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Chapter 1615 Elder Silva

Therefore, even though the Bone Portal started to play all kinds of tricks, the soldiers came to block the water and the earth covered it, and Athena's various moves were unwilling to be left alone, and the defense was still stable.

At this time, Fang Linyan noticed something strange again at the altar. The bowl of soul had been charged to about 25%, and there was rippling light liquid in the bowl, which was condensed from light points that kept flying from the battlefield.

, looks quite colorful.

However, the light liquid in the bowl began to decrease rapidly automatically!

While the light liquid decreased, Fang Linyan also received a reminder:

"The charge of the Soul Bowl has reached 25%, and the blessing ceremony has officially entered the first stage. Next, the dragon summoner Silva will be activated. This process will consume 10% of the soul liquid."

Then I saw a large number of densely packed white light spots flying out from the bowl of souls, gathering towards the western statue next to the altar, and then infiltrating into it.

It can be seen that a large number of cracks began to appear on the surface of the statue, and then the stones of "Caracalla" began to fall off, and a strong monster about three meters high appeared. This monster should be the dragon-man summoner Silva.

Although its name contains the word "dragon", overall, this guy looks more like a wild boar warrior wearing steel armor. Even its tail is as thick as a crocodile, with a large number of growths growing on it.

of terrifying stings.

Only the heavy staff held in his hand can vaguely see traces of magic!

After witnessing this scene, Fang Linyan realized that his previous idea was completely wrong. He had seen the progress of 25% of the soul liquid accumulated so easily before, and it was hard to avoid feeling a little "no more than that" in his heart.

But now I know that this soul liquid does not just rise and fall, it will be consumed during the blessing ceremony!

Only one of the four statues has been activated now!

Of course, Fang Linyan would not be so naive as to think that the remaining three are just decorations, that is to say, at least 30% of the soul liquid must be prepared to meet the basic needs for the blessing ceremony to proceed.

And this is based on the fact that the remaining three statues are activated and each one only consumes 10% of the soul liquid.

According to the urine properties of the space, what if the activation of the second body requires 20%, the third body requires 40%, and the fourth body requires 80%?

When he thought of this, Fang Linyan's eyes darkened. He was undoubtedly in a terrible mood at this time, so he and Juan Tu worked hard to repay the mortgage for three years. When they went to the bank to check, they found that the principal had not been touched at all, and only the total interest had been paid.

18% are equally desperate.

Fortunately, at this time, the dragon summoner Silva looked around first, probably to make sure there was no danger around the altar, then he pointed at Fang Linyan and walked over directly, then made a chest-stroking salute and said:

"Good day, are you the lord who holds this ceremony?"

Silva looks rough and brutal, but his voice is deep and rich, even with a sense of gentleness, just like that famous bass singer with a magnetic voice that makes your eardrums tingle.


Facing this unknown Silva, Fang Linyan could only salute slightly, and then responded:

"Hello, Master Silva, I am hosting this blessing ceremony."

Silva looked around, nodded slightly and said:

"The strength you have prepared for this blessing ceremony is really abundant! So this is the reason why I show up. In fact, if the person holding the ceremony is not strong enough, then I will not be qualified to show up at all."

Hearing what Silva said, Fang Linyan was dumbfounded and thought, is it a good thing that you have consumed ten percent of my progress?

But think about it carefully, at this time, I have assembled such a luxurious lineup around me, so it is not bad to waste 10% of the progress to have another communication channel.

But I heard Silva continue:

"The wish your lord is praying for is to resurrect the two companions, right? But what you don't know, lord, is that although praying for resurrection is common, it is the most difficult. According to the statistics of our clan, on average, we request it ten times.

The prayer ceremony to resurrect companions can only be successfully passed once at most, and most of the time it is passed with difficulty."

"And this time, with the strength of the lord, it is quite possible to resurrect a companion, but it will be really difficult to resurrect two companions at the same time!"

"Because if you want to resurrect just one person, you need to activate our four elders to join forces, but if you want to resurrect two people at once, you have to activate our leader, the Flame King!"

Fang Linyan turned his head and looked at the burly dragon-man statue in front of the Soul Bowl:

"Is the Flame King you are talking about this strong man?"

Silva said:


Fang Linyan said:

"How much of the Soul Bowl is needed to resurrect him?"

Silva sighed and said:

"a lot of."

Fang Linyan said seriously:

"Be specific."

Silva shrugged:


Fang Linyan felt like he had been hit hard on the forehead, and he almost said a curse word. If you put it this way, you have to reach 240% completion rate to resurrect two teammates! He seemed to have underestimated the difficulty of this matter.


However, his mind suddenly changed. This pig...ahem, no, this dragon-man wasted precious time to come here and talk to him about these things. He wouldn't be bored, right? After such a thought passed through his mind,

Fang Linyan suppressed his emotions and smiled with relief:

"Master Silva, you are really joking. I have indeed prepared this ceremony for a long time and spent a lot of effort, but I also paid an astonishing price. There are several strong men who seem to be guarding the side, but in fact they are just

I will take action once."

"I just asked the gods, and they said that after activating the four elders, you can resurrect one member first, which is good. As for activating the Flame King, we are still beyond our capabilities.


Sure enough, when Fang Linyan said this, Silva hurriedly said:

"Your Excellency, I admit that resurrecting the Flame King is actually an extremely difficult task! However, I very much look forward to your ability to complete this task, because the current situation is very special."

"Three hundred and twenty-one years ago, the great Flame King went to the black swamp in search of a medicine called dragon's blood grass. However, he was besieged by the local poisonous toad clan. They were so densely packed that they could not be killed. In the end, the Flame King could only

You can hide in the deep rock chasm next to the black swamp to temporarily avoid the sharp edge."

"It turned out that only after the Flame King arrived there did he find out that a hateful trap had been set up by the Poison Dragon Clan here. They knew that they could not kill the powerful Flame King, so they lured him here and trapped him in a terrifying position.

In the maze."

"Although this place cannot harm the life of the Flame King, it will cause him to drift forever in the gap between time and planes! It is difficult to return to his hometown, and for these hundreds of years, our Bakar clan has lacked the Flame King.

Wang, the mainstay, is also getting weaker day by day."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan immediately understood:

"So, if your Flame King is awakened here, it will be equivalent to him being pulled out directly from the cracks in the planes. After resurrecting our people, he can return to his hometown with you?"

Silva said with a happy face:

"Yes, of course, the Flame King can also choose to return to the place before he was summoned - but I believe he will not do so."

Fang Linyan thought to himself that this guy was really honest. He just said everything out loud like beans poured out of a bamboo tube. Of course, the things he said may not be true, but at least the logic is consistent and at least 80% of the truth.


For Fang Linyan, he had no intention of pursuing truth or falsehood. The first thing he considered was: What can I do with this information for myself? So he continued to sigh:

"These things are too far away, Master Silva. I believe that even if we want to activate the other three elders of yours, we will definitely have to pay a higher price."

Silva also didn't expect that Fang Linyan would be able to get to the point of every question, but he couldn't help but answer. He could only shrug and evade the important point and said:

"Believe me, Your Excellency, every remaining elder has amazing power, and it is definitely worth the money compared to the soul liquid consumed."

Fang Linyan said simply:

"But I need to activate them first, right? Can you please answer my question directly?"

Silva sighed helplessly, pointed to the remaining three statues next to him and said:

"This is Elder Alberto. He is good at cursing enemies in a large area. Resurrecting him requires 13% of the power of the Soul Bowl."

"This is Elder Nemanja. He is good at motivating friendly forces. Resurrecting him requires 17% of the power of the Soul Bowl."

"This is Elder Sanchez. He is good at engulfing enemies with flames. Resurrecting him requires 21% of the power of the Soul Bowl."

Fang Linyan silently calculated in his mind, NND, these four elders alone would have to bear an additional 61% of the expenses!

Then he felt as if he had forgotten something. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately woke up and said:

"By the way, Elder Silva, you haven't introduced your own specialties yet."

Silva said:

"I am good at space power. In addition, I can also deal with enemies who dare to approach the altar. As long as the altar remains, I will always exist."

Fang Linyan said curiously:

"The power of the space system? Maze magic or something like that?"

Silva shook his head and said:

"No, I can reinforce or repair the portal. I can also delay the enemy's teleportation process to buy you more rest time."

After hearing his words, Fang Linyan's eyes suddenly lit up. Reinforcing and repairing the teleportation gate was useless, but slowing down the enemy's teleportation process was quite rare.

For example, when the portal shines red, it indicates that the BOSS is coming. At this time, giving Silva more buffer time to take action may determine the outcome of this battle!

But I heard Silva continue:

"I can also make more accurate predictions about the next batch of enemies that are about to attack through the portal, including but not limited to predicting their number, type, and approximate weaknesses."

As soon as Fang Linyan heard what he said, he immediately slapped his thigh and said:

"Okay, Elder Silva, you don't need to do anything, just predict this."

After listening to Fang Linyan's words, Silva suddenly showed a strange expression, and then said with some embarrassment:

"It's like this. After we, the Bakar clan, come to the alien plane, if we want to release our special skills, we need to pay a heavy price, which is our own vitality. Please forgive us, we are just a cooperative relationship and cannot

I have made such a big sacrifice for you."

Fang Linyan almost spat out a mouthful of blood. If you can't do it, say something like a Jaguar! What I usually hate the most is people like you who only talk but don't practice!

But I heard Silva continue:

"However, there is no way out of this. As long as you are willing to let us consume a little of the power in the Soul Bowl."

Fang Linyan's vision suddenly went dark! Do you think summoning these stupid elders is the end of consumption? Then you are so naive!

It turns out that activating these elders is like a man who has just finished his wedding - he has just given hundreds of thousands in gifts and taken on millions in mortgage and car loans, and he is contentedly lying in his new house and looking at the people around him.

Wife, I thought the days of spending money were finally over.

In fact, this is just the beginning of the hard days and the first step in a long march of thousands of miles. The real days of spending money are still to come!

However, Fang Linyan thought about it carefully and realized that the function Silva mentioned was really delicious! It's the kind of thing where you want to scold the profiteers, but you can't help but want to inquire about the price.

So he could only grit his teeth and said angrily:

"How much will it cost?"

A smile appeared on Silva's fat face:

"To predict the next wave of enemies, eight percent of the soul liquid is needed."

Fang Linyan frowned and then asked:

"How long will it last? Will the new portal that appears later be able to enjoy this information sharing?"

Silva said patiently:

"After I release this skill, I will summon a Fire Demon Eye to come out and hover over the portal. Because it is only a projection, it cannot be attacked. The duration is 0.4 mills, converted to the time of your plane.

Approximately six thousand breaths."

"The Eye of Fire can monitor an area of ​​five square kilometers around it, so as long as the new portal is not outside this range, information will always appear."

Fang Linyan quickly calculated in his mind. The normal breathing of a healthy adult is about three seconds, which is almost twenty times a minute. Therefore, the duration of the Eye of Fire is almost three hundred minutes. His blessing ceremony must last.

It won't take that long, it will be enough anyway.

Then Fang Linyan quickly talked about Silva's situation in the team channel, and the other teammates quickly reached a consensus, that is, use it! After all, it is really important to be able to predict the next wave of this function in advance, and there are also

A simple introduction of information.

So, Fang Linyan let out a long sigh and watched the mysterious soul liquid in the Soul Bowl quickly evaporate again, from the previous 25% to the current 15%, and then from the current 15% to 7%. It was really heartbreaking.

It feels like.

This chapter has been completed!
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