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Chapter 1987 Successfully arrived

What's even weirder is that the young abyss lord's left hand was severed at the elbow, and a large number of sprouts continued to grow at the fracture, and there was a sign of an ouroboros between his eyebrows.

On the young man's body, there are thirteen terrifying silver chains intertwined in various directions. Some of these chains are tightly bound to his body, and some even directly penetrate his head, heart, thighs, etc.

position, tightly binding it in place!

This photo is the clone of the abyss lord that Fang Linyan encountered after he entered the inner world of Badong County and placed it here to bear the backlash of the artifact on his behalf.

Fang Linyan took photos and videos of anything related to the Lord of the Abyss at that time, and then spent a lot of time trying to figure it out one by one, hoping to find some flaws in the other party. When he pointed it out to the goat, he explained the whole story clearly, and then

He looked at the goat and said:

"Why do you think his left hand was broken? Why are most of the bones in his chest gone? Only a layer of skin is left?"

There is no doubt that there are some things that cannot be dwelled on:

For example (for actual payment) five yuan a serving comes with soup and pickles, and the processing and raw materials of a satiating lunch box.

For example, the sound of thunder and the spray of mud and water when a female star who is radiant and beautiful on a mobile phone screen or at a concert has diarrhea.

Another example is the question raised by Fang Linyan at this moment.

The goat just thought about it briefly, and immediately shuddered, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. Then he couldn't help but look at the Ouroboros ring on Fang Linyan's finger. His eyes quickly became horrified.

, couldn’t help but murmured:

"To put it this way, the weapon soul of Lord Ouroboros does have a pretty good relationship with you, the leader."

The others' reactions were similar to his.

Fang Linyan sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, he is not a person who likes to show off. It's just that the power of the Ring of Ouroboros is too great and it is easy to develop dependence. Once he encounters difficult things, his teammates will easily want to ask for help.

Stand out on your own.

If you don't agree at this time, there will inevitably be a gap in your heart. After all, if you don't lend money/rent a car to go out, you may lose some friends.

Therefore, the cost of using the Ring of Ouroboros must be made clear early on, so that teammates know their difficulties and will have no scruples when speaking.

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere fell into embarrassment and silence, Fang Linyan said lightly:

"Now, we must first understand one thing, which is closely related to our vital interests."

Then he raised his voice:

"Explorer XK, were my teammates eroded by the power of chaos just now?"

Explorer XK responded immediately:

"Yes, fortunately, it was only slightly eroded, so you used the power of the artifact, and I am barely a part of the S space, so I saved it. If it was deeply eroded, it would be irreversible."

Fang Linyan and the rest of his teammates took a breath of cold air at the same time and said:

"Is it so powerful?"

Explorer XK solemnly said:

"Chaos and order are the two ultimate forces in the world! All things in the world, including destiny, time and other ultimate laws, are always dependent on the creation of all things, and the universe breeds all things."

"Then how did the universe come about? It erupted from a singularity in endless chaos! All universes originate from chaos. How strong is the power of chaos?"

Fang Linyan had the foreshadowing of the Mobius mark, so he could still accept it after hearing these remarks. The rest of the people were already shocked. After a long time, Fang Linyan said:

"Then we need to pay more attention. Now we must understand one thing. We are now inside the Explorer

Any other reason?"

After hearing what Fang Linyan said, Omi said simply:

"I know why."

While wiping the blood on her face, she took out a prop.

The prop now looks like a broken bead.

"This thing was something I traded before. It's called the Pearl of Chaos. When thrown, it can create a cloud of fog. Once the enemy enters it, they will be intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves. Its authority has even reached the level of a law."

"The trader also made it very clear that this thing does not distinguish between friend and foe. Once used, it must be avoided by friendly forces, so he probably didn't mean to trick me."

"Now that I think about it, this bead should contain a trace of chaos power. It is safe in other places, but we should be approaching the Hope Fortress now, right? It is probably the special environment outside that has destroyed this trace of chaos power.

The power was aroused and then directly controlled me."

Fang Linyan took the bead, looked at it carefully for a while and said:

"The power of chaos here waits until you fall asleep before it attacks, which means that its power is actually only average. It is just like maggots in the tarsal bones after erosion, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow and is difficult to get rid of."

The rest of the people also breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Fang Linyan's judgment. If it is true that they will be eroded by the power of chaos even while sleeping, then the danger of this mission is a bit big.

After analysis, Explorer XR basically recognized Omi’s judgment.

Needless to say at this point, everyone took out their belongings and asked the Explorer XK to identify them.

Anyway, this guy was split from the Noah Space S. It must have two brushes. If you have it to check it once, you can definitely ensure that everything is foolproof. More importantly, this guy didn't mention any charges.

What's going on.

But even after the hidden dangers were eliminated, the atmosphere in the entire team became cautious, and no one was distracted playing games anymore.

After about ten minutes, the Explorer XK suddenly issued a prompt:

"We are about to enter the chaotic pollution area. The pollution intensity has exceeded 20%. It is not ruled out that there will be creatures with pollution levels exceeding level five. In this state, I must enter the overclocking state to ensure that you are safely sent to the Hope Fortress. Here

There will be some bumps in the air, so please be prepared."

"Overclocking status counting down, 10,9"

As the countdown began, the surrounding bulkheads began to squirm and twist, and everyone was directly wrapped in it. The original large cabin also disappeared and was filled with a large amount of honeycomb-shaped blood-red tissue.

However, for Fang Linyan and the others, such an encounter felt like lotus seeds wrapped in a thick lotus pod. They felt full of security, and a transparent water droplet also appeared in front of their eyes, which allowed them to view the outside in all directions.


At this time, you can see that in the originally empty and vast starry sky, clusters of mist have appeared.

But if you take a closer look, this thing only looks like fog in visual effect. In fact, it is blurry or hazy, just like looking at the scenery through frosted glass, and the light is distorted.

It was obvious that the Explorer


It can be seen that this flame is extremely powerful. Even if a meteorite hundreds of kilometers away approaches, it will immediately dissolve and turn into ashes. It is thought that even if the mist of chaos erodes quietly, it will be isolated.

But Fang Linyan's eyes were also extremely sharp. After counting three times silently in his mind, he saw that the surface of the Explorer

XK is at the expense of burning its own body!!

What is the origin of the Explorer XK? The S is an entity directly separated from the Noah space. Facing 20% ​​pollution intensity, it needs to burn itself to protect the crew inside.

After thinking about this, everyone looked at each other in shock, and suddenly realized that the template blessing they had received was not exciting at all. On the contrary, bitterness surged in their hearts.

Strong bitterness!

Soon, a large ball of light appeared in front, and the Explorer XK flew directly over. A series of information was displayed in front of Fang Linyan and the others:

"Star No. 7A31D911 has a volume of 10,007 times that of the sun and a mass of 137,180 times that of the sun. It moved from the Pisces galaxy."

As the Explorer

There are many strange patches floating around:

These patches include star sunspots, sunspots, flares, etc.

And you can often see the spectacle of a fire dragon-like air wave rising into the sky, directly soaring to a height of tens of thousands of kilometers, and then falling into the ocean of flames below.

This is the surface layer of the star, which is equivalent to its exterior. It is usually called the photosphere, but it has reached more than one million degrees Celsius!

The Explorer XK rushed directly into this sea of ​​flames and a world of flames.

Fang Linyan noticed that after entering the interior of the star, the pale white flame on the surface of Explorer XK disappeared. It seemed that the flames and high temperature should be able to effectively block the invasion of the power of chaos.

At this time, the Explorer XR began to slow down, and then entered the chromosphere, which is more than 170,000 kilometers thick. The temperature here is higher, but the Explorer XR seems to be like a fish in water, moving freely through it.


Soon, the front was clear, and the Explorer XR began to slow down because the destination was almost there.

To put it simply, this star is a big fireball, and the internal structure is quite loose, just like a bread with countless large and small gaps and bubbles. This is where the Explorer XR drilled into.


At the same time, you must know that the volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth! And this star that moved from the constellation Pisces is still 10,007 times the size of the sun, and its mass is even more terrifying, so even if there is a bubble in it,

The space inside is also extremely generous.

Not to mention anything else, it is very easy to fit ten moons, and it is very close to the core of the star. Nuclear fusion reactions are happening there all the time, and according to space technology, there can be a steady stream of them.

to draw energy to supply the Fortress of Hope.

Soon, the destination of Fang Linyan's trip appeared in front of them. It was a building that looked like a dumbbell. From a distance, it seemed very small. It was too small to be mentioned in the space where they stayed, but it was

In fact, after flying closer, I realized that it was an out-and-out behemoth.

According to the XR number, its size and mass have exceeded that of the Earth.

Compared with the XR that carried Fang Linyan and the others, it really seemed like a drop in the ocean.

But in terms of appearance, it has nothing to do with the word hope.

The Explorer XR slowed down again. It first passed through three layers of strange light curtains, which were used to block the high temperature outside. Then it plunged into a large amount of liquid matter, as if it was in sea water.


According to XR's explanation, the name of this liquid is "Eternal Liquid", and its only function is to make the hidden power of chaos invisible, thus ensuring that the Fortress of Hope will not be contaminated.

Suddenly, seven or eight rays of lightning flashed. This lightning seemed to have an additive effect in the constant fluid. After a flash of light, it meandered around and directly struck the surface of the Explorer XR, piercing through it.

The people hidden inside are revealed to every detail, and then they disappear.

Obviously, this is also a way to detect the power of chaos! Although Fang Linyan and others did not feel pain, they found that their health value had quietly dropped by about 5%.

In the end, the XR was parked in an air dock. There were already more than thirty people waiting in line outside. At the prompt of the XR, Fang Linyan and others left the hull one after another, and then directly entered the constant liquid outside.


It feels like walking through very viscous liquid, but you can still breathe normally.

It stands to reason that it should be very difficult to move in such an environment, but the Noah's Mark on everyone's body shines brightly, seeming to echo something in the Fortress of Hope, which makes the Noah's Mark provide them with enough

The power allows them to move freely in constant fluid.

At the same time, there are still frequent lightning generated in the constant liquid here, which gives Fang Linyan and all the people a tingling feeling, which gives them a unique experience. According to Fang Linyan, this should be to detect the power of chaos.

The final hurdle is over.

After Fang Linyan and others slowly walked out from the stairs in Hengye, there were more than a hundred people waiting on the shore, and they all knelt on the ground and said loudly:

"Great guardian of order, welcome to the Fortress of Hope!"

Immediately afterwards, a woman holding a scepter slowly stepped forward. She looked ordinary, but she looked radiant and energetic. She was dressed in something similar to a priest's robe. Then she saluted Fang Linyan and others:

"My great warriors, my name is Roth Bachel, and I currently hold the position of ushering priest in the Church of Order."

"According to my god's instructions, this is the first time for you to come to the Fortress of Hope. Next, I will be responsible for receiving and arranging you, and solving all your problems."

This chapter has been completed!
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