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Chapter 17 The place where I learned magic is in the Himalayas... (Thanks to the leader Jiewa Ge for his support)

The priest, who had been born and raised in London for 64 years, definitely told Fang Linyan that there was no such place in London, and he had never even heard of the name.

Fang Linyan was silent for a moment. Only then did he realize that upgrading the title of scholar seemed to be a very difficult thing... At least he gave himself a warning at the beginning.

After a while, when Fang Linyan was considering whether to give up this goal, he suddenly saw Robbie walking over, rubbing his hands and saying awkwardly:

"Sir, please forgive me. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, but just now I seemed to hear you saying that you wanted to go to Knockturn Alley?"

Robbie was withdrawn alone ten minutes ago. His appearance was already shaken, and when he was withdrawn he looked even more embarrassed. There were burnt marks on his unkempt hair. Fang Linyan even noticed that the man with whom he was

The box that was never separated from me was nowhere to be found.

At this time, Robbie suddenly came to talk to him. Fang Linyan was also a little surprised, but he still said immediately:

"Yes, Mr. Robby? Maybe you can give me a different answer?"

Robbie was obviously uncomfortable with Fang Linyan's gaze. He looked away in panic. The birthmark on his face was even a little red. It was obvious that he was suffering from social difficulty syndrome or autism. He stammered after a while.

The way:

"Yes, Mr. Wrench, I know how to get there, but, but..."

At the end of the sentence, he even stuttered.

Fang Linyan was stunned and said:

"Huh? I guess you want to say that it's dangerous there? So it's not suitable for me to go in?"

Robbie shook his head, his expression was struggling, and he finally said:

"But Muggles... no, you can't get in there."

Fang Linyan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Robbie, smiled slightly, put his arm on his shoulder and said:

"Actually, I'm not an ordinary person. I just haven't received professional training. If you don't believe me, just look at it."

As Fang Linyan said this, he opened his palm and handed it to him, activated the drone skill, and immediately a drone appeared in his palm, and then it aimed at the sky and flew out.

When Robbie saw this scene, he was immediately surprised and said:

"What are you doing?"

Fang Linyan smiled and said:

"It's just a simple combination of magic. First, it summons a flying alien creature, and then casts a transformation spell on it."

Robbie was even more shocked after hearing this:

"You released the summoning spell first, and then the transformation spell? But to release the summoning spell, you need to draw the summoning circle and the casting materials. You just completed it so easily! Why don't you need a wand to cast the spell?"

Fang Linyan laughed and said:

"My magic system is just different from what you learn. The place where I learned magic is in the Himalayas... Just like we can go to France through the magic fireplace, or we can go there by boat. As long as we get there, then what?

Does the past matter? What matters is that I am not a Muggle."

After listening to Fang Linyan's words, Robbie always felt that something was wrong... But he was not a person who was good at words, so he hesitated and said:

"Well, if you want to go to Knockturn Alley, you first have to go to Diagon Alley, which is a place hidden by magic and is equivalent to an independent demiplane."

"The specific way to enter is to go to Akshay's Fishing Tackle Shop on the corner of No. 7 King's Road in London. Opposite the fishing gear shop is the Leaky Cauldron Bar - in Muggle eyes, the door of the Leaky Cauldron Bar is just a gray and white wall.

of walls.”

"Then, in the small patio behind the Leaky Cauldron, use your wand to hit the top three bricks next to the trash can, and then cross the two wall bricks to enter Diagon Alley! This is a long street paved with cobblestones.

The most prosperous commercial street in the British wizarding world. And the Knockturn Alley you are looking for is not far from Diagon Alley. It can even be called a branch of Diagon Alley."

Fang Linyan was stunned and said:

"It's so complicated... no wonder ordinary people don't know about it. By the way, Mr. Robbie, is Knockturn Alley open at night?"

Robbie said:

"It's equivalent to an independent demiplane. It's very lively. It can even be called the magic center of Europe. It receives wizards from all over the world. Even if the shop owner leaves, he has magic assistants to help sell goods. Unless there are special circumstances, the shop will not close.


Fang Linyan nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Very good, thank you for your help."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Looking at his back, Robbie showed an anxious look on his face and suddenly said:

"Hey, Mr. Wrench!"

Fang Linyan turned around and said:


Robbie opened his mouth, but he hesitated and said:

"Knockturn Alley is a chaotic place even for wizards. Mr. Wrench, you have to be careful."

Fang Linyan waved his hand:

"Understood, I owe you a favor, um, a big one. I'm leaving first, I'm in a hurry."


About forty minutes later, Fang Linyan arrived at the entrance of Akshay Fishing Tackle Shop on King's Avenue. He looked across and found... a gray-white wall!

The oncoming bad news immediately made him a little overwhelmed.

"What the hell, you gave me a hint but didn't let me in. Are you deliberately playing tricks on me? You can't let me find a wizard to guide me every time I enter!"

Fang Linyan couldn't help but burst into tears in his heart.

However, cursing people is actually of no use except to vent.

Fang Linyan walked up to the gray-white wall with some annoyance and smashed it with his fist... The feedback and the dull sound showed that this was just an out-and-out wall.

Fortunately, at this time, the joint trial badge on Fang Linyan's neck shone, and a prompt appeared on his retina:

"Trialist ZB419, you are currently a mercenary. Because your task is to eliminate unknown and uncontrollable dangers, your joint trial badge has a scanning function."

"I found a secret door with magic cover. Do you want to spend 500 general points to scan it?"

Faced with ubiquitous exploitation, what else can Fang Linyan say?! Can these 500 general points be chosen as no? I can only bite the bullet and choose yes. Fortunately, I got almost 5000 general points as a reward for the previous mission.

He regained his health, otherwise Fang Linyan could only be described as bleeding profusely now.

Immediately afterwards, light shone on the joint trial badge, and the gray-white wall in front of Fang Linyan immediately dissolved like ripples of water, and was replaced by a small bar facade.

There are hyacinth lamps hanging under the eaves of the bar, and the stone wall next to it has obvious traces of chiseling. The old wooden signboard of the bar is hanging slightly swaying in the wind, with the words "Leaky Cauldron, London" written on it.

Fang Linyan pushed open the door of the bar and walked in. He found that the bar looked very small from the outside, with a business area of ​​less than twenty square meters. However, after entering, he realized that the space inside was unusually large.

The thick oak table has no trace of its age, and there are messy scratches on the surface. Even though it is daytime, white candles are still lit, burning on the solid wood candlesticks covered with white tin. The wall next to it has been eroded by the wind of time.

It looked dilapidated, with red bricks even exposed in some places, and there were even signs of being mothed on the beams and columns. The decorations behind the bartender were many empty wine bottles lying around, and the window lattice next to it also showed the ancient 15th and 16th century.

century style.

Although there were only two or three candles lit in the bar at this time, the light seemed to be coming out from the walls, tables, and floors, giving people the feeling of being in an afternoon without direct sunlight, bright and gentle.

It can be seen that there are only two or three tables of guests in the bar, all of them are scattered and chatting in low voices. Only the bartender looked up after Fang Linyan entered, recognized his face, and then lowered his head again.

Busy with your own work.

Fang Linyan hesitated for a moment, then came to the front of the bar, tossed a one-shilling coin, and then said:

"Hey, sir, my friend made an appointment to meet me in Diagon Alley, but I've never been there before. I thought you might be able to do me a favor?"

The bar raised his head, looked at the one shilling coin rolling on the table with his gray pupils, then blew a breath, and the coin rolled directly into the drawer next to him, and then said:

"There's a back door to your right. Just take your wand and hit the cracked brick."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"Thank you."

The bar said lazily:

"The currency of the Muggle world does not circulate in Diagon Alley, but gold Galleons are required to pay... So if you need it, you can come to me to exchange it. The current exchange rate is 3:1. Front

It’s British pounds, followed by gold galleons.” (Note: The exchange rate in 1987 was 1:5. Considering that it was a hundred years ago, the exchange rate has been slightly changed).

Fang Linyan hesitated for a moment, then readily exchanged it for 3 gold Galleons.

Obviously the bartender thought this was just a small deal, but he mumbled and changed it anyway. After all, mosquito legs are also meat.

Fang Linyan picked up a gold Galleons and looked at it. This thing was issued by Gringotts, the central bank of the wizarding world, and was made of high-purity gold. Not only that, its surface has been treated with a special enchantment process.

, making it shine like being illuminated by the sun anywhere, so it looks great and is not easy to forge.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Linyan came to the back of the bar and found that it seemed to be just a brick wall. However, he once again received a prompt whether to spend 500 general points for scanning, so he gritted his teeth and activated the joint trial badge on his chest again.

As the five hundred universal points evaporated again, the joint trial badge flashed, and the brick wall in front of it began to spread out regularly. Then the bricks began to rotate one after another, opening a door. Behind the door was a bustling scene.

of crowds.

This chapter has been completed!
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