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Chapter 1450 Sensation

However, in the battle outside Nagasaki a few hours ago, the Shiraishi Regiment of nearly 4,000 people was wiped out in a near-total annihilation manner, including nearly 300 Shintoists, and even one Shintoist.

The deputy leader and many senior military officers were "broken" here, which undoubtedly put a bucket of ice water on the heads of this group of radicals.

Fang Linyan had been thinking about the far-reaching impact of this battle on the Japanese government before. Now, according to the intelligence feedback from Zheng Xianren, this victory looks like a heavy blow to the head, causing the opponent's eyes to dazzle and the head to suffer severe pain.

!Smashed the Tokyo government into giving up all unrealistic illusions.

After all, at this time, Japan itself had not yet emerged from its status as a small country with a small population, and the Meiji Restoration had not yet seen sufficient results. The "fall" of Nagasaki and the total annihilation of the Shiroishi Regiment were like two bad news.

The combination of punches was normal, and the left and right bow strikes made the Japanese government dizzy and see flashes of gold in their eyes.

What Fang Linyan and his expeditionary force are most afraid of is that the Japanese government keeps sending people from all over the country to harass and bite them.

The conservative decision made by Tokyo at this time undoubtedly greatly overestimated the combat power of the expeditionary force, which helped them greatly and gave them a chance to breathe.

Then Zheng Xianren handed over another telegram and two newspapers:

"Now that the attack on Nagasaki has spread, it has also caused a great shock in the international community. Both Britain and France expressed their special concern about this matter, and were particularly shocked that Russians were among the troops that attacked Nagasaki.

And extremely concerned.”

"The Russians sent a note to European countries, stating that the great Russian Empire has no intention to plant the emperor's scepter on Japanese territory for the time being, and expressed regret that a small number of Russians appeared in the bloody incident in Nagasaki.


"According to the investigation, the original identity of these Russians is some low-level mercenaries from Vladivostok, composed of old and weak soldiers who have been eliminated, exiles and adventurers. They were hired by the Qing Dynasty at a high price and flew in Villefort (French Empire).

) shipping company's ships headed for Nagasaki, commanded by a Qing official named Yuren Song."

"In this case, Russian Minister Cassini euphemistically expressed that he did not expect that some drunkards and villains in Vladivostok could cause such great harm to Japan. For this reason, he personally sympathized with what happened to Nagasaki.

He is willing to donate all his salary this month - 47 silver rubles - to the poor residents there. He will also write to the Governor of the Far East in Vladivostok, urging him to manage the mercenaries under his rule and not to let him neglect his duties.

Causing havoc to the poor citizens of a country."

There is no doubt that the current situation has made the Russians very excited, and one can imagine his triumphant and ugly face from Cassini's words.

Britain and France should also be very upset and begin to re-examine the appropriateness of their previous foreign policies. After all, what they need is an ally that can effectively contain the Russians in the Far East, not a waste that will collapse at the first touch.

Finally, Zheng Xianren took out a message, waved it and said:

"This is the message I received ten minutes ago."

Then Zheng Xianren's face became a little serious, he glanced around, suddenly smiled and said:

"At seven o'clock yesterday morning, the four ships of the Beiyang Fleet, Zhiyuan, Dingyuan, Chaoyong, and Yangwei, met three warships of the Japanese Combined Fleet near Sanyu Reef in the east of the Sea of ​​Japan, and successfully sank the Japanese The ship Bisou pursued Chiyoda and Itsukushima for ninety nautical miles and severely damaged Itsukushima."

"It has been confirmed that the Itsukushima sank one hundred and twenty nautical miles away from Tokyo Bay due to excessive wind and waves on the sea, causing severe injuries to itself!"

After hearing the news, everyone was overjoyed.

Their biggest worry now is the Japanese Combined Fleet. Although they have already laid out the corresponding chess pieces and spies in various major ports in Japan, as soon as they discover news about the Combined Fleet, they will immediately transmit it by telegram.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, who can guarantee that the chess pieces they arranged will definitely find traces of the combined fleet? Even if it is discovered, can the information be conveyed in time?

Originally, the Combined Fleet lost three warships in the expeditionary force (one Yura on the road + two repaired in Nagasaki Naval Port). At this time, due to the attack on Nagasaki Military Port, there was a huge loophole in the scheduling. , but the fighter plane was directly captured by the Beiyang Navy and defeated in one fell swoop!

This was the first time that the Beiyang Navy inflicted a heavy loss on the Japanese Combined Fleet in a frontal naval battle!

According to the current situation in China, where there is still a three-foot wave even if there is no wind, the whole country must be celebrating at this time, and the sinking of two Japanese warships would cause a sensation in the world.

Fang Linyan also breathed a long sigh of relief, because according to normal historical development, the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1896 and the Yellow Sea Naval Battle, which determined the outcome, had already happened. Needless to say the outcome! Obviously, with his own efforts, history has changed!!

Dingyuan and Zhenyuan were originally scars that would never fade in the hearts of the Chinese people, but now they have returned with great honors.

"On this day, the world will shed tears, and there will be enough power to strengthen the navy."

This depressing couplet will probably never appear again!

A group of people combined the current intelligence and the estimates of the Chinese businessmen and local snakes, and then they will be able to get a buffer time of about four days. During this time, they can search and exploit Nagasaki. Be more calm and adequate.

In fact, if the Japanese Combined Fleet were to advance at full speed, it would only take less than two days to reach Nagasaki at most. But now they don’t even dare to dare! It is estimated that the Minister of the Navy has been furious at this time and frantically sent power to the Combined Fleet. They must exercise caution at the ports where they stay.

At this time, the combined fleet had been severely damaged after suffering two consecutive attacks. Both in terms of tonnage and gun positions, it had been completely suppressed by the Beiyang Navy.

If the Beiyang Navy seizes the opportunity to successfully ambush it once again "adventurously", then Japan will completely lose control of the sea! This will directly cause the supply lines of tens of thousands of troops deployed in North Korea to be cut off. After all, these Japanese troops need ammunition and food. Domestic supply.

For Japan, it will be an outright disaster. Therefore, the combined fleet must seek stability. Anyway, the matter is now over, and it will not be short of a day or two.

However, the situation four days later will be extremely dangerous for the expeditionary force, not to mention the pressure from the combined maritime fleet.

Although the Japanese Army has dispatched almost eight or nine elite regiments to North Korea, with such a long buffer time, it will definitely be able to summon a division and a total of four to five regiments to come to Nagasaki.

With such a sea and land attack, the situation of the expeditionary force can be said to be extremely dangerous. This is the biggest challenge that the entire expeditionary force has to face.

No matter how brave and skilled these old men are, they will never be able to make a comeback in this situation, let alone the fact that their purpose of coming here is to burn, kill and loot, and now their morale is even lower.

After the group of people completely grasped the current situation, they all felt confident in their hearts, so they were all quite satisfied with the current situation.

Since the "Yura" successfully returned to Vladivostok, the Qiao family has been making no losses. Now with the four-day buffer, it can ensure that the benefits are maximized and the two captured Japanese ships: the Yoshino

and Toshima both returned with full loads.

Fang Linyan checked the war progress bar at this time and found that the Qing side's winning rate had exceeded 85%, and his contribution was naturally ranked first. However, he found that in this situation, he was still

He was bitten by the two or three people below!

Although only his own name can be seen on this contribution ranking list, and the rest of the people are anonymous, Fang Linyan immediately realized that one of the two or three people below him might be Mr. Cayenne.

The other person should be the person behind the scenes that single-handedly laid the foundation for the naval battle at Sanyu Reef.

In front of Fang Linyan's eyes, the appearance of the old butler Altba suddenly appeared. Could it be him?

Of course, the most proud people at this time were the group of Chinese businessmen headed by the Zheng family. They were experiencing ups and downs. A dozen hours ago, they were still on the verge of ruining their families and destroying their families.

But more than ten hours later, because of the good relationship they had formed before and their full cooperation with the expeditionary force, they successfully reached the peak of their power in Nagasaki - although it was only temporary, it was not

This prevents them from using the relationship network and connections they have built up over a hundred years to start laying out, and then seek huge benefits.

This is an achievement that none of our heroic ancestors could achieve.

The following night, and even the next few days, must be a sleepless night. Some people are excited, some are in pain, some are ecstatic, and some are depressed.

After summarizing all the reasons, Fang Linyan solemnly said:

"Now I have received the latest news that the Russians are not stable."

Zheng Xianren acted very calmly and said with a slight smile:

"This should actually be expected, right? In the battle with the White Rock Alliance, the Russians also suffered heavy casualties, and their morale must have been depressed. This group of Russians is inherently brutal and disorganized. In order to stabilize the morale of the military, they must indulge."

"This kind of thing happened in ancient times. For example, if there were too many casualties during a siege, in order to vent the soldiers' grievances, they would probably massacre the city for three days. For us, it would be nothing more than a loss of money."

Fang Linyan saw that Zheng Xianren seemed to be very experienced in handling this matter, and he thought:

"That's actually the case."

Then he told everything about Lyudmila and Romansav.

Zheng Xianren immediately became energetic:

"Oh? Aren't these Russians still united? This is interesting."

This chapter has been completed!
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