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Chapter 30 Massacre Attack

Kotiya suddenly said:

"They are going to attack a power station. It is said that there is a secret facility of the Autobots, which can convert electrical energy into energy blocks. However, the Autobots also expected that this place would be attacked, so it is also heavily guarded."

Fang Linyan was not surprised when he heard this. After all, he had mastered such technology himself, but he still couldn't help but wonder:

"This mission is interesting, but why didn't I see the corresponding mission option before?"

Kotiya said:

"This mission was issued by Lord Bird, the laser bird. Your relationship with it is not good, so of course you cannot trigger this option."

As expected, Fang Lin Yanxin said that snakes have their own ways and rats have their own ways. This Desert Snake team still has two tricks to make Vosgu join him.

I don't know what the energy block conversion technology is at the Autobot facility they attacked. If I went there together, I should be able to learn something, right?


While walking and chatting with Kotya like this, Fang Linyan and the others soon arrived at the block of the hospital where Kobe was staying. From a distance, they could see a line of black smoke rising straight up, with the busy streets and shining neon lights in the background.

It increasingly displays a sense of prosperity and desolation as the end of the world approaches.

At this time, the speed of motorcycles is reflected. If it is a car, it will be blocked a few kilometers away, and the police interception line is directly pulled up one kilometer away. This is enough to see their response.

How poor is the control of the situation?

Obviously, the interception strips pulled out by the police had almost zero restriction on Lin Yan and others. Kotiya revved the engine and rushed in. The people next to him wanted to stop them, but found that the other party was right behind them in the blink of an eye.

It's more than ten meters away.

Less than a minute after entering the security zone, Fang Linyan felt that the atmosphere here was extremely tense. A police car lost control and rushed into a shop on the street. The blood stains flowing from the gap in the door next to it showed that the driver and passengers were both vicious.

A lot of good luck.

The fate of another police car more than ten meters away was even more tragic. It flipped over on its belly on the street, exposing its dirty and complex chassis structure.

Apart from this, there is no one on the street at all. Instead, the light and shadow images on the large LED screen are still flashing, trying to attract and please passers-by who no longer exist at this time.

Faced with this scene that looked like the arrival of a doomsday zombie movie, Fang Linyan suddenly frowned. The streets of New York are one of the most densely populated areas in the world. The lack of passers-by can only mean one thing.


What kind of fatal danger is shrouded here? It's everywhere. Anyone who goes out will definitely be caught, and the consequences will be serious!

This danger is usually either an air raid or zombies

Soon, Xingyi asked Kotiya to stop the car because she found the first corpse on the street. Then she quickly jumped down to check, and then said to Fang Linyan with a solemn face:

"The cause of death was suffocation, but the cause of suffocation is unknown."

Almost all the corpses that appeared one after another were in the same condition. Without exception, they all died of suffocation.

This can explain the reason why no one dares to take to the streets. If you are walking on the street, and suddenly see your companion next to you falling to the ground, grabbing his own neck and rolling around in pain, and dying after a while, then your first

My first reaction would definitely be to run away.

Then when you see the second or third similar tragedy, you must find a place to hide and don't dare to go out on the street again, or simply stay away from the place where the incident occurred.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He immediately realized that this was a passive talent: the favor of fate was warning him in advance that he was about to be attacked and would be critically hit.

But Fang Linyan looked around, but he didn't notice any signs that he was about to be attacked! He could only yell to warn Xingyi, and then he threw himself into the corner next to him, trying to reduce the area affected by the attack as much as possible.

Just when Fang Linyan jumped out, there was a dull and huge explosion sound in the distance. The energy contained in this sound was huge! It made people feel uncomfortable and felt guilty.

My bowels were twitching, and I felt like I had to vomit to feel better.

A few seconds later, Fang Linyan could clearly hear the window glass next to him making a "dang-dang-dang" sound as it collided with the frame. Then a large number of cracks appeared on the surface, and it completely exploded with a "pop" sound!

With the explosion and shock wave sweeping through the entire street like a typhoon, some hidden things also appeared. On the street more than thirty meters away, two groups of white mist emerged from the air.


They looked like legendary ghosts, with blurred and distorted faces. They held their heads tightly with both hands and howled in pain. They were obviously shaken by the explosion and were severely injured.

At this time, Xingyi also summoned Zodov, who had not been seen for a long time. Zodov also held up a black umbrella to protect the two of them, and he was able to withstand this attack.

Even so, when the shock wave passed by, Fang Linyan felt his head buzzing and felt extremely uncomfortable.

He wiped the blood flowing from his nostrils, and he never guessed that the attack he encountered was an indiscriminate sonic range attack, and he accidentally dealt a critical hit. This was really an avoidance.

It's inevitable.

It can be seen from the battle records that the person who hurt him was a colonist with the ID name S9U39.

The reason why suffocated corpses frequently appear on the streets is also obvious. It is obviously caused by the invisible ghost. This should also be caused by the space warriors.

The indiscriminate damage caused by this explosion was obviously aimed at these ghosts.

Fang Linyan could see that the civilians upstairs around him were safe and sound. The shock wave generated by the explosion seemed to only cause them a little dizziness.

It is worth mentioning that under normal circumstances, space warriors rarely take action against civilians, because this is a harmful thing without any benefit. If there is no benefit, it will lead to targeted killings by various forces in this plane.


But obviously, this ghost-driving space warrior broke this unspoken rule. He probably wanted to collect the souls of newly deceased people to cast some powerful spell, so he had to take a huge risk.

The intention of the guy who created the shock wave of that explosion was also very obvious, that is, he wanted to stop his behavior.

In this regard, Fang Linyan said that you can use your wits, and the more intense the fight, the better. Anyway, the milestone he triggered is a hidden milestone, and there are probably very few people who want to compete with him for Kobe Bryant.

After getting within 500 meters of the hospital, Fang Linyan nodded to Xingyi and left it to her to take care of the helicopter, while he entered the invisible state and controlled Kobe first.

Now Fang Linyan only wants one thing, and that is for the incoming gang to restrain themselves and not hurt innocent people.

At this time, Xingyi said solemnly to Fang Linyan:

"Anyone who dares to carry out large-scale massacre in a place like New York is either a madman or a real strong man, so be careful.

Fang Linyan quickly came to the Anderson Clinic again and found that the door was open and the ground was in a mess. At first glance, he had experienced a storm of madness.

There were at least a dozen corpses lying in disorder at the door. It was obvious that Kobe's bodyguards also put up a resolute resistance here, but it was obvious that their resistance was not successful.

More importantly, after facing such a fierce advance, it is difficult to say the fighting will of the remaining bodyguards. After all, in Western concepts, as long as the enemy is found to have an absolute advantage, surrender is encouraged, and surrenderers will not.

If there is any psychological burden, society will not put too much pressure on it.

Even the military holds this view, let alone the bodyguards whose fighting will and training are far inferior to those of the army?

However, Fang Linyan took a general look and found that among the dead bodyguards, there were fewer elites who used double-headed eagle pistols, which showed that the people who rushed in were not unscrupulous.

After diving another ten meters, Fang Linyan found a big hole in the wall in front of him——This kind of thing is actually very common and not uncommon, but the key is that the edge of this big hole showed a clear

It appears to be melted, which gives the illusion that the wall is made of wax oil.

There was still a large amount of black material similar to semi-dried magma left on the ground. Fang Linyan tried to pick it out with the wooden stick next to him. It looked like the material of chewed gum, and then the front part of the wooden stick

The zoom and smoke show that the temperature inside this thing is still extremely high.

This made Fang Linyan realize that luckily he didn't dig it with his fingers, which also showed that the guy who created this big hole was probably a very powerful fire-type space warrior. If he was on the opposite side, it would be best not to give him any trouble.

Opportunity to take action.

Fang Linyan didn't stay any longer and continued moving forward. He discovered that the group of guys who launched the initial attack were indeed extremely brutal. The corpses in the corridor were not only those of bodyguards, but also those of doctors and nurses.

It is worth mentioning that these ordinary people all died in the same way. There were no scars on their bodies, and they collapsed to the ground with a look of extreme horror on their faces. Some people even died because of extreme fear.

Urinary and fecal incontinence————abbreviated as incontinence.

This basically confirmed Fang Linyan's previous inference that a member of the raiding team would gain from killing civilians, and most of the ghosts on the streets outside were released by him.

Without intending to stay any longer, Fang Linyan quickly came to the place he had set up before. This luxurious room had many basketball-flavored furnishings, such as an enlarged version of the O'Brien Cup, and stickers on the walls.

Yellow No. 23 Lakers jersey, and sexy photos of basketball babes cheerleaders.

This place is like a vacation villa, a basketball-themed suite, or a five-star hotel suite. It just doesn't look like a ward in a hospital, but in fact it is used for the treatment and cultivation of patients.

Obviously, Kobe was not here at this time, but it didn't matter. Fang Linyan blew a whistle and called out Rubes. At this time, he was in the disguise of a Labrador, with a big khaki tail wagging. Look.

It still looks very harmless to humans and animals.

This guy jumped on the pillow and sniffed it twice, then rushed into the bathroom and sniffed the face cloth, bath towel and other things that are easily contaminated with personal odor. After the sampling was completed, he started the visual tracking system. Fang Linyan immediately

I saw that the room was filled with large smoky red olfactory air masses. This was the smell left by Kobe, and it was directed outside and extended out.

Fang Linyan followed all the way and soon found that he had entered the elevator and headed underground of the hospital.

From the looks of it, Kobe must have made an emergency plan in advance and planned a corresponding retreat route. Once the fanatical fan came to raid, he would be out of luck and could escape in time.

However, on this retreat route, there were also many bloodstains and traces left after the gunfight. It was obvious that Kobe did not expect that he would be targeted by a large group of "***s".

Of course, what he probably didn't expect was that his enemies looked down upon him, who has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, and came only for his bodyguards.

It is estimated that Kobe's mood at this time is as complicated as that of the Seven Fairies who were immobilized by Monkey King. There is also a hint of anger and contempt in his little happiness.

—This monkey stopped us and turned around to pick peaches!

After chasing for another three minutes, Fang Linyan stood in front of an empty parking space. The smell here became very weak. So the only explanation is that Kobe hurriedly got in the car here and then ran away in a hurry.

Fortunately, its short-term route was predictable at this time. The vehicle must be heading towards the exit of the underground parking lot. The entrance and exit of the underground parking lot of this clinic were all at the same location, so Fang Linyan continued to chase him up and ran out.

Less than a hundred meters away, I discovered good news—the exit here was blocked by several cars.

Want to drive out? That's really fanciful. Obviously, the attacker ruled out this possibility in advance.

So Fang Linyan easily identified Kobe's car ---

——The customized version of Ford P4 wrapped in red mist.

For NBA players who are tall and strong

, this kind of vehicle with a large space can make them feel comfortable when riding, not to mention that Kobe is planning to see a doctor during this trip?

It could be seen that Kobe was still escaping outside after getting off the car, but he experienced another fierce battle at the door of the garage, and then could only retreat in despair. At this time, Fang Linyan noticed dripping blood on his escape route, so

He quickly followed the blood trail.

Soon, the blood stains stopped outside a power distribution room in the garage. Fang Linyan walked over quickly, then came to the door, stood for a few seconds, and pushed the door open.

He originally thought he would be attacked, but he saw Kobe sitting next to a bodyguard in a suit, pressing his wound with his left hand. After seeing Fang Linyan, he simply raised his hand and said:

"OK, you are here for me. It has nothing to do with Steve (bodyguard). What do you want? I can give you 10 million US dollars!"


This chapter has been completed!
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