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Chapter 38 Injecting the soul into the weapon

But only then did they realize that it turned out that the emperor's remains were also divided into levels in the Remaining Land. They should be arranged according to completeness and importance...

The goat hesitated and said:

"So where exactly is this place? And why did you bring us here?"

Faero stared out the window, and then said slowly:

"This is the most secret area of ​​the seventh sub-area under our jurisdiction. It is the location of the master's photon processor. To explain it in a way that you carbon-based creatures can understand, it is the master's brain."

"Every small diamond-shaped square you see is equivalent to a photon processor still active here, which is almost equivalent to a human brain cell, right?"

After this piece of information was exposed, the rest of the people were really shocked.

Think about Faero's words, and then look at the diamond-shaped grid in front of you that covers the edge of the entire huge cavity. You can deeply feel the terror of being dominated by the Unicron!

At this time, Iron Guard 5 pointed at a light band that occasionally appeared in the darkness in the distance, like an aurora:

"This is the source titanium data defense system we deployed later, which can identify and trap newly generated consciousness... This is because although the owner's remains have been disassembled many times, the remaining photon processor is still

It’s constantly working.”

"The reason why the Receiver 17 went out of control before was because it was invaded by a redundant high-energy data flow. This is where the redundant high-energy data flow was born. The redundant high-energy data flow is equivalent to a computer virus."

"Although this large number of photon processors are in a dormant state because the owner's fire has not yet arrived, they will still operate in a low-energy mode, just like humans dreaming while asleep."

"Therefore, although most of the redundant data they generate when they are sleeping is cumbersome, ineffective, and disorderly, in extreme cases, there will also be some individual exceptions, just like the guy before, and finally...

We cause great trouble."

After the Iron Guard said this, Faero took over the conversation:

"So, in response to the request you made before, to give a certain piece of equipment on your body a unique soul, it can actually be done here."

"When the data defense system we deploy is being implemented, it will not only eliminate those chaotic and crazy data flows, but also select some communicative and gentle data flows so that they can work for us."

"When you were trying to digitize each area before, some of the metal-immune soldiers who came out to stop you were injected with this kind of data flow. They will be smarter and more flexible in battle."

"Based on your requirements, we have selected three new data streams to satisfy your wishes, because according to our experience, such data stream injection has the highest success rate, but there is still a chance of failure."

What Faero said at this time was what he said to Omi, and Omi nodded.

At this time, Fang Linyan was shocked. Because he had been thinking about summoning Megatron before, so after getting what he wanted, he let Omi and Goat continue to talk. Unexpectedly, Omi actually talked about it in the end.


From Faero's words, he actually injects "new data flow" into the equipment. Isn't that the soul of the equipment?

So he immediately asked the goat quietly:

"What were you talking about before?"

Goat said:

"How else can we talk? Sister Omi said directly that if we can let him handle the matter beautifully, then they will be responsible for bringing life to all the metal equipment on our bodies. I guessed at the time that

It’s a new upgrade method, I don’t know where Omi knew about it.”

"The other party was stunned when she heard this. I could only talk to her patiently. In the end, it became the condition we are talking about now, which is to inject new data streams into three pieces of equipment, but I am not very clear about the specific effects. But now the equipment soul is

The equipment guarantees are all legendary level, so now it seems that the condition we proposed is a big profit."

Then the entire legendary team stepped forward one by one, took out their equipment, and tested the matching degree with the three new data streams.

In the end, the legendary team took out the three pieces of equipment with the highest matching degree, and then gave them to Faero to try to inject them.

At this time, Faero suddenly said:

"Would you like to try the more exciting Chaos Infusion mode? In this case, once successful, your equipment will receive an astonishing improvement."

When the others heard this, they immediately thought it was good, and their eyes immediately shone! But Omi immediately looked over with a look like "there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me", and said warily:

"Don't tell me this model doesn't have side effects!"

Faero smiled and said:

"Of course there will be some minor side effects."

Omi said calmly:

"Side effects are side effects. There is no small thing to say. Just say it quickly."

Faero said:

"The side effect is actually that it will cause some problems with the equipment you take out. Well, it will not be usable for a short period of time."

Omi said impatiently:

"Don't avoid the important and take the easy. How short is a short time?"

Faero said:

"Well, based on the time on earth, it's about seventy-four years, three months and six days."

Hearing this, the goat already wanted to scold his mother:

"Holy crap, more than seventy years is enough to turn a baby into a frail old man!

You fucking call this a short time?"

Faero smiled and said:

"The great master's sleeping time often starts in units of hundreds of years. Maybe it's because we have different understandings of time."

Regarding Faero's defense, the Legend Team said that no one accepted it, and they all denounced him one after another.

However, it is worth mentioning that among the three pieces of equipment with the highest matching degree, one is Sir Tristan, one is a legendary card box brought out by Omi, and the other one is taken out by Vulture

Throwing knives.

The matching degrees are 94%, 91%, and 87% respectively.

Vulture, on the other hand, stated simply that his piece of equipment was a defective product that had been eliminated, and even if it was damaged, it would be nothing, so he decided to take a big gamble and try the so-called Chaos Mode.

The others didn't have any objections to this. Compared to Sir Tristan and Omi's box, the vulture's thing could be said to be insignificant, so they started the injection mode directly.

This mode was ridiculously simple to implement. After Faero obtained these three pieces of equipment, he took out Sir Tristan and Omi's card boxes and placed them on a platform.

Immediately afterwards, someone brought two translucent glass bottles, and something like a light spot could be seen floating in them. It looked shaky, as if it was shaking in the water.

And when the glass bottle is opened, the light spot is like a frightened little fish, refracting and scurrying around in the bottle, but it will never leave the mouth of the bottle.

Faero sprayed some red mist into the bottle, and the two light spots immediately seemed to have taken stimulants and moved faster.

Because of the residual characteristics of human vision, it is like a beam of light, refracting a large number of arcs inside the bottle, constantly intersecting into a network, and it looks very beautiful.

After two or three minutes, they seemed to be tired and began to lie motionless at the bottom of the bottle.

So Faero sprinkled some rust-like powder on the surface of the two pieces of equipment, then took the bottle and placed it upside down on the equipment.

After a while, the two light spots were attracted by the rust-like powder, floated to it and stayed there as if eating, and gradually melted directly into the equipment.

After seeing this scene, Faero said:

"Then you need to wait for a while. If our little cutie is not scared away after you pick it up, it means that it likes this item and has regarded it as its own home."

Fang Linyan’s wonder:

"What if it doesn't work?"

Faero said:

"Then when you pick it up, it will jump out of it, like a gerbil frightened by a rattlesnake, and then dive back into its own photon processor, only to secretly reappear two or three years later.


After finishing speaking, Faero looked at the vulture, reached out to ask for the flying knife, and then pressed a button next to him, and saw a door opened directly next to him, revealing a passage.

Faero walked into the passage and soon appeared on a terrace in front.

In front of this terrace, the left and right faces are all deep and empty brain areas, and the bottom is hundreds of meters deep, but it is possible to access the photon processors at the closest distance.

Then, Faero said to the vulture:

"One last confirmation, are you planning to implement Chaos Injection Mode?"

The vulture felt something bad in his heart, but he still nodded seriously.

Then Faero directly dipped his flying knife into some bright red liquid, and then threw it into the deep void below... You can see that the flying knife did not move at the same speed as it fell.

Unpleasant, the feeling of weightlessness is obvious, more like flying feathers.

From the photon processor next to it, many illusions and light spots immediately appeared, aiming at the flying knives of the vulture and chasing them.

This scene is a bit like dropping a handful of fish food in a koi pond, and then a large number of fish swirl around the fish food, chasing each other.

The vulture immediately exclaimed:

"What are you doing?"

Faero said:

"This is the Chaos Infusion Ritual."

The vulture had a constipated look on his face, and after a while he said in pain:

"Okay, what happens if it succeeds?"

Faero said:

"Your things will fly out on their own and then come to you, just like an obedient puppy. Then you will be surprised to find that it can even read your mind, and its own strength will be completely transformed."

The vulture shrugged:

"Okay, okay, you always like to pick up nice things to say, what if the ceremony fails?"

Faero said:

"Same as now, you have nothing to lose."

It took a while for the vulture to understand what he meant, and said in shock:

"Then it will stay down there forever?"

Faero smiled:

"My friend, there are risks in doing anything, let alone the Chaos Infusion Ceremony? Ah! Hey, hey! You can't move now!"

It turned out that at this time, Omi had noticed some changes in Sir Tristan's body. The light on its surface was shining continuously, and some messy illusions appeared around it.

Because Sir Tristan's body is like a makeup mirror, it only occasionally shines with dark red light, and it has to absorb 1000 MP points before entering armor mode, so Omi grabbed it.

As a result, before Faero finished shouting, Omi noticed that Sir Tristan in his hand had begun to squirm, and then began to deform.

It is worth mentioning that the deformation method of this thing is different from that of Optimus Prime and others. The latter switches forms through the folding of hundreds of parts and mechanisms, which can be said to be extremely hard-core.

However, Sir Tristan's transformation at this time is like a slime or an amoeba, as if there is an invisible big hand pinching it bit by bit, and it itself is full of infinite elasticity.

and plasticity.

Finally, this guy successfully appeared in front of Omi. After the transformation was completed, it was surprising. He looked like the legendary Cupid carrying a bow and arrow. He looked very kawaii, and he seemed to be very close to Omi.

, and kept circling around her.

Seeing this scene, the goat suddenly said in annoyance:

"Holy crap, I heard that wild animals or birds will regard the first living thing they see after opening their eyes as their mother. Is this the same thing?"

"Sister, you really made a profit. If I had known, I would have joined in quickly."

As the goat said this, he came directly to the card box on the table, but at this time Faero had already blocked him and said seriously:

"Please really don't touch it in advance. Your companion's success in doing this is just good luck. It definitely does not mean that there is no risk."

Of course, goats are not very fond of Faero, but under Omi's death glare, he could only shrink his hands. At this time, Omi released the extra attributes of Sir Tristan after being injected.


Name: Sir Tristan

Part: Armor

Quality: High-Level Legend

Strengthening times: +4

Special status: Infused with fire.

Explanation: (Foregoing description omitted) This piece of equipment has been tempered by a special method, so there is a fire of metal life living in it. It is not completely of the soul type, but it also has its own joys, sorrows, joys and autonomy.

Moreover, this fire type has a gentle and loyal personality, and it feels very comfortable in it, treating it as its new home.

Human form (new ability): After this fire type settled in, Sir Tristan also gained the ability to transform and took on his own new form.

In this form, Sir Tristan will fly around people with whom it has a good relationship, and will try to attack (spit) at the enemy. Its attack power is constant at 10 points of true damage, and will have a 17%

The probability is accompanied by the following negative effects:

Corrosion: Reduces the durability of a piece of metal equipment on the enemy by 10% (if the durability of this equipment can be reduced)

Rusty: The special effect of a certain piece of metal armor on the enemy is temporarily ineffective for 2 minutes.

Metal Fatigue: Halve the attack power of the enemy's weapons (if they contain metal components) for 2 minutes.

Malfunction: Makes the enemy's accessories (if they contain metal components) completely ineffective, lasting 2 minutes.

Finally, this guy also has an ultimate move with a 2-hour cooldown in human form, which is dive bombing.

Specify a location, and it will dive bomb the area after charging for four seconds. At this time, the enemy will also receive a corresponding warning and will most likely avoid it in time, so this is a skill that must be coordinated by someone.

However, once the dive bombing is successful, it will directly cause 300 points of real damage to an area of ​​ten square meters. This damage cannot be avoided, has a sure-hit attribute, and will stun the enemy for three seconds.

If the enemy is already stunned when being dive bombed, the stun time will be extended to five seconds.

The disadvantage of this skill is that the charging time is too long and requires coordination, but the advantages are obvious:

area damage,


real harm,

Will be in!

At the same time, after entering the human form, Sir Tristan cannot be harmed by enemies, but will suffer targeted effects such as banishment, astral teleportation, etc. At the same time, he cannot leave more than 20 meters away from the person carrying the equipment. Once it exceeds this

If you are far away, you will be forcibly dragged away.

This chapter has been completed!
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