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Chapter 1663 Strange Lamp

After hearing this, Fang Linyan nodded silently and said:

"Okay, learned."

The two of them then walked towards the wine shop. Of course, they were on strict alert along the way, but they did not encounter any danger.

After arriving at the wine shop, I found that the environment here was dilapidated and shabby. It looked like it had been abandoned for at least ten years. The style of the tables and the piles of earthenware bowls showed an obvious ancient style.

However, Fang Linyan soon discovered that there were seven or eight tables in the wine shop, and each table actually had the same thing on it, which was an oil lamp.

And this oil lamp can be said to be very exquisitely made. The overall shape is actually that of a maid. The lines of the skirt are smooth and flexible, and the surface is coated with a layer of glaze. Under the light of the flashlight, it looks like it has been smeared with a layer of glaze.

It's like oil and feels cool and smooth in your hand.

To be honest, the craftsmanship of this maid is completely different from the earthenware utensils placed on the table!

Not only that, after Fang Linyan looked at the oil lamp, he found that it was also very delicately made. The oil should be filled from the maid's mouth, and then the wick came out from the top of her head. Although this design is exquisite, it is very scary to think about it.

Just thinking about it makes your whole body shiver.

Because the method of lighting the oil lamp is a kind of torture in ancient times, that is, lighting a sky lantern!

Probably because of its age, there is neither oil nor wick in the oil lamp. Fang Linyan and Xingyi discussed it and felt that placing the oil lamp here should be an obvious hint. Does it mean that it should be lit?


The two searched nearby for a while, but found neither lamp oil nor a source of fire. At this time, Fang Linyan looked at the oil lamp again for a while and found that the size of the maid's mouth seemed to match that of another object.

That thing was none other than the Domain Pearl that was pried off from the mask of the Ba people after killing them.

So Fang Linyan took out the Territory Pearl. As soon as the two came close to each other, both the oil lamp and the Territory Pearl emitted an obvious faint light at the same time. It was obvious that the two had an induction. Then, when Fang Linyan stuffed the Territory Pearl

When it entered the maid's mouth, the place above her head that should have been the wick emits bright light.

"This is how the beads are used."

Fang Linyan suddenly said to Xingyi.

However, Xingyi noticed something and immediately pointed to the area covered by the light of the oil lamp and said:


It turns out that the light of this oil lamp can cover almost half of the area of ​​the straw shed, and wherever the light reaches, those shabby-looking benches and dusty tabletops suddenly change.

The bench suddenly became neat, with people dressed in ancient costumes sitting on it, holding cigarette rods made of finger-thick sinew bamboo in their mouths. Their heads were wrapped in turbans made of blue and black cloth, and the tabletop was also wiped.

It was wiped clean, with wine, food and clean dishes and chopsticks placed on it!

Fang Linyan looked carefully and found that the food and wine on the table were actually quite shabby. Boiled beans were standard, and then there were some vegetable soups. As for meat, there was almost no food.

As for most people's staple food, it is a large bowl of thin vegetable porridge with a lot of vegetables and a small amount of rice. If it can be paired with two wild vegetable dumplings, it is already considered expensive.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan and Xingyi heard the sound of horse hooves. They immediately looked in the direction of the sound of horse hooves with their oil lamps. Under the light of the oil lamp, they could see a man riding a horse approaching quickly.


However, the horses here are obviously not big horses. They look like donkeys. They are typical Sichuan and Yunnan horses. This kind of horse was produced in the Yelang Kingdom in the southwest in ancient times. Then I saw this horse charging directly into the horse.

He entered the hut and knocked over two tables!

Suddenly there was a loud crackling sound, and many earthen dishes and dishes on the table were broken. Then the man on horseback fell off, and you could see a spear thrust out of his back. The spear thrower

The style was familiar to both Fang Linyan and Xingyi, and it was exactly the same as the spear-throwing Ba people wandering outside before.

However, the owner of the wine shop obviously knew the rider, and he immediately rushed up and shouted nervously:

"Yong Gang! Yong Gang!"

I can still understand the name Fang Linyan. This rider should be called So-and-so Yong. The local people like to add a modal particle after the name, like Yongwa, Yongzai, Yongsang, but the following words are also

It's not added randomly.

For example, the word "yonggang" means that this person is quick, reliable and fierce in doing things.

If this person's family has some influence and can speak up in official circles, he will be called Yongtian.

If this person's family or person is a fisherman or boat operator, he is called Yongbo.

At this time, Fang Linyan and Xingyi naturally leaned over with oil lamps. They found that Yonggang had been seriously injured. It was obvious that he could barely hold on until now. They could only say intermittently:

"Crazy, crazy. The Guogan in the royal city are all crazy. They will kill anyone they see with red eyes! Let's go, go quickly!!"

This was not the first time that Fang Linyan had heard the word Guokang. It should refer to the presence in King Ba's city that was similar to the Royal Forest Army. They were the warriors selected by King Ba.

At that time, the Ba Kingdom was caught between the Chu Kingdom and the Shu Kingdom, and the situation was quite difficult. However, relying on King Ba's six hundred troops, he successfully captured the eight Fushi (today's Fushun) Salt Ponds, and thus was able to survive the most difficult period at that time.

three years.

Three years later, King Chu Wei, the most talented and strategist monarch in the history of Chu State, passed away, and then King Chu Huai came to the throne. Ahem, this man was very useless. He reused the treacherous minister Zi Lan and the demon concubine Zheng Xiu. Of course, what made him famous in history is

Leave Qu Yuan alone.

Therefore, the Ba Kingdom successfully escaped the risk of destruction. Since then, successive Ba kings have attached great importance to the courage of their subordinates. The current Ba Wang even knows that he has done some very unpopular things, and his subjects have complained.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to this elite under his command and firmly grasps control of it.

However, after listening to this "yonggang"'s words, something happened to Ba Wangyi's courage and confidence. He started killing people like crazy in the royal city!

You know, at this time, Pakistan was still a small country, and most of Guogan's relatives and friends were in the royal city. How could they take action?

What Fang Linyan could think of, Xingyi naturally thought of it at this time, and she immediately said:

"Could it be that the incident that happened at this time is the scene that happened when the Ba Kingdom was destroyed? It is clearly recorded in the history books that the royal capital fell into civil strife and the royal family died of poisoning."

Yong Gang's words immediately caused the whole village to panic. Fang Linyan took an oil lamp and looked around. He could even see billowing black smoke coming from a walled city on the horizon. That should be the direction of the royal city.


But at this time, an old man with white beard and white hair suddenly strode over from the village, holding a cane in his hand, but the cane was inlaid with a skull that resembled a crow, which looked very mysterious. This old man

As soon as he appeared, the panicked villagers around him calmed down.

The old man said in a deep voice:

"Don't panic, the ancestral spirit has anticipated this a long time ago and has brought Yonggang over! Just follow the ancestral spirit's words."

Just when Fang Linyan and the two were watching with gusto, the scene came to an abrupt end - because the oil lamp went out and the Domain Pearl had been consumed.

The village has returned to its previous darkness, filth, dilapidation, and decay, as if it has been here for a thousand years and will continue to exist in this decay.

"Do you understand anything?" Fang Linyan said to Xingyi.

Xingyi shook his head and said:

"No, but you should have found the key."

Fang Linyan said:

"Then here's the problem. If we want to continue reading, we have to get the Territory Pearl. However, this Territory Pearl can only be found on the ancient Ba people wandering outside the village. This poses a dilemma."

"According to You, it is best for us to use less violence to break the situation, but if we don't use violence to break the situation, then there is no way to know the truth."

Xingyi pondered for a while and said:

"What you said makes sense, but have you ever thought that this inner world did not appear just for us space warriors. On the contrary, more ordinary people should be sucked in by it."

"So under normal circumstances, what happens to ordinary people after they are sucked in?"

Fang Linyan was stunned and said:

"Killed by those ancient Ba people wandering around the periphery?"

Xingyi said:

"It doesn't necessarily mean killing. There are other possibilities? For example, beating him to death and arresting him?"

Fang Linyan said in astonishment:

"Ah?? What if someone gets involved?"

Xingyi looked Fang Linyan up and down, and said with a smile on his lips:

"That depends on how much you want to know the secret. And if I'm here, I can rescue you in time if you guess wrong."

Fang Linyan suddenly frowned. The implication of Xingyi's words was also very obvious. He just wanted Fang Linyan to try and not fight back.

After some hesitation, Fang Linyan first received the lamp into his private space, then agreed to Xingyi's proposal and left the village directly.

Soon, a group of ancient Ba people emerged from the white mist in the distance again, and charged towards Fang Linyan in a menacing manner.

Fang Linyan immediately began to imitate the reaction of ordinary people entering the room. First he yelled and ran in panic, then ran for tens of meters and pretended to fall, and then limped back to trot.

Sure enough, at this time, the ancient Ba people in the rear realized that they were almost certain to catch Fang Linyan, so they did not try to throw their spears. Instead, they let out a cry of surprise and rushed forward to tie him up.

Fang Linyan did not expect it to go so smoothly, but after close contact with these ancient Ba people, he knew that their eyes were very dull and indifferent, like robots following a program, but considering that they turned into white mist after death

appearance, so it is not surprising that he lacks wisdom.

When Fang Linyan was caught, he found that they were escorting him in another direction. During the escort process, there were actually several patrol teams of the ancient Ba people who probably smelled the scent of living people and rushed over.

, even the two sides started to argue with each other and almost started to rob each other.

Then the person who caught Fang Linyan's patrol was also very angry. He just stopped beeping if he could do it. He threw away the spear in his hand and hit it with his fist. The two sides immediately turned into a big melee. After a while, they started fighting again.

Two or three teams participated in the battle.

Under this situation, Fang Linyan was also a little confused. He never thought that a rough man like himself would enjoy the treatment of being robbed by dozens or hundreds of big men today?!

Seeing the fierce fighting between the two sides, Fang Linyan saw the shields and spears discarded nearby, and some of them were actually inlaid with domain beads. He immediately had an idea, secretly moved over, and started picking out the beads.

Before, my behavior was murder and robbery, but now that the original owner is still there, I can only consider it as theft. The nature of such behavior should be completely different.

After getting the five Territory Pearls, Fang Linyan thought about how a normal person would react. Of course, he would take advantage of the chaos to escape in time - otherwise, he would wait until the two sides in the melee decided the winner and steal the Territory Pearls himself.

What should I do if the incident comes to light?

So Fang Linyan continued to run away, but this time after escaping for a few hundred meters, he met a patrol again, and this patrol included cavalry, and it was obviously of a higher standard than the previous ones.

At this time, Fang Linyan already knew that a living foreign prisoner like himself should be of great value to them, so he was captured obediently and continued to be escorted to the west by them, "withering away" from the village where he stayed before.

Sangli" can be said to be the opposite.

After being escorted this time, nothing happened again. Fang Linyan was sent directly to the gate of a city. At first glance, the city looked extremely shabby:

The city gate is wide open, and the wooden gate is full of slash marks from swords and axes. There is an old smell everywhere. The ground is full of dust, and there are even corpses lying on the ground. Inside the shops on both sides, there are even

Scattered traces of looting

Fang Linyan had a clear understanding in his heart: this was no other place, but the cemetery of the Ba Kingdom that had been spread and passed down for thousands of years. The royal capital after the turmoil was in the gap between time and space, in a kind of way.

Unknown ways were preserved!

Suddenly, Fang Linyan felt a sharp pain in his back and staggered forward a few steps. He immediately turned around and saw the patrol cavalry behind him pointing a spear at him. It was obvious that he was the one who had wielded the spear earlier.

The spear hit himself on the body.

At this time, the cavalryman raised the tip of his spear a little. The eyes behind the mask were very deep, looking like a deep well, without any emotion, only coldness and coldness.

Obviously, the intention of this cavalryman was to let Fang Linyan enter the city. If he dared to disobey the order, he would stab him with a spear.

This chapter has been completed!
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