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Chapter 1456 Shocking Changes

Next, there is the true attribute of the ashes of the Bodhi Tribulation.

Usage: Sprinkling the Bodhi Tribulation Ashes on the target object will cause the target object to undergo a strange transformation. Because the Bodhi Tribulation Ashes have powerful power, but are also mixed with resentment, they will cause indescribable changes.

, please note that this change will be random and not necessarily in a good direction.

When the transformation is completed, the quality change of the target object will appear in the range of lowering to the second level and improving to the second level.

Once you try to use Bodhi Tribulation Ash on an item/equipment/prop, you must sprinkle it completely, otherwise both will be ineffective.

Looking at this introduction, Fang Linyan immediately understood why Kano Meitoku's painting skills improved so much and his painting style changed to a very powerful one. It was because he accidentally obtained the Bodhi Tribulation Ash, and then was affected by it and had hallucinations.

In Buddhism, there are Vajra Shura, demon Yaksha and other bizarre illusions!

Others can only rely on description and imagination to draw these, but Kano Akitori can draw after seeing the original version as if he is immersed in the scene. In addition, he has a talent for painting, so of course he will be a complete blow to the opponent.

Kano Aki's behavior is probably similar to the behavior of many singers who cannot write songs and then violate Article 72 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China.

Of course, this guy has lived in a Buddhist temple for twenty years, so it is probably related to this thing.

As for why he tried to hide it and then set up mechanisms, the twists and turns are unknown.

This Bodhi Tribulation Ash is obviously very risky, and Fang Linyan has not yet figured out how to use it.


After studying the newly acquired thing for a while, Fang Linyan heard someone knocking on the door outside, and then Li San walked up quickly and whispered to Fang Linyan:

"It's almost time to head to the place to board the ship."

Fang Linyan nodded. Now that the main force of the expeditionary force has left, they must be running away.

This time, the ship they took to evacuate was the Guggenheim, which had never been seen in Nagasaki before. This ship was anchored in a hidden harbor more than ten miles away from Nagasaki. They needed to evacuate from land.

Walking up the stairs can be said to be the safest way out.

If the Japanese had any backhand or trump cards, they most likely used them on the Yoshino that had left the port before. After all, the Yoshino must have been intercepted by the Japanese in terms of its identity (former flagship) and the wealth on it.

first choice.

Once the Yoshino is successfully captured and incorporated into the Qing fleet, the Japanese Navy will probably lose its face internationally.

With such a huge bait, the safety of the Guggenheim can of course be maximized.

At this time, Fang Linyan remembered something again and said to Li Sand:

"By the way, has the person I asked you to keep an eye on has done anything strange?"

Li San shook his head and said:

"Romansav locked himself in the camp, and there has been no movement. Several people came to him, but there seemed to be no response. It seems that he must have accepted his fate."

For some reason, Fang Linyan always had some ominous premonitions in his heart. He couldn't help but open the war progress bar and looked at it. His eyes widened suddenly. It turned out that the Qing Dynasty's winning rate had actually dropped at some point.

Now it’s only 61.2%!

Since the sneak attack on Nagasaki, Japan's winning rate has plummeted. After the news spread that the Shiraishi unit attacking on land was completely defeated, this "two consecutive attacks" undoubtedly proved one thing:

The Japanese are really strong on the outside and capable on the inside. The navy was severely damaged by a group of Russian mercenaries, and now the army is even more vulnerable to the Russian mercenaries!

With such a record, not to mention that the international public opinion has been aroused, even the Japanese themselves have made a lot of pessimistic remarks. Only the fanatics within the army are still clamoring for the last drop of blood to be shed by the invaders.

At this time, Japan can be said to be in trouble both internally and externally. Fang Linyan even thought that it would be abnormal if China's winning rate was lower than 90%. It should at least be above the 95% red line!

But why did the winning rate fluctuate so much? Fang Linyan was really puzzled.

But at this time, the people around him were urging them urgently, so Fang Linyan could only set off with Wang Wu and his friends, along with almost two hundred Russian soldiers. Most of the remaining Russians were recruited by Japanese Chinese businessmen, and some

Some followed the other ships and returned home yesterday.

Fang Linyan knew that he had made many enemies in the past few days. Not only did the Japanese want his life, but the space warriors on his side also regarded him as a thorn in their side. This could be called internal and external difficulties.

Therefore, he was also very cautious, acting exactly like Liu Bei. Not only was he inseparable from Wang Wu and others during the day, but he even had to sleep together at night - the atmosphere was not good at that time, and the symbol of witnessing friendship was night

Two grown men slept together, feet touching.

Wang Wu, an escort, is used to sleeping in the open air and will fall asleep whenever he touches the pillow.

Fang Linyan was in pain. He had to endure Brother Wang's snoring. He also found that Brother Wang had severe athlete's foot and didn't wash his feet! He was worried that he was infected, but he had no choice but to save his life.

But in this way, personal safety is indeed impeccable. Under the protection of hundreds of Russian men, even after passing this level, he has the personal protection of these masters. Fang Linyan does not know it, but Wang Wuhe

Master Huo would really risk his life to protect him, so the difficulty of killing Fang Linyan is really SSS level!

Along the way, Lin Yan was worried. Others asked him concerned questions. Fang Linyan could only smile bitterly and shake his head - there was no way to talk about such a thing!

It took about two hours for the group to arrive in front of the fjord where the Guggenheim was secretly anchored. After boarding the ship, they were ready to leave and return home.

But at this moment, a man on horseback hurriedly came from behind.

Fang Linyan recognized this person. He was Qiao Mu's godson named Qiao De, who was very smart and capable. And because his mother was Japanese, she had lived in Okinawa for ten years and knew Japanese and Japanese living habits quite well.

According to the arrangement of the Qiao family, he was asked to stay here to contact the Chinese businessmen in Japan, and he would also lurk here in the future. Since the two sides have a friendship of fighting side by side, there will of course be a lot of business opportunities in it, and it would be a pity not to use it.


After Qiao De caught up with Fang Linyan, he bowed hastily, then wiped his sweat and gasped:

"Mr. Hu, not long after you left, our people in Tokyo spread this information and sent it privately by telegram. This telegram has the word "red" on it, which means it is extremely urgent, so the villain will not

If you dare to delay, I will send it to you directly."

Fang Linyan took a look at the telegram and found that there was a sentence written on it:

"Good news comes frequently/Li Xiaoquan entertains guests/composes poems/Chenqiaoyi/Chi."

This sentence seemed completely meaningless, but after Fang Linyan read it a few times, he suddenly felt creepy and cold sweat broke out on his back. Then he squeaked his lips violently a few times, took two deep breaths and then held on.

The big tree next to it is considered calming.

The telegrams at this time were all concise and concise, so this telegram looks a bit confusing. It requires a certain understanding of the current situation to understand it. So what does this telegram mean?

An extension is that after the news of the capture of Nagasaki and the Beiyang Fleet reached China, Li Xiaoquan held a banquet for the guests and wrote a poem at the banquet. When he was so proud, he actually mentioned Chenqiaoyi in the poem.

The deficit at the end should indicate the urgency of this message.

Who is Li Xiaoquan? The younger brother of Li Gongzhang, who is very popular in the Qing Dynasty, Li Liangzhang!! Xiaoquan is his name!!

Chinese people pay attention to subtlety when doing things. Can Chen Qiaoyi mention it casually?

Everyone knows the story of Chenqiao's mutiny and the addition of yellow robes. The big man of the Zhao family shamelessly bullied the orphans and widowers of the Chai family and created the Song Dynasty.

Hey, you think this is a coincidence, now in the imperial court, there are also orphans and widows (Emperor Cixi + Emperor Qixiang), the leader is weak and the ministers are strong, even the powerful ministers are Zhao Kuangyin/Zhao Guangyi, Li Gongzhang + Li Hanzhang like this

brother group!

I don’t know what Lao Zhongtang was thinking in his heart, but when Li Liangzhang recited poems at the banquet, he probably had the intention to aspire to the throne.

At present, the Huai Clan, with the power of a faction, directly competes with Japan, and even defeated the little Japanese to pieces (this guy selectively ignored the Huai Clan's ugly appearance on the Korean battlefield), whether it is domestic or international

The reputation has greatly increased accordingly.

Although Li Gongzhang here pays attention to "cautious independence" and thanks guests behind closed doors, the Russian minister came to take the initiative to meet with Li Liangzhang. What he said in his words was "China's master should be named Li", "Russia is willing to cooperate with Huaihe"

We want to achieve in-depth cooperation here" and other ambiguous words.

Moreover, both Britain and France were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. The British envoy William usually rolled his eyes to the sky and wore white gloves if he wanted to hold hands (shake hands) when meeting him. At this time, he actually took the initiative to visit.

The Huai system, which was already rotten to the core, suddenly changed from a stinky piece of shit that no one cared about to a piece of hot cakes! Such a strong contrast made Li Liangzhang want to seize the hot power of the moment.

Not to mention that this guy continues to think deeply. He knows that his brother is about to die of illness. If he really wears the yellow robe, he probably won't live for a few years.

My eldest nephew is submissive and extremely mediocre, so doesn't he have hope of becoming Song Taizong?

Now I am only fifty-three-four, and my body is still very strong. In other words, if I am lucky, I still have twenty years of imperial fortune?

Li Liangzhang thought that after he recited poems to test, someone would immediately come to him, just like Zhao Kuangyin had ten brothers to support him.

But the ten brothers did not wait. The poem had already been discovered by someone who was interested, and then it was quickly sent to the capital and spread quickly in all directions.

This was also a stupid move made by Li Liangzhang, who was ambitious but not very talented. He didn't even think about it. Others wouldn't seek refuge with him. How could anyone protect the King of Hell and not seek help from him?

When Fang Linyan saw this news, he knew it was going to be bad!

The mess Li Liangzhang had done was known to him as far away as Japan, so it makes no sense that Cixi and Qi Xiang in the capital didn't know about it.

Fang Linyan didn't know who Qixiang was, but! He knew exactly what virtues this old witch Cixi had. This old woman was an outsider in foreign wars, but she was really good at tearing down her own home!

The defeat of the Sino-Japanese War of 1898-1998 was 80% blamed on Beiyang's own failure, but Cixi must not be wronged to bear 20% of the blame.

Since the Taiping Rebellion, the Manchu royal family had clearly lost control of the local governors and the Eight Banners Army had become useless. Therefore, from the bottom of their hearts, they did not really hope that Beiyang would win the Sino-Japanese War.

If the Japanese won, they would just lose money and cede territory, and the imperial court would still belong to the Qing Dynasty.

If Han people like Li Gongzhang win, maybe the Qing Dynasty will fall!

Fang Linyan didn't know how Cixi was going to act like a monster next, but he knew that Li Gongzhang had no intention of being independent. In addition, this matter was caused by Li Gongzhang's own family, so he would have to accept Cixi's tossing.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard from behind again. Fang Linyan took a deep breath, and the ominous feeling in his heart became stronger. Then he saw another horse riding up, and the rider was still from the Qiao family.


After the rider jumped off his horse, he saluted Fang Linyan and then said:

"Not long after the second brother left, another secret message came. After we took the notebook and translated it, we found that it was designated for you."

It is not unusual for these secret messages to be sent end to end. Fang Linyan and the others are now isolated overseas. It must be very difficult to effectively obtain information from the outside world. It is very likely that when the informant finds an opportunity to send the secret message,

I sent all the money I had accumulated for five or six days in one go.

Fang Linyan was mentally prepared at this time. He took it directly and took a look, his face became more solemn.

"Fengsheng'a, the XHQ Han army is under the command of Yiketang'a. The defense line established by General Chongshan of Shengjing has been broken through by the Japanese army in Korea. The Japanese army divided into two groups, attacking Shengjing (Shenyang) all the way to the north, and attacking the capital all the way south.

, the imperial court was in shock, and people were in panic."

After seeing this news, Fang Linyan was really stunned. These three people had more than 60,000 soldiers in their hands. Facing the Japanese troops stationed in North Korea who had been cut off from ammunition and supplies, they collapsed at the first touch!!

Even so, Fang Linyan was almost certain that the Japanese offensive would end here and there would be no way to continue advancing. The so-called northward attack and southward march must be just feints.

But, do those losers in the capital think so?

You can guess it with your toes. I don’t know how many bannermen are wailing in fear, thinking that the ancestral tomb in Shengjing is about to be destroyed. More importantly, Cixi probably heard the news about the Japanese army going south, and she was probably so scared that she peed her ass and panicked.

Not all day long!

At this time, another secret message arrived.

This chapter has been completed!
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