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Chapter 38: Advance

Facing Gu Wen's words of approval, Fang Linyan said calmly:

"I want the corresponding information, including but not limited to the base information you want to attack, the vault information, and all the intelligence that can be found------I must confirm that it is possible to open the vault before I can continue with you.

Let’s keep chatting, right?”

Gu Wen hesitated for a moment, then closed his eyes and began to contact the people in the team. He quickly opened his eyes and directly transmitted various information.

Fang Linyan browsed it hurriedly. On the surface, his mood fluctuations could not be seen, but in fact, he was already inclined to participate in this task.

Because the mission of the Desert Snake team this time is still to destroy the Autobots' energy factory. More importantly, this energy factory contains the energy block preservation technology that Fang Linyan wants most!

You must know that in his native world, Fang Linyan also has an energy block production factory. This factory has been established for several years, and its internal processing technology has also been improved several times.

It is worth mentioning that among these improvements, only one was completely led by Fang Linyan. He probably took 80% of the credit for it... and the remaining few were all arranged by Fang Linyan.

The team there proposes and executes.

Most of the time, Fang Linyan just takes the initiative, puts forward an idea or inspiration, and then becomes the hands-off manager, with the team fully executing the development, and the key is that the results are very good.

Therefore, in theory, Fang Linyan's energy factory has now broken through various limitations and shackles when it was first established, and has a very high output. However, in fact, there is a big bottleneck that cannot be broken through, which directly leads to

Production is still very low.

Then there is the problem of lack of means of preservation after the energy is produced.

This is the typical wooden barrel rule. The key to controlling how much water a wooden barrel can hold is not the longest piece of wood, but the shortest piece.

As long as Fang Linyan obtains the energy block preservation technology, the output of Fang Linyan's energy block factory on the earth will also increase by leaps and bounds, which means that Fang Linyan can carry more energy blocks with him.

As a mid-to-high-end new energy source, energy blocks actually have a wide audience. Some private organizations in the space will also use general points to purchase them, and the prices are high. This is equivalent to Fang Linyan acquiring a long-running gold mine.


"I agree in principle with your cooperation, but there are a few requirements."

Fang Linyan said slowly.

Guwen said:

"you say."

Fang Linyan said:

"First, I am only responsible for cracking the vault, and I don't care about other things. And you have to ensure my safety."

"Second, you cannot ask for a share of the profits I gained by relying on my own strength during this operation."

"Third, you are responsible for shared tasks."

"Fourth, you have to pay me 300,000 general points and 10 potential points..."


When Gu Wen heard this series of requests made by Fang Linyan, he suddenly felt his head was pounding and said hurriedly:

"Wait a minute! The conditions you set are too many and complicated. I can't make the decision."

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"Then find someone who can make the decision to talk to me."

Fang Linyan was a little surprised by the next person to take action. It was Bai Senan, the boss of the Desert Snake team. This guy should be a strong man based on his name, but in fact he was so skinny that he looked like he had been smoking white powder for several years.

The most unique feature is his left hand, which is completely wrapped with black cloth strips. The cloth strips have clear and strange textures, which look like the textures on snake skin. It looks very disconcerting.

Nai, so it reminds people of the terrifying Mina Yin.

"Let me first say a few points. The mission we are currently executing is a follow-up to a mission called the Mystery of Louis' Death that we received previously, so we cannot share it with you."

"Then we can't get so many general points and potential points from the payment, but can we consider bartering? For example, using valuable equipment and props to offset it."

"Then, this task is not obligatory for you. In fact, we have a second and third plan..."

After a heated discussion, Fang Linyan finally reached an agreement with the other party. After all, even without this task, Fang Linyan still really wanted to visit that factory, not to mention that the other party really came up with what he wanted.

In the end, the conditions he got were:

"Fang Linyan (Demon Sword) has to hand over 50,000 universal points as a deposit."

"Fang Linyan has to help open the safe within fifteen minutes. If the opening fails, the 50,000 universal points previously pledged will not be refunded."

"Fang Linyan and Xingyi are responsible for participating in the battle, but they only provide the help they can. They cannot paddle, and they do not have to go all out."

"The Desert Snake team does not ask for a share of the profits that Fang Linyan obtained by relying on his own strength during this operation."

"Fang Linyan obtained the Fixing Bead x1." (Yes, it is the special Fixing Bead in the world of Journey to the West)

Fang Linyan was also surprised to be able to get a body-fixing bead in this transaction.

The actual effect of this thing has been far underestimated. When most people see the article "The person who is immobilized will wake up immediately once he is attacked", they subconsciously lower its value by one level. In fact, only

Only those who have used it know how effective it really is!

Fortunately, Fang Linyan was the one who had used it personally, while the members of the Desert Snake team had never come into contact with this thing before. They discovered it through murder, so they did not fully evaluate its value.

After everything was settled, the Desert Snake team seemed to be in a hurry and agreed to gather for action in five minutes.

At this time, Fang Linyan seemed to remember something and said to Xingyi:

"Oh, by the way, you seem to have something to tell me?"

Xingyi said expressionlessly:

"No, you must have heard wrong."


an hour later,

Fang Linyan watched as the members of the Desert Snake team jumped out of the helicopter one after another as if they were making dumplings, and landed on the top of the mountain seven or eight meters high below.

However, only a large number of vanguard troops went down, and the remaining people still stayed in the six "Chinook" helicopters that transported them over.

When all members of the Desert Snake team gathered together, Fang Linyan and Xingyi discovered something very important: the Desert Snake team had far more manpower than they had imagined.

Only its core members could appear at the Hank Steel Plant. When all members of the Desert Snake team gathered together, Fang Linyan discovered that their total number was as many as seventy people.

They are composed of a core team (mostly colonists) + two vassal teams (mostly composed of contractors).

Among the more than seventy people, Fang Linyan saw at a glance that eight of them had hunting marks, two colonists + six contractors! But in a sense, he was not alone, because in

Among the more than seventy people, there are actually four people from the S dimension.

They are Fang Linyan's natural allies. Although the two parties did not know each other before - there is no social interaction in the space, but at this time these four people are Fang Linyan's natural allies. Once Fang Linyan is marked with a hunting mark,

If the guy did it, those four people would definitely be in danger.

From this, we can also see that this guy Bai Senan still has two skills. He can make the unruly Vosgu join him, and he can also suppress the game in the S space within the team. Fang Linyan asked himself that he couldn't do it.

After all, everyone has their own strengths or weaknesses. Fang Linyan feels that his limit is to lead a team of ten people, but people like Omi and Arctic Circle can easily control a large team of hundreds of people.

Of course, it has never been Fang Linyan's style to base his own safety, or even life and death, on the management charm of others, so before going on a mission, he signed a contract with Bai Senan and Vosgu:

Once the two parties are executing cooperation, if Fang Linyan and Xingyi suffer more than two attacks from the Desert Snake team (to prevent possible accidental injuries caused by range damage), then there will be one more attack, Bai Senyan and Vosgu

All attributes will be forcibly deducted 5 points permanently.

If the two of them die within half an hour of being attacked by the Desert Snake team, one-third of their total attributes will be permanently deducted from them.

Of course, there are loopholes to be exploited in such a contract, such as people from the Desert Snake team not taking action, others using borrowed knives to kill people, and those who attack them can even temporarily leave the team, etc...

But there are risks in doing things. Is it safe to do things for the Decepticons? There is also the risk of being chopped into two pieces by a boss like Optimus Prime with an ax... Fang Linyan feels that

The temptation of a fixation bead + the energy block preservation technology was worth the risk, so I nodded. I just wanted to be more careful.

It can be seen from the hovering helicopter that this place is on the top of a towering mountain, but the surrounding environment can be said to be extremely desolate. It is a typical desert scene in the western United States, completely composed of khaki gravel and rocks.

The presence.

You have to search very carefully to find that there are some low and tough shrubs growing in sheltered areas. Even the color of these shrubs is pale yellow. It takes careful identification to see a little bit of green.

As for the animals that can live here, they all have very strong drought tolerance, such as rattlesnakes, toads, gerbils, scorpions, etc. Compared with ordinary plains, the number and types of creatures are pitifully rare.

Behind the rocks on the top of the mountain, there were more than a dozen specially-made triangular gliders parked. Some members of the Desert Snake team had already boarded the planes, then aimed at the cliff ahead and jumped off.

With the help of wind, height and silent glider, they can easily glide for more than ten kilometers and directly avoid the radar surveillance of the secret base. This is the most covert way of advance in the conventional sense, thus achieving the ultimate raid effect.

Of course, Fang Linyan and Xingyi don't have to do such hard and dangerous work. They will fly over by helicopter after the first wave of raids is successful. This can be regarded as preferential treatment for them.

After about ten minutes, the deep voice of the white anaconda sounded in the helicopter cabin:

"The outer area has been successfully controlled and the next plan will be implemented."

The helicopter quickly flew towards the hidden base more than ten kilometers away. If it had flown so boldly before, the heat of the helicopter engine and the loud noise from the rotor would have exposed it to the radar dozens of seconds in advance.

, and then what awaits it is a rain of missiles and a surprise attack from a swarm of drones.

But now, the air defense system that could threaten it is in the hands of its own people.

Soon, the entire secret base appeared in Fang Linyan's eyes. It looked like a common mining site in the desert. It was composed of simple and ordinary factories and spacious storage areas.


But who knows, there are millions of square meters of usable space below it, and a huge line has been brought over from the Wilson Power Station more than 200 kilometers away, to produce output for the Autobots day and night.

Holding the energy block.

Soon, Fang Linyan and Xingyi jumped out of the helicopter, and when they jumped out, they heard a loud noise from the side!

Two forklifts rushed out of the factory, and several rockets were fired from both sides, landing on the office-sized building next to them.

A series of explosions occurred immediately, and when the flames burst into flames, the building collapsed.

Then the two forklifts deformed on the spot and immediately turned into two Autobots!

Of course, the two Autobots are not elite creatures, and they are smaller like the Bumblebee. They hold the shield in their left hand, directly raise their right arm, and use the rocket launcher installed on it to attack

Target the other two fire points and continue firing.

At the same time, relying on the broad bodies of the two Autobots and the cover formed by their shields, more than thirty American troops rushed out from the factory, directly raising their weapons and firing with all their strength.

This is the difficulty in capturing this base. The Desert Snake team faces not only powerful Autobots, but also a large number of US troops stationed here.

They can also call for reinforcements at any time. These reinforcements include but not limited to helicopter wings, fighter jets, etc. There is also an armored formation stationed in the small town of Kokwa, fifty-eight kilometers away from here. Once they receive the request for reinforcements, they can

Get here within an hour.

Fortunately, the Desert Snake team is not alone. Although the Decepticons were unable to draw out Soundwave due to civil strife, they provided a free super EMP bomb!

Once this thing detonates, the terrifying shock wave formed can even paralyze all electronic devices within a three-kilometer radius. Please note that its penetrating power is extremely strong, and the range of influence even underground can reach more than three kilometers, and

The duration reached half an hour.

This chapter has been completed!
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