare, and in Japan at that time

The price is expensive.)

"Nani!! Then I must try it too!"

Under the temptation of food, Japanese civilians who wanted to come here to do coolies gradually appeared, and the advance team welcomed them very much! Now they have too many things at hand, and they need manpower to repair the ship (Nelson)

, Manpower is needed to dismantle the machines in Nagasaki Military Port, and manpower is needed to transport the looted wealth.

What's more important is that the little devil's civilians are so miserable. As long as they are fed, they will look grateful, as if they have done good deeds for eight lifetimes and accumulated a lot of merit. What's even better is that they can be used to hire them.

All the food was stolen, and it was a business with no capital and huge profits.

At this time, Fang Linyan had no intention of joining the plundering of Nagasaki Port. He believed that those drunken Cossack men would teach the rich Japanese in the port a very profound lesson!

At this time, a long whistle sounded from the dock. The fully loaded "Yura" had already set sail and headed north. In order to avoid the Japanese combined fleet, it would go north along the Tsushima Strait to its destination.

It's Vladivostok.

As long as it can reach its destination smoothly, both Song Yuren and the Qiao family will be in an invincible position - they managed to successfully attack the hinterland of the little devil and capture many enemy ships!

With such a result, Old Man Li and the imperial court can blow it up.

At this moment, someone suddenly tapped Fang Linyan on the shoulder. When Fang Linyan turned around, he saw the Russian commander Nicholas. This guy said drunkenly:

"Hu! What are you thinking about? Are you worried about Yura?"

Fang Linyan nodded and said:


Nicholas laughed and said:

"Don't worry. According to the first-hand information we got, the Japanese combined fleet docked at Kure Naval Port just one day ago, and their destination is Okinawa Naval Port."

"The combined fleet probably hasn't received any news of the attack on Nagasaki yet. Where can they find people in the vast sea? Don't worry!"

Fang Linyan actually knew very well that in history, wireless telegraphy was still in the research stage at this time. It was not until 1902 that Italian Marconi experienced countless failures before he successfully carried out wireless telegraphy across the Atlantic.

After that, based on Marconi's research, shipborne wireless telegraphs would be developed. At that time, it would be possible to communicate with the land after the ship left the port, and this was already ten years later!

As for shipborne radar, haha, that was during World War II!

Therefore, what Nicholas said actually makes sense, and there is no need to worry about it at all. At this time, people still rely on their naked eyes to search for enemy ships on the vast sea.

To put it even more exaggeratedly, basically after the ship leaves the port, it can find a deserted island to hide. As long as the deserted island is far away from the main route, then the combined fleet will most likely not be able to find it.

After thinking about this, Fang Linyan showed a smile on his face and said:

"My worries are unfounded, Nicholas, is there any news about the Japanese Army now?"

Nicholas laughed and said:

"Wow, my friend, the Japanese invested most of their resources in the construction of the navy, so when they went to war with your country, they only had six field divisions and one guard division."

"And now your country has mobilized a large number of military forces on the border of North Korea, so the main force of the Japanese army has been mobilized to North Korea, trying its best to preserve the results achieved in North Korea!"

This chapter has been completed!
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