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Chapter 65 A great discovery under the sea

In Ade's hand is the electric speargun modified by Fang Linyan, and a sharp short knife is attached to his waist. This is used to prevent being entangled in algae or algae in the water and facilitate cutting. Of course, if

What was wrapped around them were tentacles and the like, and this sharp dagger could also come in handy.

Soon, one man and one submarine arrived at the edge of the trench. The remaining underwater robots were patrolling in the distance and would be notified immediately if any abnormality occurred in the surroundings.

It can be seen that many unique animals and plants still grow on the periphery of the trench:

For example, there are brightly colored deep-water corals and polyps, as well as crinoids, snake tails, armored shrimps, deep-sea shrimps, fish and other creatures growing in the coral forest, which is colorful, like an "undersea garden".

However, with the edge of the trench as the boundary, the lower part has become a harsh restricted area for life. It is obvious that there is an inexplicable force lingering here, which is unfriendly to all undersea animals and plants, and this place is also full of unknown murderous intent.

Fang Linyan took a deep breath to ensure that he could use the oxygen candle as soon as possible, then gave a thumbs-up gesture to Adby through the transparent porthole, pushed the joystick, and controlled the submarine to aim at the depth of the trench.

We sailed past and entered a strong interference area.

An interference sound of "Ulazila" could be heard immediately from the communicator, and the electronic screen inside the submarine began to shake violently. Fortunately, Fang Linyan had predicted all this, so he did not panic.

The talent of metal affinity allowed Fang Linyan to intuitively feel the internal conditions of the submarine. The engine was still running normally, and the control connection of the joystick was no problem, which undoubtedly made him feel at ease.

Soon, the submarine reached the deepest part of the trench. If there was no sea water, this place would be like a broad plain in a valley.

At this time, in Fang Linyan's eyes, he could see the southern part of the plain.

A dark hill suddenly appeared in the area, which undoubtedly gave people a strong sense of dissonance.

As the submarine gradually descended to the bottom, Fang Linyan turned on the searchlight. Under a strong light, he could see that the turbulence brought by the submarine stirred up a large amount of black filth, and the bottom humus that had accumulated for many years was quickly pushed away.

, which made Ade next to him suddenly dumbfounded, and immediately swam away in a hurry. Looking at his disgusted expression, it was as if he had fallen into a gutter.

At this time, Fang Linyan realized that it was not necessarily true that this place was a restricted area for life. After the humus on the seabed was stirred up, the hard rock bottom below was exposed. There were sharp cone shapes on it, each half a meter tall.

It’s long and short, and it also has a metallic texture!

After taking a second look, Fang Linyan immediately recognized it. This should be a creature called sea snail, also known as nine-layered snail. However, they are usually only about ten centimeters in length, but they grow so much here.


At the same time, in the darkness in the distance, there is still a little light shining. You must know that even on a sunny day, the sunlight can only penetrate two hundred meters into the sea water, and here it is already a thousand meters away from the sea.

Meters away, what is that light?

Fang Linyan decisively turned the searchlight over and discovered that it was actually a two-meter-long giant anglerfish with a single tentacle growing on its forehead, similar to a catfish's beard, but a thicker and longer version.

Fully one meter long.

There is a flesh ball at the end of the tentacle, and the faint light is emitted from the flesh ball.

Fang Linyan turned off the searchlight and immediately realized that the anglerfish's brutal and ferocious appearance had disappeared into the darkness, replaced by a group of cold and mysterious light. Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately understood that this was a very clever thing.

hunting skills.

Because in such ocean depths, light is actually a luxury product, and most marine organisms have phototaxis. Once a fish takes the bait and wants to swim over curiously to see what is going on, it is actually equivalent to sending itself to an angler fish.

With his mouth open and sucked, this guy can eat the unlucky guy who is delivered to his door.

Although this giant anglerfish does not seem to be metalized, that is just the appearance. Who knows what is inside?

What is the situation?

At this time, the black boy Ade had already swam over quickly, then raised his spear gun and took aim. He aimed at the anglerfish fifty meters away and pulled the trigger. Suddenly, the fish dart fired.

It was shot out, creating a ripple in the water, and then accurately submerged into the anglerfish's abdomen!

Then there was a flash of blue light, and the high-voltage current on the fish dart was activated, immediately electrocuting the big fish until it twitched all over and fell to the bottom of the sea like a fallen leaf.

Probably seeing the same kind being hunted, the other giant anglerfish also dispersed in a rush. At this time, it can be seen that their movements are actually quite slow, and when they move their heads and tails, it seems like the camera is in slow motion.

If you think about it carefully, this is actually a reasonable thing. If they didn't have any advantage in swimming and hunting, why would they have worked so hard to evolve that "chandelier" on their foreheads to lure fish into their own traps?


Soon, Fang Linyan drove the submarine to the vicinity of the rocky mountain at the bottom of the trench. After arriving here, he deliberately moved the submarine's propeller close to the edge of the rocky mountain. Some long strips were exposed near the bottom, which did not look like they were naturally generated.

Ade quickly approached it and scratched it with a knife. Then he turned around and nodded to Lin Yan, making sure that the material of this thing was metal.

In this case, Fang Linyan drove the submarine around the stone mountain. After the humus on the bottom of the water was blown up, it could be seen that there was indeed a metal giant pressing down below, and the damage was also relatively serious.

At the bottom of the stone mountain, you can already see more than a dozen scattered cargo boxes of different sizes. Some of the cargo boxes have been damaged, exposing large and small black balls inside. I don’t know what these things are. In the cargo box,

There is also a symbol on the surface that looks like a reverse C letter, but the opening of the C letter is facing to the left. I don’t know what it means.

The cargo box was not just loaded with one kind of cargo. Ade swam over and opened another cargo box. What was left inside was a dozen fist-sized translucent crystals. Others might not recognize them, but Fang Linyan was very familiar with them.

It is clear that this thing is a container of energy blocks, which is called a crystal box by Transformers.

Probably because the accident happened so long ago, the energy in the energy block was lost and volatilized, and only the container containing the energy remained, becoming what it is now.

Fang Linyan still took the Harbin LS with him at this time, and used it to record the images here. Then he found a cargo box, used the robotic arm and Ade's help to load it into the submarine's sample cabin, and then

Driving upward.

After returning to the whaling ship, Fang Linyan took a closer look at the black metal ball, but even though he had a talent for metal affinity, he could only confirm that it was metal, and the rest of the information was unknown.

So Fang Linyan could only use the satellite phone on the ship to call Hanke Steel Factory directly, wanting to contact Shengbo directly, but was told that Shengbo was not available and could only be answered by Fan Luan.

To be honest, this guy Mi Luan is cunning, vicious and a bit of a rogue. Fang Linyan doesn’t want to deal with him, but now he actually has no choice but to choose to connect:

"Are you confused? I am Yaodao. I found some strange metal balls somewhere. They were mixed with many energy blocks. They are almost certainly related to Transformers. I don't know if you


Fan Luan was plotted by Fang Linyan many times. Hearing his voice, he felt very unhappy. He subconsciously wanted to end the call, so he said impatiently:

"What metal ball? We have no shortage of metal here. Don't just grab some to fill the bill."

Who is Fang Linyan? As soon as he heard Fan Lu's words, he immediately heard his perfunctory meaning and immediately said threateningly:

"Oh, is that so? I have a recording of the phone call this time. If you don't want it, then I will sell it to my friends from the Autobots. If Mr. Soundwave asks me about it in the future, then I will use this phone call.

Recorded reply."

Obviously, this time Fang Linyan's answer immediately caught the weak point of confusion, and immediately made him curse angrily:

"What! You idiot?

How can an idiot do this when his body is covered with rust spots?"

Fang Linyan said calmly:

"I also recorded the insulting words above to Mr. Soundwave.

Luan felt that his CPU was heating up to its peak in an instant and immediately said angrily:

"Asshole, how could I insult Lord Soundwave like this? I usually just curse a few short-circuited old people behind my back at most. Lord Soundwave will definitely not believe it when you talk nonsense like this!"

At this point, Fan Lu suddenly felt that something was wrong, and then a "sizzling" sound suddenly came from his head, a few electric sparks came out, and then black smoke came out of his ear holes, and then his whole body

He was hit hard on the vest by a strong force and fell ten meters away!

Looking carefully, there was a broken spot as big as the mouth of a bowl on the vest, and the metal in the center even turned red, which looked like it was seriously damaged.

Next, a missile flew over with smoke, blowing it up to ashes, with flames all over its body, and there was a pungent plastic smell in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Bird, the laser bird, swooped down from the outside. The electromagnetic gun muzzle on its wings was still smoking. It was obvious that it was the one who opened fire and attacked directly from behind Confusion. After this guy transformed into a human form,

Just look at Chaos with cold eyes:

"Anyone who insults his master is my enemy!!"

This guy, Luan Luan, is engaged in intelligence and stealing data. He can also transform into a laptop or a mobile phone. His fighting ability is like a weakling. How can he defeat the fierce laser bird? What's more, he is still at a loss?

At that moment, I knew that my beating was in vain, so I could only get up from the ground with a sad face and look dejected.

The next person to answer the phone was of course Bird, the laser bird. He was a typical aloof person. After hearing a few words from Fang Linyan, he said:

"Wait a minute."

After ten seconds, the person who answered the phone was replaced by a scalpel with more professional knowledge. After listening to Fang Linyan's description before, he was also confused and subconsciously felt that it was of little value.

But although Scalpel has a bad personality, he still has a lot of professional knowledge and a basic sense of responsibility, so he said:

"Where did you find this metal ball?"

Fang Linyan's tone is still very tight:

"An inaccessible place. If you are interested, I have a box of samples here and can send the relevant videos. Scalpel said:


The speed of video transmission on the satellite phone is still very slow, and it takes a long time to transmit a short video.

When Scalpel accidentally clicked on the video, he was suddenly attracted by the symbol similar to the letter C on the container. Then he hurriedly said hello to Fang Linyan, saying that he wanted to study what was in the video, and then hung up.

Got the phone call.

Immediately afterwards, Scalpel contacted Sound Wave directly. Although a clear explosion could be heard on Sound Wave's side, indicating that the temporary commander of the Decepticons was in trouble, Scalpel still said quickly and nervously:

"Lord Soundwave, there is something I must ask you to confirm."

The indifferent electronic sound sounded:

"Even if I am facing the siege of the Autobots now?"

The scalpel choked for a moment, but he still said simply:

"Yes, because if you and I were in my shoes, you would make the same decision."

Sound Wave was silent for a few seconds, probably seizing the opportunity to retreat to a relatively safe place:

"You have fifteen seconds, my condensate tank is broken

It’s time to replace it with a new one.”

Scalpel said:

"You should remember that on the planet Cybertron, there was once a guy who even Lord Megatron valued, right? Even Lord Megatron suffered a loss in front of their leader, the poisonous spider."

Sound Wave immediately thought of:

"You mean, robot insects?"

Scalpel said:

"That's right." Soundwave said


"Those guys are extremely ambitious and fickle! They even came to the earth before us!"

"Didn't the female Decepticon Kotia, who came over before, bring information that Starscream is negotiating with these guys and wants to use its power to give the Autobots some color? Something has changed in this matter.


Scalpel said:

"No, there is a guy among the robot insects called Recoil, do you remember? Its transformed form is that of a locust. I remember clearly that the painting on its chest is a reverse C-shaped symbol."

Soundwave Channel:

"I don't remember this."

What do you want to say? Hurry up!"

This chapter has been completed!
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