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Chapter 4 Consumption

After the two parties reached a deal, Fang Linyan immediately didn't bother to pay attention to the guy who wanted to buy the Ring of Face Slimming with an offer of 4300 universal points. He directly left his zb419 number on the stall and asked interested people to contact him. Then he got up and left directly.

Went into the private room.

Then Fang Linyan chose to learn basic endurance level 3 as soon as possible. As a result, a ruthless reminder came that it would cost 1,400 general points. But Fang Linyan thought about it and it was not a trap, because if the basic endurance level from level 1 was to be upgraded to level 3

, not only the general points consumed are definitely more expensive than 1400 points, but also 2 additional potential points are consumed.

After Fang Linyan learned it, he immediately obtained the explanation of basic endurance level 3: the owner's endurance has increased to a considerable extent, which is equivalent to that of a professional marathon runner or triathlon athlete.

At the same time, a lot of information also poured into Fang Linyan's mind, such as the techniques to master when running for a long time, drinking water should be sipped in small sips, breathing should be three light breaths and one heavy breath, and other techniques when the soles of the feet land on the ground.

Protect your knees to the maximum extent. These details may seem ordinary, but the sum of many details is the difference between amateurs and professionals.

In fact, if a book on human kinesiology were to be written, it would be a tome of at least several million words.

Probably because he had no experience of long-distance attacks or protracted battles in previous battles, Fang Linyan did not have a deep feeling about his low endurance. However, he actually knew one thing very well, that is, endurance is everything.

The foundation of sports may seem inconspicuous, but it is as important as the foundation of a towering building, so I am quite happy to be able to strengthen this shortcoming.

However, learning basic endurance level 3 is just a stepping stone. What Fang Linyan is really looking forward to is learning the fighting joint skill mastery scroll level 2 (bloody) next. As an advanced skill, it should be stronger than the basic skills and can make up for Fang Linyan's own melee attack.

Lack of strength.

Because the Bloody Scroll does not require learning, Fang Linyan learned it directly as soon as he clicked the scroll. He immediately felt a large amount of joint skills pouring into his mind, as if they were crammed into him!

After Fang Linyan finished studying, he also felt dizzy and nauseated. He asked for a free glass of warm water and drank it slowly, which relieved him a lot.

Only then did Fang Linyan understand why learning this thing requires three basic skills as a prerequisite!

If an ordinary person with no basic abilities was forced to do something like this, it is unlikely that his brain would explode, but it is possible that he would become insane on the spot if he could not bear it.

After recovering, Fang Linyan slowly made two gestures on the spot, and found that his body naturally had muscle memory, and he could clearly master kicking the crotch, raising the arm, stepping over the block, holding the wrist, small wrap, big wrap, etc.

Basic techniques of joint techniques such as holding the lamp, holding the sheep, crossing the legs, rolling the wrist, breaking the arm, etc.

He also obtained the description of Fighting Joint Skills lv2: The owner has mastered the skills of Fighting Joint Skills and reached the level of practicing them for almost 1 year.

After acquiring the basic endurance level 3 and fighting joint skills level 2, Fang Linyan knew that he was still a beginner and there was still a long way to go before he could apply it in actual combat, so he planned to go to the training ground to practice for another half an hour.

Besides, no matter how tight the general point is, the money cannot be saved.

When he came back to the square, he first read the messages for himself. Unfortunately, most of them asked for an interview. There were only two people who made bids and the prices they gave were low. They just wanted to pick up the slack.

At this time, Fang Linyan was a little angry. He simply went to the stall and set a price of at least 5,500 universal points for the face-slimming ring. This price was about 500-1,000 points lower than the market price, but he would definitely lose points if he was eager to cash in.

If someone who is not short of funds takes it and slowly sells it, and meets a victim who is in urgent need of charm points, he can get at least a 10% premium. If he goes back and forth, he can earn about 2,000 universal points. Such a profit is certain

It's worth starting.

Next, Fang Linyan went directly to the training ground, intending to become familiar with the use of fighting joint techniques in actual combat.

As a result, the training ground directly told Fang Linyan that the fee for training fighting joint skills is 60 general points/minute, which is directly double the previous training fee for basic skills!

Knocking down such a big bamboo stick can be said to be a "bang bang bang bang" sound, but what can Fang Linyan do? He can only grit his teeth and go straight to it.

Fortunately, although the training ground in the space is expensive, it is still worth the money. A holographic dummy was directly simulated to contact Fang Linyan. Its level can be said to be almost the same as Fang Linyan and slightly inferior, so it is the most suitable.

Practice objects.

The practice time passed quickly. Half an hour passed almost in the blink of an eye. Fang Linyan felt endless fun during the sparring process. He wished he could practice for another hundred hours. But looking at the 1800 general points that had been deducted, his heart was in an instant.

They are all bleeding because they only have 1728 points left in their savings! The day when I will become a pauper is really not far away.

After leaving the training ground at this time, Fang Linyan found that he had received several tips, and three people were willing to buy it at a price of 5,500 universal points.

So Fang Linyan called these three people together and held a small auction.

However, these three people seemed to be very shrewd, and they had already discussed it in advance. They were only willing to quote a basic price of 5,500 common points, but the things they exchanged were different.

For example, A's quotation is 5500 general points + two bottles of beer. This beer is not an ordinary big green stick, but a special food that can strengthen the attack power by 10% after drinking, and lasts for 5 seconds.

In the end, Fang Linyan chose another person's offer. The reward he gave was 5,500 general points + 1 bottle of healing potion (small) + exquisite jewelry (5 pieces). The description of exquisite jewelry is decoration, and about five pieces are sold.

You can only get about 100 general points by giving space.

According to that person, it is usually used to give to female plot characters in relatively backward worlds to increase their favorability. However, he also made it very clear that this may also cause the plot characters to become greedy, kill people and buy goods, etc., and it is very

Hard to sell at a high price.

After the transaction was completed, looking at the remaining balance of 7228 general points, it finally injected a shot in the arm into his economy that was on the verge of drying up.

Now that he has money, what Fang Linyan has to do is of course purchase. First of all, he must buy two bottles of healing potions (small) that can directly restore health during battles.

Then we also need some things like bandages that can last during the battle.

For use in non-combat situations, you must also buy food and medicine that can quickly restore your health.

To be honest, there are quite a lot of this kind of consumable supplies on the market. After Fang Linyan compared them, he finally bought the following supplies.

Healing Potion (Small) x1

First aid kit

Painkiller x2, instantly heals you by 10 points of health, and temporarily increases your maximum health by 10 points. This effect will disappear after sixty minutes.

Fresh cucumbers with dew x8, must be used after being out of combat (at least 300 seconds without being attacked or attacking others), after use, your life recovery speed will be increased by 5 points/minute, lasting 5 minutes, when attacked

The effect disappears after

These consumable supplies are not cheap and cost Fang Linyan 4,300 general points. In fact, there are better supplies and food for sale in the market. For example, Fang Linyan likes the food at the stall next to him. This one is numbered lz74110.

This guy seems to be a professional in selling supplies. He sells a wide variety of food, and the first thing he sells makes Fang Linyan feel very excited:

Barbecued vulture wings, these perfectly grilled vulture wings are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the skin is golden brown. After you eat it, your health recovery speed will increase by 8 points/minute (lasts for 5 minutes).

And temporarily increase your physical strength by 1 point (duration 1 hour)

Delicious abalone mushrooms. The tender mushrooms are topped with delicious abalone juice, which will whet your appetite and make you salivate. After eating it, your life recovery rate and MP recovery rate will increase by 4 points/minute (duration time

5 minutes), and temporarily increase your spirit by 1 point (duration 1 hour)

This is the first time Fang Linyan has encountered food that can temporarily strengthen basic attributes! Especially the barbecue vulture wings, not only the recovery speed is very sharp, but also it can give Fang Linyan the physical strength he desires most! Although it is a temporary +1, but

It seems that he only has 1 point of physical strength. For Fang Linyan, who only has 5 points of physical strength in total, it is a huge improvement of 20%.

If he had a choice, Fang Linyan would have definitely pounced on the stall and looted it, and shouted loudly at the sales guy:

"Give me a dozen of the same!"

However, the cruel reality is that Fang Linyan also wants to be high-profile, but his strength does not allow it.

The price tag for BBQ Vulture Wings is 888 Universal Points!

The mark of delicious oyster mushroom is 666 universal points!

This is a supply used after a battle. As long as there are continuous battles, this thing will be consumed at an extremely alarming speed. It can be described as rapid evaporation.

With great regret, Fang Linyan began to look for a suitable weapon. His request was simple, a gun would do.

However, he soon discovered that although there were a lot of guns here, there were really not many that could satisfy him!


Here, because some friends are complaining that the increase in basic skills is not intuitive, I will explain it uniformly.

All basic abilities have reached level 3, and even if you have reached the level of a professional player, you will be noticeably different from ordinary enthusiasts.

Once you reach level 4, you will become a world-class ordinary professional player.

If you are promoted to level 5, you will be a seed player in the World Series.

After being promoted to level 6, Bolt, Phillips, and Zhang Yining are the players who break world records every day and have absolute dominance in this event.

As for lv7, it has exceeded human limits.

This chapter has been completed!
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