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Chapter 23 Formatting Area

After seeing this attribute introduction, you should know why this Rampage is not selling well.

1. Releasing requires energy accumulation, and there is also a distance limit.

2. Even if the release is successful, there is still a limit to the success rate. What's more important is that some beginners often run into them and are dodged by the enemy. Then they bump into friendly forces, causing them both to be stunned. The enemy takes the opportunity to immediately unleash a wave of output.


Especially when there is a dizzy own-goal incident, some irritable teammates will definitely talk non-stop and immediately start a long and extremely pregnant talk.

In addition, the reason for the low competitiveness of this skill is that it only requires 500 general points to learn it, but it requires 4 potential points. For warriors who are new to space, they can get it with just a few general points, but the potential is

It's really difficult to click this thing. 4 potential points is really an astronomical number in the early stage.

Another very important point is that Rampage has a competitive skill. This competitive skill is called Charge, and the way to obtain it is very simple:

You can buy it in the Starry Sky Consortium, which Fang Linyan once deeply offended. The specific process is to first upgrade your reputation to Friendly, and then do a task with difficulty level B and you will be asked to choose a reward (choose one of three).

One reward is Charge, and this skill book can be traded.

The biggest advantage of charging is that you can lock the target and launch a charging attack. There will never be an own-goal phenomenon, and there will be no strength determination. The enemy will be stunned for a fixed period of 1 second. If the enemy cannot be stunned, the movement speed/attack speed will be reduced at the same time.

30%, duration 5 seconds.

However, Max has also carefully studied the rampage skill, or to be more specific, someone has studied it carefully, and then analyzed the various data into a PPT and sold it as information.

Therefore, Max also knows the detailed parameters of this skill. For example, when it is upgraded to LV4, there will be a chance that an option will appear, allowing Rampage to remove the restriction that requires at least five meters to be released.

Another example is that although Rampage cannot change directions and release skills during the charge, this is not actually the case.

Because this negative effect does not have any priority, as long as the other skills have priority, they are not restricted by it.

Max's heroic jump happens to be able to do this, which means that even if he crashes, there is still room for correction.

Of course, what Max likes most about Rampage is his 5 times strength during the charge! His own talent can double his strength when facing the aborigines. With this skill, he can face the aborigines.

That’s 3 times the strength judgment!

This means that Max, who has the blessing of the artifact at this time, can hit at least half of the BOSS, which is really scary.

Not only that, Goat also gave another suggestion, that is, in the face of such a huge strength advantage, Max can try to learn throwing skills.

From the fact that the two of them were chatting while fighting, it can be seen that the follow-up of this battle is not very difficult.

It's like in the operating room. If the surgeon in charge has the thought to tell the nurse a dirty joke while performing the operation, that is really something the patient should be thankful for.

Ahem, if the surgeon doesn't say a word and the nurse even farts softly and gets yelled at or rolled his eyes, then the situation is really over!

In order to save his dignity, the metal double-headed viper decisively transformed when his health dropped to 50%, turning into a double-headed snake-human form. Then, ahem, there was no more.

Because the BOSS in human form has one more obvious weakness than in snake form, and that is balance!

This guy was staggered around by Max even in his snake form. Of course, he was no better in his human form, not to mention that Fang Linyan and Crespo were there to stumble him?

Therefore, after it transforms, it is completely normal for it to accidentally fall on its back, and then be severely beaten.

However, its racial talent is still very powerful. Relying on the powerful talent of metal creatures, this BOSS managed to hold on for a long time, and was finally dismantled into a pile of junk and metal shining with electric light.

Fang Linyan decided to recycle the waste because the instructions on the Prairie Fire Lamp were very clear. The identity of the summoned metal life was the first-generation Decepticon, and its strength, quantity and shape were related to the material.

How can the materials used to assemble the BOSS be inferior? So just let Max carry it.

Not surprisingly, this BOSS did not drop anything, but when it died, there was a series of roaring sounds nearby, like steel hitting each other, and then a wall was seen next to it.

Slowly sliding open, a passage appeared.

But this passage is not very deep and leads to a sealed room. In the center of this room is a suspended light ball, about the size of the mouth of a bowl, emitting a faint light.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people, but Fang Linyan felt that it was familiar, because in the previous world, after he entered the body of the giant metal mosquito/Silver Mosquito No. 7, he encountered a similar ball of light. This should be the deformation

King Kong-style operating system.

So, Fang Linyan directly touched the light ball with his hand. Sure enough, when his palm touched it, a large amount of information was transmitted. This information was familiar to Fang Linyan but not recognized. It seemed to be composed of diagonal stripes.

There are many small dots next to it, which are the unique words of Transformers.

At that time, Fang Linyan even spent five points of Biskar data flow in order to recognize this text, but now that his teammates are full of talents, there is no need to spend this money in vain.

Just wave the goat over, he is the chosen one, and his talent is to analyze words and languages.

Soon, the goat translated the information in the light ball and shared it on the team channel:

"Fellow explorers, welcome to the land of ruins. You are now at node three in area A2. This place was originally occupied by a group of (garbled characters). Do you want to choose to format this place now?"

Upon seeing this question, Omi immediately replied:

"Ask it about the consequences of formatting."

The goat did as he was told, and then got the reply:

"After formatting, the permissions of the nodes here will be restored to the initial settings. You can also get some corresponding information and open the teleportation array to return to the place of guidance."

After Goat shared this reply, he had no idea what he was communicating even with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, a grid slid out silently on the wall next to it. There was a lot of light shining inside, and it looked like water waves rippling under the sunlight.

Crespo was the closest and was startled by the mysterious grid that slid out. Then he immediately stretched his head to take a look and burst out laughing:

"Wow, it turns out that the final rewards are all here."

The rest of the people came over to take a look, and found that the grid was filled with corrupted crystals called "certificates of courage". There were about thirty of them, and the corrupted crystals seized here were all different in terms of gloss and size.

It is much stronger than what is obtained from outside and can be called a high-quality product.

Of course, there are also the secret-colored crystal cores that attract Fang Linyan and the others' attention the most, but there are only two of them, and they look very good, and they are all large sizes!

And because it has not been blown by wind and sand, the surface is like a football, covered with strange diamond-shaped textures, which seems to have a natural mystery inside.

Fang Linyan got the plane bridge device and tried it, and found that the secret color crystal core found here could be charged for eight hours.

After getting this thing, the anxiety of a group of people was finally relieved to a great extent. After all, before getting this thing, Fang Linyan and the others only had less than five hours left here.

Two large secret-color crystal cores are enough for the legendary team to stay here for more than sixteen hours. Adding the remaining time before, in this case, even the next secret-color crystal core cannot be found. They

You can explore the ruins at least twice.

At this time, the goat with closed eyes suddenly said:

"Be careful, you guys stand back a little, I'm going to control it to open the teleportation point, which can lead directly to the place of guidance, where the leader No. 017 is staying."

As soon as everyone listened and acted as they were told, they immediately saw light shining on the ground in the center of the room, and then a strange aperture appeared.

In this aperture, the gravity seems to be distorted, and a part that was originally placed on the floor also floats automatically, and actually appears the phenomenon of floating and sinking that only occurs in water.

Fang Linyan stepped into the circle of light first, and then felt his eyes blurred. When it became clear again, he reappeared in the hall where he came from.

To be more precise, Fang Linyan even felt soft under his feet. That was because he stepped on the sand. This is where the entire legendary team reappeared after being sucked into the quicksand whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, members of the team appeared around Fang Linyan, and the figure of the leader No. 017 also appeared in the distance, as well as his unique voice:

"Welcome back, brave adventurers."

Fang Linyan looked around and noticed that something seemed different nearby. When he looked carefully, he found that there seemed to be a hazy light appearing on a wall next to him.

After he walked over, he noticed that something like a screen appeared there, so he took out a towel and wiped the dust away, and found that the thing was a translucent luminous object embedded in the wall.

Fang Linyan pressed the button tentatively and found that a bright and soft light began to emit in the hall, and then a huge three-dimensional 3D structure diagram began to be generated from the floor. At first, Fang Linyan thought that this structure diagram was like a giant castle.

s things.

But later I discovered that this was the structural diagram of the ruins here!

There are four words written at the top:

"The end of the land".

And the causes and consequences are also marked below. The Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun had six decisive battles in total. However, because of the characteristics of metal life, the body = parts, they regarded it as a replaceable existence. As long as the core fire source is not extinguished, everything will be fine.

Easy to say.

Therefore, every time the two sides fight, their bodies are completely damaged, their bodies are damaged almost to pieces, and they are almost on the verge of collapse before they give up. Of course, what follows is a long period of dormancy and maintenance.

What follows is a series of detailed information

After reading this crucial information, Fang Linyan and others discovered that at least one-tenth of the underground area in the Sahara Desert was a scrapyard where Unicron stored his own damaged limbs and broken parts!

You know, the area of ​​the Sahara Desert is 9.32 million square kilometers. For horizontal comparison, the area of ​​China is 9.65 million square kilometers.

Therefore, the size of the Unicron scrapyard is actually quite astonishing. It is actually equal to the combined land area of ​​the Netherlands + Denmark + Switzerland + Portugal + Greece + the United Kingdom + Austria + Hungary + Lithuania + Ireland!

The name of this scrapyard is the remaining land. It is divided into sixteen divisions, and each division is divided into sub-districts.

Fang Linyan thought about the strange phenomenon when his group of people entered, and basically concluded that there must be something like a barrier around the scrapyard of the remains of the Emperor of the Universe.

If you fail to obtain something similar to the Great Emperor's Key, or a corresponding token, then even if you exhaust your efforts to break through the difficulties and obstacles on the outside, you will not be able to force your way into it.

Then Fang Linyan carefully looked at the three-dimensional 3D structure diagram and found that it could be zoomed in and out. He tinkered with it for a while and enlarged it dozens of times before finally finding the specific location where he was currently.

It can be barely discerned that the "ruins" where he is located should be the K Division/Seventh Sub-area. The remains stored here should be half a tattered calf with the sole of the foot, and three pieces that cannot be identified.

Part of the specific location.

Of course, the length of this so-called "shank" is actually more than eight kilometers, and its widest point is nearly three kilometers. Its weight is even more terrifying, estimated to be more than three million tons!

After careful identification, Fang Linyan and the others were at their heels.

After looking carefully, it can be clearly seen that there are only two places on the structural diagram that are lit. One place is the heel------that is, where Fang Linyan and the others are at this time.

And the other place is the entire ring toe on the sole of the foot! And it shines every few seconds, and there seems to be text descriptions -- of course, Fang Linyan doesn't recognize the words.

Fang Linyan waved the goat over. The goat took one look and said:

"This means transmitting/connecting."

After hearing this, Fang Linyan's heart moved:

"Could it be that the place that is shining now is the area that we helped to defeat before? Now the out-of-control guards entrenched there have been cleared out and formatted successfully, so they have been successfully included in the correct area?"

Goat said:

"I think so."

Crespo has been talking to the leader No. 017, and then said in the team channel:

"This guy has become much more intelligent. Before, he was just like a repeater. He had to trigger certain keywords before he could interact with people and reply. But now he can even have basic chats with us."

This chapter has been completed!
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