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Chapter 116 Forced Recruitment

Soon, the choice came, and a series of related prompts appeared on their retinas at the same time:

"It's a pity that you were not selected, but being able to appear at the final draft is enough to show that you actually have certain abilities."

"So, you have two choices now. The first choice is to erase the memories and gains of this period, return to your own life honestly, and become a normal person again according to the rules."

"The other option B is to retain your memories, but seal your superhuman strength and continue to return to your own lives. You cannot reveal the existence of the space in any form, and you will be recruited again when the next joint trial is opened.

, of course, the difficulty of your main tasks will also increase accordingly."

After seeing such a prompt, Fang Linyan immediately understood why there were so many insiders among the trial participants.

This is obviously because many people have chosen option b. They cannot reveal the existence of the space, but they can invite some strong people to accompany them on adventures and hunting, and take them into the joint trial during compulsory recruitment.

Qiu Shan's Oumi, doctors and others must have been coaxed here in this way.

At this time, Fang Linyan noticed that several blood-colored light balls next to him began to fade and disappear. Obviously, these trialists had made their own choices and began to be sent back to their own planes.

At this time, Fang Linyan also hesitated for a moment, then yawned loudly, and wanted to make choice B.

Just at this moment, a clear space-time crack appeared again in the void of more than a hundred meters in front of him, and then a dark black light group emerged directly from it. It was Noah Space R300. As soon as it appeared,

Three big words popped up on the retinas of all the remaining trialists at the same time:

Recruitment order!

According to the provisions of Article 17 of the Law of Chaos and the third and fifth paragraphs of Article 113 of the General Principles of the Universe,

In order to obtain more energy to calm the upcoming tide of time and space, this space will recruit the "Eukaryotic Domain/Primate/Homo/Homo Sapiens/Biological Warriors" present!

This recruitment order is mandatory and cannot be refused.

After the recruitment order is issued, you will be temporarily included in this space system and participate in the war as a hireling until the tide of time and space recedes.

During the recruitment process, if you can successfully complete relevant tasks, you may be officially included in the warrior system of this space.

During the process of being recruited, you can use some functions within this space.

Because this recruitment is compulsory, you will have a chance to receive additional rewards.


After Fang Linyan finished reading the news, he realized that only five bloody light balls remained nearby, and the black light ball representing Noah's Space R300 rapidly expanded in size, destroying the remaining trial

The person is included in it and instantly travels into the time and space channel.

From a distance, Noah Space R300 looks like a comet, dragging the five bloody light balls in its long tail, which looks quite spectacular.

After being included in Noah Space R300, Fang Linyan felt as if he had entered a spaceship. He could also see the outside scenery through the portholes. It was completely like a passage made of a beam of light. On the wall of the passage were

There are a large number of diamond-shaped fragments, which look very beautiful.

However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will get bored after seeing it too much. After Fang Linyan got through the initial freshness, he also felt sleepy. Then he leaned back, fell on the bloody light ball wall, and quickly fell asleep.


He didn't know how long he had slept for, but Fang Linyan felt a cool mist on his face, which made him feel numb and itchy, so he reached out to touch it.

After touching it for a few times, the mist suddenly turned cold and he suddenly woke up. Only then did he realize that he seemed to be asleep, so although he was quite sleepy, he forced himself to open his eyes.

Fang Linyan didn't need to look in the mirror to know that he must be in terrible condition, with heavy dark circles under his eyes and bloodshot eyes.

Only then did he realize that he had left the bloody ball of light at some point and came to a medium-sized room. A square hole had been opened from the top of the room, and a fire sprinkler similar to that of a fire sprinkler protruded from it.

Something sprayed mist towards his face, and the fire sprinkler head had already retracted.

The most important thing is that after the nozzle was retracted, the square hole actually filled up by itself. Fang Linyan went up to take a look. It could be said that it was perfect. It even gave him the feeling that the hole was filled by "growth".

, which is completely beyond the scope of his knowledge and understanding.

Then he looked around and found that the style of the room was plain and simple, but the surroundings were all made of metal. When touched with his hands, it felt as soft and elastic as rubber, and even had a little bit of warmth.

There are no lights or anything like that at all, it's as if the entire wall itself emits a shimmering light.

Previously, Fang Linyan slept directly on the floor and didn't feel cold. It felt quite comfortable.

Looking carefully, the layout of the room is like that on a modern battleship, simple, bright and capable. There is only one wall cabinet in the room and a metal stool fixed to the ground, and the edges inside the wall cabinet are made into blunt rounds.

, to avoid impact injuries when you accidentally fall.

Not only that, Fang Linyan found that all the things he bought from the joint trial with platinum coins, a currency not recognized by the space, disappeared, such as 98k, and the customized Glock 19 he got from the Steel Fist Fortress.

There are also several grenades, all of which are ordinary bullets. Based on the experience in the 811 world, it should be directly converted into a few common points.

Fortunately, it seems that the Kevlar fiber combat uniforms and "Porcupine" depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets (five remaining) that were exchanged for contribution points are still there.

At this time, a light suddenly shone in the room for a few times, and then a virtual figure appeared.

She has good looks and a friendly oval face. She looks to be about 25 years old. She is wearing a major's navy blue military uniform with a military skirt underneath and a wheat-ear-shaped ribbon on her chest. She said in a gentle voice:

"Trialist No. zb419, welcome to Noah's Space. I am Leader No. 76"

"This is your exclusive room in space. Outsiders cannot enter without your permission. All items on your body that cannot be taken back to the real world will be stored here. If your body is injured, you can recover quickly here, and a certain amount of currency will be deducted.


"When you enter the space for the first time, your original data needs to be recorded, so the injuries you suffered in the joint trial have been repaired for free, but the malignant space-occupying lesions on your body that originated from the bronchial mucosa of the lungs will be repaired after entering the joint trial.

I had it before the trial, so it was kept.”


Seeing this, Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, then interrupted the other party hurriedly and rudely, and said urgently:

"Leader No. 76, how can I cure my illness?"

The guide patiently said in a gentle tone:

"To get the answer to this question, you need to pay 500 universal points."

Fang Linyan sighed, chose to pay, and then heard the guide's No. 76:

"In order to completely cure the malignant tumors in your body, you need to purchase a gene repair potion. To purchase this potion, you need to meet two conditions. First, your military rank needs to be upgraded to captain. To upgrade your military rank, you need a sufficient amount of merit points. Second, you

You need to prepare enough general points and merit points to pay for the cost of purchasing it. I just calculated it and the merit points for improving the military rank and the merit points for purchasing potions should add up to more than fifty points."

Fang Linyan silently looked at his mere eight merit points:

"(tears expression)......Okay, I have no problem, you continue."

Leader No. 76 then continued:

"You are currently entering as a hired person, so the key to entering and exiting this room is the joint trial badge that will be issued to you. Your appearance will be blurred in the space, so when communicating with others, do not

Reveal your identity in reality to avoid unnecessary serious consequences. If you have any needs, you can ask for the joint trial badge, but it may consume a certain number of universal points."

"Because you were forcibly recruited and ranked first among all the trial participants in terms of progress in obtaining the mission prop (ghost-faced dog tag), you can receive additional rewards."

"a: You can upgrade the withered iron branches on your body for free."

"b: You can refill the Mercy and Punishment (Bark Scroll) on you for free, restoring its usage count to 4/4 (currently 1/4)."

"Please make a choice within thirty seconds. If you do not make a choice, you will give up by default."

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, and then chose a. The reason was very simple. The negative effect of entropy cast by Mercy and Punishment (Bark Scroll) was too fatal at critical moments.

Then, he followed the prompts and put the withered iron branch on his body into the space on the wall next to him. Leader No. 76 quickly told him that the upgrade time would be approximately five minutes. And because he was now a hired member.

identity, so once he arrives five minutes later, he must follow the prompts to leave the space and return to his own main world.

After finishing speaking, Leader No. 76 handed him a joint trial badge, and then disappeared into the air. This badge looked similar to a ghost-faced dog tag. It was hung on one side of the neck.

It is still a vivid ghost head with green face and fangs, and the words zb419 are written on the other side, hanging on the neck inconspicuously.

Soon, the five-minute upgrade time was completed, and Fang Linyan took back his withered iron branch. After the upgrade was completed, the name of this thing had directly changed to "Iron Branch", and the description below also changed to


Add 1 to all attributes.

And there are clearly marked (can be synthesized/upgraded) tips next to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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