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Chapter 1671 Behind the Iron Gate...

Of course, Fang Linyan felt that another reason was that the structure of the lock was too simple, which was overkill.

Fang Linyan even discovered that the talent of Metal Touch has been upgraded from a passive skill, and its name has been changed to Metal Affinity. In addition to having the previous passive ability, he can also greatly improve it at the cost of continuously consuming MP points.

Strengthen to achieve more terrifying effects!!

There is no doubt that Fang Linyan can guess with his toes that such an improvement in talent is probably closely related to the "genetic disorder" that is currently occurring in him.

But now was not the time for him to stop and study it carefully. With the activation of the metal touch, the big lock immediately made a soft "click" sound, and then the lock head slipped off on its own.

Fang Linyan grabbed the lock, pulled it out and twisted it, then took it off, then opened the heavy iron gate and rushed up to the fourth floor.

Obviously, the layout of the fourth floor is exactly the same as that of the third floor, and we can't expect any post-modern style now, so the layout is actually very simple, a corridor with symmetrical rooms on both sides, even now

Hotels all adopt this layout.

Each room is standard and its length and width are the same. If you need a larger room, just open the partition between two rooms.

After Fang Linyan arrived at the fourth floor, he trotted directly to the left, because in his memory, the east side of the fourth floor would occasionally make some creepy shouts in the dead of night.

After arriving at the end of the corridor, Fang Linyan began to quickly check each room. Fortunately, each room was not locked, probably because the people here felt that the iron fence on the third floor had enough blocking power.

In the first four rooms, all Fang Linyan saw were books, and the number of books was extremely large and of various types:

At a glance, you can see that next to the Jin Ping Mei is red and black, next to the young Ah Bing is Diary of a Madman, and below the Tao Te Ching is Forty Shades of Grey. Such an amazing combination is indeed a bit unprepared. (Here

It is a metaphor, and the title of the book does not refer specifically to the actual book.)

In the next two rooms, Fang Linyan found some things used for fitness at this time, which were nothing more than dumbbells and barbells.

The next room is of astonishing size. It was opened up and fused together from four ordinary rooms. It is divided into four areas. As soon as you enter, you feel a musty smell coming to your nostrils. It smells...

It was so impressive that it even made Fang Linyan choke and cough twice.

It turns out that the first area in this large room is actually arranged into an environment similar to a swamp!

First of all, there is water everywhere in the room, but the water is not very deep, only about twenty or thirty centimeters at most. In the area where Fang Linyan entered, there are many rotten, or moldy, wood piled in the water.

Not to mention the smell, it almost choked him.

The bottom of this rotten wood area is paved with pebbles, so although the water quality is black, the visibility is still good.

The second area next to it is hard to describe. It is completely a muddy pond. If a person walks in and falls, he will immediately turn into a mud monkey.

In this kind of place, only amphibians such as hippos and buffaloes would show obvious love and stay there every day without getting up. As for normal humans, they would definitely be able to walk as far as they want.

In the third area, there are several things similar to giant test tubes, with a diameter of more than two meters, and the top directly reaches the ceiling.

It was full of liquids of different colors, some yellow, some brown, some black, some red. He couldn't tell the specific properties of the liquid in a hurry, but Fang Linyan felt that it looked like the kind of soaking liquid.

Medicinal wine made with various ingredients, such as yellow lemon infused wine, red wolfberry and jujube infused wine, and black ant infused wine

However, if you look closer, you will find that there seem to be chairs, desks, beds and other things vaguely placed in the liquid, which seem to be used for people to soak in and rest.

In the fourth area, it looked a little bit normal, that is, a room was filled with water. The depth of the water was about twenty centimeters, but the walls were not ordinary. There were splashes of blood everywhere.

These bloodstains may be deep or shallow, some may be fresh, or some may be old.

To be honest, these four areas were confusing even with Fang Linyan's current knowledge. Fortunately, he quickly found the answer in the room next to him that was obviously used as an office.

This room suddenly returned to normal. It was full of the style of Chinese township enterprises in the 1980s. Directly opposite was a brown wooden desk. There was a glass plate on the desk top, and to the left of the door was a

There are two brown wooden stools with backrests, and a few nails are driven into the back of the door to hang things like Chinese tunic uniforms - this is convenient for people to come and discuss.

In this place, Fang Linyan found an attendance sheet for punching in. This sheet was probably torn open by accident, so it was thrown into the wastebasket next to it.

Fang Linyan opened the attendance sheet and saw that the four areas next door were clearly divided into functional areas:

eating area,

entertainment area,

sleeping area,

Exercise area.

Immediately after that is written the date and the sign-in time of the person responsible for the relevant area. They actually sign in six times every day.

Fang Linyan carefully identified it for a while, and then combined it with some other information and books found on the table next to him - such as "Habits of Shipworms", "Identification of Barnacle Types", etc. - Although he found it unbelievable, he finally combined this

The four names were compared with the specific areas.

The area where a large amount of rotten wood is placed and soaked in water is the eating area. The food you eat can be said to be incredible. It turns out that there is a strange creature like a tapeworm that likes to get into the rotten wood soaked in water.

Reproduces rapidly and can grow up to five meters.

This creature is commonly known as shipworm, and some creatures such as barnacles also like this wood-rotting environment.

The entertainment area is the mud pond room.

As for the room with the colorful liquid test tubes, it is the sleeping area.

The training area is of course the room that looks simple and bloody. According to some information on the side, most of the people sent into this room are fierce dogs, wild boars, etc.

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan felt that the Lord of the Abyss was really pitiful when he was a child! He ate extremely disgusting shipworms, could only wallow in mud pits for entertainment, and seemed to be soaked in those strange liquids when he slept.

You have to fight against vicious dogs, wild boars, etc. from an early age!

But obviously, from where this guy sleeps at night, you can see that he is definitely not a human being, he is probably just a creature that looks like a human being.

How can a child know the joy of fish if he is not a fish? What Fang Linyan finds difficult to accept, maybe the Lord of the Abyss is happy with it!

Fang Linyan carefully searched the abyss lord's residence, but it was confirmed that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

He didn't find anything valuable. So Fang Linyan could only comfort himself: Being able to enter here, learn about the childhood experience of the Abyss Lord, and see the environment in which he lives is a very valuable thing in itself, right?


At least when he meets the Abyss Lord in the future, Fang Linyan will never choose a battlefield near water or a swamp.

In another office, Fang Linyan saw an old-fashioned black phone with a "Confidentiality Rules" posted next to it. Fang Linyan also found a red-headed document next to it. The letterhead on it turned out to be a center of the Provincial Research Institute + a certain

The document was jointly signed by the biology department of the university, and it was also mentioned in the document that an additional fund would be allocated every month.

Obviously, the creation of such an area similar to a research base on the fourth floor here was supported by policies and funds from above.

And Fang Linyan also understood the reason why there were so many romantic rumors about Zhang Kun back then - he was already a lustful person, and he probably made a lot of money and received kickbacks in this project. It can be seen from the way he was impoverished after leaving his job.

This guy probably spent all the money he made back then on women.

With the continuous financial support from this project, and in a small county like Badong, Zhang Kun's strategy has a success rate of at least 50%.

Next, Fang Linyan searched everywhere again, hoping to get something key like "The Childhood Diary of the Lord of the Abyss", but unfortunately, there was no such thing, so he could only walk away angrily.

When Fang Linyan came to the stairs and was about to go down, he suddenly heard a voice below. It was Ma Jing's, and Zhang Kun should be beside her.

"That little bastard said you were having epilepsy, so I rushed to find you!"

"He just went crazy with epilepsy. His whole family went crazy with epilepsy! Just wait and see, if I catch this little brat this time, I will hang him up and beat him with a stick."

"You're crazy. If this kind of thing spreads out and you don't want to be the dean, you can just go hungry."

"By the way, where do you think this little bastard went? Why can't he be found?"

"Is there any problem with the lock on the third floor? If someone goes up there, it will be a big trouble."

"It's okay. I lock it carefully every time I go in and out."

"Shall we continue looking for someone now?"

"What the heck, these little bastards can do a lot of things when they get up, and they'll be honest after just two meals."


After hearing the conversation between the two people, Fang Linyan suddenly remembered something. Ma Jing usually stayed in and out of the house and lived on the fourth floor. She didn't go home many times. She had been on the fourth floor watching the flowers.

I've searched all over, but why can't I see where she lives?

It can even be said more accurately that Fang Linyan didn't even see a bed on the fourth floor, let alone a woman's residence.

After a slight hesitation, Fang Linyan immediately ran towards the west, and then entered the office with the black phone. After a brief search, he found a hidden door on the wall next to it.

In fact, this door was not deliberately hidden, but it was a bit confusing in itself. Ordinary people would ignore it at a glance. After Fang Linyan pushed it open, he could basically confirm that there was a wooden bed inside, and there was also a very strong smell.

The Pechoin flavor has the flavor of the times. Ma Jing should have lived here in normal times.

Next, Fang Linyan saw another rattan chair. It seemed that Teacher Ma had favored chairs made of this material since he was young, and he also left deep indentations on it with his own trousers.

To be honest, Fang Linyan didn't expect to find anything valuable here because the place where the most valuable things might appear is actually where the abyss lord lives.

However, fate is so wonderful. Fang Linyan found a work note on Ma Jing's desk. He flipped through it hastily, and suddenly he froze in place!

Because, he accidentally saw a list, which listed the names of all the children in the orphanage, and then wrote some numbers and the corresponding material names behind it.

Lin Yi is admitted to hospital 10,000/month 3,000

Chen Gang was admitted to hospital with a cost of 2000/month + 30+ for a basket of eggs

Liu Qiang was hospitalized for 327/monthly food delivery

Zhao Junwu

He Mingwu

At the end of this list, Fang Linyan saw his name.

Fang Linyan admitted to hospital 3281

Looking at this list, Fang Linyan finally knew the real name of the Abyss Lord, or rather the name given to him by the orphanage:

Lin Yi!

Because Fang Linyan can name the rest of the people on this list, so after excluding all wrong answers, the remaining ones are the correct answers.

However, Fang Linyan's focus is not here, but the simple numbers behind it. This is actually not difficult to understand. For example, the character Chen Gang played by Fang Linyan now said that when he entered the welfare home, someone paid two thousand yuan and then received the money.

Every month someone would bring him thirty yuan and a basket of eggs.

Fang Linyan was not surprised by this. After all, Chen Gang should have been a time traveler who relied on the power of Ba Snake. He was also a member of the Ba King family, so it was normal for someone to take care of him.

For example, the old monster and Ma Xianniang are all remnants of the Ba Kingdom. They are originally psychic people. They have received instructions from their ancestors through dreams or psychics, and they will definitely follow their instructions.

Another example is Liu Qiang, whom Fang Linyan had dealt with before. Fang Linyan did not know that he brought 327 yuan with him when he was admitted to the hospital, but Liu Qiang had an uncle from far away who would come here to visit him during the holidays and buy him clothes.

But it is a well-known thing.

After figuring out the meaning of the numbers recorded in the ledger, Fang Linyan was just a little curious at first, but suddenly he saw the numbers behind Abyss Lord Lin Yi, and was suddenly poured over his head by a bucket of ice water.

It seemed like even my spinal cord felt the biting chill!!

This chapter has been completed!
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