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Chapter 1653 Weird memory

Next, Fang Linyan was very glad that he asked Mobius Mark to record the screen, because after opening the wallet, this idiot Zhiyouqiang threw it away in just two seconds, and at the same time, he opened his wallet and threw it away.

He also cursed and said something bad.

It turns out that although this wallet looks big, there are only a few items in it. The goal of Zhenyouqiang is obvious. He only needs valuable items such as banknotes, watches, and jewelry, so he does not need to look carefully at all and just uses the elimination method.

Come on.

After throwing away his wallet, Yuyouqiang turned around and left. Just after taking five or six steps, he saw a person blocking him in front. This person was wearing a beige windbreaker.

Youyouqiangxin panicked, and suddenly he thought that he had just lost his wallet! And he didn't take anything in it. Youdao is a thief who seizes stolen goods, and a woman who seizes a couple, so he immediately became brave and took it.

Be reasonable as soon as you raise your head:

"What the hell are you doing? Why?"

However, Zhai Qiang didn't know that the person he met couldn't reason with people at all, just like he couldn't reason with a creature like an ant/fly!

Of course, if there are disgusting ants/flies flying around in front of you without mercy, just slap them to death!

The next second, Zhiyou Qiang was grabbed by the throat, and then he was thrown to the corner of the wall. Zhejiang Qiang slowly sat down on the ground leaning against the wall. The whole world was spinning and dancing in front of him at this time, and then

It quickly became dim.

At this time, Fang Linyan finally understood the cause of Zhiyou Qiang's death. No wonder this idiot died in an unknown manner. He touched the butt of a big tiger and then was killed!

But at this time, Fang Linyan suddenly realized that behind the huge blood-colored light ball, there was actually a small light ball, and its surface was actually dark black. He was even more curious at this time. Logically, this blood-colored light ball should be

Is this the last obsession of Zhiyou Qiang? What is this dark black ball of light for?

So Fang Linyan stretched out his hand and touched the ball of light, and then he actually stayed where he was!!!


At the same time, in the remote space K, in a private space,

It looks like a science fiction laboratory, with research tables everywhere, a dozen translucent culture chambers, and flesh-red tubes that are intertwined like umbilical cords.

Of course, the most unique thing is a crystal sleeping chamber in the private space. The reason why it is named "crystal" in front of it is not because its material is crystal, but because its shape looks like

It is a rhombus-shaped crystal, and most of the volume inside is filled with a light red liquid.

Its length exceeds ten meters and its width is more than three meters. Such huge crystals are rare in the world.

Its material also looks completely different from crystal, and it has the property of a convex lens to gather and concentrate light. Of course, what a convex lens can gather is light, and this dormant cabin can gather energy, concentrating and concentrating the energy that floods from all directions.

to the inside of the crystal.

There is an object the size of a basketball floating in the light red liquid inside the crystal. This object should be organic matter, with a flesh-red surface and a large number of vine-like things wrapped around it.

But if you look closely, the "vines" are more like tentacles or hollow tubes, constantly dancing around its body, spitting out some sticky stuff attached to it, and it seems that the object is being repaired.


This object is the Lord of the Abyss! After he was hit by the terrifying Flame of Destruction, it was impossible to get rid of it by normal means. The only way was to cut off the area contaminated by the flame and then let it grow slowly.

Suddenly, the object shook violently! It even shook open the surrounding healing channels, and then you could see that the light red liquid fluctuated violently! Waves of ripples appeared.

Immediately afterwards, four strange gaps suddenly appeared on the object, and then slowly tried to expand.

Suddenly, a cold electronic sound came from the surroundings:

"Stop! Chosen one, your actions will lead to

The injury is now seriously worsened!"

Obviously, this was a direct warning from Space K, but the Lord of the Abyss obviously ignored it. If his hands were still there and he could still speak, then he would have said coldly with his middle finger:

"Fuck the serious deterioration!"

Immediately afterwards, the four strange gaps completely expanded, forming four strange orange eyes. The pupils shrank to only the size of a needle tip, which looked sharp and vicious!

Then I saw the four eyes begin to blink one after another. It seemed that there was an obvious pattern, and it should not be random.

A few minutes later, a man wearing a trench coat and a top hat walked into the private space. He was none other than the most trusted confidant of the Abyss Lord, the magician.

As soon as the magician walked in, he knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice: "Sir, what are you doing summoning me?"

There was a rare hint of anxiety and even irritability in the Abyss Lord's voice:

"The way I am now, my power is completely suppressed. So there is a change in the suppression of that thing. That's okay. The key is that I feel a strange force approaching it! That force makes me feel very familiar.

But it shouldn’t be here at all!”

"I have authorized you enough Biskar data flow. You should immediately exchange it for the main material of the Eye of the Bloody Cyclops, and then go to Signe. She should have the remaining materials to make the Nibelung Seal."

"Then rush to that world as quickly as possible to see what is going on! If necessary, kill all the affected people, and then use the Nibelung Seal to suppress that thing directly!"

The magician said calmly:

"Okay, sir! I'll get started immediately."

The behavior of the Lord of the Abyss was not without cost. After he finished saying this, a faint white flame suddenly appeared on the meat ball, and then rolled out, and burned out one of its eyes with a "pop" sound.


It was the world-destroying flame that had been suppressed in his body that took advantage of the situation to fight back. Fortunately, several flesh-red tubes nearby immediately circled over and kept spitting out liquid to extinguish this bit of world-destroying flame.

But this also directly and greatly affected the Abyss Lord's healing behavior. The counterattack just now set back the Abyss Lord's healing progress by at least ten days.


on the earth,

Ever since Fang Linyan took the initiative to face the fried and strengthened black mist, Poji had been paying close attention to him and saw that the black mist had merged into Fang Linyan's body. Fang Linyan's body trembled and he froze.

In place.

As a priest of the God of Beauty, Poky is also like Evelina and Ino. She is a strong man who has experienced the era of Olympus gods and awakened from the kingdom of God. It can be said that she is well-informed and experienced.


After she realized that the two sides had begun to enter into a mental battle, she immediately ordered the driver to drive and quickly approached the scene of the incident. At the same time, she also asked Calgar to get ready. Surprisingly, he seemed to be too lazy to do anything.

Calga, who didn't want to care, actually listened to Brooke's words.

When Bo Ji came to Fang Linyan, she found that his expression looked gritted and twisted, and there was cold sweat dripping down his forehead!

So Bo Ji immediately stretched out her left hand, pressed it on Fang Linyan's forehead, and closed her eyes at the same time. Fang Linyan's expression immediately stabilized, Bo Ji's hands were already shaking slightly, but she immediately waved to call Calja.

. Stab his ribs and let her hold his right hand!

Calgar's expression immediately became serious, because she could feel that her MP value was dropping crazily, and she was obviously being sucked by Poji.

Fang Linyan probably didn't expect that Meishen valued him much more than he thought.

In fact, the main force sent to protect him this time was not Calgar Thornrib at all, but Poji!!

The purpose of the thorn is to dispatch small characters and then act as a battery.

Then Fang Linyan is in the last one

What do you see inside the deep black ball of light?

In fact, as soon as Fang Linyan reached out and touched the dark black ball of light, he was immediately shocked, because at this moment, he actually found himself at the door of the orphanage many years ago!!

Yes, the towering red brick wall, the iron door that "squeaks" when opened, and the words "Xiangyang Welfare Institute" written in black and white on the side all fully prove that this is indeed the place where Fang Linyan grew up.


No! Fang Linyan's eyes swept here again. He always felt that something was wrong. After looking at it twice, he finally discovered where the sense of dissonance came from.

Everything is so new, as new as if it had just been built. Not only that, the brick walls of the orphanage are at most two meters high, and the brick wall in front of me is more than five meters high, and the iron gate is even more obvious.

The new spikes on the top reveal a blue color.

The door of the orphanage has been significantly widened. Before, it would have been difficult for four or five people to walk in side by side, but now it is possible for two cars to pass each other easily!

Looking up, you can see that the door here is open, but there are so many shadows inside that you can't see clearly. It seems that there is a layer of gray mist floating around. Occasionally, intermittent laughter can be heard from inside. Matching this scene, it immediately makes people feel happy.

It makes people feel particularly spooky, like a ghost movie.

But the doubts in Fang Linyan's heart became more intense. This place was deep in Zhiyou Qiang's memory. This guy probably had never been to this Plath version of Xiangyang Welfare Institute in his life, but he could be in the depths of Zheyou Qiang's sea of ​​consciousness.

It occupies such an important position? Even more unforgettable than the scene before death?

Immediately afterwards, Zhiyou Qiang's perspective began to slowly move towards the gate of Xiangyang Welfare Institution, and Fang Linyan immediately noticed something was wrong. From this perspective, Zhejiang Qiang did not look like an adult at all.

The perspective of standing and walking forward!

"Did he climb in?"

Fang Linyan suddenly had a strange idea in his heart!

Immediately afterwards, when Zhejiang Qiang entered the gate of Xiangyang Welfare Institute, Fang Linyan felt a huge repelling force coming from him, trying to expel him from this illusion.

But Fang Linyan already had a hunch in his heart that he might have accidentally gotten involved in something that seemed unbelievable, but was actually very important!

So how could he give up at this time? He gritted his teeth and persisted with all his strength. Of course, his own mental power was also burning at a high speed.

At this time, Fang Linyan was of course very anxious. The problem was that at this time, he was just like a bystander watching a VR game video at Station B. He could only watch helplessly as Yuyouqiang moved in little by little. The road ahead was long.

, but the end is extremely long. This kind of thing is of course maddening.

Seeing that his mental power was about to be exhausted, and Fang Linyan was still in a special state of soul communication at this time, he could not use medicine, so he most likely had to give up. But at this moment, Fang Linyan suddenly heard something in his ears

A voice:

"I don't know what's happening to you now, but I know that your mental energy is rapidly depleting. Do you need help?"

Fang Linyan immediately heard that it was Bo Ji's voice, so he immediately said in surprise:

"Need." Poji said simply:

"You're welcome. With a soul bead, I can help you sustain yourself in this state for an additional five minutes."

Fang Linyan:

「.」(MMP I thought there was friendship between us, but it turned out to be a Hongguoguo transaction)

But in this embarrassing situation, could Fang Linyan say no? He could only agree:

"Okay, it's settled!"

With Bo Ji's help, Fang Linyan was able to continue moving forward at the angle of Zhiyouqiang, but at this moment he suddenly understood that Zhejiang Zhejiang was clearly dead at this time! This was the first time after he formed the black mist

things experienced.

This can explain a doubtful point, that is, the time of death of Youyouqiang was obviously about a year ago, but the time when he turned into black mist and appeared was four months ago.

The window period during this period is very unreasonable! Under normal circumstances, people usually become ghosts within the first seven days, or longer, at most seven or seven forty-nine days, which is more than half a year.

However, if someone suddenly turns into an evil spirit and appears, it is probably due to external factors.

Now it seems that this external factor is closely related to the Xiangyang Welfare Institution where Fang Linyan grew up? This kind of thing is really a bit unrelated. Is there anything related to the fried strength here?

With such doubts, Fang Linyan could only use up his mental strength with difficulty, and patiently followed Youyouqiang's perspective to enter. However, as Youyouqiang penetrated deeper into Fang Linyan's heart, he became more and more shocked:

Because the appearance of this Xiangyang Orphanage looks similar to the one in my memory, but the internal structure is completely different!

This chapter has been completed!
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