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Chapter 1855 The team gathers

Obviously, a famous disciple like Ma San must have quite extensive knowledge, so he immediately started spreading his experience:

"So, next time you meet this person, remember four words: When you are strong, be strong! Just focus on his strongest point and hit him. His internal strength is consumed very quickly, and the internal strength this guy practices has its own

It has a flaw, so it is very slow to recuperate. Once its internal strength is exhausted, it will be directly knocked back to its original form."

Hearing Ma San's words, Fang Linyan was immediately horrified. If nothing else, he could say these words!

Then I know that Ma San is at least quite solid in basic theoretical knowledge. This is something that cannot be understood by oneself through hard work behind closed doors. It can only be achieved after going through many battles and learning from the pain.

It's a pity that this guy is going north soon and seems to have made up his mind to go, otherwise he would be very valuable to recruit.

Of course, Fang Linyan also had a very dark thought, that is, maybe Ma San is also one of the time nodes. Now that we have a good relationship with him, wouldn't it be more convenient to conduct a sneak attack later when there is a lack of Honkai Impact?

Martial arts practitioners like Ma San are all big-bellied men. He finished the two bottles of wine that were served, waved his hands and stopped drinking, then threw away his chopsticks and started eating.

Judging from his thin body, he can eat as much as three people. No wonder he has a tight life as a patrolman. It is no joke to be poor in culture and rich in military affairs.

After eating and drinking, Ma Sanyi handed over:

"Brothers, if you don't send it away, we will see you later!"

Then he turned around and left in a very free and easy manner, quite like a dragon that sees the beginning but never the end.

The next group of people followed the planned plan. Fang Linyan and Vulture teamed up to go north to find Oumi, while the rest of the people stayed behind and carried out activities based on the relevant information given by Ding Li.


Two hours later,

Fang Linyan and Vulture had already carried a cargo ship northward.

Although water transportation has existed in name only 70 or 80 years ago, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has always existed as a transportation line.

Accompanying the two of them is still Ding Li's younger brother Hua Gulong.

The reason why this guy is here is of course because of his warm heart, righteousness, and eagerness to help. Ahem, it has nothing to do with the one thousand yuan bonus that Ding Li gave out.

Fortunately, Hua Gulong is timid and cowardly, and he really knows the geography around Shencheng very well. For example, he is pointing on the bow right now:

"The place we used to live in was called Lao Crow Gu. Hey, when you heard it, you thought there were a lot of crows here, right?"

"Actually, this place has nothing to do with crows, but there was a lone robber named Xie Laoya who appeared here during the Long Hair Festival."

"Although he has done a lot of bad things, when Chang Mao came here, he captured him as a guide and asked him to lead him towards the Wang Family Courtyard here. This is a famous and prosperous area in the four villages and eight miles.

However, Xie Laoya took advantage of the darkness, gritted his teeth and wandered around the lake with his long hair all night."

"By the time Changmao found out that he had been deceived, it was already dawn. If they rushed to Wang's courtyard now, they would have wasted a whole night, and they were already tired and tired."

"What's more important is that the Wang Family Courtyard itself also has regiment training. When defending their homeland, the combat effectiveness of the regiment training is no worse than that of the regular army. Changmao lost the opportunity to make a surprise attack in the night, and there are chasing troops behind him. There is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat them.


"In this case, they could only vent their anger on Xie Laoya, kill him and throw his body into the wild. When the people in the Wang Family Courtyard found out, they collected Xie Laoya's body and buried him here. They also built a small temple, so here

I changed my name to Laoyagu."

Fang Linyan and others were also bored. Listening to him talk about these geographical anecdotes was enough to pass the time. Hua Gulong changed the topic at this time:

"There is also the Danshan sect we are going to find this time. It sounds very high-end, right? In fact, it is not."

Speaking of this, Fang Linyan suddenly became interested:

"Oh? Please tell me carefully?"

Huagulong chuckled and said:

"The Danshan sect has only been passed down to four generations so far. The eldest of the fourth generation is only sixteen years old, so it is very easy to get rid of them."

"The founder of the Danshan sect is Zhou Shan. He learned martial arts, but unfortunately it was of no use and made his family even poorer."

Hua Gu Long talked about a lot of things in ancient times. To put it in modern terms, it means that masters also lacked channels for cashing in. After all, 99% of the ways to get rich through martial arts/violence were written in the Qing Dynasty.

Within the regulations.

Of course, if you are born in troubled times and a fierce man succeeds in martial arts, you will either be born in the right time and leave your name in history, or you will be the founding father of the country!

However, if one is born in a prosperous age, the final destination of those who practice martial arts is often prison cells and execution grounds.

But I heard Hua Gulong continue:

"Fortunately, Zhou Shan joined a gang at this time, and then began to make a living on the Yangtze River. Then he was recruited by the Ge Laohui who were interested in controlling the Yangtze River. He managed to make a name for himself and wanted to make a difference."

"It just so happened that at this time, his reputation was getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people wanted to become his disciples, so he established his own sect, which was originally called Danshan Sect. Because at this time, Zhou Shan controlled the cloth business on the Yangtze River and needed to pick up a sect.

A load of cloth was carried on board the ship, so we simply called it Danshan Sect."

"As a result, after the sect was established, Zhou Shan's power became more and more powerful, because the disciples who came under his sect were all quite energetic, either their families were rich, or their families were people who could talk to each other in the local area, and they had good relations with each other.

We have such a platform for communication.”

"More importantly, what maintains the relationship between platforms is the very close relationship between senior brothers - in a large family, the relationship between brothers may not be as good as that between senior brothers, which is equivalent to the exchange and integration of resources.

, so the Danshan Sect was developing more and more prosperously. At this time, I felt that the word "Danshan" was too vulgar, so I changed its name to Danshan Sect."

Hua Gu Long has all these allusions from the world at his fingertips, and he is indeed worthy of the title of "Shencheng Bao".

Soon, they arrived at their destination, which is also the headquarters of the Danshan Sect. This place is called Baiwangji, which means that every evening, there are thousands of people on the pier eagerly anticipating the return of their relatives who are living on the water.

This is said to be a market town. In fact, because it is located at the intersection of waterways, commercial passenger flow is very developed. There are at least twenty large car shops. Each large car shop has an independent large-scale livestock yard and can accommodate large caravans of more than a hundred animals.

It's all very familiar, no problem.

At night, Baiwangji lights thousands of red lanterns on the four main streets, which is so spectacular that some people even write poems to praise it.

It is said that at Baiwangji, more than 7,000 tons of fodder are consumed every day during the peak period, which shows how prosperous it is.

But now the government is in chaos and its influence in the countryside is weak. In such a place with bustling traffic and prosperous commerce, the Danshan Sect has a unique existence here, making money every day.

Zhou Shan, who is over 80 years old this year, is still strong and clear-minded. Although he is still a veteran of the Ge Laohui, he is a semi-independent existence. In jargon, he basically listens to the tune but not the propaganda.

Of course, in order to show that he has not forgotten his roots, Zhou Shan will go to the main altar of Ge Lao Hui every year to pay homage to Sanjiang Long, the leader of Ge Lao Hui, and give him 50,000 yuan as an offering.

This amount of money is a drop in the bucket for the Danshan sect, but at least it is a sign of belonging.

After Fang Linyan and the two docked at the pier here, they were a little surprised, because such a canal port had already docked nearly a hundred large and small ships, and its prosperity was almost as prosperous as some large ports.

As usual, Vulture sends a message to the team channel every ten minutes, so Omi should be able to reply once he sees it.

Sure enough, this method of contact was effective. When Fang Linyan and the others arrived at the center of Baiwangji, they immediately received a reply from Omi:

"You are finally here!"

For Omi, who has always been proud and arrogant, being able to say this is enough to show that she has been feeling aggrieved for a long time.

Next, the goat explained the current situation in detail. Omi was also a thoughtful person, and he immediately reacted and said:

"So, we can't fall out with this bullshit gang now?"

Fang Linyan said:

"Yes, that's true. What about you, what exactly is going on?"

Omi also gave a general description of his situation. After arriving, he found himself in the cabin and found no problem.

Hearing this, Fang Linyan and Goat knew that she was in big trouble.

Taking my own personal experience as an example, one of them arrived as an injured fugitive, while the other immediately entered the police force.

She was actually intact and it seemed like nothing was wrong. Haha, the consciousness of Gaia in this plane is not a vegetarian, so the next encounter must be the beginning of a nightmare.

Sure enough, Oumi soon noticed that several people rushed in from outside, and without saying a word, he took action.

She was able to deal with him at first, and the fight was back and forth. However, when she realized something was wrong and was about to retreat, the others immediately attacked with all their strength, and then lit a stick of incense next to her.

After smelling the incense, Omi immediately noticed that his basic attributes began to decline rapidly, and in the end he had no choice but to surrender.

Later, Omi learned that this thing is called fairy mist, and it is only suitable for use in enclosed spaces.

After she was arrested, she realized that she had been involved in a whole package of escaping marriage.

Oumi's identity in this plane is that she is the daughter of a wealthy local family, named Ou Jing. Although her name has the word "jing" in it, she is very restless.

In addition, her father has been doing business in Shencheng all year round and rarely cares about family affairs. Her mother is particularly doting on her, so she still worships in the nunnery in the village and dances with guns and sticks. She is also a well-known Rouge in the local area.


As a result, this girl was attracted by one of Zhou Shan's sons - even though Zhou Shan was eighty-four, his son was only twenty-two!

He was born when he was sixty-two years old when I was having a boyish madness. What's more important is that this son is the fifth oldest, followed by the sixth and seventh.

The sixth master of the Zhou family is seventeen years old, and the seventh master of the Zhou family is only six and a half years old. This is the time to fight against the ants and chase them away like dogs.

By the way, although the Zhou family can be said to be rich and powerful, they also attach great importance to their local reputation and do not use their power to bully others. They will discuss things with the local people carefully when encountering problems. For example, if they fall in love with a certain family's land, they will pay extra for it.

Purchase at 20% to 30% of the market price, and try not to do any forced evil deeds.

Of course, if you really encounter someone who doesn't know how to praise and wants to confront him, the Zhou family will directly teach him how to behave, but generally speaking, his reputation in the village is very good.

Therefore, after the fifth master of the Zhou family fell in love with Ou Jing, he did not do anything to directly seize her. Instead, he followed the etiquette and took the betrothal gift and invited a matchmaker to come to propose marriage. He planned to make sure that the matchmaker married her.

The Ou family felt that it was really rare to get married to the Zhou family, so their parents nodded. But Ou Jing was not happy because she liked a scholar! So she ran away from the marriage.

But now Oumi is in a weak state paralyzed by the fairy mist, and her family has begun to make arrangements to get her out. In this era, free love does not exist, and the order of parents and the words of a matchmaker are the general trend.

Therefore, if Oumi wants to run away again now, the first thing is to get rid of the fairy mist in her, and the second thing is to eliminate the threat from the Zhou family, at least not to send out any more pursuers.

After the goat pondered for a while, he felt that the second point seemed troublesome, but in fact there was a very crucial point in breaking the situation, so he took the initiative to offer his advice:

"Actually, it can be seen that Mr. Friday likes you very much. Even knowing that you have run away from marriage, he is still willing to reveal that the matchmaker is marrying you. This is already very rare."

Omi said in astonishment:

"Then what?"

Goat said:

"So we might as well start from this point. As long as you use your skills to make this guy fascinated, then it will be really easy and enjoyable for us to rescue you."

Omi said angrily:

"That's it? No specific method?"

The goat immediately cried out: "Changtianqulai":

"How do I, a man, know the specific method? Isn't this an innate talent of you women? Just treat him as your first choice backup tire."

"I think back when I was in junior high school, all the girls in my class had already mastered the excellent skill of only accepting gifts and never mentioning spicy hotpot. You can't be inferior to the girls in junior high school, right?"

Omi immediately said angrily:

"Shut up!! Of course I will!!"

Fang Linyan and Goat looked at each other, and then shrugged, because Omi's words before sounded a bit hollow, no matter what, this possible big loophole must be plugged first.

Fortunately, in addition to Omi, there is a woman in the team who should be proficient in this, so the teacher should be ready.

Although the remote contact function is still being disturbed, Fang Linyan can just ask Hua Gulong to go back and pick up people. As for Omi's self-esteem being damaged, that really doesn't matter at all in the face of the interests of the team.

Of course, on-site inspections are also necessary before doing any big things. Fang Linyan feels that there is only one core in the next plan, and that is the fifth child of the Zhou family.

This chapter has been completed!
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