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Chapter 6 Cannon Fodders Little Calculation

Facing the instructions from the space, Fang Linyan had no intention of challenging the rules and trying the consequences of not entering the light door for more than one minute. He looked at the other guys who had been recruited and took the lead to walk into the light door in front of him.

, his vision suddenly went black and he lost consciousness.

Start entering the world of adventure...

Start matching data...

Start randomly allocating worlds

world selected

Begin to assimilate the characters into this world...

Start entering the world...

bright red blood,

white church,

The thick fog dispersed in the ancient city,

The girl who spreads her legs for money,

death in the early morning,

and the terrible dissected chest,

Cruel evil flows crimson on the stone slab,

Lure those mysterious creatures to appear one by one...


Fang Linyan opened his eyes with some difficulty,

What appeared in front of him was a wide river. It was dusk at this time, and the setting sun made the surface of the river sparkle. There were also many large and strange-looking boats traveling in the river.

Their chimneys were spewing thick black smoke, and there were actually a pair of huge paddle wheels on both sides of the hull, which were constantly rotating to provide power for the ships. They seemed to be sailing quite clumsily, but the river was also quite lively.

Not far away, there was a huge dock handling all kinds of cargo. Ships were coming in and out, and people were coming and going on the dock, making it extremely busy.

There is a faint pungent smell in the air, and after a few sniffs, the respiratory tract may even feel dry. Obviously, residents who have lived here for a long time have a high probability of suffering from respiratory diseases.

After looking around, Fang Linyan found himself on the second-floor terrace, with a beech wood deck chair underneath him, surrounded by low and narrow apartments. The walls were covered with black mold spores, which were obviously caused by years of moisture and humidity.

It was caused by leakage. Looking through the window, one could see that the indoor floor was clearly dented.

There is a notice pasted on the wall about twenty meters away on the right corner, but the content on it is not clear.

A large number of illegal buildings built with plywood, wood, and tattered furniture abound, and when paired with colorful clothes hanging to dry, and sewage flowing everywhere, Fang Linyan immediately concluded that this place must be a slum area.

"Hmm...? I remember!" Fang Linyan squinted his eyes and shook his head, his brain quickly becoming sober under the "energetic" buff.

"When steam engines were first used on ships, they would be equipped with such huge paddle wheels as power. This was quite popular at the time, so people simply called ships powered by steam engines ships.


"The result of this name has been extended to later generations. Even if there are no wheels at all but propellers as power, it is still called a ship. So, the era I am in now should be at least in the modern 18th century.

Phew, there should be guns for sale in this era."

Finally, Fang Linyan focused his attention on the majestic church a few kilometers away, which was an ancient building.

It has thick wall foundations, majestic pillars, and eye-catching towers with towering spires. Surrounded by low buildings, it looks even more majestic and majestic under the setting sun.

And you can see finely carved decorations everywhere. The walls are like Lincoln Cathedral, covered with statues of saints and kings from past generations. The windows have richer grates, and wrought iron spikes of different sizes are intertwined with rose windows.

Together, you can marvel at the skills of the craftsmen from a distance.

"By the way, we entered this world as mercenaries this time, and we obviously entered before the formal contractors. It is not difficult to imagine that we were probably asked to do work like cannon fodder...

....." Fang Linyan sighed slightly.

Then, Fang Linyan decisively set a goal with the highest priority for himself.

"After officially entering, let's get a gun first!"

Just when Fang Linyan was wandering in his thoughts, the wine glass next to the lounge chair suddenly overturned, and the Camden beer inside flowed out. The light yellow liquid actually flowed on the open-air oak floor, forming shapes that looked like they were printed by a typewriter.

The standard font gradually soaked into the floor after being read by Fang Linyan.

"Trialist ZB419, welcome to the world of adventure."

"Your current status is: a forcibly recruited mercenary."

"You get the main mission: Exploration."

"Mission introduction: Before the arrival of the tide of time and space, it will often trigger some strange energy resonance in the nearby plane world. Please explore the Westminster area within 300 minutes."

"Task tip: The shape of the resonance of the supernatural energy is similar to that of ball lightning, but its attack power is more amazing than that of ball lightning. However, when this kind of supernatural energy resonates, it will cause a fatal attraction to the surrounding magical creatures. These magical creatures

Originally hidden in the demiplane parasitic on the main world, the attraction of the alien energy caused them to gather from all directions."

"Task description: In the process of exploring the Westminster area, you will get a real-time statistical completion degree, which will be displayed on your retina. The completion degree must reach at least 60% to ensure that the task is passed, but this

The degree of completion can only get you the lowest rating. The higher the degree of completion, the higher the final task rating you will get."

"Additional mission tip: If you can get within one meter of the resonating supernatural energy ball, the joint trial badge on your neck will be automatically sampled successfully, and you will receive an additional 3,000 general point reward. However, the supernatural energy is quite dangerous. You

It can be understood as a time bomb that doesn’t know when it will explode, and the uncontrollable factors mainly come from this.”

"Warning: If you are unable to complete the main mission of this series, 3,000 general points will be deducted, but your stay in this world will be extended by one week. If you are unable to pay the 3,000 deducted general points by then, the space

Your equipment of corresponding value will be forcibly taken away. If your equipment is not strong enough to withstand the fine, it will be wiped out."

"Your appearance has been disguised and can perfectly blend into this world. You have learned the mainstream common language of this world and will forget it after leaving this world."

Tip: You have obtained the ability: Detection. This ability is the same as what you obtained in the joint trial, but the limit on the number of uses has been removed. However, you will be deducted 300 general points each time you use Detection.

Tip: You can obtain the following milestones in this world (including this world and the extended world).

"Poacher: You killed three unique magical creatures in this world and sold their valuable body parts."

"Self-disciplined person: You have a strong willpower. Even the Mirror of Erised cannot reflect your desires. Empty your mind in front of the Mirror of Erised so that it cannot reflect anything."

"Touch the legend: You touched the Philosopher's Stone with your own hands for more than one minute."

"Collector: You bought ten different wands at Ollivander's Wand Shop."

"Diplomatic envoy: Your relationship with a foreign race has reached respect. (Foreign races include but are not limited to: centaurs, giants, goblins, and dragons)"

"With great respect: you have killed or tamed one of the Zoe Wu/Phoenix/Thunderbird/Horse Monsters."

"Oathbreaker: You destroyed the Blood Oath Silver Pot."

"Jack the Ripper: You found out the truth about Jack the Ripper." (Special)

"Important reminder: Special milestones are often the kind of legends that spread across multiple planes, and have different interpretations in each plane. They are widely known and very difficult, but the rewards are also extremely generous."

"Important reminder: Because you have the title of Scholar and are currently in an adventure world with a civilization level exceeding Level II, to trigger the relevant upgrade tasks, please go to the Borgin-Bock Magic Shop in Knockturn Alley within 24 hours of entering this world.


"Because your merit points are insufficient, you cannot view other milestone information."

After reading this information, Fang Linyan found that he had regained his ability to move. Then a rapidly beating countdown of 4 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds appeared on his retina. At the same time, the small yellow arrow that prompted the task also appeared, pointing directly at the place in the distance.

A majestic church.

Fang Linyan was immediately overjoyed when he saw the main mission this time, because with his drone capabilities, he can be said to have a unique advantage in exploration, and it can be said that it is as if it is tailor-made.

As for the two things that are repeatedly emphasized in the main mission, the faster you complete the mission, the better, and there are additional rewards... Fang Linyan thinks he can just take a look.

He is a very rational person, but he has not forgotten his identity, that is, a temporary worker hired by Noah Space R300, a mercenary, well, to put it more bluntly, he is just cannon fodder.

The main mission issued to Cannon Fodder, ahem, you can guess with the corns on the soles of your feet that it is very dangerous!

When doing such an extremely dangerous mission, if you don't care a little bit and instead engage in some kind of racing and want to complete some extra goals...then you don't like your life being too long!

Fang Linyan is not a good boy. He will try his best to complete any task assigned by the space. All his actions are for the most fundamental purpose, which is to enable himself to survive in this cruel world!

In addition, when he looked at the prompts for this main mission, a bold idea suddenly came to his mind. If this idea could be successfully implemented in the end, the benefits would be much greater than the mission rewards!

Although space treats me as cannon fodder, cannon fodder also has its own little plans!

Therefore, the first goal that Fang Linyan set for himself was to sharpen his sword and chop wood, and first get a weapon that he could use.

It can be seen from the milestones that the mysterious side of this world should be quite developed, and there are also many strange creatures, such as centaurs, giants, goblins and dragons.

However, it seems that the intersection between these creatures and human society is not great. Otherwise, the ships sailing on the river would not be the most primitive version of steamships, but ships driven by magic.

This chapter has been completed!
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