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Chapter 1673 Doom

As a result, the flames of destruction that had previously tortured the abyss lord to death were expelled bit by bit.

At this time, a secret door suddenly opened next to it, and the magician walked in expressionlessly. After he came in, his eyes looked directly at a cabinet next to him, where a strange-shaped ring was sitting in front of him.

It was contained inside, floating and calm.

And the shape of this ring is none other than a weird snake biting its own tail!

This ring seems to be in the cabinet, but if you take a closer look, you will realize that it seems to be just a mirror image, and the real thing is impossible to grasp and capture - just like a person's fate, it is impossible to guess!

Seeing this scene, the magician took the lead and said:

"Master, have you finally made up your mind? Have you separated the artifact from your body?"

Although the Abyss Lord was lying at the bottom of the lava pool, he responded immediately, and the sound still came from all directions.

"Otherwise? I have completely lost control of the weapon soul. If I implant the body of the artifact into my body, it will be a waste of a lot of resources!"

"After peeling off the true body of the artifact, I no longer have to spend a lot of resources on suppressing and trying to assimilate it, and I can use all my strength to get rid of the Flame of Destruction."

The magician said calmly:

"But once the artifact's body is taken out, if you want to implant it again, the difficulty and resource consumption will be very scary."

Lord of the Abyss said:

"Actually, I have been thinking about stripping it off for a long time. The power of destiny attached to the artifact is indeed very powerful, but I, the Lord of the Abyss, definitely did not rise only by relying on the power of destiny. To this day, this thing

The artifact has gone from being my help to being my shackles! It’s time to throw it away!”

Having said this, the Abyss Lord's voice became excited:

"Of course, it's time for those stupid guys to see my power again. Even without the artifact, I, Lord of the Abyss, am still one of the main gods among the pantheons of gods!"

As if sensing the mood of the Abyss Lord, a large number of bubbles suddenly appeared in the lava pool he was soaking in, and then burst, and wisps of black aura emanated from them and merged together.

These black auras finally formed a terrifying giant face, ferocious and ferocious, floating above the lava pool, and did not dissipate for a long time.

After witnessing this scene, the magician fell silent and stopped talking. After a while, the abyss lord panted slightly and said:

"I asked you to go to my hometown to do something before, why have you been delaying it?!"

The magician was silent for a while and said:

"If I say that I am delayed because of something, I would be insulting your intelligence, master, and I would be insulting myself. So, the truth is, I have no confidence."

The Lord of the Abyss said angrily:

"You have a magical weapon in your hand! Why don't you have confidence?"

The magician said calmly:

"Loki's Mask is originally a auxiliary artifact. After getting this artifact, my strength actually dropped by 20%. I originally expected to be able to fully recover my strength in the next world, and then in the next two worlds.

The strength increased rapidly."

"However, the compatibility between me and the soul of this artifact is not consistent. The remnant soul of Loki is quite troublesome. It will even try to influence my choice of tasks. On one occasion, it even asked me to kill him.

Lose ten babies.”

"So, it is quite difficult for me to grow my strength. It can even be described as slow. To be honest, I have already planned to find a seller to cash it in. There is one more thing, Master, you may not know yet, that

Even in the last world, I had a head-on confrontation with that demon sword, and the result was not optimistic."

The Lord of the Abyss frowned and said:

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

The magician said bitterly:

"Because I didn't have the chance to say that I wanted to contact you before the space war. You told me not to bother you unless it was something about the sky falling. But after the space war, I couldn't contact you at all."

The Lord of the Abyss was silent for a while and said:

"Is that demon sword that strong?"

The magician sighed and said:

"If I use the power of the artifact, there is no problem in defeating him, but there is only a 30% chance of keeping him. However, I received exact information, which clearly stated that there are helpers around the demon sword at this time!


"But at this time, I could only rush to that world alone. In this case, my past was actually meaningless. It was an act with no chance of winning, so the Lord said that I was doing it on purpose.

I don’t deny this for delaying time, please master punish me.”

The Lord of the Abyss said coldly:

"If that's the case, you should pay a fine of 100,000 points."

The magician half-knelt on the ground, put his hands on his chest, bowed deeply, and then stepped back.

When the magician was about to leave, the Lord of the Abyss suddenly said:

"I will find a solution regarding your daughter's matter."

The magician nodded and said:

"Thank you, Master."

Watching the magician leave, the Lord of the Abyss remained expressionless until the door to his room was closed, then he said coldly:

"Sure enough, as soon as the situation on my side becomes turbulent, the people below will lose their hearts."

From the dark corner of the room, a hoarse voice came, and then he laughed and said:

"Isn't this human nature? If a company has cash flow problems and doesn't pay wages or pays less wages for two months, will there be a wave of resignations and layoffs next?"

The Lord of the Abyss said calmly:

"I spent 800 points of Biskar data flow to invite you here. I'm not here to listen to your sarcastic remarks, Eris."

The black figure also appeared subsequently. He looked tall and burly, wearing a bowler hat on his head, a crisp wool suit, a purple scarf around his neck, and his hair.

He had a smooth, slicked-back head and looked like a handsome British gentleman in his fifties.

If there is anything special, it is that there is a strange monkey squatting on his left shoulder.

This monkey has a pair of big ears, all the hair on the top of its head is bald, and only deep black holes remain for its two eyes. But when you look carefully, there is an occasional faint light shining inside, and its claws

It looks like a chicken foot, but is three or four times as long. It looks very evil.

Eris stroked the monkey's head, then took out a silver knife and played with it:

"You asked me to come here just to see the magician? Is he the target of the curse?"

Lord of the Abyss said:

"Of course not, I need you to help me curse a person so that he will be plagued by bad luck for a while!"

Eris said cheerfully:

"If the opponent is too strong, then you have to increase the intensity."

A sharp light flashed in the Abyss Lord's eyes:

"Does the famous Curse King want to go back on his word? The other party is just a colonizer."

Eris was obviously relieved after hearing this and said:

"Okay, if I want to cast the spell of misfortune, I need two more casting materials from you. The first is the black pearl from the sea of ​​abyss that I mentioned to you, and the second is a personal belonging of the other party. If

If it's hair, blood, or body tissue, even better."

The Lord of the Abyss pressed his fingers on his temples, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes, which was projected on the opposite wall.

It looked like Fang Linyan had suffered a genetic disorder in the other world, and then coughed up blood and had blood dripping from his nostrils.

Then a close-up appeared, and the blood flowing from Fang Linyan's nostrils fell to the ground and was quickly absorbed.

It is worth mentioning that Kino's turban is probably continuing to have an effect, so the appearance of Fang Linyan projected by the Abyss Lord is completely blurry, as if a large cloud of water mist is covering the lens.

Then the Lord of the Abyss flipped his wrist and took out a small bottle and handed it to Eris:

"This is his blood."

Then the Lord of the Abyss pointed at Utopia and waved:

"Bring out the black pearl from the sea of ​​abyss."

Two servants dressed as mummies came out from inside. One after the other, they pushed a giant aquarium cabinet in. What was rippling in the aquarium cabinet was actually a viscous liquid as red as blood.

After these two servants opened the aquarium, they released all the bloody liquid inside, revealing a black mermaid!

This thing is only the size of a palm, and looks nothing like the legendary mermaid. It has black scales and thick fins, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a beard like an octopus's tentacles on its lower jaw. It is ugly, fierce, and evil.

His eyes were gleaming fiercely. If he was bitten hard by this guy, at least half a kilogram of flesh would be gone.

Eris walked forward and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, this guy opened his mouth to Eris and vomited a mouthful of dark green mucus, and then screamed fiercely, but Eris easily dodged it.

The slime fell to the floor next to it and immediately sizzled as if it had encountered strong acid, emitting a large amount of unpleasant smoke.

Seeing this, Eris clapped her hands and laughed:

"Not bad, not bad. The little thing is very lively. It is a top quality product."

Then Eris grabbed it, and regardless of its lively appearance, he opened his mouth and bit it down, chewing it raw with a "click" sound.

But looking at Eris's expression, she was still frowning and squeezing her eyes, feeling very painful.

After he finished eating the "black pearl" in three strokes, he actually took out the small silver knife he was playing with before, cut off his little finger with a swipe of the knife, and then placed it on the

on a clean white dinner plate.

Immediately afterwards, he cut the cut off little finger into small pieces patiently like a steak, and then placed them neatly. He squeezed out some blood from the wound and poured it on it, and finally looked at it.

The strange monkey on his shoulder.

"Dear Mr. Beasley, come on, we have work to do."

Eris now had a genial smile on his face, as if the finger that was cut off was not his own at all.

The monster monkey pounced on it, devoured the finger cleanly, and then bared its teeth at Eris and raised its chin.

Eris took out the small bottle containing Fang Linyan's blood and handed it to Mr. Beasley. The monkey also raised his head and drank it. However, after a few seconds, Mr. Beasley

Suddenly he turned his head and without making a sound, he looked at Eris with his dark eyes, and then licked his tongue!

Eris's face changed, and he immediately frowned and cursed secretly, but after hesitating for a moment, he still raised the small silver knife in his hand, and actually cut off his nose directly, and then put it in Beasley's hand.

Inside the plate in front of Mr.

This extremely evil monkey immediately started eating eagerly, but after it finished eating, it actually looked at Eris again, and then licked its tongue again.

After witnessing this scene, Eris finally couldn't bear it any longer and pointed at the Lord of the Abyss and said with gritted teeth:

"Who do you want me to curse!!"

At this time, Eris's nose was cut off, and he was bleeding profusely. His image could be said to be as ferocious as a demon, and combined with his expression, it could be said to be extremely scary.

But who is the Lord of the Abyss? He looked at Eris and said coldly:

"I have signed a contract with you and guaranteed the authenticity of the contract, so what else do you want? Do you want me to request space to enforce it?"

The muscles on Eris's face twitched a few times, and then he saw dazzling blood appearing in the eyes of the evil monkey Beasley next to him. He gritted his teeth and stabbed directly into his belly with a silver knife, and struck hard.

With a twist, a large piece of his liver was cut off!

Just like that, he took it out bloodyly and put it on Mr. Beasley's plate. The monkey immediately pounced on it and started chewing it. After eating, he wiped his mouth and began to raise his withered arms and sharp claws to trace in the air.

It stood up, and then several extremely evil symbols appeared, gradually disappearing into the void.

"It's done."

Eris looked at the Abyss Lord bitterly and said:

"This person's luck will continue to decline until it reaches rock bottom."

The Lord of the Abyss took out a contract, looked at it carefully, then nodded and said:

"Okay, you didn't lie, you're done."

Eris turned around and left, but after turning his back, he revealed a sneer. Although he signed a contract with the Lord of the Abyss, there was one sentence he did not say, that is, this man was protected by a strange power.


Therefore, what he said before was only the first half of the sentence, and the second half was that after reaching rock bottom, this person's luck will slowly recover.

Because the Lord of the Abyss obviously concealed a lot of things, causing Eris to suffer additional losses, of course he would also hold something back.

This chapter has been completed!
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