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Chapter 26 The passionate collision between a dog and a man

Just as Fang Linyan was about to speak, Omi took the lead and asked:

"Are the six warriors who appear here a fixed number, or is it related to the number of enemies who entered the Whispering Night?"

Wusu'er was stunned for a moment and then said:

"The number is not fixed and can be freely matched, and it is indeed related to the number of people entering the Whispering Night. But even if only one person comes in, there are at least three people from the Forty Thieves waiting."

The goat said curiously:

"What if these six warriors are defeated?"

Wusuer was refreshed:

"Then, the powerful Captain Renwell will appear. He is one of the four deputy captains of the Alibaba thieves, and will appear with his five cronies."

"The Damascus scimitar in his hand is a treasure passed down from his family. It can easily cut off the enemy's weapons, and the enemy's armor is useless in front of its sharp blade."

"At the same time, Captain Renwell also has his own unique ability to use afterimages to deceive his opponents, but he does not yet have this specialty ------- because my strength has not yet been fully restored."

Fang Linyan thought for a while and said:

"I wanted to take refuge in a nearby shop before the forty thieves came, but I was so crowded by passers-by that I couldn't move. What if I use violence at this time and forcefully push them away?"

Usur shrugged:

"It depends on who you squeeze. If it's a homeless person, you're going to get a few curse words."

"If you squeeze a woman, her husband will definitely curse and punch you."

"If it's a beggar, the only thing you have to be careful about is the lice on his body."

Fang Linyan's eyes lit up:

"You mean, even in this illusion of whispering in the night, there are fixed interpersonal relationships?"

Wusu'er obviously didn't expect that Fang Linyan would ask such a profound question. After a few seconds, he said:

"Yes, the illusion of the Night Whispering is actually the great demon God Gelvin directly using the supreme power to directly reproduce the scene of Punan City in Asia Minor and inject it into the pages of my book."

"Although the great Galvin is fully capable of reshaping the relationships and personalities of everyone in the illusion, it is destined to be a tedious job with extremely low returns. Therefore, everyone in the illusion completely follows

It describes the interpersonal relationships in Punan City in the seventh century AD.”

Fang Linyan said thoughtfully:

"Okay, I understand."

The next group of people kept asking questions, and it was obvious that everyone was extremely curious about the illusion of Whispering in the Night.

Wusuer did not show any impatience and answered carefully one by one.

For example, the time ratio between Night Whisper and the outside world is 1:10, 10 minutes have passed inside, and only one minute has passed outside, etc.

Until Omi, who was listening nearby, asked a pointed question:

"What if Captain Renwell is defeated too?"

Wusul coughed dryly and said:

"My current energy is actually very limited. Being able to virtually represent these forty thieves in the illusion is already the limit. So once Renwell is defeated, the opponent will be equivalent to breaking through the illusion and leaving directly.


After hearing what Wusul said, Omi immediately asked:

"Then can I understand it this way? You are also bound by the rules in this illusion, and you cannot invest as much strengthening power as you want?"

Usul said:

"Of course! This is an illusion after all, not the real world, so its carrying capacity is limited."

"Actually, if I give you an example, you can understand that a reservoir can only hold so much water at most. What will happen if it exceeds the limit? The dam will be destroyed and the reservoir will completely collapse. The price will be unbearable."

Omi said:

"Then why disperse the limited power? Why not concentrate it on one person? For example, why not concentrate all the power on Renwell?"

Usur shrugged and said:

"Of course it won't work. There are two major reasons for this."

"The first is that if I strengthen someone here, after it reaches a certain level, the degree of strengthening will be greatly weakened."

"Take Renwell as an example. It only costs 20% of my energy to create it, but if I want to strengthen it to LV2, it will cost another 20% of my energy. If I want to strengthen it to LV3,

That’s probably 30% of the energy, and the further you go to strengthen it, the less cost-effective it will be.”

"Second, they all have obvious shortcomings."

"For example, Renwell's arm was seriously injured, so the interval between his attacks is three times that of ordinary people. Another example is that although Odapo is proficient in wrestling, he has to habitually apply sacred olive oil to exert his maximum strength.

So the defense is extremely low.”

"Therefore, strengthening these two people alone is actually very cost-effective. Please be sure to trust my choice."

Omi heard what he said, but frowned and shook his head.

At this time, the vulture said:

"Since the illusion has a time limit, once the enemy is unable to break through it within the specified time, he will suffer a terrible punishment. Why not make every effort to strengthen a person who is good at stealth or escape? You can also delay it by delaying it.

It’s going to drag you to death.”

Wusul said helplessly:

"There is no such easy rule in the artifact. It stipulates that the distance between the character I created and the enemy being pulled cannot exceed ninety-nine meters! If it is violated, 10% of the maximum health will be deducted after thirty seconds.


"Not only that, under the premise that the one hundred meter limit is met, if the two sides do not fight within three minutes, then this (ninety-nine meter) distance limit will be reduced by one-third of the current limit, leaving only the remaining sixty meters

Six meters, and so on."

After hearing this, the goat immediately complained:

"Damn, your rules are a bit unfair."

Usur shrugged and said:

"The rules are not actually used to restrain us, but are used to build the cornerstone of this illusion. Just like the keel of a ship, the load-bearing columns and foundation of a building, they must exist and cannot be changed."

Fang Linyan turned a deaf ear to the goat's complaints, because in fact everyone does not have absolute freedom and must abide by various rules from birth.

Some rules seem to be restricting you, but in fact they are actually to make it more convenient for you. The most intuitive one is the traffic light. Everyone pays a certain time cost and gets the right to pass stably.

Without the constraints of this rule, there is a high probability that the time cost paid would be higher.

Fang Linyan, on the other hand, did a simple mental calculation based on the rules mentioned by Wu Suer, and found that if he took passive measures to avoid fighting according to such rules. In this case, it would only take five minutes, and the distance between the two sides would be only

More than ten meters

However, facing Wusul's explanation, Omi sighed and said with disdainful eyes:

"Forget it, you are a novice who knows nothing about the rules."

Wusul also has a really good temper. Such an artifact whose edges have long been smoothed away is really easy to bully. He could only say with a wry smile:

"Although I don't agree with what you said, I have no intention of refuting it."

Omi waved his hand and said:

"Okay, didn't you say we can activate the immersive experience this time? Can you explain what's going on?"

Usul said:



Three minutes later, Fang Linyan and the others basically figured out how to use it to become the controller immersed in the situation, which can be roughly divided into two types:

The first is combat mode. In this mode, the real body comes and can attack the enemy, but the real body's strength is severely limited.

For example, Fang Linyan cannot use any magic, he can only use skills, and the skills must be selected properly when entering, and he can only bring three skills at most.

Moreover, after entering, all its attributes will be reduced by about 20%. Although you will not really die after being killed, you will enter a weak state for a period of time and your attack power will be reduced by 50%.

The second is that the controller comes in the form of a spiritual body, similar to the current Usur, and cannot launch direct attacks on the enemy. Of course, the enemy cannot attack it either.

In the mental mode, you can try to influence/command the actions of the characters in the fantasy world. If you perform this operation, the friendly forces do not need to spend anything.

It is worth mentioning that the citizens of Punan City are not friendly forces, so if you want to influence their behavior, you need to spend MP points.

At the same time, the mental body can also release indirect attack skills or spells, or passive abilities, but it can only choose three, and the effects are discounted.

For example, the bonus effect is only 50%-70% of the normal state.

Another example is that the treatment effect is halved,

If it is a summoning skill, the strength of the summoned creature will also be discounted.

Fortunately, the restrictions on the types of skills are not so rigid. Skills you have or the skills that come with the equipment will do. Even teammates can authorize their own skills, but only one skill.

And if this skill is authorized to others, the authorizer's skill will be in a gray and unusable state.

Of course, even though there are so many restrictions, the blessing of artifacts is definitely beneficial. For example, the skills you bring in only have a cooldown time, and there is no consumption when releasing them. You can release them directly!

For example, after Fang Linyan brought Dark of the Moon in, he could place it directly without the need for energy blocks or sacrifices.

However, a cooling time will be set according to the level of the skill. The higher the level of the skill, the longer the cooling time will be. But to be honest, the longest cooling time is only once every ten minutes. The enhancement of the artifact is still very powerful.

After roughly grasping the rules of the illusion, Fang Linyan and Omi bumped their heads next to each other and began to coo, turning their heads to look at Wusul from time to time.

I don't know why, Wusul suddenly felt panicked, and felt that it was unwise to let them experience the whispering of the night in advance.

This pair of bastard men and women got together, and Wusul even felt that a huge red word "danger" would appear out of thin air at any time, and then hit him directly on the head.


There is no doubt that Fang Linyan and Oumi are both efficient people, and both have a lot of bad intentions. When the two get together, they will certainly be able to create sparks of passion.

It only took ten minutes for them to work out the new structure and process of Whispering in the Night, and then just let Wusu'er directly serve as the tool person and follow it. Of course, they also asked Wusu'er to look for bugs.

See if there is any conflict with the laws of illusion.

After Wusul saw the plan drawn up by the two of them, he stood there dumbly for a while, then slapped his head and murmured words such as:

"Is this still possible?"

"Ah! Yes, I am so stupid"

"You actually took advantage of your interpersonal relationships?!"

"It turns out that the strongest one is not coming in his true form?"


Then, the group of people prepared to go to the next area: of course, it is also the most dangerous area, that is, the middle toe of the foot.

After cleaning and formatting this area, Receiver 017 will be able to completely control the area of ​​​​the sole of the wreckage, which means a staged victory, and the new functions that can be obtained must be groundbreaking.

Under this situation, you don't need to think about it to know: Those out-of-control immune guards will definitely not sit back and watch this place being formatted, and the middle toe will definitely be the most difficult.

It can also be seen from the three-dimensional 3D structure diagram next to it that the area has turned red at this time, and the risk factor has been raised to A+, which also indicates that there must be a hard battle.

According to Leader No. 017, the enemy's reinforcements are coming in a steady stream, so it's best to hurry up. If it is delayed for another two and a half hours, the risk factor will increase to S.

Without further ado, a group of people rushed to this area immediately. After teleporting to the place, they discovered that the terrain here is actually very simple, similar to the shape of a gourd. There is a small hall in the front, a hall in the back, and five passages around it.


Of course, considering that metal creatures are usually active here, even a "small hall" is relative. It is actually the size of a football field and is filled with many metal creatures.

In addition to the metal fleas and metal bees that have appeared before, there is also a large metal beetle moving around. Their usual patrolling and crawling movements are slow.

This kind of metal beetle is used as a typical human shield. They seem to move slowly, but according to the data detected by the vulture, this is not the case.

Because it has a charging skill called Crash, it will instantly eject after charging for one second, and will hit you like a large out-of-control truck. It can be said to be quite difficult to deal with.

And this guy also has the ability to do group damage, which looks a bit similar to the legendary mage's skill: Hell's Lightning.

With this metal beetle as the core, it scatters a large amount of high-voltage current covering a distance of thirty square meters. In addition to dealing high damage, it may also paralyze the enemy.

Although these metal creatures work in small teams and patrol separately in passages and halls, they have a very powerful early warning system. Once a certain team is attacked, the surrounding people will rush to support as soon as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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