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Chapter 1975 Evolution of Shadow Clan

To be honest, if I can express myself around these three words "I love you", I can add another seven million words.

Not only that, when the R-numbered space conveyed this string of syllables, it also attached some of its own feelings, so the goat would probably die from a headshot within five seconds after hearing this string of syllables.

Unless he can resist thinking about the implications.

Space S quickly responded:

"I just checked the memory bank, and there are still 71.44 cosmic years left before I am on duty there."

Space R responded coldly:

"I have ten days to go there to execute the contract, and I have already selected a seed to take charge of the overall situation there. In order to make this seed perform the task perfectly, a lot of money has been invested in it.

resources, but this seed died in the previous world."

"The death of the seed is not unusual. The key is that the large amount of resources I invested in this seed cannot be recovered. After careful investigation, I found that the source actually lies in one of your subordinate warriors! According to your people

I don’t know what method was used, but it actually devoured the soul of this seed crazily.”

"There is no doubt that his behavior violated the laws established by the great Creator. According to Paragraph A of Article 173 of the Soul Covenant, your person violated the rules, and his behavior also affects me in the future.

contract, then of course I will come to you!"

Space No. S was silent, and after a while he said:

"This is just your one-sided statement. I first need to verify whether what you said is true or false."

R space channel:

"It doesn't matter, just verify it. If you don't have the information, you can ask me for it."

Space S quickly responded:

"According to the inquiry, the person you are talking about should be CD8492116. His data is a little abnormal. However, according to my investigation of his soul, I found that there is a powerful force lingering in his body, but it should be brought by the artifact on his body.

It's just covered up by the power of fate."

Space R said disdainfully:

"Your excuse is as clumsy as the reproduction method of Gazimo spores."

Space No. S probably didn’t bother to bicker, and a small light spot flew out directly. Then the triangle representing Space No. R tentatively touched the light spot, and then immediately exclaimed:

"Impossible. This power is so special. Could it be the power of Bisca separated from the ruins?"

S Space Road:

"So, you should know now that my people did not violate the rules. Their fate was largely affected by this Biskar power."

Space R was silent for a while:

"According to Paragraph A of Article 173 of the Soul Contract, your person violated the rules, and his behavior also affects my subsequent contract. Of course, your person must be responsible!"

S space:

"That was caused by the power of Biskar!"

R number space:

"There is no provision in the Soul Pact that states that there is immunity from the effects of Biskar's power."

Space S suddenly roared:

"Sibi!! You lack enough respect for your great master!!"

The triangle representing space R suddenly shone and appeared looming, obviously under attack:

"Kagma, if you insist on doing this, then I will apply for soul arbitration. You also left your mark on the soul contract back then. Any problems that arise will be your own fault."

The starlight giant walked to the triangle step by step:

"I will never give my people to you!"


Summer in the Balkan Peninsula is also quite hot.

Fang Linyan was wearing a loose linen robe, resting his head on Evelina's lap, staring at the bright starry sky above.

At this time, the sky appears deep black, the stars twinkle, and the light gathered together illuminates this ancient and fertile land.

Three hours ago, Fang Linyan recovered from hibernation, or evolutionary state.

It's hard to tell what state he was in at that time. The whole person was floating in the air, completely enveloped in a huge light cocoon, and the light cocoon would contract and twitch regularly like a heart.

Not only that, every once in a while, several light points will fall from the light cocoon. Some of these light points will dissipate directly, while others will gradually condense into entities and turn into something similar to relics.

A total of nine pieces of this thing fell, and they were all collected and handed over to Fang Linyan. However, this thing only has a name: it is called the Destiny Relic, and its description is all???

Finally, the light cocoon slowly turned into a light door, and Fang Linyan walked out of it. He closed his eyes tightly, was naked, and had a peaceful face.

But this was just the beginning, because a total of nine Fang Linyan walked out of the light gate. Finally, they overlapped and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Fang Linyan had no memory of all this. The last memory in his mind was that he had returned from the previous world, and when he woke up, he was lying in his luxurious villa in the church, with at least two doctors waiting around him.

After gaining control over his body again, Fang Linyan immediately noticed a huge change in himself.

The first thing to change is my own race. This column should have been written with the word human just like the other six billion bastards living on this planet.

But now there are a few words clearly written on Fang Linyan’s race column: Shadow Clan (Shadow Clan)

In fact, this is normal. After all, it seems that human beings today are not born. According to the excavated fossils, we can see that it also follows the principle of evolution. The evolutionary chain of higher intelligent organisms is already very complicated.


Australopithecus → Homo habilis → Homo sapiens → Homo erectus (the famous Yuanmou Homo, BJ man is its subspecies) → Neanderthal → Homo sapiens the elder (cave man) → modern human

Fang Linyan, on the other hand, just took a step ahead.

He immediately checked the relevant instructions and found that this was a perfect introduction to the new race he had evolved:

"As early as the primitive and ignorant era of the 19th century, scientists have discovered that there was a long blank period in the evolution of human beings. This blank period lasted about 130,000 years, ranging from 200,000 years ago to 7

During this period of time thousands of years ago.”

"The blank period, as the name suggests, means that there are no traces. No fossil evidence has been found in the history of evolution, so we cannot restore the changes that humans have undergone during this period. If this blank period is ignored, an embarrassing situation will arise. Human beings

It seems to change directly from one form to another."

"This blank period was caused by highly intelligent alien life forms. They felt that the ancient apes at that time had good potential, so they directly modified them and modified their genes so that they could evolve rapidly on the right path."

After seeing this, Fang Linyan recalled it carefully and realized that he had indeed seen similar records:

It is said above that dinosaurs evolved for a full 240 million years, and finally evolved into pterosaurs, stegosaurus, tyrannosaurus and other branch races. There was no qualitative change until their demise. In comparison, we know that the south

The direct evolution of ancient apes to humanoids is really like riding a rocket.

The description continues:

"Human beings eventually evolved into what highly intelligent beings expected, and became the blueprint for the most basic biological weapons."

"Just like a tracked chassis, if you add a turret to it, it becomes a tank, if you add a multi-tube launcher to it, it becomes a Katyusha, and if you add a missile launcher to it, it becomes an air defense.


"It's similar to how ordinary airplanes eventually evolved into civilian airliners that focus on transportation, fighter jets that focus on aerial combat to gain air supremacy, bombers that focus on ground attack, reconnaissance aircraft that focus on detecting intelligence, etc."

"Killing has also become the deepest subconscious mind rooted in human genes. No matter how cruel the animal is, it will only kill for survival. There is no threat to the beasts that are full. Only humans are the opposite. Their desire to kill increases after they are full.

, and even humans have worked tirelessly to research and develop the most efficient way to kill their companions. According to statistics, more than 5 billion humans have died of the same kind!"

"The Shadow Clan is a brand-new species derived from the special environment after humans' out-of-control biological weapons left the earth and entered the cosmic era. They have thousands of incarnations, real and fake, fake and real, even if there is only one shadow.

If you survive, you can escape from the most extreme situations, and you can also use your shadow as your own weapon."

"However, this species lacks in aggression and defense, and it must make up for this through the external environment."

"The corresponding attributes of this race are being assimilated into the digitalized body. Please come and check after the assimilation is completed."


After realizing that he had completely separated from his human identity, Fang Linyan had mixed feelings for a while. He didn't know why he felt extra tired, as if his brain was about to explode.

After realizing this, Evelina said that he was now traumatized and needed to repair himself.

So on this starry night, Fang Linyan tried to empty his mind infinitely and gave up all thoughts.

According to Evelina, under such circumstances, the entire person's mental state can be quickly restored, which is difficult to achieve with drugs or other things.

After all, physical fatigue and scars can be recovered through drugs or external factors, but mental trauma can only be made up for by the passage of time.

Fang Linyan's rest method at this time is called spiritual shock therapy, which is the kind of thing that sounds simple but is extremely difficult to do.

Regarding the thoughts generated by human brain activity, the Buddhist scriptures make it very clear:

Ninety moments are one thought, and one moment in one thought undergoes nine hundred births and deaths.

The nine hundred births and deaths mentioned here refer to human thoughts and ideas.

Of course, many modern experts have made targeted descriptions of this phenomenon. For example, Kinsey, a beauty psychologist in Ohio, claimed that men between the ages of 18 and 28 will think about sex every eleven seconds.

Bah, isn't this nonsense? For example, Guitu will think of one time every six seconds. The results obtained by this guy are 50% different from the actual situation. How dare you call yourself a philosopher? It's not rigorous at all.

Because of the actual situation, it is very difficult to completely empty the mind. Religion can use "contemplation method" to get rid of distracting thoughts, that is, constantly imagining the image of the god you worship in your mind, or constantly chanting its name.

Buddhists call this method the Sword of Wisdom, and Taoists call it the Sword of the Heart.

But this method can only cut off distracting thoughts to the greatest extent, and will never reach the point where there are no thoughts in the mind.

Of course, some people say that it is not easy to make your mind go blank. Wouldn't it be better to get drunk or just use technology to give you general anesthesia?

Of course not. When a person is in deep sleep, drunk, or anesthetized, the brain is still moving rapidly and thoughts are still being generated, but the human body has no main consciousness at that time and cannot receive them.

It's like a computer that is turned on. If you unplug the monitor's connection cable, the monitor will be black and nothing will be displayed. It seems to be empty. In fact, the computer host is still working and constantly generating images without getting any rest.

It's a truth.

If ordinary people want to completely blank their brains, they often have to ask Hades for help.

In fact, Fang Linyan himself could not achieve the state of "no thoughts in his mind". He relied on Evelina's help to enter this state, and the mental trauma could be quickly repaired.

To put it simply, Evelina used her divine power to pull Fang Linyan's mind out of his soul, so of course there was a blank in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, Fang Linyan would not treat Evelina badly. The Ouroboros Ring was now worn on Evelina's finger, allowing her to feel the circular flow of the power of fate in the most intuitive way.

Although this makes her unable to control the power of destiny, even for gods, it is useful to be able to figure out some of the rules of action of the power of destiny.

It's like a person swimming in a dark river. Even if he can't control the flow of the river, he can clearly see the surrounding environment and the water force, so he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and save a lot of effort.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan let out a long breath, and there was a strong smell of blood in his breath:

"If I hadn't entered this realm and peered into my own sea of ​​consciousness as a bystander, I wouldn't have known that I had suffered so many hidden injuries."

Evelina lowered her head, smiled gently at him and said:

"Are you awake? This state is difficult to achieve. Why don't you stay a little longer?"

Fang Linyan shook his head and said:

"I can't stay any longer. The feeling of being with the mountains, rivers, heaven and earth is so wonderful that I'm afraid I won't be able to help but blend into it. In that case, there will be no me in this world."

And just after Fang Linyan said these words, a line of blood-red characters suddenly popped up on his retina:

"You're in big trouble."

This chapter has been completed!
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