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Chapter 1612 Undead Portal

As the last line of words appeared, a countdown icon appeared on the retinas of Fang Linyan and his allies, which was two hours, forty-six minutes and sixteen seconds.

After the first enemy emerges from the portal, the countdown will start.

When the last enemy that emerges from the portal is killed, the countdown is paused and everyone enters rest time. The specific rest time is variable.

Then after the second wave of enemies emerges from the portal, the countdown starts again, and so on. It is worth mentioning that at this time, both Hyacintos and Athena have appeared in their own form.

Next to them stood Ino, but it was obvious that Ino felt awe-inspiring and inviolable at this time. It was obvious that the God of Beauty had descended on her at this time. It was probably because she had been in this world for too short a time.

There is no way to come in the form of this deity.

Both Jacinthus and Athena were holding a dragon ball in their hands. After receiving the news from Fang Linyan, Goat also directly searched and bought three cheap ones, which were two two-star beads and one five-star bead.


Fang Linyan offered a two-star bead and a five-star bead to Athena, and then handed the remaining two-star bead to the high priest, explained his thoughts, and asked the high priest to pass it to Flanders.

This is also his caution. Now the goddesses are a little dissatisfied with him for actively looking for followers for Jacintos/Ino (in fact, there are none/it's because the Ganlin technique is easy to use/tears), so Fang Linyan will definitely have to

Come to restrain yourself.

Goddess, Goddess, the word "female" is in the front, and the word "god" is in the back. Don't expect the goddess to be reasonable in the face of huge jealousy, so you have to consider her feminine side first, and then talk about the rest.

Obviously, the goddess was very satisfied with Fang Linyan's actual actions this time, so at around 11 o'clock that night, the high priest Tritogonia took the initiative to come to Fang Linyan and chatted for more than three hours about the weather, which made it difficult for her to let herself go.

During the holiday, Fang Linyan's dream of working on the machine all night was shattered.

At this time, after the altar appeared, the protection target had already appeared. As I didn't say, the layout prepared long ago was put into use first. Since the focus is on protecting the altar, it goes without saying that dozens of war tree trees were made around the altar.

Say it again!

This kind of thing is difficult for the rest of the people, but isn't there a God of Plants here? And it is still so close to his kingdom of God. For such a small matter, there is no need for the God of Plants to take action. For a small person like Mirshen

Just the role.

At this time, you can see that Milshen took a long horn and blew it directly. The horn looked like it was rolled up from tree bark, very primitive and simple, but there were seven divine inscriptions burning on it.


This thing is also a quasi-artifact, called the Horn of the Tree Shepherd. Fang Linyan had also coveted it before. However, after Jacintos landed the Kingdom of God on the earth, he himself was equivalent to being bound to the

On this plane.

It is equivalent to this quasi-artifact being also bound to this plane. In other words, even if Jacintos is willing, Fang Linyan can only use it in this world. This price-performance ratio is too low.

Wherever the horn passed, it was like an invisible ripple passing by. Immediately afterwards, thirty or forty thousand-year-old trees in the Kingdom of Hyacintos slowly shook their bodies, and then pulled out their thick roots from the ground. He got up, transformed into a giant tree man, and carried Milshen on his shoulders and walked towards here.

At this time, the opening of the Kingdom of God was only thirty or forty meters away from the altar. These giant tree men moved slowly, as if they were walking like decrepit old men, but the span of each step they took was more than ten meters, so It is typically slow but not slow.

After they arrived around the altar, they were probably afraid of the magma, so they swayed their bodies and took root again twenty meters away from the altar! Under the influence of the horn, they had re-rooted and turned into ancient war creatures. In the form of a tree, you can even see the accompanying tree spirits starting to appear among the branches and leaves on the crown of the tree!

These powerful ancient trees of war possess a variety of attack methods:

Innate ability: Turning mud into stone allows them to transform into tireless catapults with unlimited ammunition, throwing round stones one meter in diameter hundreds of meters away.


All enemies that enter within a hundred meters of them will be troubled by roots once their feet touch the ground. Even if the roots are broken off in time, they will be affected again after a period of time.

Each war-story tree also has twenty or thirty accompanying tree spirits. They can skillfully use bows and arrows. The ballistas on the tree crown can launch devastating attacks on enemies within a hundred meters, and their attacks also include It is highly toxic.

Not only that, the survivability of the ancient war tree is also very tenacious. The bark technique it comes with can naturally reduce the enemy's damage by 20%. At the same time, as long as it is rooted, it can continue to restore life! In addition to being slow in movement, it is difficult to chase the enemy. , but he is an expert in positional warfare.

Among these ancient war trees, there are two more special ones, called the Tree of Life.

They do not have any combat capabilities, but as the name suggests, their purpose is to save lives. As long as the wounded are placed under its canopy, the life recovery speed will be accelerated. The lightly wounded only need ten minutes to recover. Can return to the battlefield.

After the seriously injured person is carried under the canopy of the tree, vines will hang down from the canopy and the person will be rolled up, and then the accompanying elves and spirits will handle it.

To put it simply, a tree of life is equivalent to a medium-sized field hospital! As long as you don't die on the spot, you can save a small life by dragging it over.

After the ancient tree of war took root, nearly thirty or forty priests, deacons and others from Hyacintos rushed up. These people all carried buckets in their hands. The buckets contained special nutrient solution and poured it on the ancient tree of war. Around the root system, it can quickly restore its vitality.

While the ancient war tree was taking root, Flanders also came to the altar, first grabbed a handful of soil, put it directly into his mouth and chewed it, then nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a wooden box.

In the wooden box, there were two seeds, one green and one red. Each seed was about the size of a palm, and it could also hum and quarrel.

There are already many fibrous roots on the seeds, just like garlic. Those fibrous roots are like tentacles. It is difficult to tell whether they are plants or animals now.

Then Flanders gently placed the two seeds on the soil next to them, and the red one suddenly spoke:

"Lean closer! I like the feeling of warmth!" But the green seed said:

"Oh, no, I hate high temperatures, don't do this!" The red seed immediately said fiercely:

"Do you want to experience what it feels like to be uprooted?"

The cyan seeds were silent for a moment, and Flanders followed the red seeds' instructions and placed them in an area close to the lava pool.

Those ancient war trees did not dare to come within twenty meters of the lava pool, but the red seed made Flanders send himself to the soil within five meters of the lava pool, and then fell to the ground and drilled into the soil on its own.


The green seeds were a little further away, placed on the ground about ten meters away, and then they actually dug the soil with their fibrous roots, and then buried themselves.

In less than a minute, the two seeds sprouted quickly and grew into tender seedlings one foot tall.

These two seeds are the clone trees of Shannymph and Cleos. Under the power of the God of Plants, their main consciousness can switch between the main body and the clone at any time.

Although they seem to be of little use at this time, they can already have an impact on all surrounding plants and their associated organisms. The red seeds are the clones of the mountain nymphs, with their own "luxury aura" that can affect plants and associated organisms within a kilometer radius.

Recovery ability increased by 50%.

The cyan seed is the clone tree of Cleos, and its aura ability is the thorns spell, which can reduce the damage of all friendly forces within one kilometer by 10% when attacked, and can also reflect 10% of the damage caused by the enemy.

When it grows into a big tree, it will have even more powerful power.

After the formation of the giant trees was completed, the prayer ceremony had officially begun. You can see that the eyes of the half-dragon statue in the center of the altar suddenly opened, and there was a very clear and bright light in its eyes.

A bright ruby ​​red with no emotion mixed into it.

The tripod-like bowl-like utensil in front of the statue suddenly became translucent, and you could vaguely see various light spots of various sizes floating in all directions, and then converging towards the inside of the bowl. It looked quite...

For beauty.

However, only in the first few dozen seconds did the light spots converge towards the bowl, and then they became less and less until there were none at all.

A prompt also appeared in front of Fang Linyan: The completion level of the Soul Bowl began to increase, but in the end it only increased to 0.7%.

Fang Linyan did not make a fuss about such an abnormality. It was obvious that there must be a mystery in this altar, otherwise there would be no aura coming out, and even monsters from other planes would come out to fight for it.

Time passed quickly, and the clone trees of Shannymph and Cleos had grown to almost the thickness of a bowl. Especially the clone tree of Sannymph, it seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and it was obviously more than half taller than Cleos.

Although it is closer to the lava pool, it seems to be getting more nutrients.

After witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan suddenly remembered one thing, that is, according to scientists' research, there are three top fertilizers in the world for plants.

The first is the struvite formed on the islands where seabirds have long inhabited. The second is the peat fertilizer in the swamps.

Third, there is volcanic ash.

Could it be that the mountain nymph took a fancy to this and took the initiative to take root next to the magma pool? Although the high temperature here will definitely burn the roots and is detrimental to the plants, as long as they can endure it, the large amount of nutrients they absorb can be returned to the plant.

Came here to make up for it.

When the whole ceremony lasted for three minutes, Fang Linyan suddenly discovered that there was a bright light shining three hundred meters away from the altar.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but after looking at it twice, he realized that a light spot suddenly appeared there, and the light spot quickly expanded to the size of the mouth of a bowl. The light inside was highly condensed, and if he looked carefully, there was a kind of water wave.

A rippling illusion.

Fang Linyan is not unfamiliar with this thing. It is the prototype of a portal. Logically speaking, it is easy to destroy this portal at this time. However, if you do this, you will end up with nothing, and the altar will not receive energy.

That's ridiculous, so not only cannot it be destroyed, but it must also be protected.

Of course, precautions must be taken. Several high-explosive directional explosives are buried directly under the portal, which can collapse even a building.

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan didn't say anything at all when he heard the roar of an engine in the distance. Then he saw that several engineering vehicles were already driving towards this direction, and then began to circle around.

Fortifications were being built intensively around the portal.

At the same time, Ou Sihan, Lu Li, Max, Xingyi, Wang Ping, Dante, and Xiang Hezhen, who had shined in the previous world, all gathered near the portal.

This is also a strategy formulated in advance. When there is only one portal, the defensive pressure faced is minimal.

Then let these strong men rush in first, firstly to collect the information and strength of these monsters and reduce the pressure later. Secondly, to warm up and adapt to the intensity of the battle.

As for why Wang Ping came, it was his personal strong request.

During the previous training, this low-key instructor Wang had already gained the recognition of the soldiers, which in turn allowed the space to recognize Wang Ping as the commander, so they could also enjoy Wang Ping's aura.

And Wang Ping is also self-aware. He knows that in just twenty days, he wants to command a modern army with only the knowledge obtained from books and multimedia. It must be a fool's dream. After all, this is a leading position.

It has accumulated nearly a thousand years of common sense and fighting concepts.

Therefore, Wang Ping decisively surrendered and handed over these mercenary soldiers to the command of the officers invited by the church. Anyway, as long as he was still on the battlefield, the soldiers could enjoy corresponding bonuses, so he was unwilling to be lonely and rushed in.

Here comes the first wave of echelons.

About seven minutes and fifty seconds into the ceremony, the entire portal was partially formed, and its base looked very

Terrifyingly, it actually looks like a giant bone-white hand sticking out of the ground, holding the portal in its palm.

So it can be inferred from this that the monsters coming out of this door are most likely undead! Fortunately, for this battle, the goat also made a large purchase, whether it was holy water for undead creatures or elemental creatures.

Scrolls of banishment, etc., as well as piercing deflection scrolls to protect against long-range attacks are all ready.



This chapter has been completed!
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