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Chapter 9 The Necessity of Lawfulness

It is worth mentioning that Fang Linyan used the word "volunteer" in a very strong tone!

[Biquge www.boquge.co] Captain Jayden fell into a state of rage after understanding Fang Linyan’s words:

"What, after giving each of us a few shots, this damn guy actually plans to ask us for compensation? And he also requires us to be volunteers--what the hell is this bastard talking about!"

Of course, Captain Jayden, an old rogue, definitely did not express his thoughts openly, but his angry eyes and twisted expression said everything.

Fang Linyan sighed, and using the dim light, he noticed that there seemed to be a bottle in the garbage pile next to him. It was an out-and-out big green stick, so he took it out and smashed it on the old guy's thumb.

He had no intention of holding back at all. If he didn't have the ability to defend himself, his nose might be feeding fish at the bottom of the river.

Captain Jayden's piercing screams immediately sounded again, and Fang Linyan said calmly:

"I solemnly suggest that you consider my proposal carefully. If you don't want your right finger to be swollen into a ball... Wait for me in two minutes and I will come back to hear your answer."

Then Fang Linyan went to find the first mate Gordon. This villain who claimed to cut off a few of Fang Linyan's fingers was obviously very knowledgeable about the current situation. Of course, it could also be the old gangster Jayden who was rolling on the ground in pain.

The screams made him understand the current situation.

So Gordon simply pulled off a silver cross from his neck. When he saw Fang Linyan, he looked over expressionlessly, then he gritted his teeth and took out a silver lighter.

Fang Linyan turned back to look for Jayden. The old man immediately became honest and tremblingly touched a silver pocket watch. However, what Fang Linyan was staring at was the fire opal ring on his hand. In fact, if not

Fang Linyan took a fancy to the ring and thought it was probably worth about ten pounds, so he just went out and used a burst of speed to get rid of them without having to do so many tricks.

Seeing that Fang Linyan was about to raise the big green stick in his hand again, Jayden could only take off the ring in despair and hand it over directly.

Fang Linyan expressed his appreciation for his knowledge of current affairs. After getting what he wanted, he quickly left and disappeared into the night. Of course, his next target was the store - to cash in the things that his friends had given him enthusiastically.

The place.


While looking for the store, Fang Linyan had a proud smile on his face.

Yes, he has been working hard to legalize his behavior, or to be more precise, it should be more lawful.

During the joint trial, the situation was special, so Fang Linyan did not pursue this matter deliberately, but now that he was in the ordinary adventure world, due to his previous experience in the 811 world, he felt that he still needed to pay attention to it.

Fang Linyan firmly believes that there should be something similar to a personal log in the space where he cannot see it, recording and analyzing his behavior.

For example, after luring these bastards into Sleepy Hollow, I actually had two choices.

The first option is to do nothing, just use machine gun turrets to injure them, then loot their belongings and walk away.

Then maybe what was recorded in this person's log is: Trialist No. zb419 acted wantonly, injured a group of gangsters who did not deserve sympathy and left, and took away their previous belongings before leaving. He was against the evil

If a guy does something evil, his alignment will shift towards evil and lawful.

However, Fang Linyan did something so deliberately before------actually he tried to get First Officer Gordon to slap him in the face and kept saying that he needed compensation-------it was recorded in his personal diary.

that is:

Trialist zb419 was forced to fight back after being directly attacked by a gangster, and then injured a group of gangsters who did not deserve sympathy and left. And before leaving, he claimed that he had suffered huge losses, so this

The evil guy had no choice but to take out the things he had on his body as compensation.

Although what Trialist zb419 did to these evil guys was not considered merciful, it did not go beyond what was reasonable, so his camp would still be righteous and lawful.

Soon, Fang Linyan resold the compensation items he had just received. In view of the relatively chaotic order in the city at this time, as long as there is enough profit, these properties can be disposed of at any corner store, and the total profit will be

It's about eight pounds. Adding in the sixteen pounds I bought before, my disposable money in this world has reached twenty-four pounds.

Next, he went to the next address and found out from the corner boss that there was a place where self-defense supplies were sold, which was the "Reindeer" hunting supplies dealership. In fact, this store was just across the street, not fifty meters away.

Here, Fang Linyan successfully purchased a very good-quality Martini-Henry rifle. It uses 0.450-inch ammunition. This ammunition uses Boxer-type primers and rolled brass shells. It can shoot about 10 times a minute.


The attack power of this gun is quite impressive. Even without the blessing of special ammunition, it can reach about 45 points. After all, its shooting interval is as high as six seconds.

Of course, its biggest problem--which is of course also the problem of all gunpowder weapons at this stage--is that it is easy to jam.

However, Fang Linyan believes that this problem will be solved after he purchases the appropriate tools. For him, who has level 8 benchwork skills, maintaining such a firearm from the mid-to-late 18th century is really overkill.

Next, Fang Linyan bought a large amount of supplies, spirits, bread, ropes, daggers, etc. in the store.

At this time, I have to mention the strong purchasing power of the gold pound. After Fang Linyan bought so many things, he still had about sixteen pounds left.

At this time, the countdown on the retina had reached three hours and thirty-eight minutes. Fang Linyan did not dare to delay any longer. He glanced at Westminster Abbey two kilometers away and quickly trotted over.

This cathedral looks quite historic and has a majestic appearance. Because of this, royal coronations are routinely held here. So far, fourteen kings have been crowned here, even a hundred years later.

, they all sleep here.

Of course, there is also a legend, that is, the great figure who actually single-handedly created Britain as a bourgeois republic where the prime minister had real power and the royal family was a virtual king: Cromwell's head hung on the spire of Westminster Abbey for 61 years.


While trotting, a series of messages suddenly popped up on Fang Linyan's retina:

"Time: November 10, 1888 AD, 8:00 pm."

"Location: London, Europe (51 degrees 30 minutes 28 seconds north latitude, 00 degrees 07 minutes 41 seconds west longitude.)"

"Scene: Europe during the First Industrial Revolution/Possesses Supernatural Powers (Creatures)"

"There are three major conditions for the formation of this scene."

"1. James Watt/Isaac Newton and other key time and space node figures died normally according to historical trajectories.

"2. Since the 14th century, the rate of spiritual energy depletion has been lower than 7.4 pals per year (the rate of spiritual energy depletion in most planes is 177.21 pals/year)

"3. The witch trials did not occur in the Middle Ages (1484-1782),"

"Difficulty: Easy (Level D)"

"Pain reduction degree: 60%"

"Extra enhancement of personal abilities: 0."

"Current scene exploration degree: 0.00"

"Additional note: This world is a free scene: Contractors can only obtain relevant battle record information point-to-point (that is, the two parties who directly cause damage/are injured). When you fight with other contractors, if your perception exceeds that of your opponent,

Then it will be possible to suppress the opponent's perception, making it impossible to obtain detailed battle records."

This scene is a free scene: there is a 33% chance of obtaining certain benefits by killing the contractor (limited to the situation where the contractor kills the contractor). If the contractors attack each other, then all damage will be weakened by 50%

(There is an obvious warning color above the words "Free Scene")

Tip: When you are attacked by a contractor, once an attack will have a fatal effect on you (your health value returns to zero), you will not die immediately but enter a dying state. In the dying state, you can only keep 10

% health, and the movement speed is reduced by 80%, all attack power is reduced by 80%, and all attributes are reduced by 50%. When you join a team, some team-specific abilities can only be activated in a dying state. Once you are in a dying state,

In the near-death state, when life returns to zero, death is complete.

"Warning: Anyone who participates in killing a contractor will increase his own killing value by 10 points. Having a killing value will increase the chance of your own blood key exploding and become the target of others."

"Contractors without killing points can attack/kill contractors with killing points and will not gain killing points."

"Every time you complete a main mission: eliminate 1 killing point."

"Every time you experience a world: eliminate 10 killing points."

"The contractor who has obtained the killing value cannot hide his killing value and can be seen by any contractor."

"The killing value will affect the perception of certain plot characters."

"You will automatically master the relevant languages ​​and can interact smoothly with the characters in this world. You will forget them after you leave this world."

"Number of tasks accepted: 1"

"If you have any questions, you can silently recite the relevant questions in your mind and query them through the nightmare mark. If you have the authority, you can get the answer."

After seeing this series of explanations, Fang Linyan, who had just escaped from the joint trial, felt that this place could be called a paradise. The cruel intrigue and elimination mode was suffocating just thinking about it.


It turned out that just as he was following the arrow to the Westminster Abbey area, Fang Linyan suddenly heard a series of hoarse screams coming from the front.

His mind moved, and he suddenly thought of the milestone "Jack the Ripper".

This chapter has been completed!
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