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Chapter 2 Training Upgrade (Thanks to the leader of the alliance, Shengyi Coffee Table 666 for his support)

This space gives people the feeling of endless coverage, emitting a faint red light. To be precise, the surrounding walls are like a huge arched eggshell. When you look back, the passage you came out of has also disappeared.


Fang Linyan squatted down and pressed the ground with his fingers. He found that it was the same as the ground in the dormitory. It was not hard but a little soft. It gave people the feeling of body temperature and elasticity like an organism. In front of him was an unusually wide square, at least several in size.

Hundreds of people were squatting, standing, or sitting on it, or were communicating and talking noisily with gestures, just like a market.

Everyone's heads in the square were covered with a layer of fog, so dense that even their facial features could not be seen clearly. It seemed to be the special protective effect of the nightmare space. The central part of the square was specially left empty, and there were other people around it.

There are several circular light doors that emit strong light, and ripple-like light spots appear on them from time to time. It is not known what they are used for. However, you can still see people coming in and out occasionally, and it seems that it is not a forbidden area.

"These people...are all warriors belonging to space?"

Fang Linyan was obviously shocked by the number of people inside and took a deep breath.

Then he walked towards a gathering place nearby.

As he expected, the squatting/sitting people were selling things. In front of them were all 3D projections of the items for sale, as well as various detailed parameters, almost all of which were brought from the adventure world.

The props and equipment, but the asking prices are a bit exaggerated, and some locations don’t even have people on them, so they are directly sold on consignment.

Not only that, Fang Linyan also saw several things similar to automatic ticket vending machines nearby. After checking, he found that this was an online auction house, and the items sold on it were also quite large, but it was probably because of the online auction.

Once a transaction is completed, the auction house will charge an additional 15% commission to both the buyer and the seller, so many items are directly marked with sky-high prices, and the contact information is marked below to say that interviews are available.

Not only that, but the online auction house also seems to require a certain military rank to be used.

At this time, Fang Linyan didn't wander around the market much. He just took a quick look at the general situation. Unfortunately, he didn't find the basic endurance scroll. Then he started to go to the training ground, and found that the training ground was not far from the central market.

It is in a circular light gate that emits light in the square.

After entering, Fang Linyan discovered that the level of advancement in this training ground was at least hundreds of years ahead of the real world!

Every soldier who enters the training ground will be given a separate private space. If you need to practice shooting, you will first be asked to set the terrain (desert, city, forest, etc.), then set the number of enemies, and then set the firearms.


Then create holographic enemies one by one to fight with you. The enemy's attributes are improved according to your own strength. In addition to having no damage, the dodge and marksmanship accuracy are very powerful.

Next, Fang Linyan tried to exercise basic endurance again, and the feeling could only be described as breathtaking... Originally, he was already lamenting that the training teams in reality were extremely professional, but only when he came to the space did he realize that the reality

In terms of space, the methods used to train the team can be said to be completely like playing house.

The space can directly project Fang Linyan's various body data onto his retina in real time, clearly telling him how many more burpees to do, how many variable sprints to do, and how many times to jump rope to level up.

Once Fang Linyan is tired and hungry, he can lie directly on the massage table next to him and enter a deep sleep in a short time. At the same time, while he is asleep, he will be stretched, magnetically heated and physiotherapy, and injected with drugs to neutralize the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles.

A three-pronged approach to treatment ensures that fatigue will be eliminated as soon as you wake up.

After experiencing it for fifteen minutes, Fang Linyan let out a long sigh and reluctantly left the training ground with mixed emotions... This place is good, but it is really a gold-selling cave! After entering, according to the

Depending on the training method you choose, different general points will be consumed every minute, but the minimum is 30 general points.

........This is the price per minute!

In other words, the cost of training for one hour starts at 1,800 general points. Even if Fang Linyan puts all his belongings in, it is just enough to consume the minimum standard of three hours.

However, Fang Linyan has discovered a very important thing, that is, there are discounts here.

The specific discount range is based on your own military rank. The higher the military rank, the greater the discount range. Military rank is determined by merit points.

After clarifying the situation in the training ground, Fang Linyan began to do some specific things, that is, to find the place for identification. After he killed Shania, there was another mysterious object: the dark bead.

I carry it with me, but I don’t know its specific value, and the description of this thing is that you need to enter Noah’s Space for identification.

So Fang Linyan tried to enter the other light gates based on his previous experience. However, he was ruthlessly rejected. Two consecutive light gates showed that he did not have enough permissions. Even when he actively contacted the space, he only got a cold "Insufficient Permissions".

In the end, I could only lament that mercenaries had no human rights, and reluctantly gave up the idea.

At this time, Fang Linyan had already thought about it very clearly, so he went back to the Exchange Square and walked around, collecting price information. Then he spent two hundred general points, rented a temporary stall, and sold Kevlan fiber combat uniforms.

, the scroll of fighting joint skill mastery (bloody), the ring of face-slimming, and the mercy and punishment (bark scroll) 1/4 were placed on the table.

After Fang Linyan confirms, the projections of the entire series of these four items will appear on the temporary stall, marked with general information, such as Kevlan fiber combat uniforms (armor), face-slimming rings (jewelry)...


Next, if anyone is interested in this, just tap on the holographic projection with your fingertips, and you will see the submenu below, which can display its specific attributes, and finally the price. It can be said to be quite complete.

Among these four items, in order to avoid information asymmetry being missed, the first two items were directly marked at five times his psychological price, and the last two items were marked at four times his psychological price. Then Fang Linyan specially added

I left a message saying that I would be back in an hour and could have an interview.

Next, Fang Linyan went to the training ground in space, because he had felt that his basic shooting could break through again before, and he was just shy of breaking through from lv3 to lv4. He was about to enter the next world, and he was still a mercenary.

I went to war as cannon fodder, so I had no choice but to grit my teeth even if I had to burn money.


About an hour and a half later, Fang Linyan walked out of the training ground. He looked really tired and was breathing heavily.

Only then did he realize that his "feelings" were really countless. In the past just over an hour, he had at least carefully aimed and fired more than a thousand bullets, and finally heard the belated news of a breakthrough.

, and it was not until after the breakthrough that Fang Linyan realized that it was not a big or small hurdle to upgrade from lv3 to lv4, so the difficulty of the upgrade was much greater.

It turned out that just after Fang Linyan successfully obtained the news that basic shooting had been enhanced to level 4, he actually received an additional prompt:

Basic Shooting Level 4: Enables the owner to skillfully use various shooting weapons (including but not limited to firearms, bows, crossbows, etc.), and increases attack power by 10%.

Tip: You have upgraded your basic shooting to lv4. To trigger the relevant conditions, please extract an additional special effect brought by basic shooting lv4. It is limited to ten seconds. If there is no action at that time, the space will assign one of the attributes to you.


a: When the owner shoots and successfully hits the enemy, the critical hit rate is increased by 5%.

b: When the owner shoots and successfully hits the enemy, there is a 5% chance of triggering an additional attack damage.

c: When the owner shoots and successfully hits the enemy, the hit rate increases by 5%.

d: Because the owner has a good understanding of various types of shooting weapons at this time, when being attacked by various types of shooting weapons, he can accurately predict and avoid them, and the evasion rate increases by 10%.

e: When the owner shoots and successfully hits an enemy, there is a 25% chance that it will bleed and receive damage. This damage can be superimposed with other bleeding damage effects.

f: When the owner shoots and successfully hits an enemy, there is a (10%-25%) chance of reducing the enemy's movement speed by 25%. The longer the attack interval of a long-range weapon, the greater the chance of triggering this effect.


Looking at this series of prompts, Fang Linyan was a little surprised, because the special effects of this additional selection seemed quite powerful! No wonder it took so much energy to break through.

It's just that the time given to him to choose was a bit too short. Fang Linyan hadn't finished reading the instructions, but it took ten seconds. He could only choose random selection, and finally selected item f... Although this was not the worst choice,

But it still made him a little unwilling.

What happened next made Fang Linyan almost want to curse. It turned out that just after randomly selecting attributes, he got a hint.

It turns out that if the extractor is not satisfied with the special effect, he can also pay 1000 general points and 1 potential point to lower the basic shooting to level 3 again, and the special effect will disappear.

Then the contractor re-raises the basic shooting to lv4, and naturally gets another chance to draw!!!

Not only that, as long as you have general points and potential points, you don't even have to practice hard in the training ground to improve even basic skills.

All ability improvements take level three as one stage.

Whenever you strengthen a skill to lv4, lv7, or lv10, you will get an opportunity to extract additional special effects. Some special effects are actually very powerful.

For example, to upgrade basic abilities from level 1 to level 3, you only need to spend 1 potential point and some general points.

Each upgrade from level 3 to level 6 requires 2 potential points and doubled general points.

For every improvement in level and ability above level six, 3 potential points and an astonishing number of general points are required.

And this is just the improvement of basic abilities. I believe that if high-level abilities are improved, the potential points and general points consumed will be even more terrifying.

For example, to upgrade a basic ability from level 1 to level 9, the potential points required are 1x3+2x3+3x3=18 points! If it is a higher-level combat ability, more potential points will be consumed!

This chapter has been completed!
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